Play tons of Wii, still love the motion controls, and let's face it resident evil 4 is 1000% better with the Wii's aiming! Most of the Switch's library and success can be attributed directly to the Wii U. Wii U has 2 GB of RAM with only 1 GB available for games. The Wii is an artistic statement and testament to the raw power of gaming when you bring the focus back to the player and away from the race to the visual sizzle. @KJW90 yep. So it wasn't a difficult choice but I really wanted to play the og xenoblade which could be bought and played directly from the gamepad, that's some sweet fanservice right there, something the regular Wii couldn't do. @azoreseuropa You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you? Isn't Retro one of the biggest things for gamers ? FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon. I really want the first Bit Trip Runner on Switch. Does it help Netflix's instability? Conversely, the 3DS can survive getting ran over ad nauseum. More stability = more games enjoyed without crashes. Delivery Details: Note: This item is eligible for click and collect. @Ventilator They could technically fix all of the exploits still, but there's not much of a point in doing so because I assume anyone who wanted to hack their device has already done so a long time ago, they aren't selling Wii U's anymore anyway and in any case not many people will install firmware updates for systems they abandoned years ago. Still play that system it has some of the best exercise games on the planet. The one thing that really spoiled the Wii U was Nintendo's lack of support. The ultimate Virtual Console console, while I don't use Wii U much nowadays it'll always be there for retro games even once the remaining good Wii U games are ported or given a sequel that pretty much includes the Wii U version on Switch. @Moshugan I forgot about it only having 2Gb of ram with only 1 being available to games devs. Every. That would have been a huge issue to overcome. Looks far better with componentcables through my Framemeister than the emulation with the Wii U om My 4k tv. You’ll need to get the homebrew files onto your Nintendo Wii U. USB Loader for Wii U. Heccing Mean. It's a really great port, especially with its dedicated off-screen mode. Plenty of used but good condition ones are out there. OP ChrisYT Member. Just Dance 2019 comes with over 40 new and fun songs, and access to more than 400 songs available with Just Dance Unlimited. @The-Chosen-one The Wii U and the Dreamcast are two of my favorite consoles ever. I just got Mad World in the mail recently for less than 10 bucks and having a lot of fun with it! 11 months ago. Lol we played it couple days ago at our family reunion wii sports! Can I go back to system updates posts from years before and reuse the stability jokes? Would recommend. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Just Dance 2019 (Nintendo Wii U) (Nintendo Wii U) at Nobody's mentioned the WiiU since the momen't he was gone! @bluezbro You're completely right, I managed to find a sealed copy of Muramusa the Demon Blade for only $30, which just goes to show you that some of the hidden gems aren't that expensive. As much as I adore Splatoon 2, I want to play both. First time I'd been on for a while. Needless shot; so much for a Nintendo fan site. Poll: DOOM Eternal Is Out Today On Switch, Are You Gettin... Join 1,070,457 people following Nintendo Life: © 2020 Nlife Media, partner of Gamer Network. WHAT?? The old games got a new life! Yes it would have maybe had worse graphics then the switch but I think still possible. Both had their plugs pulled too early. The Lego games all used it and it was better co-op. I hope it fixes the WiFi. i still play mario kart wii, wii sports (+ resort), and mario galaxy every now and then. 28 Comments. Nintendo fan since then. Or do I have to wait till tomorrow (10pm currently in Missouri). Great launch games, well almost for Rayman . @skycargav2000 The disc drive from my original Wii started making unnatural sounds a few years ago. So back to the update at hand, has anyone here actually received this update? People still buying all kinds of games on the wii. They wouldn't do it it Edward R. Murrow resurrected himself and went beating down their door. Nintendo porting wii u games to the switch is cheaper for the player instead of buying a wii u console and games costing over £180. all came from the Wii U. Phew! And I always want to go back to some of the best games some of them mentioned here. Also the Gamepad is my TV remote. Nintendo wanted $100... I’m not sure if I’m comfortable taking the Gamepad apart myself. I have a Wii U console with Legend of Zelda designs on the Wii U Gamepad! Wii are right here with you. @Timsworld2 You must've seen a truck full of region-locked WiiU and DS shipments run over a puppy in front of you or something. I'm also waiting for Bayonetta 2 Wii U on the mail, which I got on ebay for 15 bucks (compare it to the price on Switch). After getting very used