: (0221) 470-3723 E-Mail: swiesend@math.uni-koeln.de Sprechstunde: Im Sommersemester 2020 ausschließlich nach Vereinbarung. Our goal is to understand what helps species adapt locally to the environmental challenges they are facing. In addition, students conduct one elective module (12 CP) whose content is chosen to broaden and enrich the individual study program. All personal consultation hours are cancelled until further notice. All personal consultation hours are cancelled until further notice. Bezig met 57051 Biologie III/B: Physiologie aan de Universität zu Köln? The second year of the program is dedicated to research. Teaching in winter term 2020/2021 will be mainly online for 1st and 2nd term students. Du interessierst Dich für das Studium Biologie (Lehramt) an der Uni Köln? Prof. Dr. Martin Hülskamp. Der englischsprachige Masterstudiengang "Biological Sciences" startete zum Winter 2005/06 und erlaubt eine Spezialisierung in einem oder mehreren der sieben Forschungsschwerpunkte der Fachgruppe. Main Navigation. Alle weiteren Informationen finden Sie in den beigefügten PDF-Dokumenten (getrennt für Teil Zoologie und Teil Botanik). Bezig met 54806 Allgemeine Biologie aan de Universität zu Köln? The program has been launched in winter term 2005/2006. Biocentre University of Cologne. To access this item you need to be logged in and to have appropriate permissions. Juli nicht besetzt und telefonisch nicht erreichbar. Created: 13. First 2 project modules (12 CP each) are conducted in research groups of choice. We are studying molecular responses of plants to the light environment, in particular the role of protein degradation in light-controlled plant development. In addition, students conduct one elective module (12 CP) whose content is chosen to broaden and enrich the individual study program. Beide Studiengänge wurden im Mai 2009 akkreditiert. Prof. Dr. Marcel Bucher. A research area may be indicated as specialization in the Masters of Science in Biological Sciences certificate, for students who have conducted at least 4 of 7 modules (including subject, elective, and project modules) as well as the Master’s Thesis in one research area. Address: Institute for Plant Sciences. Zülpicher Str. There will be no office hours Schmidt between 2nd and 13th of March 2020. Hilfskräfte für das Modul Ökologie und Angewandte Biologie (Biologie IV) gesucht. No consultation hour (R. Wuttke) on 9 January. Publications: Shimasaki T, Masuda S, Garrido-Oter R, Kawasaki T, Aoki Y, Shibata A, Suda W, Shirasu K, Yazaki K, Nakano RT, Sugiyama A Species-specific assembly of root-associated bacterial microbiota mediated by a combination of plant specialized metabolites bioRxiv 2020.09.25.313031; doi: 10.1101/2020.09.25.313031. Vlot AC, Sales JH, Lenk M, Bauer K, Brambilla A, Sommer A, Chen Y, … 47 B The second year of the program is dedicated to research. Note: please use tab key to jump to the menu items. More infomation about Competence Area V "Food Security": Food-Security.uni-koeln.de Image movie on YouTube: D or GB “2nd Cologne Conference on Food for Future” in Cologne, postponed to 13-14 Sept 2021: Please visit the event website: UzK event "1st Cologne Conference on Food for Future" took place in Cologne, 5-7 Sept 2018: Please visit the conference website: Food-for-Future Prof. Dr. Alga Zuccaro. All personal consultation hours are cancelled until further notice. Nachklausur Biologie II/A Der 2. Structure of the programIn the first year of the program students choose 4 subject modules on scientific topics of their preference (12 CP each, 15% each of overall grade). Nachklausurtermin für das Modul "Evolution, Entwicklung und Systematik der Tiere (Biologie II/A)" steht fest. Contact . Scientific topics and specializations as of winter term 2020/2021, Scientific topics and specializations until summer term 2020. The second year of the program is dedicated to research. First 2 project modules (12 CP each) are conducted in research groups of choice. July 2020. Science These are…. Master of Science: - Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions MN-B-SM (PG 2) - Molecular Plant Physiology and Biochemistry of Plants and Associated Microbes MN-B-AM (P1) Structure of the programIn the first year of the program students choose 4 subject modules on scientific topics of their preference (12 CP each, 15% each of overall grade). No consultation hour (R. Wuttke) from 19 December 2019 to 3 January 2020. For students who intend to study abroad the Elective and Project Modules are the most suitable, but details need to be arranged with a student adviser. 