Abraxas died before the series begins and was a friend of Professor Slughorn. Draco's overall resentment towards Harry Potter was mostly jealousy as Harry being described as "the Chosen One" outshined him. Gregory Goyle (usually referred to as Goyle) is a Slytherin student and classmate of Harry Potter and his friends. During Hagrid's debut as Care of Magical Creatures instructor in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, the hippogriff, Buckbeak, attacks Draco after he fails to observe proper protocol while approaching it and insults it. The Malfoy home, Malfoy Manor, is an elegant mansion located in the western English county of Wiltshire. In this book, Draco is, for the first time since being introduced in the series, portrayed as having considerable initiative, ingenuity, and perseverance. After Harry is struck by the Avada Kedavra curse, Voldemort orders Narcissa to verify that Harry is actually dead. However, unlike Harry, who always relies on his friends' support and help, Draco mostly works alone in the Room of Requirement, refusing to confide in or involve his own circle of friends, whom he treats more as underlings. Although Draco does not directly take part in Harry's final confrontation with Voldemort, he influences its outcome. [24] Draco was also parodied in a Big Bite sketch, where he was known as Mailboy (with his father Lucius being parodied as Mailman). Draco's hairline has receded, making his face look even more pointed. Draco is portrayed by British actor Tom Felton in the film adaptations of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Chamber of Secrets, Prisoner of Azkaban, Goblet of Fire, Order of the Phoenix, Half-Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows: Part 1 and Part 2 and so is one of the 14 characters to appear in all 8 film adaptations. He is one of Draco Malfoy's friends/cronies. Or maybe you're a Draco expert and know them all? Origin Wikis. Draco Malfoy | [4] 3. Thomas Andrew Felton (born 22 September 1987) is an English actor and musician. Getting Started | … While Dolores Umbridge … Dobby | Because of Draco's contempt for Muggle-borns, Harry, Ron, and Hermione suspect that Draco is the Heir of Slytherin, who has recently reopened the Chamber of Secrets. Weitere Ideen zu Harry potter, Draco, Draco malfoy. George Weasley | Despite his bigoted ways, 17 years later, Draco is a happily married man with a child and his wife, Astoria Greengrass, who didn't believe that pure-bloods were better than normal Muggle-born and ordinary witches or wizards which imaginably caused tension between her and Lucius and Narcissa; however, Draco may actually believe his wife's words, showing that he has matured greatly since his youth. They were served by Dobby the house elf until the end of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Español: Actores de las películas. Jo King was captain from 1952 to 1956. Alias Draco Malfoy 10 Lucius Malfoy 10 Neville Longbottom 10 Luna Lovegood 25 Sirius Black 18 Maulende Myrte 11 Der blutige Baron 10 Der fast kopflose Nick 11 Peeves 10 Victor Krum 10 Fleur Delacour 10 Horace Slughorn 10 Argus Filch 9 Narzissa Malfoy 10 Mrs. Norris 7 Fenrir Greyback 24 Alastor Moody 10 Dobby 12 Kreacher 6 Nymphadora Tonks 33 Cornelius Fudge 10 Rufus Scrimgeour 10 Kingsley … Draco Malfoy Imagines Harry Potter Draco Malfoy Draco And Hermione Harry Potter Cast Tom Felton Dramione Drarry Toms Hogwarts. Norsk nynorsk: Skodespelarar i filmane. He made his debut as the main antagonist of Prisoner of Azkaban, the secondary antagonist of Goblet of Fire, a mentioned character in Order of the Phoenix, a minor antagonist in Half-Blood Prince, and a supporting antagonist in Deathly Hallows. Our goal is to keep old friends, ex-classmates, … Here are a few titbits about our favourite – but also least favourite – Slytherin, Draco Malfoy. Weitere Ideen zu Draco malfoy, Draco, Harry potter bilder. However, Crabbe (Goyle in film version) defies Draco's orders and attempts to kill the trio by casting the deadly Fiendfyre; unable to control the spell, he dies in the blaze while the trio rescue Draco and Goyle (Zabini in film version). Entdecke (und sammle) deine eigenen Pins bei Pinterest. (Draco Malfoy x Reader) COMPLETED - Chapter Twenty Six When you first go to Hogwarts, you're the only Slytherin who hangs out with the golden trio. Talbott Winger | Contribute to this page. Draco Malfoy eventually named his son for yet another constellation, Scorpius.