to it over the years, I wish all systems had their own touchscreen controller. It's just how they do business. Thankfully I found a used original Wii with Gamecube controller/mem.card slots in a store for something like 50€! By December 2019, Nintendo reported life-time sales of 13.56 million Wii U console units and 103.01 million software units worldwide. my parents bought a lot of wii games so me and my siblings could play together. Currently I'm playing Batman Begins on my Wii U, it looks really good. @Crono1973 I mentioned it above but it's just a GDPR compliance update, doesn't block anything as that would be a lot of effort for little to no gain. @Franklin Yeah that and the tons of great games for it. PEGI Rating: Ages 12 and Over. It's for gamers. I'm going through Super Mario 3D World for the first time and I'm eyeing a couple of titles on the eShop already. The Wii U Pad was the Wii U’s biggest, oddest selling point at launch, and time has only made it seem more of an oddity. 4.7 out of 5 stars 1,359. Forever. What a great console. I loved the Virtual Console, Miiverse, and backwards compatibility with Wii games! Tell us down below. The Wii U is one of my favorite consoles! Win An Amazing DOOM Eternal Wearable Gold Helmet. I will boot it up and update eventually. Prep Your SD Card. I only wish that I could still purchase Art Style: Orbient legitimately. @PBandSmelly 100% agree. Wherever life takes you, Just Dance 2019 will keep you dancing for hours with an insane amount of content for the whole family to enjoy! Get it as soon as Wed, Dec 9. Yep, I still play Wii Party and Mario Party with friends at least every couple months. Just Dance 2019 - Wii U Standard Edition Visit the Ubisoft Store. I burst out laughing when I saw the Wii logo next to the Stadia logo. #1 Aug 15, 2019. I believe theres been some cases were thr Wii u version ran a bit better then switch I cant think I of any top hand and maybe wrong. Let that sink in for a moment. Local rehab hospital still has a Wii for tennis. If you do you wouldn't constantly insult developers and wish for them to go bankrupt because they did something you're upset about. But I still love my Wii U. Of course Nintendo's been in business for over a century while a billion other fly by nights have come and gone. Feature: 10 Years Later, We Return To Our Abandoned Anima... Random: March 31st 2021 Is Becoming An Increasingly Depre... Review: Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light -... Nintendo Consoles Are Aimed At "Kids And Teens" Says Sega... Where To Buy Game & Watch: Super Mario Bros. Video: 16 Brutal Minutes Of DOOM Eternal Switch Gameplay. Hosted by 44 Bytes. Me and the Mrs. whipped out Galaxy 2 to play together until software we find interesting comes out. . 13 years ago I was the age of the students I teach today. Heck yes I'm still enjoying and playing my Wii U. Wii games, Wii U games and the Virtual Console. My GameCube is better for GameCube games, AND plays GB/GBC/GBA games as well. Finally. U. Glad to read Nintendo's keeping the updates coming! As Operations Director he stays mostly behind the scenes in a room he insists on calling “The Batcave”. Maybe Nintendo will bring out wii-like software for Switch. It's still there under my TV, though. Breath of the Wild, Mario Kart 8, New Super Mario Bros U, Captain Toad, DKC Tropical Freeze, Splatoon, etc. Feature: 10 Years Later, We Return To Our Abandoned Anima... Random: March 31st 2021 Is Becoming An Increasingly Depre... Review: Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light -... Nintendo Consoles Are Aimed At "Kids And Teens" Says Sega... Video: 16 Brutal Minutes Of DOOM Eternal Switch Gameplay. They are closed. It's like the middle but stronger brother of the bunch, it carries the hands of its older brother (the GameCube) due to hard times but also still holding onto the hands of its younger brother (the Wii U) because of faith all while the more popular youngest brother (the Switch) is partying and flying high. They’re usually better on Switch as well as being a lot more convenient so they’d be very welcome. @NinChocolate Hopefully we get a few more Wii U ports: 3D World, Wind Waker HD, Rainbow Curse, Pikmin 3, Lords of Thunder. You would have to be a fool to think the Wii could ever die. I will wake up my Wii U from its long sleep once i go home. I know people who have and still use a Wii. @Franklin Don't forget some of the lost WiiWare. I'm sad I skipped WiiU in favor of another Wii, the most attractive thing about it to me were not the games but the digital Wii and DS games. I can't believe they actually found the WiiU OS source to build a new patch! More than anything I will always keep it hooked for my GC games so what does that tell you... prehistoric ancient ? These days it mostly serves as the Mario Kart 8 console as the kids use it more than me. Should I get a Wii U in 2019? Just Dance 2019 (Nintendo Wii U) (Nintendo Wii U) Visit the Ubisoft Store. It probably would have not developed farther