1. For students who intend to study abroad the Elective and Project Modules are the most suitable, but details need to be arranged with a student adviser. Hilfskräfte für das Modul Ökologie und Angewandte Biologie (Biologie IV) gesucht. First 2 project modules (12 CP each) are conducted in research groups of choice. A research area may be indicated as specialization in the Masters of Science in Biological Sciences certificate, for students who have conducted at least 4 of 7 modules (including subject, elective, and project modules) as well as the Master’s Thesis in one research area. Zuelpicher Straße 47b 50674 Cologne Phone +49 221 470-2481 Fax +49 221 470-5900 E-Mail m.schwier smail.uni-koeln.de In the first year the program is organized in blocks of full day courses (subject modules) which run from October to February and from April to July and flexible time-blocks for self-study and self-organized modules. No consultation hour (R. Wuttke) on 9 January. The program is completed by a 6 month research project thatwill be written up in a Master’s thesis and presented in a Colloquium (36 CP, 40% of overall grade). Op StudeerSnel vind je alle samenvattingen, oude tentamens, college-aantekeningen en uitwerkingen voor dit vak Finden Sie jetzt 224 zu besetzende Biologie Jobs in Köln auf Indeed.com, der weltweiten Nr. Modules will be offered in seven research areas: (B) Biochemistry, Biotechnology and Biophysics. Einige wichtige Hinweise für Studieninteressierte finden Sie . With the program students will acquire a strong background in basic biological science and in modern biological research practice, which will fit them well for many careers in both academic and applied environments. Alle weiteren Informationen finden Sie in den beigefügten PDF-Dokumenten (getrennt für Teil Zoologie und Teil Botanik). Institut für Genetik der Universität zu Köln 320px 480px 640px 786px 1024px 1280px 1440px Foto: Forance - Fotolia.com Das Institut für Genetik - gegründet 1962 durch Max Delbrück - umfasst gegenwärtig dreizehn Professuren und mehrere unabhängige Forschungsgruppen. With the program students will acquire a strong background in basic biological science and in modern biological research practice, which will fit them well for many careers in both academic and applied environments. Die Biologie hat zum Winter 2003/04 als erstes Fach der Universität einen grundständigen Bachelorstudiengang eingeführt. Die… 17 Jul i Das Prüfungssekretariat BSc Biologie ist am 20. und 21.07.2020 nicht besetzt Das Prüfungssekretariat BSc Biologie ist am 20. und 21. The Master of Science in Biological Sciencesprogram is research-oriented and taught in English. Corona notification winter term 2020/2021. No consultation hour (R. Wuttke) on 9 January. The second year is self-organized and full time. Course Guidance, Acceptance of Course Achievements and Matters of BAFöG PD Dr. Joachim Schmidt This degree course scheme is a full time study program. The second year is self-organized and full time. In the first year the program is organized in blocks of full day courses (subject modules) which run from October to February and from April to July and flexible time-blocks for self-study and self-organized modules. Biologie I/A; Biologie II/B; MN-B-WP II Gen 2: Modellsysteme und Methoden in der Zellbiologie; MN-B-SM PD 1: Plant Genetics; ... bechtelh smail.uni-koeln.de Phone + 49 0221 470 3900 E-Mail Contact via E-Mail; Uschi Claßen Media Kitchen. No consultation hour (R. Wuttke) on 12 March. To this end, our laboratory investigates how molecular systems innovate to increase biomass production in natural plant populations. I am aware of the hurdles and difficulties to which those, who are not regarded as the norm, are exposed to, on a daily basis, in their studies and in their ability to pursue their dreams. change language Scientific topics and specializations