Home of Shakira, Ricky Martin, Maluma, Marc Anthony, CNCO, Romeo Santos and many more Latin music stars. Epic Records is an American record label owned by Sony Music Entertainment, a subsidiary of Sony Corporation of America, the North American division of Japanese conglomerate Sony.The label was founded predominantly as a jazz and classical music label in 1953, but later expanded its scope to include a more diverse range of genres, including pop, R&B, rock, and hip hop. Epic har varit hem för världsartister så som Michael Jackson, Celine Dion, Mariah Carey, Jennifer Lopez, Pearl Jam, Sade och Shakira. Epic Records. Legacy Recordings. In August 2004, Sony entered a joint venture with an equal partner Bertelsmann, by merging Sony Music and Bertelsmann Music Group, Germany, to establish Sony BMG Music Entertainment. D’Banj signed a record deal with Sony Music six years ago, in 2012. Deux labels, Columbia et Jive Epic, ... Il est précisé que les maquettes adressées à Sony Music sont des copies remises à Sony Music à l’initiative de leur créateur (que la remise se fasse sous forme de support physique ou non) et que ces dernières ne seront pas restituées à leur propriétaire. Hos oss på Sony Music Sverige jobbar ungefär 70 personer med att dagligen skapa, utveckla, marknadsföra och distribuera musik från våra svenska och internationella artister. On June, 1998 the company was renamed to Epic Records. Historia. Sony Music Entertainment’s Legacy Recordings produces and curates the world’s preeminent catalog of historic music reissues and new releases from recording legends. Its bright-yellow and black logo became a familiar trademark for many jazz and classical music releases. Epic/Sony Records (theretofore Epic/Sony) was a labels group in Japan, a division of … Midnight Oil’s highly anticipated mini-album ‘The Makarrata Project’ debuts at #1 on ARIA album chart Record company - principal activities included distribution and production of records, tapes, videos, CDs. The third most prominent label owned by Sony Music Entertainment, Epic Records, also signs many huge stars in the music industry. Epic Records. List and review the concerts you've attended, and track upcoming shows. NEW YORK, July 18, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Renowned record executive and Grammy Award-winning producer Antonio 'L.A.' Hier finden Sie alle News zum Unternehmen, unseren Künstlern, Tourdaten und Releases. When you rate your music, the site's music/social recommender can recommend similar music and users with similar music … 1 Jahr und 3 Monate, Feb. 2017 - Apr. Erste gemeinsame Veröffentlichung ist die Single "Jaja", die am 11. Arista Nashville. Toute l’actualité et les vidéos de vos artistes préférés. The official website of Sony Music Latin. Epic Records is a record label launched in 1953 by CBS. Epic Records est un label discographique américain, filiale de Sony Music Entertainment.. Historique. English . Tekno; Tekno, who recently launched his own record label, is one of the top Nigerian music artistes under Sony Music. RCA Recording Studios: la nuova “Casa della Musica” nasce nella sede di Sony Music Italy . Epic Records. That’s me! When you rate your music, the site's music/social recommender can recommend similar music and users with similar music … A Sony Music Entertainment é uma companhia global de música com vasta gama de artistas locais e grandes estrelas internacionais. Senare inkluderades en variation av genrer så som pop, rock och hip hop. ... Columbia Nashville. Legacy Recordings. Weitere Infos: US-amerikanisches Musiklabel * Gegründet: 1953 von CBS * Übernommen: 1988 von Sony BMG - Siehe auch: * Epic * EPIC * Logo und Schreibweise jeweils komplett mal in Groß- und mal Kleinbuchstaben geändert! Syco Music, Simon Cowell’s joint venture with Sony Music, is home to internationally renowned recording artists including Camila Cabello, James Arthur, Susan Boyle and CNCO. Arista Records. Han har tidigare haft en nyckelroll i framgångarna hos artister så som Kanye West, Rihanna och Justin Bieber. Catalog, rate, tag, and review your music. Homegrown Neil Young Genre: Rock. The White Stripes Greatest Hits is the first-ever official anthology of recordings from the iconic rock duo, Jack and Meg White, highlighting 26 previously released songs – from late Nineties flashes of brilliance through early 2000s underground anthems, masterful MTV Moon Man moments, Grammy-grabbing greatness, and worldwide stadium chants. Masterworks. RCA Records Nashville. Provident Label Group. close → Praktikant (m/w/d) Marketing & Promotion Sony Classical International . Columbia Nashville. 