[6]. (especially Hermione). Narcissa Malfoy er i øvrigt søster til Bellatrix Lestrange og kusine til Sirius Black. Anthony Goldstein | Draco obviously believed himself above everyone else and his parents continuously spoiling their child did not help him. Terry Boot | Squinting his eyes at the sight before him. Neve gonosz sárkányt jelent. Dean Thomas | [16] His character further develops in the sixth book, in which he is among very few students able to reach the required level to take Advanced Potions. Draco Malfoy is a tall and slender boy with sleek platinum blond hair, pale skin, cold gray eyes, and sharp features. Powers/Skills Italiano: Attori. He and Harry were tied for first place. Because of Lucius' arrest and fall from Voldemort's favour, Narcissa Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange visit Snape at his home to discuss a dangerous task that Voldemort has assigned Draco. Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. See more ideas about draco malfoy, draco, malfoy. 26.09.2020 - Entdecke die Pinnwand „Tom Felton“ von LiMa Becker. Draco Malfoy er Narcissa Malfoy og Lucius Malfoys søn og eneste barn og opvokset på Malfoy Manor, familien Malfoys store gods, som indtil Ministeriets ransagninger bugnede af mørke og ulovlige genstande. Draco constantly uses his elite status and his father's name and influence to gain advantages and to threaten others. Ismelda Murk, Other Wizards & Witches So he's shut down his pity, enabling him to bully effectively. grau. Tom Felton. Oliver Wood | Draco Malfoy is the typical spoiled child and bully; he is narcissistic, arrogant, and rude. He was portrayed by Joshua Herdman. Angelina Johnson | He was played by Tom Felton in the Harry Potter film series. Directed by David Yates.Written by Steve Kloves, based on the novel by J. K. Rowling. Draco was a social bigot just like his father, using highly derogatory terms, such as "Mudbloods" to describe Muggle-born witches and wizards, such as Hermione Granger and actually takes away points from Gryffindor house simply because one was half-blood. All comments are welcome i.e good or bad. Stan Shunpike | Harry spends much of the year trailing Draco's whereabouts on his Marauder's Map, but loses track of him once Draco enters the Room of Requirement. It is based on J. K. Rowling's 2005 novel of the same name.The film, which is the sixth instalment in the Harry Potter film series, was written by Steve Kloves and produced by David Heyman and David Barron. Draco shows Mr. Borgin something on his arm that Harry believes to be the Dark Mark, Voldemort's sign, though whether or not Harry is correct is never confirmed. Lucius is also known to have used bribery and threats. When Draco attempts to curse Harry behind his back, the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor Alastor Moody (actually Barty Crouch, Jr in disguise via Polyjuice Potion) humiliates Draco by transforming him into a ferret and repeatedly slamming him against the ground as well as dropping him down Goyle's pants. On the way to the restr... Home of look, Luxury style and Fashion Trend Coverage – Looks Magazine, Home of look, style & fashion trends range from … 한국어: 영화 배우. marineblau. Helga Hufflepuff | Seit einigen Jahren macht er auch unter dem Namen Feltbeats Musik. Magic powersUnforgivable CursesOcclumencyPotions and AlchemyTransfigurationBroomstick flight Rufus Winickus replaced him. According to Rowling, Malfoy originally makes an effort to be Harry's friend because "it will be cool to turn up at the school being Harry Potter's friend, because Harry is so famous. He is a student in Harry Potter's year belonging in the Slytherin house. Hufflepuff | Add to library 3 Discussion 8. Talk to DRACO FREAKING MALFOY. In 1948, Andrew Snowy Owl became captain and remained so until 1952. Narcissa Malfoy (mother)Astoria Greengrass (wife)Scorpius Malfoy (son)Abraxas Malfoy (grandfather)Cygnus Black III (grandfather)Druella Black (grandmother)Bellatrix Lestrange (aunt)Rodolphus Lestrange (uncle)Andromeda Tonks (aunt)Ted Tonks (uncle)Nymphadora Tonks (cousin)Delphini (cousin)Daphne Greengrass (sister-in-law), Lord Voldemort (formerly)Death Eaters (formerly)Dolores Umbridge. Weitere Ideen zu harry potter bildschirmhintergrund, harry potter ästhetik, harry potter hintergrund. Draco, despite his often condescending and belittling attitude toward Crabbe and Goyle (as well as his other underlings), grieves for his lost friend. 