as of winter term 2020/2021, Scientific topics and specializations until summer term 2020. In addition, students conduct one elective module (12 CP) whose content is chosen to broaden and enrich the individual study program. Alle weiteren Information finden Sie in der beigefügten Datei / For further information see attached files (in german…. Mail: g.doehlemann uni-koeln.de Tel: +49 221-470-1647 Fax: +49 221-470-7406: Secretary Gudrun Kloettschen University of Cologne CEPLAS / Institute of Botany Chair of Terrestrial Microbiology Zülpicher Straße 47a D-50674 Cologne Mail: gudrun.kloettschen uni-koeln… Date: 31-August-2020. CEPLAS is developing innovative strategies for improvement of sustainable crop production. In winter term 2020/2021, to ensure high quality teaching irrespective of COVID-19 restrictions, subject modules (half term, full time, 12 CP) will be replaced by theory modules (6 CP) and seminar modules (6 CP) of the various research areas. Consultations will be held by phone only. Wer wir sind Wir sind die Fachschaft Biologie und vertreten die studentischen Belangen für die Studiengänge Bachelor/Master of Science in Biologie, sowie Bachelor of Art und Master of Education für Gymnasien/Gesamtschule und Berufskolleg. Consultations will be held by phone only. Alle weiteren Information finden Sie in der beigefügten Datei / For further information see attached files (in german…. The Institute for Plant Sciences, founded in 1928, encompasses nine internationally linked professorships and hosts several independently funded junior research groups. No consultation hour (R. Wuttke) from 19 December 2019 to 3 January 2020. Alle weiteren Informationen finden Sie in den beigefügten PDF-Dokumenten (getrennt für Teil Zoologie und Teil Botanik). The program is completed by a 6 month research project that will be written up in a Master’s thesis and presented in a Colloquium (36 CP, 40% of overall grade). The program is completed by a 6 month research project that will be written up in a Master’s thesis and presented in a Colloquium (36 CP, 40% of overall grade). e-mail: MScBiol-Office uni-koeln.de. No office hours (R. Wuttke) on 20 February and 25 February. Bachelor of Science in Biology. The successful completion of the two years program will lead to the award of the Masters of Science (MSc) degree. 1 der Online-Jobbörsen. Teaching in winter term 2020/2021 will be mainly online for 1st and 2nd term students. There will be no office hours Schmidt between 2nd and 13th of March 2020. Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Mechanisms of Aging and Aging Associated Diseases (A), Molecular Plant and Microbial Sciences (P), Neurobiology: Genes, Circuits, and Behavior (N). The Master of Science in Biological Sciencesprogram is research-oriented and taught in English. Biologie I/A; Biologie II/B; MN-B-WP II Gen 2: Modellsysteme und Methoden in der Zellbiologie; MN-B-SM PD 1: Plant Genetics; MN-B-SM DG 1: Modern Techniques of Developmental Biology; MN-B-SM GP 1: Protein trafficking in the Endomembrane System; GG-Bio-MFW 6: Pflanzenphysiologie Contact: Secretary of the managing director Diana Vogelmann gd-botanik uni-koeln.de. No consultation hour (R. Wuttke) on 9 January. No office hours (R. Wuttke) on 20 February and 25 February. Op StudeerSnel vind je alle samenvattingen, oude tentamens, college-aantekeningen en uitwerkingen voor dit vak Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Erstsemesterinformationen / First term information, Registration for subject modules and time schedules, DRINGEND: SHKs für die Betreuung Bio III/B (Teil Pflanzenphysiologie) im WS 20/21 gesucht. Alle weiteren Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte der beigefügten Datei. All personal consultation hours are cancelled until further notice. My group welcomes, supports, and celebrates the diversity of our students and colleagues. October 2015, changed: 24. Modules will be offered in seven research areas: (B) Biochemistry, Biotechnology and Biophysics. Prepare a curriculum vitae (CV). Alle weiteren Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte der beigefügten Datei. DeutschDeutschEnglish. Alle weiteren Informationen finden Sie in den beigefügten PDF-Dokumenten (getrennt