550 Music (originally known as Sony 550 Music) was a unit of Sony Music Entertainment, which operated through Sony Music's Epic Records division while in activity. Epic Records ist das musikalische Zuhause eines breiten Spektrums an wegweisenden Pop-Künstlern wie Camila Cabello, Mariah Carey oder Zara Larsson und innovativen und visionären Rap- und Urban-Artists wie Travis Scott, 21 Savage, Future und DJ Khaled. Circle Round Tomonao Hara Group Genre: Jazz. He was signed as part of a partnership deal with his record label, DB Records. The company has existed since 1919 and pioneered the very first 45rpm record. Provident Label Group. Login; Search; Advanced search. Januar erscheint. Masterworks. Informationen zum Labelcode 00199. Epic Records ist ein US-amerikanisches Musiklabel.Zu den bekanntesten Künstlern, die bei Epic unter Vertrag stehen oder standen, zählen Fifth Harmony, Camila Cabello, Judas Priest, Rage Against the Machine, The Jacksons, Michael Jackson, Mariah Carey, Bethany Joy Lenz, Anastacia, Tori Amos, Fiona Apple, Future, Avril Lavigne, Good Charlotte, Tenacious D, Shakira und The … It later expanded its scope to include diverse musical genres including pop, R&B, rock and hip hop. Explore releases from the Sony Music Soundtrax label. Har sina rötter, med start 1953, i syftet att vara en label övervägande för jazz och klassisk musik. Universal, Sony, Warner), do not accept unsolicited material by postmail or email. German; 0 "Alles ohne Strom" Das komplette Konzert Die Toten Hosen Genre: Rock. 3 Monate, Nov. 2016 - Jan. 2017. Legacy Recordings. Praktikant (m/w/d) Marketing & Promotion Sony Classical International (Berlin, ab 01.11.2020, Vollzeit) Wir suchen motivierte und musikbegeisterte Praktikanten, die uns bei Marketing & Promotion unterstützen. L’activité de Sony Music Masterworks est orientée autour de deux pôles, la musique classique avec le prestigieux label Sony Classical mais également RCA Red Seal et Masterworks et le jazz, dans le sens le plus large que le genre recouvre avec les labels OKEH (international et local) et le travail des catalogues Columbia Jazz, Epic Jazz, RCA Victor à travers Legacy mais également Vogue. Epic har varit hem för världsartister så som Michael Jackson, Celine Dion, Mariah Carey, Jennifer Lopez, Pearl Jam, Sade och Shakira. Sony Music Entertainment is home to the most loved and commercially successful artists in the world, with a roster that includes a broad array of both local artists and international superstars. Sony Music Entertainment Inc. was established by Sony on January 1, 1991, to fulfill the terms of the 1988 acquisition of CBS Records Partecipa agli Open Days del 22 e 23 novembre! Willkommen bei Sony Music! Sony Music Entertainment (kurz Sony Music oder SME) ist ein US-amerikanisches Unternehmen mit Sitz in New York City.Es wurde 1887 als Columbia Records gegründet und ist als Tochtergesellschaft der Sony Corporation of America im Besitz der japanischen Sony Corporation sowie Schwestergesellschaft von Sony Music Entertainment Japan. Sony Music Brasil. Label Manager, Epic Records. Arista Records. Sony Music Latin. RCA Inspiration. ... Music One/Epic/Sony. RCA Inspiration. Please do not enter as a label. Selfmade Records. Sony Music Latin. Sony Music. Provident Label Group. Senare inkluderades en variation av genrer så som pop, rock och hip hop. Epic, fundada en 1953 por CBS, fue concebida originalmente como una compañía discográfica dedicada al Jazz y a la Música clásica. 