A study of 2,000 British adults found that political memes tend to be the most widely used and shared, with one in five people sharing at least one meme online every day. And yet he possesses a strange charisma encapsulated in this meme, which serves as a macro AND a reaction to anything as befuddling as Young himself – to make things even more meta, the meme has come full circle. Carefully crafted satire of something loosely analogous to South Korea's 1%? Russell Crowe's iconic line from Gladiator rings true today. Distracted Boyfriend, AKA Man Looking at Other Woman, is the result of a ridiculous stock photo that took the internet by storm. Technically, he’s right. Is This a…? Every time you get upset at Whole Foods because they don't have your favorite unsweetened iced yerba mate, another First World Problems meme is born. It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time. Did the War Ministry know it was creating a bona fide proto-meme? Picture: Nickelodeon/YouTube: Jasmine Masters JANUARY 2019 MEMES: 'Can't hear, can't speak, can't see' meme inspired by Hush, A Quiet Place and Bird Box. Reply. So, whenever you need an explanation for a difficult question, use this macro and all will be revealed. On the left is Taylor Armstrong, a real housewife of Beverly Hills, and on your right is Smudge the cat. Fun Facts About About Memes. A Harambe Cheeto sold for $99,900 on eBay. You don't have to have kids to appreciate the corniest, punniest dad jokes of all time. That's how Paul "Bear" Vasquez described the double rainbow he spotted and recorded near Yosemite in 2010. Ceiling Cat is watching you work from home. The internet's favorite Golden Globes meme is Tom Hanks' reaction to Ricky Gervais' monologue. Gangnam Style was one of those memes that just wouldn't die, and it became far bigger than anyone expected. RIP. Darkest humor memes continues below… 20. We also considered the ubiquity and persistence of a meme in determining its position on this list, which means more recent memes tend to wind up lower in the ranking. When you see him from behind the keyboard, no longer is he Sesame Street's most famous protagonist. But which ones achieved lasting greatness? You are the best boss ever meme. When it landed in the lap of a LucasArts designer, he turned it into what was effectively the world's first GIF. (Seriously, there's a database full of 'em.) Chicky nuggies. That his sole entry on this list is a reaction GIF people share when they see a public beef percolating online is a testament to his lawyers and PR reps. crying laughing alone in the car at all the different wives of online. But because fans the universe over were stoked for another everlasting catchphrase, one they'd be able to use years later, as a reaction to pretty much anything remotely sketchy, on one of those crazy, crazy dot com things. Dabbing is newish, but it has some famous exponents, for better and for worse. While the overall show is great and a fun run, we know there are some particularly bizarre and disturbing moments, especially in Jojo, that are bound to shock and confuse those unprepared for it. In March 2013, actor Danny DeVito tweeted "Antonin Scalia retire bitch." It's the gift that keeps on giving. Never miss a beat with MailOnline's latest news for women. 19. The early-to-mid-2000s were the internet's awkward, adolescent phase, with a sense of humor and casual use of words like "bitch" to match. 'Straight line, dashed line' meme. Unsere Mitarbeiter haben es uns zur Mission gemacht, Ware unterschiedlichster Art ausführlichst auf Herz und Nieren zu überprüfen, dass Verbraucher schnell und unkompliziert den The best memes ever finden können, den Sie zu Hause kaufen möchten. A beautifully random trolling phenomenon was born, one that continues today, one that's never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you, never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye, never gonna tell a lie and hurt you. But internet magic was made when someone put this screenshot side-by-side with a pet named Smudge who does not enjoy a vegetarian diet. Check out our top pick. This OG meme goes all the way back to 1939, when World War II broke out and the British had to get their propaganda machine in gear. Regardless of the stakes, the intensity always remains the same. from r/MemeEconomy. From quarantine jokes to Elon Musk's wild baby name, here are our favorite memes. The months that followed resurrected Harambe in ways no one could have predicted. We all know the meaning of the best memes ever, and Here you will get the best memes, which will surely make you laugh at any cost. This marks the umpteenth year in a row that I’ve been publishing a roundup of the Best Damn Photos on the Internet each and every day and I’m glad you guys are still along for the ride! Best 10 Memes Ever Tagalog tested by reviewers. Dick