20.12.2019 - Erkunde Vivien Repnaks Pinnwand „Draco“ auf Pinterest. Vincent CrabbeGregory GoylePansy ParkinsonTheodore NottSeverus SnapeHarry PotterHermione GrangerRon Weasley, Ginny WeasleyAlbus PotterLord Voldemort (formerly)Death Eaters (formerly)Dolores Umbridge Zebra kunst Sammlung von Stefan Hansen • Zuletzt aktualisiert: vor 2 Wochen. Harry, however, is alienated by the arrogance of Draco, who asks whether the orphan's parents are "our kind" (pure-blood wizards). Some you might have missed, and some you might just not know! Draco Malfoy Draco Harry Potter Dramione Drarry Slytherin Hogwarts Süße Jungs Mädchen Bilder. Ron Weasley | He also insults Hermione Granger's Muggle-born status by referring to her as a "Mudblood", a term that, as stated by Hagrid, is one not used in civilised conversations. 2. This, and the realisation of what he is ultimately expected to do, nearly drives him to a nervous breakdown. Draco Lucius Malfoy is a character in J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. 1 Biography 1.1 In book 1.2 In films 2 Gallery 3 Trivia 4 Navigation Goyle and Vincent Crabbeare the friends and bodyguards of Draco Malfoy. Bill Weasley | Albus Dumbledore | Harry is faster to the draw with an obscure Sectumsempra spell that he learned from the mysterious Half-Blood Prince's book. Draco, adhering to his family's beliefs, thinks that Muggle-born witches and wizards, which he and other characters derogatorily describe by the epithet Mudbloods, should be denied a magical education. Upon joining the Death Eaters, Voldemort burned the Dark Mark into Draco's left forearm, which faded away following Voldemort's death. 30.10.2016 - Erkunde Hannah Steiners Pinnwand „Draco malfoy“ auf Pinterest. Arthur Weasley | When Katie Bell is almost killed in Hogsmeade after handling a cursed necklace and Ron nearly dies by drinking poisoned mead, Harry suspects Draco is behind both attacks. Harry Potter | Fred Weasley | Draco was born in 1980 as the only child of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy who both believed in pureblood purity. Felton contributed to premieres, articles and interviews, and received the Disney Channel's Kids Awards for Best DVD Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets on 22 September 2003 with Hermione Granger actress, Emma Watson. During his first few years at Hogwarts, Draco had quite the belligerent side, always trying to pick a fight with his rival Harry Potter and his friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, frequently using biting and opprobrious remarks, and reminding the two of Ron's family being poor and Hermione's blood heritage. Jason Michael Isaacs (born 6 June 1963) is an English actor. person. [23] Draco also appears as Sacco (played by Shane Lyons) in the Harry Bladder sketches in All That, in which Harry Bladder and other students often encounter Sacco's mischief-making. He initially appeared in Sorcerer's Stone and Chamber of … Português: Atores dos Filmes. aym.bac1704. Draco was married to Astoria Greengrass, who had died, and has a son named Scorpius.[11]. Harry's first impression that the Wizarding community is a "magical wonderland" is instantly shattered. Kingsley Shacklebolt | Godric Gryffindor | Schauspieler Synchronisation: Tom Felton Moritz Pertramer: Inhaltsverzeichnis. The Malfoys remain reluctant followers of Voldemort, who now uses their home as his headquarters; Draco passes out after witnessing Voldemort murder Muggle Studies professor Charity Burbage. By autumn 2001, Felton had become known internationally for his portrayal of Draco Malfoy, the bully, enemy, and foil of Harry Potter in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. 