than SNES or maybe even NES. This stability should help. 91% Upvoted. Another thing is that those who use exploits won't upgrade to newest firmware anyway. "Wii U can play Wii games so it’s not like the four people who still play that system will be left out". There must be a lot of people whom still use a Wii like grannies and care homes etc that more than make up for the continued support. @Painkiller_MikeMine was collecting dust for a while. For one, playing Wii games using a quality SCART-RGB or Component cable actually yields a better picture color- and scaling-wise than the blurry stretched out pixels that you get on the Wii U's vWii mode. If they'd got into gear and made sure we got N64 and GC Virtual Console games they could have kept me happy throughout the long game droughts. The Switch has a quad-core processor with a variable speed depending on whether it’s docked or handheld. @SMW I still can't get the update to show up, either, a full 24 hours after sites started talking about it, so I don't think it's actually live, yet, regardless what other people are claiming. Some Pokémon Battle Revolution from time to time, other than that my Wii usually plays GameCube games. I still need my right stick fixed on my Gamepad. @RogerFederer But for real, do people still play that game? It will definitely be set up next to my Switch for the foreseeable future as I work through my backlog and use it for the Virtual Console. As far as I'm concerned, the system has been dead. NOA does not have the update listed:, UK does not seem to have the update either: 99. Only a few framerate hitches to mar the experience, everything else is really good. @Starkiller987 So will Wind Waker HD and Twilight Princess HD as they have second screen features. Their policies may be wiser than the peanut gallery assumes. @Starkiller987 I miss the virtual console! Add to basket Move to Wishlist Save to Wishlist Log in/sign up to use Wishlists! Just Dance 2020 Adjustable Premium Elastic Wrist Straps, Soft Elastic Wrist Bands for Just Dance 2… I love the Wii. £9.99. Fun experiences are fun experiences, doesn’t matter how old the kit is. I primarily use mine to play gamecube games nowadays. My daughter wasn’t born when the Wii came out, but last night we spent some time with Wii Sports Resort, Smooth Moves and Galaxy. I love this system. Excellent. For one the Wii is backwards compatible with GameCube games and accessories and its games even though are only in SD could still be play on the Wii U. Now I'm playing it again WiiU deserved better, it's still a great console was playing asassin creed, smashbros and Mario. I fire it up every couple weeks and play a couple hours of yoshi, or star fox, or bayonetta, or monster hunter 3, or one of the other countless classics on this console. It’s been so long since the last update, was worried mine would have a meltdown. I don't play Just Dance though... queen. Yet, you give 8 points to every single indie title on Switch that uses even worse (like, 8-bit) graphics... I’m not in s nursing home quite yet but come that time I hope there’s a Wii. share . This guide has the end goal of taking a completely unmodified Wii U from stock to custom firmware. At the end of the day i couldn't care less about a random person on the Internet, but such negativity and hate is much more common these days among Players and i think that's rather sad. It was also released on October 25, 2018 in Europe and Australia. Crazy that the entire WiiU player population can squeeze under one roof! One hacked and the other completely virgin and updated via Nintendo. Just Dance® 2019 System: Wii U Release date: 25/10/2018. It will surely go down in history as a beloved and quirky and a very ”Nintendo” console. But then I got a nice SCART-RGB cable and turned on 240p and rainbow started shooting out of my eyes! 47; Alantor28; Fri 4th Jan 2019 @BlueOcean But the Wii U was a colossal failure. The Wii U has been a … Until then, nothing else does the job the Wii does. @Franklin Only if you managed to download the games before the online store was shut down. Hold on there, you need to login to post a comment... Random: The NSO Icon On The Switch Home Menu Is Driving Some Users Crazy, Random: Mario Maker Player Still Trying To Complete Course After 3,353 Hours, Ideally before the game's services are discontinued, Random: March 31st 2021 Is Becoming An Increasingly Depressing Day For Mario Fans, Random: Metroid's Samus Trends On Twitter As Fans Speculate Over Potential Fortnite Crossover, Random: These Nintendo Box Art Wood Carvings Are Simply Sensational, Community: 12 Switch Games We Missed, As Recommended By You, Guide: Pokémon Sword And Shield - All Ash’s Pikachu Codes. 