Außerdem kann der Macerator Kohle zu Kohlenstaub zerkleinern, welchen man z.B. It will also work noticeably faster than the Macerator, but slower than a Rotary Macerator.. The Macerator can also be used to increase yield when crafting Bones into Bonemeal and Blaze … Log In Sign Up. Feed The Beast Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community. Stupid people (this does not apply to customers or everyone reading this, but to everyone you personally dislike) smelt ore. Typically, one Ore Block can be macerated into two Dusts, which can each be processed into an Ingot, effectively doubling the yield of the Ore. Additionally, the Macerator will increase the amount of Bone Meal and Blaze Powder received from Bone and Blaze Rods. You just smelt some ore out of the rock and then trash the remains? The Rotary Macerator is a machine from IndustrialCraft 2 Classic. With this IC2 gear, I've tried all I can. The Macerator is also used to grind Ingots back into Dusts, and is a key component of Coal into Diamond manufacturing. Classic editor History Comments (33) Share. A Macerator is crafted using 3 Flint, 2 Cobblestone, 1 Machine Block and 1 Electronic Circuit. Die hauptsächliche Verwendung für den Macerator ist Mining effizienter zu machen. Industrial Craft 2 (IC2) ist eine Mod, die viele Maschinen zu Minecraft hinzufügt, welche dem Spieler helfen, Dinge zu automatisieren und die Effizienz zu steigern. Macerator. IC2 bringt ein paar neue Erze und Rüstungen mit sich. It can also convert some blocks and items into other, potentially more useful resources. Es enthält auch viele andere Neuerungen, wie pflanzliche Kreuzzucht, neue Erze, mehr Rüstungen und Werkzeuge und neue Erfolge. Industrial Craft hat auch seine eigene Energie-Einheit "EU", welche mit Generatoren hergestellt werden kann und mit Maschinen und anderem verbraucht werden kann! 2. User account menu. Jeder Erzblock (außer Tungsten), den man in den Macerator platziert, wird zu zwei Erz Dust. GUI. Typically, one Ore Block can be macerated into two Dusts, which can each be processed into an Ingot, effectively doubling the yield of the Ore. Additionally, the Macerator will increase the amount of Bone Meal and Blaze Powder received from Bone and Blaze Rods. Industrial Craft 2 - Transport Pipes Question. Overclocker Upgrades can be installed in order to speed up the process, but will increase the EU required. These new trees tend to show up in swamp biomes primarily. The macerator's use in the ore processing chain - crushing ore into crushed ore as seen above - is detailed on that page. Der Macerator ist eine Maschine, die Erze und und einige Mineralien zu Staub zerkleinert. Nah, only idiots do that. I have a ME Interface block on top which has the recipe for 1 iron ore -> 2 crushed iron. Generatoren sind von der Mod Industrial Craft 2 und produzieren EU um die Maschienen der Mod anzufeuern. The Macerator is a machine in IndustrialCraft 2 that is used to crush Ores into Dusts. No nerfs have been been added, but they do have 2 upgrade slots each like the Induction Furnace. These multi-purpose tools, known as Leet-Block M60, are the core element of ANY industrial device. 1. Removing Industrial Craft machines safely. Removing Industrial Craft machines safely. Lastly, the slot on the right is the output slot; macerated materials will be placed there upon completion. You can craft a tap that can extract this sap for use in the mod’s other features. If you're in a squeeze and you need a little power, the Macerator accepts. For Immibis's or AtomicStryker's version, see Rotary Macerator. Close. Posted by 6 years ago. Industrialcraft - Erster Schritt: Kabel craften. den Geothermal Generator. The Macerator gives off dust particle effects while in use. Edit. It … Press J to jump to the feed. I want it to automatically add items to the Macerator from the chest. It uses the combined force of smart technology and brute force to break open every single tiny particle of stone, effectively doubling the efficiency of gaining ore. 18:36 [DE] #002 - Industrial Craft 2 für Minecraft - Extractor, Electronic Circuit by MtheF. 2 300 600 1 3 210 630 2 5 147 735 3 8 103 824 4 13 72 936 5 21 50 1050 6 34 35 1190 7 54 25 1350 8 86 17 1462 9 137 12 1644 10 220 8 1760 11 352 6 2112 12 563 4 2252 13 901 3 2703 14 1441: 2 … In fact, they contain countless mechanisms, which can be easily adjusted to everyone's needs. Der Generator brauch eigentlich nur… Just like Immibis's version, these are plain Induction Furnace equivalents. Manchmal haben Gummibäume Harz am Stamm, diesen kann man mit einem Zapfhahn (Treetap) abbauen. Jeder dieser Dust kann wiederum in einer Furnace zum jeweiligen Barren gebrannt werden. The Macerator is an all-purpose grinding machine, capable of breaking down ores and other items into Dust, which can later be smelted into their respective ingots. Auch gibt es sehr viele neue Maschinen und Generatoren. It can also be used as an alternate method to obtain a variety of building materials, such as macerating Cobblestone into Sand. So I have a Macerator connected to a chest with wooden transport pipes. 