für Teil Zoologie und Teil Botanik). These are…. Secretary of the Degree Committee Renate Wuttke (Tue, Wed and Thu, 1-2 p.m., Zülpicher Straße 47a, Institute for Genetics, room 0.44 ) Phone: +49 (0221) 470-4328 e-mail : renate.wuttke uni-koeln.de. Oktober 2015, zuletzt geändert am: 24. The successful completion of the two years program will lead to the award of the Masters of Science (MSc) degree. Kontakt: jdemeaux@uni-koeln.de. Nach erfolgreichem Abschluss des Bachelorstudiums verleiht die Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät den akademischen Grad "Bachelor of Science". The program has been launched in winter term 2005/2006.Structure of the programIn the first year of the program students choose 4 subject modules on scientific topics of their preference (12 CP each, 15% each of overall grade). selective module Molecular Plant Nutrition (www.biologie.uni-koeln.de/vertiefungsstudium_bachelor.html). The successful completion of the two years program will lead to the award of the Masters of Science (MSc) degree. Zülpicher Str. 47 B 50674 Cologne Email: martin.huelskamp uni-koeln.de Room 3.108 Biocenter Cologne Zülpicher Str. E-mail: mreiter1@uni-koeln.de Phone: 0221-470-1138 Room: 4.609 With the program students will acquire a strong background in basic biological science and in modern biological research practice, which will fit them well for many careers in both academic and applied environments. No consultation hour Schmidt 02.-13.03.2020, Fördermöglichkeit von Auslandsaufenthalten für Studierende mit Kind(ern), Hilfskräfte für das Modul Ökologie und Angewandte Biologie (Biologie IV) gesucht. This degree course scheme is a full time study program. 47b 50674 Köln Phone: +49 (0) 221 470-7170 Secretary Margaret Kox Phone: +49 (0) 221 470-5259 (Tuesdays and Thursdays) Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, German Rectors' Conference Audit Internationalization, German Rectors' Conference Communication Prize, Mechanisms of Aging and Aging Associated Diseases (A), Molecular Plant and Microbial Sciences (P), Neurobiology: Genes, Circuits, and Behavior (N). Hier findest Du nützliche Infos zum Studiengang. The Master of Science in Biological Sciences program is research-oriented and taught in English. Im Bachelorstudiengang Biologie werden grundlegende Kenntnisse, Methoden und Fragestellungen des Faches Biologie vermittelt. The cluster, which was funded within the second funding line of the Excellence Initiative, is formed by scientists of the University of Cologne and Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf, of the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research as well as of the Forschungszentrum Jülich. Erstellt am: 13. (Basierend auf Total Visits weltweit, Quelle: comScore) Applicants with a non-German degree (Bachelor or equivalent) need to apply via the online platform “uni-assist”. Prof. Dr. Marcel Bucher . Juli 2020, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Gastwissenschaftlerinnen und Gastwissenschaftler, Erstsemesterinformationen / First term information, International Master of Environmental Sciences, Registration for subject modules and time schedules, DRINGEND: SHKs für die Betreuung Bio III/B (Teil Pflanzenphysiologie) im WS 20/21 gesucht. No consultation hour (R. Wuttke) on 12 March. No consultation hour (R. Wuttke) from 19 December 2019 to 3 January 2020. At least 80% of the maximum Bachelor (or equivalent) credits need to be certified as of the application deadline.. 2. No consultation hour (R. Wuttke) from 19 December 2019 to 3 January 2020. Universität zu Köln Weyertal 86-90 50931 Köln Raum: 131 Tel. No consultation hour Schmidt 02.-13.03.2020, Fördermöglichkeit von Auslandsaufenthalten für Studierende mit Kind(ern), Hilfskräfte für das Modul Ökologie und Angewandte Biologie (Biologie IV) gesucht. The long term goal of our research is to understand how plants integrate the uptake and utilization of key mineral nutrients with their needs, demand, and changes in environment and what is the role of microorganisms in plant nutrition. cli8 smail.uni-koeln.de Phone +49 221 470-7308 E-Mail Contact via E-Mail; Melina Schwier PhD Student AG Kopriva.
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