8-bit game systems. Still, whatever the reason, Nintendo isn't going to change their corporate press release policy because Liam is banging down their door. Please. @Crono1973 But Nintendo chooses not to make such things public. I love my Wii U. Yes hopefully they’ll port the last few good Wii U games across. @KingBowser I'm not sure this update is even out. Then I woke up to the sad realization that all my dreams were for naught. I remember how interesting it was when I first got it. This is a surprise. Bit. I cannot stand the way so many potentially awesome Wii games force you to use motion controls without the option of a pro controller. I feel like I'm in the minority when I say i prefer the tight courses of Mario Kart Wii instead of the fairly bland, ultra wide, lens flared courses of MK 8. Such a unique console experience, never to be replicated. . This shopping feature will continue to load items when the Enter key is pressed. I also find this article claiming it's for old people or something quite disturbing. @VR32X I'd say just go for it man, the Pad is useless now anyway, so not much to lose. 13 years on, and Nintendo’s waggle-loving system still lives. Long live the Wii U, Nintendo's best hardware damaged by bad sales and bad marketing. I look forward to reading about the new Just Dance for Wii every E3 lol. I'm usually on the ball with updates and such. Having completed Twilight Princess Wii a month ago, and loved all 65 hours of it, I'm now 26 hours into Skyward Sword. Side note: Not jazzed about Switch joycon build quality. More items to explore. I have a switch and Twilight Princess for Wii and Wind Waker for GCN. Add to basket Move to Wishlist Save to Wishlist Log in/sign up to use Wishlis Hosted by 44 Bytes. They making sure it's tomb doesn't collapse, Hopefully we get a few more Wii U ports: 3D World, Wind Waker HD, Rainbow Curse, Pikmin 3, Lords of Thunder. I wanted to get max level on the CoDs, I am about to achieve that with BO2 after four years (so bored with that game I couldn't stay into it for more than a few rounds each time). The Wii & Just Dance is still used in hospitals to help with muscle rebuild etc. Played that to completion over a weekend while being sick with bronchitis and highly medicated and it still ranks up there in my top 5 video game experiences. @bestfancharles72 I love jumping back and forth to BotW on switch to Twilight Princess on Wii U. i am in the Chicago area . Dump your Wii U game discs to a format that can be installed on your internal or external Wii U storage drive. They look so crisp and colorful! I'll probably replay both HD remakes of Zelda at some point. Wii U was my very first console. It still works otherwise, so I modded the bugger. Page 1 of 2. It's not the first year this saga has an entry for Wii and not Wii U. The chipset is vastly different in the Switch so a direct parallel can’t be made. all seriousness, though, it's nice that we at least get this last update to bring the system up to speed. lol. 4.6 out of 5 stars 80. Only Microsoft is adding new features in firmwares nowadays every month. I imported the second one from Europe. Just Dance 2017 (Nintendo Wii U) Ubisoft. Delete the Miiverse channel for example. @Ventilator This new firmware doesn't block any exploits, it's just a GDPR compliance update. 185. I am glad that I sold Wii.. Horrible system and weak 3rd party. It appears Nintendo hasn't completely forgotten the Wii U, as a new firmware update has just been rolled out for the system. Yep, the Wii is getting this game but the Wii U isn’t. Just Dance 2019 is a dance rhythm game developed by Ubisoft.It was unveiled on June 11, 2018, during its E3 press conference as the tenth main installment of the series, and was released on October 23, 2018 on Nintendo Switch, Wii, Wii U, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Xbox 360 in North America. Of. Props to Ubisoft for keeping this up. It appears Nintendo hasn't completely forgotten the Wii U, as a new firmware update has just been rolled out for the system. @beazlen1 But what were the other three people still playing? Before Starting. As a kind of upright standing corpse. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Blocking exploits. In 2019 The "U" is for "Undead." Such a great console, the good old Wii. @bluezbroI don't, but I will have soon, so I must try that! Long live the Wii. I figured it was sitting on Iwata's laptop or something. Close. I know that for the Wii it's also simple to fix the region incompatibility from the system menu, but a lot of games depend on system settings that are not available if the Wii is running a certain region, this would make a large amount of titles crash, are behave incorrectly. My Wii U is hooked up next to the Nintendo Switch. I were joking yesterday about that Nintendo probably still were blocking exploits on Wii U, and firmware to block more exploits. Also it was great that I could play triforce games on it via the SD card something about them using the same hardware as the gamecube so my favourite game on my wii is "Mario Kart Arcade GP2"Don't really fancy picking up the latest Just Dance but it's nice to see that it must still be doing well enough. That system had an enormous install base, and a lot of it was non-gamers, so, they're not as inclined