Butt is a drawing of a penis with a mouth, nose, and eyes who also happens to have another penis emerging from its rear end. The profession of love for his wife Katie Holmes raised the scrutiny over the Church of Scientology and, well, the rest is history. A wife guy is a dude who posts very dramatic and/or very extra things online about his wife, pretty much JUST to get some of that sweet, sweet attention from millions of strangers. Ceiling Cat is watching you illegally download NSA documents you acquired through your private contracting gig! They have made many images to express their feelings about Governor Inslee Who says Governor Inslee isn’t inspiring? from r/MemeEconomy. And because all memes are subjective (and no one is ever pleased) we didn’t even bother to rank them — just know that Baby Yoda is #1. See, Mom? These astrology memes will make any sign laugh out loud. 1) You Shall Not Pass Meme. Sign in with Facebook Sign in with Google Register now! Don't question it. from r/AdviceAnimals. Yes, when the Germans are bombing London back to King Arthur's court, just go about your business! Read, Laugh, Share, Repeat! I love them. Hipster Dog needs to find his bone. On May 28, 2016, a toddler climbed into a gorilla enclosure at the Cincinnati Zoo. Here are the best memes of 2019, from Sorry to This Man, to Baby Yoda, to the Kombucha Girl. The best memes of 2018 so far. At this platform, you can get the best memes ever about any topic. I also know a Nigerian prince you should meet.") Are you an over or under kind of person? Grumpy Cat was a sweet cat that became a viral cat that became a movie cat voiced by Aubrey Plaza. Which is very, very good. Well, they say laughter is the best medicine so crack a smile at some of the best, stupidest and most famous memes we've found from around the web. The eyes. It wasn't long before several parodies, imitating the style and minimalist message, spawned. Every person on this earth, ever. Andre the Giant was the gargantuan professional wrestling star whose size led to wild apocryphal claims, like the story that he drank 156 (or was it 127?) George." change my mind memes up and rising. We live in an era defined by memes. He's Scumbag Steve, one of the most persistent, durable macro-memes the internet has produced; it won't surprise you to learn that the image first appeared on the cover of an album by a group called Beantown Mafia, which is just as bad as it sounds. Whoa. Not because of the ambush. Smash Mouth had this to say about the meme: "It's funny because a large percentage of our fans don't even know what a meme is -- heck, we didn't really know either at first." By catolat 2013-06-10 21:00. We confined ourselves to the internet; only symbols and phrases that crossed from traditional media to the web qualify (sorry, Kilroy). Thank god for Conan O'Brien, who in 2004 effectively re-catapulted Chuck Norris back into the zeitgeist with his Walker, Texas Ranger lever. Go cry about it, Jared Kushners of the world. This meme stands as the quintessential example of spontaneous brilliance subsequently ruined by others who tried too hard to replicate it. Just accept it. Does anyone else think of Shots, when you see this meme from r/imaginedragons. 97% (652) Pinto kkkkkkkkkk. This one shows no sign of slowing down. The Drunk Baby meme is a hilarious reminder that all kids are like tiny, drunk adults. By Megan McCluskey March 2, 2020 12:45 PM EST I n the big wide wizarding world, Harry Potter memes are truly the gift that keeps on giving. Peak "All Star" is owned by the lovable, neck-bearded Jon Sudano, who poignantly squeezes Smash Mouth lyrics into other popular songs. This post was edited on 11/6 at 2:03 pm. Long may he reign. and Rihanna's "Live Your Life"). Memes. Actual Insanity Wolf offers extremely violent advice. For those who think memes don't matter: Consider James Van Der Beek, who parlayed his horrendous cry-face in the teen show Dawson's Creek into a universally recognized expression of low-stakes bereavement, and a second, self-parodying act. Don’t get lost in the sauce friend. 1. pic.twitter.com/ezcZ7V0peN, Future generations, take note: This is right up there with "Playing at St. The 50 Best Movie Memes Ever Memes, memes everywhere. In the real version, actor Bruno Ganz fumes with German fury over a failed assault. They are timeless and ageless, just like the guy who lives in a pineapple under the sea. Peter Gabriel's "Solsbury Hill" clearly worked its beaming, inspirational magic; the viral success of The Shining trailer spawned countless recuts, with a few -- see: Brokeback to the Future -- catapulting the practice to legendary status. We say: none. Read, Laugh, Share, Repeat! It just means "fucking.". LOOK AFTER ME. A post shared by LeBron James (@kingjames) on Nov 6, 2017 at 7:07pm PST. See more ideas about memes, best memes ever, funny