13:53 [DE] #003 - Industrial Craft 2 für Minecraft - Generator, RE-Battery by MtheF. The Macerator is re-released with the current recipe. Its a mod that assisst you with your minecraft expierience. It is an upgraded version of the Macerator that uses … When Macerating Blaze Rods and Bones, each produces 5 Blaze Powder or Bone Meal, which can then be condensed into the EMC of 2.5 Blaze Rods or Bones. The Macerator is a Low Voltage machine and can only accept 32 EU/t. With thermal expansion, you can use anything to remove a device, pick, axe or preferred, a wrench. Any metal ingot may be macerated into its respective dust, with the exception of Steel Ingot which returns Iron Dust (as steel dust doesn't exist). Einige Dusts können außerdem zu neuen Arten von Barren kombiniert werden. The macerator is used to grind ore giving you two dust for each unit of ore processed. The Macerator gives off dust particles while in use. Now, did you ever take a look at his work station? In this setup, items will be removed from the chest on the right, macerated, and sent to the chest on the left. Industrial Craft, Machines. Basically it doubles ingot production! Every Pro Miner knows, that 50% of a rock's mineral deposits are surrounded by massive rock and can't be obtained by smelting. Generatoren sind zum Anfang sehr nützlich. Isn't that great? Any metal ingot may be macerated into its respective dust, with the exception of, Any metal plate (and also obsidian and lapis) may be macerated into 8 tiny piles of dust, except for, Plant matter can often be macerated to produce. It uses RedPower, BuildCraft, and (of course) Industrial Craft. I'm at the end of my rope with this. In the 1.10.2 Version the Mod basically doubled in size you get a lot of new things to play with. 2. They can then be smelted into ingots, effectively doubling your mining profit. Aus Erzen stellt er je zwei Staub her (z.B. The Macerator's internal battery can hold 800 EU; it can be upgraded by adding Energy Storage Upgrade s. The Macerator can only handle Low Voltage Energy by default; any more than 32 EU per tick will cause the machine to explode violently. For instance, inserting 32 pieces of Gold Ore into the Macerator will produce 64 pieces of Crushed Gold Ore, which can be smelted into 64 Gold Ingots. Contents . Its main purpose is to increase the output of various ores and raw items, such as Bones and Blaze Rods. The Macerator is the first machine in the IC² ore processing chain. Archived. The top slot in the Macerator GUI is the input slot; whatever material that is being macerated goes there. Gummibaumholz ist der Hauptbestandteil der Gummibäume. You could possibly even craft it into a cake-generator, but hey, who would need one? Kabel sind der Grundstock in Industrialcraft für Minecraft. The Macerator is a machine in IndustrialCraft 2 that is used to crush Ores into Dusts. The tier 2 version of this machine is the Rotary Macerator. This provides a quick and easy way to … Without any upgrades, one maceration will take approximately twenty seconds, and will use 800 EU. The Macerator uses 800 EU per ore (without overclocker upgrades, overclocker upgrades use more EU per ore, but is faster). Macera TallerBar es un concepto que surge de la observación y la reflexión con un claro fin de cambio y evolución. Der Macerator wird benutzt um ein Stück Erz in zwei Stück Dustgemahlen zu werden. Industrial-Craft² : crossmod-compatibility / submodules / API ... industrialcraft-2-2.8.158-ex112 I have a macerator with an ejector upgrade configured to output to the top side. Wenn man ein weiteres mal mit dem Zapfhahn auf einen Stamm ohne Harz drückt, kann das zur Folge haben, dass kein Harz an dieser Stelle mehr kommt. Visítanos en pleno corazón de Malasaña. The bottom slot in the GUI is the Battery slot; if the Macerator is being used without a connection to an EU network, it may be powered using RE-Batteries, BatPacks, Lithium-Batteries, or Lithium-Batpacks in this slot. The Macerator is used to grind one ore into two units of its matching crushed ore. Each of these crushed can be smelted in any furnace to create their respective ingots or processed further to obtain byproducts. Has three output slots. Don't hesitate, BUY NOW, HAYO! Though they can be processed into lumber like normal trees, their main feature is their oozing sap ports. Daher ist es ratsam vorsichtig mit der Gewinnung von Harz umzugehen, da die … This works fine (the ore is sent in, and extracted through the ME Interface block). If the Advanced Machines IndustrialCraft 2 addon is installed, the Macerator can be upgraded to the much faster Rotary Macerator. With GregTech 5 installed, this machine's recipe is disabled. The Macerator is the first machine in the IC² ore processing chain. Автор: Alblaka (Оригинальный автор), команда разработчиков IndustrialCraft² Industrial