to upgrade. You should definately try it, if you have a TV that still supports 240p. When you stop to think about it, who is still playing on a Nintendo Wii in 2019? And community is really active, it's great! Otherwise it would be just dumb. I play the Wii U more than the Switch, and I'm sure I'll continue to play it for many years. Darren is Nintendo Life’s Batman: fearless in the face of danger, he loves gadgets and talking in a really, really deep voice. Nice to have the map on the gamepad! Well. A good YouTube guide and some patience & cautiousness and nothing can go wrong. @Timsworld2 Well, maybe you could enjoy you're games even more if you share your enthusiasm for something you like with other people from time to time (this is a website for Nintendo fans after all) instead of hoping people who make mistakes lose their job, but let's end this conversation. The last few weeks, I’ve played alot of Super Mario Maker. Plus there were a lot of problems with the Wii U like bad marketing campaign. @Pod Oh, but you underestimate the Wii's abilities. Back. I still love and play my Wii U from time to time, recently it's been StarFox Zero and the Resident Evil Chronicles games. I still play my wiiU far more than than the Switch. All exclusive Nintendo WiiWare games will disappear. Transferred everything I ever got on the Wii shop channel to my Wii U, and that system plays all the disc games through HDMI aswell. Furthermore, right now is the best time to increase your Wii/Wii U collection of games because these system are considered to be outdated, but they are not "retro" yet, so the prices for games are really cheap! Now my Wii U can survive getting hit by a freight train. Also I have nice collection memorable and lovely Wii games I could replay whenever I feel like it. Basically the machine lives on, please don’t knock the much maligned yet awesome WiiU. The weird-yet-nostalgic remote controller. @iAven9er You did ask whether Wii U could run the games ”just like” Switch. Booted it up last night for a few rounds on original Splatoon. @PBandSmelly You are not alone, friend. @NEStalgia We don't need to know the details of how a patch works, just what it does. Still going through BotW for the first time. @Timsworld2 If you enjoy games it sure isn't obvious from reading your comments. It got me back into gaming with their virtual console. A Wii U running Firmware 5.5.0 and above (If your Wii U’s firmware is lower please update before proceeding.) Instead we had long stretches of months where nothing was released and then they'd release Virtual Console games at the same time as a major release. Wii U is still one of my favorite consoles to this day. At first I played VC games on the Wii in 480i and everything was blurry. Just in time, my Wii U was starting to wobble. It seems you can't keep an old dog down; may the humble Nintendo Wii live forever! @DenDen last attempt to stop homebrew no doubt I don't have Internet on my wii u anyway so I don't have to worry much about the update. Anyhow, Wii U has a triple-core processor with a bit faster clock per core, but the chipset having a harder to utilize Power PC architecture compared to ARM in Switch. And I recently bought ZombiU and Fatal Frame, and seeing how well they integrated the gamepad into game play, it makes me wonder what developers would have created if the system had been a success. @PBandSmelly Seriously, Its still central in my entertainment center. Platform : Nintendo Wii U | Rated: Everyone 4.5 out of 5 stars 629 ratings. That's not the surprise at all. For a stunning, open-world adventure that will keep you … At an independent living home for older people that i visit regularly, the wii is used almost daily for Wii bowling. His favourite Nintendo character used to be a guitar-playing dog, but nowadays he prefers to hang out with Judd the cat. I just completed Galaxy 2 on disc via my Wii U. The lovely people at Ubisoft however, do seem to struggle to let go of the humble Wii and in their E3 broadcast yesterday, revealed that Just Dance 2020 would be headed to the Switch and the original Wii in November. The last 3DS Update practically bricked my 3DS. @Timsworld2 Region lock has been a thing for, like... ever.It wasn't new with 3DS or Wii U at all. The original Bayonetta was first released back in 2010 on the Xbox 360 … The menu tunes. Just started playing DKC: Tropical freeze for the first time. Is this not the case? To do that, you’ll … I still play my Wii to this day. @Timsworld2 You seriously take every opportunity to complain about this, do you? Switch has 4 GB with at least 3 GB available for games. Available from these sellers. Sheesh. @nintendoknife Okay. I still use the wii just not as often as l use2. No Operating System $15.99 $ 15. Poll: DOOM Eternal Is Out Today On Switch, Are You Gettin... Join 1,070,457 people following Nintendo Life: © 2020 Nlife Media, partner of Gamer Network. Shout out to all true believers out there. @Fandabidozi I am taking mine with me, if it