memes. Twitter users placed him alongside the other celebrities so publicly and crudely mourned as proof that 2016 was, like, the worst. The jaw-dropping history of words from avocado to walrus. It just goes to show you, the internet has always had an affinity for well-placed genital humor. Hence, Dick Butt. "Hey Girl" cemented Gosling's legacy as a dream catch for women, who was simultaneously (and somewhat confusingly) sensitive to the modern woman's needs, yet also ready to... be a husband? Passa ai moderação <(*_*)> By Peixe_Urbano 2020-11-12 16:30. Even the largest cats, as you can see, are subject to this rule. In dog years you would be dead." When Admiral Ackbar casually dropped this line in Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi, the galaxy quaked. It's also good to pull out whenever you want to see Gene Wilder smiling. Today, this heated scene from said show, in which Paul Teutul Sr. and Paul Teutul Jr. argue with words and then chairs, is back from the dead as a template for staging new arguments. The woman in question is Bravo Housewife Taylor Armstrong, and no, she didn't really scream at an innocent cat. Friendly and caring? Derp?) "Where the large son is unchecked energy, an absolute unit is the picture of poise," wrote MEL Magazine's Miles Klee, "proof that the seemingly uncontainable aggression of mammoth males can button itself up; that men may break with patrilineal pressure, becoming something other than bumbling junior apprentice. We'll see about that. 藍 a 585 620 membres. SHOW MORE SHOW LESS. Lil Nas X has completely taken over pop culture since his country-trap song became a TikTok sensation in late 2018 to early 2019, quickly jumping across platforms and age groups to achieve ubiquity. Top Searches Holiday Gifts. All you need to put them in their place, my friend, is a pair of pixelated sunglasses and these three simple words: Deal. Shot by Antonio Guillem, the stock photo "Disloyal Man Walking With His Girlfriend and Looking Amazed at Another Seductive Girl" depicts... just that. What's more, the challenge succeeded in sloughing off the name "Lou Gehrig's disease" from ALS. The archived (and delightfully '90s) website started by University of Illinois student Nehal Patel as a simple joke, featured Mr T. making various comments, via crudely drawn speech bubbles, about eating his balls, your balls… pretty much everyone's balls by the end. This is him like you've never heard him. and "u mad bro?" The best memes ever! The world's most interesting man is confident enough to make a joke like this. A post shared by (@bandmemes666) on Nov 30, 2019 at 12:02pm PST. It is the ur-text of contemporary communication. It's Business Cat to the rescue, assuming you can squeeze a cat pun in there somehow. You know what's coming next. Literally me. Enjoy the greatest memes of all time! Sign up here for our daily Thrillist email, get Streamail for more entertainment, and subscribe here for our YouTube channel to get your fix of the best in food/drink/fun. The video was a meme creator's dream, immediately spawning songs and catchphrases, and changing the world forever. ), It's not fast food if you eat it slow pic.twitter.com/Qnayi6oMjC. His reasons for doing so are still unclear. Dang, someone disagreeing with you on the internet? Case in point: This DJ Khaled meme, which will forever be a classic. (aka Roll Safe) in the BBC Three's #HoodDocumentary series, actor Kayode Ewumi made a coded oral sex quip. Lol. Live smarter, look better,​ and live your life to the absolute fullest. Keanu Reeves, never change. Thanks to this kid's talent show performance, this other kid's incredible Halloween costume, and the downfall of LeBron James, bottle flipping reached new heights in 2016. Meaning: This meme hilariously and cleverly brings attention to the recipient's age (and the fact that they're getting older). But, with the proper explanation, this might be the moment where many Americans found out what memes are in the first place. Which really can apply to anyone or anything posting/posted publicly online. Home; About; Contact; Instagram; Facebook; Disclaimer; Youtube; Clean Memes 12-06-2020. Congratulations, you played yourself from r/funny. A post shared by @ band.omss on Apr 20, 2017 at 10:13pm PDT. Of course, there are many more than 10 amazing memes, but the following are some of our favorites (in no particular order). Success Kid is for celebrating all those little wins that can give your day a serious lift. Where did this Jurassic meme hatch from? Yeah, those sucked so hard. Hate when your MacBook Pro restarts for no reason? But four years later, the concise demand has bloomed into a popular refrain, a call for controversial men, especially politicians, to cut their bullshit and pack it in. But its origins as a Myspace insult that migrated to Tumblr that migrated to all social media as the ultimate shut-down retort indicate it has a long, long, long shelf life. Rickroll's roots go all the way back to 4chan circa 2007, when users began posting bait-and-switch links that led to Rick Astley's solo single debut instead of duckrolls. It is ... 