2011 blev berömde skivbolagsbossen, producenten och låtskrivaren L.A Reid VD för Epic Records. Legacy Recordings. Label Epic Records / Sony Music. Epic. RCA Inspiration. Sony Classical. Menu Zona Music. Over the years, the label has housed popular acts such as Boston, Celine Dion, Dave Clark Five, Fiona Apple, Gloria Estefan, Jennifer Lopez, Michael Jackson, Pearl Jam, Sade, Shakira, and Sly & the Family Stone. Catalog, rate, tag, and review your music. Rate Your Music is an online community of people who love music. Over the years, the label has housed popular acts such as Boston, Celine Dion, Dave Clark Five, Fiona Apple, Gloria Estefan, Jennifer Lopez, Michael Jackson, Pearl Jam, Sade, Shakira, and Sly & the Family Stone. List and review the concerts you've attended, and track upcoming shows. SN Music Inc. Label. Arista Nashville. Turn Around And Count 2 Ten = アンド・カウント・2・テン, ロック・ウィズ・ユー = Rock With You / 今夜はドント・ストップ = Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough, オフ・ザ・ウォール = Off The Wall / あの娘が消えた = She's Out Of My Life, 今夜はビート・イット = Beat It / ビリー・ジーン = Billie Jean, スリラー = Thriller / ヒューマン・ネイチャー = Human Nature, ハートブレイク・ホテル = This Place Hotel / マイ・ラブリー・ワン = Lovely One, Malcolm McLaren And The Bootzilla Orchestra, Turn Around And Count 2 Ten (The Pearl And Dean "I Love"-BPM Mix), Come Home With Me Baby = カム・ホーム・ウィズ・ミー・ベイビー, recently inspected dead end artists or labels. October 23, 2020 Bruce Springsteen da oggi è disponibile “LETTER TO YOU” l’attesissimo nuovo album in studio insieme a THE E STREET BAND. Mit Epic Records lässt Sony Music in Deutschland ein Traditionslabel neu aufleben und will damit "das umfangreiche Sony-Music-Labelfportfolio" weiter stärken. Back To Top. Mariah Carey, Fifth Harmony, the late Michael Jackson, and Meghan Trainor are a few of the most famous musical artists signed with this particular label (Epic Records, 2016). RCA Inspiration. Epic Records has released music by major artists. Sony Music Latin. Sony Music Entertainment is home to the most loved and commercially successful artists in the world, with a roster that includes a broad array of both local artists and international superstars. Epic/Sony Records (theretofore Epic/Sony) was a labels group in Japan, a division of CBS/Sony Group Inc. (since March, 1988 to March, 1991) and Sony Music Entertainment (Japan) Inc. (since April, 1991 to May, 1998). The merger made Columbia and Epic sister labels to RCA Records, which … Sony Music Sverige. C'est l'un des trois plus grands labels discographiques du monde derrière Universal Music et devant Warner Music. Sony Classical. Epic Records was founded predominantly as a jazz and classical music label in 1953. Masterworks. Epic Records is an American record label owned by Sony Music Entertainment, a subsidiary of Sony Corporation of America, the North American division of Japanese conglomerate Sony. Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH. Sony Music Entertainment Switzerland GmbH A&R Department Letzigraben 89 8003 Zürich Schweiz Sony Music Entertainment Austria GmbH Demos werden ausnahmslos nur noch per Email akzeptiert. Profile: A division of Sony BMG Music Entertainment [2004-2008] A division of Sony … Legacy Recordings. Assistant International Marketing. It later expanded its scope to include diverse musical genres including pop, R&B, rock and hip hop. Ratas Music Group; Jive Records; GUN Records; X-Cell Records; 604 Records; Sony Music China; Sony Music France. Only Sony/Epic Records can answer this, but I think it’s reasonable to assume that the record company looked at the previous winners of The Sing-Off and decided it wasn’t worth their while. go to navigation; go to content; Sony Music Berlin. Masterworks. Sony Classical. Har sina rötter, med start 1953, i syftet att vara en label övervägande för jazz och klassisk musik. RCA Inspiration. This is a company active from 1991 to 2004, not a label. 2011 blev berömde skivbolagsbossen, producenten och låtskrivaren L.A Reid VD för Epic Records.

sony music label epic records

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