Craft 2 ist eine Modifikation, die einiges im technischen Bereich hinzufügt. When used in conjunction with Buildcraft Transport Pipes or RedPower 2 Pneumatic Tubes, any material for the input slot needs to come from the top of the Macerator, while anything for the Battery slot should come from the bottom. The Macerator is largely used to break down ore blocks into two of their respective Dusts, which can then be smelted into individual ingots. aus einem Eisenerz zwei Eisenstaub), aus Barren jeweils einen. Did you ever feel like life was being unfair to you? IndustrialCraft2, often stylized as IC2, is a mod for Minecraft based around industrial processes and is one of the most venerable mods still in use in Feed The Beast today. This page is about IndustrialCraft 2 Classic's Rotary Macerator. It can also convert some blocks and items into other, potentially more useful resources. 1.) You can easily DOUBLE your entire ore production. It takes some time, but will completely waste-free and 100%-sure turn the entire ore-rock into dust and then automatically filter the useless stone out. Do you want to know why he had giant loads of valuable ingots to craft into more awesome stuff? While operating, the Macerator will use approximately 2 EU per tick. Generatoren sind außerdem dazu notwendig um bessere Maschienen zu craften z.B. This limit can be increased by adding Transformer Upgrades. Materials Needed: 2 Cobblestone 3 Flint 23 Refined Iron 2 Redstone 6 Rubber 9 Copper 16 Coal 5 Tin 3 Bronze The Pulverizer works in much the same way as a Macerator from Industrial Craft 2, but it uses Minecraft Joules instead of EU to pulverize things into a powder. Rotary Macerator: Has two output slots. This page was last edited on 6 July 2018, at 20:12. Every ore block placed in the Macerator becomes two Dust of that kind of ore, which can then be smelted into two ingots, thereby doubling your ore output.. Output can be taken from the sides of the machine. It is used to increase ore output and to convert some blocks and items into very useful resources. It will turn one block of ore into two pulverized ore. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. This is a tutorial for a quick-n-dirty automated Macerator setup. But IC2Classic is not a mod that forces the focus on to itself. This page was last edited on 6 September 2019, at 19:47. The Macerator is an Industrial Craft 2 machine. Archived. It is only capable of receiving HV if not upgraded with a Transformer upgrade. Did you ever feel angered about your neighbour miner finding loads of minerals whereas you didn't? And, you may guess it, this dust can be smelted into ingots! The Macerator is largely used to break down ore blocks into two of their respective Dusts, which can then be smelted into individual ingots, or condensed as they have the same EMC as their smelted form. It also efficiently converts Stone to Cobblestone,Cobblestone to Sand, Gravel into Flint, Bone to Bone Meal (with a rate of 1 Bone = 5 Bone Meal, 2 more than normal craft), and Blaze Rod into Blaze Powder. Certain dusts can also be combined to make new types of ingots. [DE] #005 - Industrial Craft 2 für Minecraft - Macerator by MtheF. Posted by 6 years ago. As a basic machine (and also power tier 1), the macerator has a simple GUI with three slots: input, energy item (if needed), and output, shown below. The grinding pressure of the Macerator is kept at a modest 50 gibbl. Centrifuge Extractor: Cells aren't really cells at all but treetaps. The Macerator can be upgraded to a Rotary Macerator. Mit diesem Industrial-Craft-Tutorial bekommen Sie einen ersten Einblick in die Modifikation, die mit elektrischem Strom eine ganze Menge neuer Maschinen und Blöcke ins Aufbau-Spiel einbringt. Der Macerator ist eine Allzweck-Schleifmaschine, kann viele Erze brechen und andere Gegenstände in den Staub brechen, die später geschmolzen werden können. 6:49 [DE] #004 - Industrial Craft 2 für Minecraft - BatBox by MtheF. What a shameful waste. The Macerator can usually grind one ore into 2 dust, doubling production. Sporting darker trunk and leaf textures, they stand out from their vanilla counterparts even more by having a taller canopy. The Macerator is a grinjdkfding machine added by IndustrialCraft 2 and is capable of breaking down blocks and items. Singularity Compressor: Has one output slot. für Solaranlagen braucht. As a basic machine (and also power tier 1), the macerator has a simple GUI with three slots: input, energy item (if needed), and output, shown below.The macerator's use in the ore processing chain - crushing ore into crushed ore as seen above - is detailed on that page.A few general notes on recipes: 1. IC 2 introduces numerous features across a variety of areas in Minecraft, including resource … Summary Edit. 1. As a result, it will return you high-quality ore-dust of whatever material you dropped in there. For this problem, we invented the Maceratron-E-901! Close. A photo of a macerator.