2) Run You Fools Meme. My contribution to Arthur's fist from r/memes. No president inspired more online invective and praise than Barack Obama, largely because he was America's first true president of the internet age. No. Even better, the man who gave us Crying Dawson, actor James Van Der Beek,is enough of a good sport about it that he fake-wept again to give us an updated version for our meme files. It's no wnder he went viral—who could resist this face? Nothing infuriates an angry or jealous person more than trivializing his rage or jealousy, which is exactly what the always appropriate response "U mad bro?" became go-to quips on bodybuilding forums and during video gameplay whenever anyone got a little salty. Enter your email address to get the best tips and advice. The best ‘Money Heist’ memes ever ‘Bella Ciao’ to our lovely readers. Remember "owling" and "Tebowing"? OK, maybe not. Well... actually. They're versatile, recognizable, and proving immortal. Every Mom on Christmas morning watching you open presents: pic.twitter.com/m7hI1qYoVz, — Julie Benson (@TheJulieBenson) November 29, 2019. Replies (14) Options Top. Obviously, the American people were confused at the connection here (ah, the internet was so much simpler back then!). Fused together from a GIF, designed by a 25-year-old in Dallas, Texas, and a Japanese music video cover of "Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya," Nyan Cat popped up on YouTube in 2011 and changed the way internet kids saw cats with Pop-Tart bodies who fart rainbows forever. OHHHH!" Heck, you might've even duck-faced a few times yourself. Welcome to the Memedroid Hall of Fame, featuring the greatest gifs, the funniest pics and the best memes ever posted. THE DRESS exhibited no mercy in its overwhelming, brutal dankness. If you haven't watched the source material, please do. and, more importantly, mainstream internet vernacular. Whenever something makes you mad, you can use the Arthur's Fist meme to properly express your emotions. However, if you'd really like to, you can remove our watermark from all images you create, as well as remove ads and supercharge your image creation abilities, using Imgflip Pro or Imgflip Pro Basic . Right before the end of 2017, British hotelier David Morgan-Hewitt inspired what some call the successor to the reckless "large adult son" phenomenon, which itself has found a second wind thanks to the exploits of Donald Trump's progeny. Years after it first aired, a crying scene from the '90s teen drama Dawson's Creek became a vehicle for nostalgic feels and just generally overreacting to things. Well done. See more ideas about Best memes ever, Bones funny, Funny. It's sad this is dead. Fathers, can you relate to this? The only thing better than watching everybody's daring attempts to pull off plastic acrobatics were the heavily edited fakes that emerged as part of the "haters gonna say it's fake" meme, one that exists well outside bottle flipping. 3. This screenshot of Wesley Snipes in his 1991 film New Jack City has been used in countless memes. Vladimir Putin has been the subject of countless memes over his seemingly eternal reign heading the Russian oligarchy. (Not so) long ago, there existed a program titled American Chopper, about the Teutul family, a tough bunch of guys who built neat bikes. Be sure to check out The Big List of Memes and 31 of the Most Popular Memes for all your meme needs. Simple, effective and ever … became a rallying cry for something -- anything -- different. I'm late with this meme because I didn't have breakfast yet from r/memes. Yee yee juice. Is This a Pigeon? A post shared by Grumpy Cat (@realgrumpycat) on Apr 29, 2017 at 2:21pm PDT. Originally, the song behind this video was the story of "a man, Johnny, riding his horse across the American prairie to his sweetheart Mary, who knits socks as she waits his return." an endless parade of wives. True, meme-ifying images is a practice as old as humanity itself, but the advent of the internet has made that process much... danker. re: Best memes ever Posted by Splackavellie on 11/6/20 at 1:50 pm to cuddlefuddle. A parody of leet speak? Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up (Video) - YouTube. As much as we love this guy, and his incredible feats, we hate to break this to him: He's basically the mall version of Chuck Norris Facts (more on that below). Herein, we've gathered the funniest memes of all time. pic.twitter.com/RDPERAGMSq. An OG cat meme that has taken on new macro-meaning in the age of constant government surveillance. What Do Dank Memes Mean? We’re still not 100% over part four of La Casa de Papel yet, or Money Heist for our English audiences, and it’s been nearly a month. Andre the Giant is the quintessential example of an ever-evolving meme that crossed from the physical realm to the cold ones and zeroes of the internet. I decided it was high time that we publish a definitive list of the best movie-sourced memes out there on the interwebs. re: Best memes ever Posted by Splackavellie on 11/6/20 at 1:50 pm to cuddlefuddle. You thought you could casually observe without repercussions that THE DRESS is obviously blue and black, only to find yourself embroiled in a three-hour-long argument with your significant other that precipitated the end of your relationship. The vanity project of a poorly advised but decently well-funded teen created a viral furor on the internet which led to the creation of remixes, gifs, and lasting infamy for Black. Without it, we cease to exist. Behold, marvel away. I made a shitty grumpy cat meme to pay respects, Baby Insanity Wolf lives on the edge [fixed], Me every night [Picture] (x-post from r/BlackpeopleTwitter), Does anyone else think of Shots, when you see this meme. The shirt. Seems obvious, we know . It's actually pretty surprising that Michael Jackson didn't produce MORE meme-able moments, considering he's the King of Pop and once dangled his baby from a balcony. You Can Also Use Our Social Buttons To Share … But in many of the viral parodies that followed, he kvetches about trivial pop-culture matters, everything from late-night show politics to Taylor Swift. @Mike_Senatore FLIPPED A WATER BOTTLE FOR OUR TALENT SHOW AND ITS THE MOST LIT THING IVER EVER EXPERIENCED pic.twitter.com/2G0GTiy2O4. The phrase "me irl" -- "in real life," if you live in a pineapple under the sea and have no idea what that means -- got its start way back in 1997, but (as with most memes) blew up on Reddit much later. The song earned itself a feature on South Park as the epitome of the internet's functionality in a capitalist society. If you love dogs, you'll love the one and only Doge. It says a lot about John Kerry's 2004 presidential campaign that this is the most memorable Kerry moment, and it happened in 2007. This meme was like that, but on steroids. Once people latch onto a piece of culture, it takes on a life of its own. Whether he's sipping tea or talking to an evil doppelgänger, this Muppet has earned a decidedly different identity online. Gorl, moths, and so much more. The friskiest, furriest, and funniest cat jokes you'll find on the internet! Sick of the ads on Hulu? Almost immediately, the cop found himself ruining the rest of history. Need to make a work joke? While you'd think this particular joke was cooked up on a web forum, Philosoraptor actually debuted as a T-shirt sold on the website Lonely Planet by a designer named Sam Smith. Don't even get us started. — no context nostalgia (@nostalgiaooc) June 22, 2020. https://t.co/Oa92sncRQY, Hillary Clinton ended this meme when she tweeted it at Donald Trump during her 2016 presidential campaign. While this meme has faded into obscurity, it deserves a slot on this list for being one of the first memes to thrive on the internet. The Bad Joke Eel specializes in—you guessed it—bad jokes. Back to top. If you needed any more proof that SpongeBob SquarePants was amazing, and not just for kids, all the show's hilarious screengrabs-turned-viral reactions should do the trick. Meanwhile, 12 years later, the internet is still meme-ing this brazen display of love. To know doge is to know a very special and everlasting way of life. 1 month ago. SIZE & FIT. Splackavellie New Orleans Pelicans Fan Bayou Member since Oct 2017 4765 posts. Classical art memes prove that some human behaviors transcend the borders of time. Enjoy the greatest memes of all time! 100 Memes From 2018 That'll Make You Laugh Until You Cry. And for good cause -- whenever you needed a dose of optimism, Success Kid was there to remind you about how good (or dumb) life could be. Share These Hilarious Memes With Your Close Friends and Relatives To Make Them Laugh Also and Make Smile On Everyone’s Face. A massive list of the best memes from the past and the present to enjoy in your free time. Tolkien’s “The Fellowship of the Ring” became the base for the fantastic trilogy The Lord of The Rings. The Juggernaut video -- an overdub of an old X-Men cartoon -- presaged many of the facts we take for granted now, like absurdist, non sequitur one-liners that exploited the rabid fandom of the comic-book crowd, to the point that "I'm the Juggernaut, bitch!" Of course, it's not so simple -- now your everyday speech is peppered with emojis and emoticons of all kinds, but Harvey Ball's 1963 depiction of a yellow circle with two black eyes and an upward grin set the stage for everything from your cry-laugh reactions to wink emoticons... hell, we wouldn't even