24 Pins • 6 Followers. He was also able to sneak Death Eaters into Hogwarts after plotting it all year. From the time when he could talk, it was made clear to him that he was triply special: firstly as a wizard, secondly as a pure-blood, and thirdly as a member of the Malfoy family. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. Polski: Aktorzy. Not realising that the boy in the store is Harry Potter—a child whose parents were murdered when he was one year old by the powerful dark wizard Lord Voldemort—Draco engages him in (for him) polite conversation. Oct 5, 2020 - Explore Penelope Sebastian's board "Harry potter" on Pinterest. Lily Potter | Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (film), Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (film), Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban (film), Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (film), Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (film), Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (film), Dumbledore's Army Fry also noted that while "Malfoy, Goyle and Crabbe are almost irredeemably bad", Malfoy, unlike his companions, "is reasonably stylish". He is frequently accompanied by his two cronies, Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle, who act as henchmen. Diego Caplan | Susan Bones, Order of the Phoenix 68 Pins. Goals Seamus Finnigan | Vincent Crabbe was also a student at Hogwarts and a member of Slytherin House. Despite this, Draco is seen as one of the more troubled and redeemable of the Harry Potter villains. Harry experiences occasional and disturbing visions of Draco being forced into performing Voldemort's bidding and feels "sickened... by the use to which Draco was now being put by Voldemort." [2] IGN listed Malfoy as their ninth top Harry Potter character. [20], Wizard-rock band Draco and the Malfoys' lyrics are inspired by the Harry Potter books but from Draco Malfoy's point of view. Weitere Ideen zu Draco malfoy, Draco, Tom felton. High quality Draco Malfoy gifts and merchandise. Michael Corner | Explore amazing art and photography and share your own visual inspiration! dunkelrot. Take this quiz to find out! What is Draco Malfoy’s Patronus? Discover (and save!) Three of Draco's grandparents are identified: Abraxas Malfoy, Cygnus Black, and Druella Rosier. 03.10.2020 - Erkunde Stefan Hansens Pinnwand „Zebra kunst“ auf Pinterest. Merula Snyde | The spell cuts deep gashes into Malfoy's face and chest, resulting in severe blood loss. [8], Tom Felton played Draco Malfoy in all of the Harry Potter films. [18], When asked what shape Draco's Patronus Charm is, Rowling replied that, at least by the end of the sixth book, Draco was not capable of producing a Patronus, as it is not magic routinely taught at Hogwarts.[19]. The band is one of about 750 bands of young musicians playing music inspired by the Harry Potter series.[21][22]. Liste der Schauspieler | Harry Potter Wiki | Fandom. 01.12.2020 - Erkunde Azaleas Pinnwand „HP/SLYTHERIN“ auf Pinterest. Draco was a Gemini. Wikis entdecken; Community-Wiki; Wiki erstellen; Suche Dieses Wiki Dieses Wiki Alle Wikis | Anmelden Du hast noch kein Benutzerkonto? Schauspieler Tom Felton Draco Bae Toms Jason Isaacs Feuerkelch Draco Malfoy. 03.07.2016 - Juliette Sanders hat diesen Pin entdeckt. Saved by coyg_81. Tom Felton at the East Japan Earthquake charity sign (July, 19) gif. 02.08.2016 - Ananya Nair hat diesen Pin entdeckt. Beatrice Haywood | 日本語: 出演者た … Draco is parodied as Jerko Phoenix in the series Wizards of Waverly Place, during the episodes "Wizard School Part 1" and "Wizard School Part 2", in which Alex and Justin Russo go to a wizarding school named Wiz-tech, where everyone wears yellow and black robes, and glasses reminiscent of Harry Potter. In Neil Cicierega's Potter Puppet Pals, Draco stars in the episode "Draco Puppet". 1 Introduction 2 From the Story 2.1 Discovered in Book 2, Chapter 11, The Dueling Club 2.2 Discovered in Book 2, Chapter 12, The Polyjuice Potion 2.3 Discovered in Book 3, Chapter 6, Talons and Tea Leaves 2.4 Discovered in Book 3, Chapter 13, … During the rainy Slytherin versus Gryffindor match, the Slytherin Chasers were dominant, …

draco malfoy schauspieler

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