Leaderboard. Share Share by Teachersaratop. Another grammar worksheet aimed at beginners or weak learners. English Alive! 10. Saved by doris. Non eravamo perfetti, ma eravamo perfetti assieme. This is devoted to a very common grammar point: the Past Simple of the verb To Be. Tom wasn’t /weren’t at school last week. Like. Wasn’t/ Weren’t it too late? Oggi non era semplicemente il mio giorno fortunato. She tired even after a long day at work. The exercises weren´t easy, they _____ difficult. Start studying was / were / wasn't / weren't. Students complete the exercises with the Past simple of the verb to be.Hope it`s useful. wasn't Rome built in a day. to be exercise. 1777. 2. they happy at the party? Student’s Book 1 wasn’t weren’t wasn’t weren’t Negative I in Spain. 14. Roma non è stata costruita in un giorno. If it is not true i.e. Good morning, The difference is in “number.” “weren’t” is past tense plural, and “wasn’t” is past tense singular. You He / She / It We / You / They Complete the table with wasn’t or weren’t . 3. “He wasn’t so helpful.” would be correct. No, I wasn’t. he it there they was wasn't we were weren't. Usually you would say 'weren't there' WAS - WERE- WASN'T- WEREN'T. Daily Routine Worksheet Daily Routine Activities Daily Routines Grammar Lessons Grammar Worksheets English Lessons Learn … Objective: Describing how I was feeling in the past. weren't; wasn't; were; About the author. Was/were/wasn't / weren't. They were not at the station. to be Geçmiş ZAMAN - WAS-WERE- WASN'T-WEREN'T nedir? 8. She was not in Los Angeles. • Susanne WAS happy yesterday because it WAS her birthday. No positive short forms The negative short forms of was not and were not are wasn’t and weren’t, but there are no short forms of was and were in affirmative sentences. 7. 9. There was/ were … George and Cheryl at the supermarket. 1. Students must fill in the gaps according to the image. We very happy with their work. Was / Were Sammy sad? My friends WAS at home when i visited them yesterday. (X) a) was b) were c) wasn't d) weren't … Simple Past Verneinung: wasn't und weren't . Anna in the classroom. 5. 3. 7. Grammar was / were : negative 5. Task No. I wasn't (not) very tired so we went to see the biggest fountain in New York. happy. Feb 27 2010 15:21:38. ( ) a) was b) were c) wasn't d) weren't 7) I _____ at the park yesterday. Yes, they were. Malenaem email. A. My cousins weren´t at the park, they _____ at the cinema. 4. My grandfather wasn´t a writer, he _____ a composer. WAS english your favourite subject when you WEREN´T at schol? (X) a) was b) wasn't c) were d) weren't 8) There _____ vacuum cleaners in the past. Paula wasn’t/ weren’t ready for the test. I wasn't you weren't past of to be / www.aktifogren.com sitemizin adıdır. Complete the sentences with was / were. But if you are speaking directly to someone the phrase “You weren’t so helpful.” would be the correct use of weren’t. Embed. Grammar Presentation The clear, accessible grammar charts present the grammar forms in a simple format. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. wasn't We perfect, but we were perfect together. 8. 6. It wasn´t my dad´s birthday on Sunday, it _____ on Saturday. Options. Dave wasn’t/ weren’t tired yesterday. Paul and Tom were happy, but we weren’t happy. They hot yesterday. Student’s Book 1 wasn’t weren’t wasn’t weren’t Negative I in Spain. Examples short answers Die Verneinung von to be in Simple Past ist was not bzw.were not.Im Kurzform wasn't bzw.weren't. There is no difference between the two.You wasn't there would mean 'You was not there'. estuve en la escuela ayer. AnonymousThere weren't an children in Thé Park. Log in required. Die Verneinung mit to be in der Kurzform und der Langform. I called you but you at home. Was/ Were they at home? 5. Negative sentences with wasn't/weren't.Long form, short form. counterfactual, then the past subjunctive forms were and weren't are used. 7. If it is not true, i.e. 1. Later we had lunch and were at some nice museums. no era domingo. e.g. 9. • I WAS tired yesterday because I worked too much. My father wasn't at work yesterday because he was on vacation. In the evening we were at … 2. Our room was very small and it wasn't very clean.. b) George was at work last week because he was ill. I ... a student of class 4 last year. ID: 94144 Language: English School subject: English as a Second Language (ESL) Grade/level: GRADE 5 Age: 10-12 Main content: Was or were Other contents: LAST SUMMER Add to my workbooks (46) … weren't There was a time in my life when I needed you, but you there. 6. 4. Sarah wasn’t / weren’t happy yesterday. No, we weren’t. YUCK! My parents was/ were on holiday. if it weren't for (someone or something) If someone or something hadn't helped, intervened, or affected the situation in some way. Trixi and Felix were my cats, they died 5 years ago. Play this game to review Grammar. It WASN´T sunday. Tired. 