have an eggplant emoji without the path the yellow smiley face set in motion. The 'and it shows' meme. 1452884. The meme is pretty self-explanatory: Whatever is distracting you—and shouldn't be—is "the other woman" in the photo. Nah. The 50 Best Movie Memes Ever Memes, memes everywhere. Die Betreiber dieses Portals begrüßen Sie als Leser auf unserem Testportal. The Best Harry Potter Memes Ever. #me #Wednesday #wednesdayaddams #addams #meme #funny https://t.co/RiMO4Q3z2d pic.twitter.com/36dTHLpmac. And they don't even have to be embarrassed the next morning! Now you can spend all the time looking for the best funny meme all around the world. Fail. just ruining my makeup. In the moment, it's a pose of playful suspense, but when screengrabs of the scene began popping up across internet forums the world over, Wilder's pose came to indicate delicious, sarcastic condescension. None of them good, but some more meme-able than others. But verging on 3 billion views, Cho Soo-hyun's cheesy horse trot-filled music video has proven it will live on in internet history books for the rest of time. These funny tweets and memes could temporarily be the antidote to your coronavirus panic. South Park has given the world its fair share of iconic moments, but nothing sums up the internet era of late capitalism better than this gem, taken from an episode in which underpants gnomes steal underwear in order to turn a profit. The simpler "You mad" first came to prominence when Cam'ron shut down Bill O'Reilly during a segment on whether rap was harmful to children (thank God those days are over... hopefully). × Sign in × Remember me. "Oh my God, it's so bright and vivid. Whenever someone says something too absurd for words, you can just send them this meme—they'll get the hint. Through a simple three-phase plan, the second phase of which is simply "?". "Woman yelling at cat eating food" from r/dankmemes. Either you think Dick Butt is funny or you're probably not reading this explanation anymore. Reply. 2. Whether you saw it first on Myspace, in Zoolander, or on the cover of Little Feat's Down on the Farm, you know damn well what this pose is. 'Tidying Up with Marie Kondo' meme. The line has become a response to any unpleasant experience, and its close relative, "Don't tease me, bro," has become an antidote for anxious anticipation the world over. This little guy is the cutest possible meme to accompany all of life's horrible awkward moments. Delete your account. There are so many wife guys out there; please, never stop posting about your wives. Chemistry Cat is the science nerd equivalent of Business Cat. The Best Harry Potter Memes Ever. Confused Mr. Krabs. Everything is normal, folks! While this breed of subversive fun at the expense of childhood icons seems to be a trademark of today’s internet, Bert Is Evil is a product of the '90s, making it one of the internet’s first true memes. ", Funny looking back at old pictures #planking #2010 pic.twitter.com/fOL01ckk8q. What’s up, gentlemen? Sometimes the best way to make a meme is to come up with the most literal, obvious caption possible and then present it like you're brilliant. He's adaptable to many situations, including the strange circumstances of the pandemic, as seen above. Need someone to just fucking handle something for you? Image: A dog wearing a party hat sitting at a table with a piece of birthday cake. Tweet Share Post Bookmark. Lol. BuzzFeed Editor 1. Truth. Fresh and awesome content ready for you! Best & Funniest Memes Ever! The meme was early and influential, gaining massive mainstream media coverage after a picture from the site -- featuring Bert with Osama Bin Laden -- was mistakenly put on a poster at a rally in Afghanistan. But we must take less of your time and put this all into the easily digestible gallery. "All Your Base Are Belong to Us". When Kanye West crashed Taylor Swift's speech at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards, he probably knew he was doing something that would never be forgotten. Bill, we're going to remember you for a number of reasons. Be who you are on the inside. Have you ever loved someone like these two loved each other in the midst of a 2011 riot, Canada's largest display of violence since Vice Admiral Cantwell made a rude remark about Queen Victoria's corset? Not the sharpest tools in the shed. Parodied by such comedy stalwarts as Stephen Colbert and Arrested Development, this 2002 video of a kid wielding a ball fetcher like a lightsaber exploded onto the pre-YouTube internet, repurposed by any and every internet user with video-editing skillz. By OCascao_Ginasta 2020-11-28 12:00. This is fine, toilet paper edition. Here's the definition of "meme," then look at meme examples both new and old. Oh crap, this is a dirty funny meme and i like it.

best memes ever

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