ever happens. It's still hooked up and I still have lots of stuff to play on it. 4.2 out of 5 stars 180. However, they always complain about how bad 8-bit (and some 16-bit) games look. @Starkiller987 I also got both my Wii U and Nintendo Switch hooked up to the TV! Other than that, there are no new games for the system and the online store was deactivated earlier this year. Sony have same boring updates for PS4 and VITA. @RogerFedererOh wow I did not expect that at all. But there are clear differences in specs, like processor speed and the amount of RAM which are improved on Switch. Is there gonna be an article like this every time a Just Dance game is announced for the Wii? Ugly design ever~! It make sense, they do it every year and it sells couple of hundred thousand each time! When modded, it's the perfect retro Nintendo machine! Star Fox Zero (Nintendo Wii U) PEGI Rating: Ages 7 and Over | 2016. They even proudly display the Wii logo alongside the current consoles, which is more than what a lot of third parties do with multiplatform games on Switch. Ubisoft seem to think that there is still an audience for Just Dance 2020 on the original Wii, so maybe it still does have an active underground fanbase in nursing homes across the world which demand the latest songs, such as Bangarang by Skrillex, on their dusty home console? @The-Chosen-one Sure is. Are you still playing your Wii U in 2019? It is so weird to talk to teenagers about video games from when I was a teenager... for them those are games that came out the same time they did. It may be through a rightful idea of not giving anyone ideas on why not to patch, or give hackers a leg up on where to start. Theres nothing wrong with port begging, infact the wii u had poor sales compared to the switch so all those players who didn't buy a wii u have to miss out on some great games or Nintendo port them so they don't have to miss out. Dreamcast hel yeah, shenmue is still one of the best games ever. I grew up on VHS, GBC, and RF connected SNES sooo "SD visuals in 2019" still look amazing to me. Thinking that even in 2019 it can get gamed, he Wii is filled with determination. Joined: Jul 17, 2019 Messages: 31 Country: Hey. Appreciate the stability! An SD card , ideally 16gb or 32gb (Micro SD to full SD adapters work fine!) Clearly there's still some profit for Ubisoft on the Wii (and by extension, the Wii U) if they're bothering at all. It destroyed it's competition in sales, it destroyed the modern Gen consoles in sales, and it will continue to destroy the next gen consoles in sales. I will eventually go back to it to play some of the titles I loved on it (and even some of the Wii stuff I picked up late in it's life). You don't like the drip feed of NES games? The Wii will forever live on as an immortal console. Random: The Nintendo Wii Simply Refuses To Die, Just Dance 2020 would be headed to the Switch and the original Wii in November. By Steve Watts on June 26, 2019 at 9:36PM PDT. Though the dev kit at Ubisoft must be held together with tape by now. It has the awesome VC and some real Wiiware gems. But that’s such a complicated issue that I can’t say further. Gone, Wii, please be gone! Nintendo Wii U. @Moshugan yes I know there are differences between the switch and Wii u. I also didnt say it would run games as good as switch but I'm stating with the efforts put in to get games running o switch I believe Wii u could have also done it. Seems like a very tiny base will be dedicated as hell for a long time, as was the case with the CoDs on the Wii... xP. And once that ended, it's practically dead. save hide report. @Anti-MatterHahah I did the same yesterday and I have to say its still an awesome console. Wish GoldenEye had bots though. Wii U still works. u/Mldubb. The WIIU is and always will be a fantastic system with a library of fantastic games. @ConanLives Agreed, RE4 is the Wiifinitive Edition XD. It is not for old people. Since the recent announcement of the witcher 3 on switch. Last official PS1 game came out in 2004 (10 years) and PS2 in 2014 (14 years). This is the first one for 2019 and quite possibly the last, based on its recent history. I have my Wii hooked up to the TV with a component cable and it sits proudly alongside my Switch and PS3. @Crono1973 Ordinarily I'd agree, but what's in a patch is proprietary information if they choose not to divulge, and given Nintendo is Nintendo, they won't budge and identify information to vested shareholders let alone media. she's better than her wii U younger sister ! Mine is still next to my Switch and Xbone, and will remain there at the very least until I finish the huge backlog I have for it. @PBandSmelly Yeah, it makes me sad thinking of how the Wii U crashed and burned, and is often just seen as a joke. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Wii U) Wii U £59.99. that reminds me I need to buy a third one. Is it broken? So the answer would be no. The only wii games I still play are RE4, Mario Kart, and Super Mario Galaxy 2.