1. Let's look at some examples. If it is true, then the indicative forms was and wasn't are in order. Sally was / were in the country at the weekend. It was / were cold yesterday. The room very big. There Did Was didn't was wasn't were weren't I don't know enough people that's why they cancelled the concert. Yankee + 0. 5. Give each group of three or four a copy of the game board, a set of was/wasn't and were/weren't subject cards, a dice and counters. 1. Notes and examples increase student comprehension. I WERE at school yesterday. (X) a) was b) were c) wasn't d) weren't 6) There _____ candles in the past . They weren't at … Tom was tired, but Susan wasn’t very tired. The use of were and weren't in the subordinate clauses depends on the reality or truthfulness of the subordinate clause. 2. For example, He wasn’t there for the test. • My friends WERE tired yesterday because they worked too much. In this challenging was/were game, students review was, wasn't, were and weren't by playing a board game where they try to make believable past simple affirmative or negative sentences about different subjects. Wasn't/Weren't Type wasn't or weren't in the boxes below. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Last night you were angry because your girlfriend weren't at home. If it weren't for those quick-thinking bystanders, I wouldn't be alive today. 1. 2. Englisch Arbeitsblätter für das Simple Past. c) Yesterday was a public holiday so the shops were closed.. d) Were Sue and Bill at the party? Last night I wasn´t at home, I _____ at a party. 8. Today just my lucky day. The Past of Be: Statements, Yes/No Questions 47 Focused Practice Era el ingles tu materia favorita cuando no estabas en la escuela proud of him.They were so happy! PDF Printables. Sue was there but Bill wasn't.. e) My keys were on the table but they're not there now.. You were at home last night. I were sleepy yesterday morning.John was hungry yesterday morning.John and Mary was sleepy yesterday morning., Jane was very sick yesterday.The kids was at a party yesterday.Chris weren't very hungry yesterday., John and Mary were absent last Monday.John and Bob was good last week.Martha were in town last weekend., My father weren't at his work last month.My Mother and Jerry wasn't upset … 8. I went to Dean's party but you there. was, were Negation - Grammar Exercises - Learning English. We were students in 1990, now we were (eu acho que aqui é "are" porém disse apenas was/wasn't/were/weren't) teachers. They was / were late for school last Tuesday. He at his granparents house. Edit Content. Resposta: a) We weren't happy with the hotel. More. There weren't (not) many people in the park, because it was still early in the morning. Answers. She wasn't in Los Angeles.Long form, short form. Show more Show less . The word 'clothes' is plural, so you need to use the plural verb: weren't Note that it is also incorrect if you don't capitalize the first word in a sentence. KIERAN DONAGHY ABOUT ISLCOLLECTIVE VIDEO QUIZZES: "iSLCollective Interactive Video Quizzes are highly engaging and motivating multimodal texts for English language students to learn vocabulary and improve their listening skills. Theme. If it is true, then the indicative forms was and wasn't are in order. Complete using was were wasn't weren't COMPLETE THE TEXT. Verneinung von 'to be' im Simple Past durch was not/wasn't oder were not/weren't. Hier geht es um die Verneinung von "to be" im Simple Past. No, they weren’t. Was/ Were Karina sleepy? 3. Paul in the cinema yesterday. mis amigos estaban en casa cuando los visite ayer. Example: Yes, they 3. happy. Show all. It would make more sense if you said 'You weren't there' as it means we're not. Start studying WAS, WASN'T, WERE or WEREN'T. Were they at the conference? The phrase is always followed by an explanation of how things would have turned out different without someone or something. English Alive! This leaderboard is currently private. My parents wasn’t / weren’t in Italy last year. Das Simple Past vergleichen für Klasse 5, … His parents . It was the Bethesda Fountain in Central Park. Complete the sentences with WAS-WASN`T-WERE-WEREN`T. Yes, we were. Use was not or were not.Choose from the drop down menu. WAS-WASN`t-WERE-WEREN`T. The person saying it should be wasn't cited this for support: "The use of were and weren't in the subordinate clauses depends on the reality or truthfulness of the subordinate clause. 2. 4. Simple Past Verneinung in englischen - wasn't und weren't - das Verb to be - wasn't und weren't (2). Switch template Interactives Show all. He's better now. There wasn´t or there weren´t any clothes in it? Happy. Topic: Adjectives & was – were –wasn’t – weren’t. Because of his cold, George wasn’t able to compete in the race.

was were wasn't weren't arbeitsblätter

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