Free Test 1 Solutions Booklet AssessmentDay Practice Aptitude Tests Instructions This numerical reasoning test comprises 21 questions, and you will have 21 minutes in which to correctly answer as many as you can. English test titled Past Simple tense - Was or were?, for online english learners at the Beginner level. 6 There was a hobbit sitting on a bench in the garden. Read any parts of the test to students except where indicated in the directions. 3. was/were – form . 6. Why was he late last class? Calculators are permitted for this test, and it is recommended you have some rough paper to work on. John was at home last week. 5. WERE NOT WEREN’T Tall Bored short Free sstress Affirmative statementsAffirmative statements Subject Be form Complem I Late HE SHE IT WE THEY WAS WERE Happy At school A student Early In here QuestionsQuestions Wh word BeBBeeBe Sub Comp Where were you yesterday? GRAMMAR WORKSHEET ALL Things Grammar Grammar Focus Be Verb: Past Simple Level Intermediate ANSWER KEY My Notes 1. ; You were late at the meeting. Now the test will begin. They were at the cinema yesterday. 3. 4. Fill in the blanks with “am, is, are, was, were”. a) In warm climates people like / likes / are liking sitting outside in the sun. Mary was in the street this morning. Was / wasn’t 2 The big monkey was wild. Rock paintings in the Sahara indicate that horses and chariots were used to traverse the desert and that by 300– 200 B.C., there were trade routes across the Sahara. 1 There were a lot of people in the supermarket. Check your results by clicking on "Submit Worksheet" Verb To Be Drag and Drop Exercises: Am-Is-Are Exercises 1 Am-Is-Are Exercises 2 Also See: Am Is Are Was or Were Exercises 1 Verb "To Be" Present Tense Was or Were Exercises 1 Was or Were Exercises 2 Verb "To Be" Past Tense Simple Past Tense 3 There was a lion in our wardrobe. In Tallinn the massive modern song stage held some 30,000 singers and the outdoor amphitheater could accommodate as many as 300,000. Download full-size image from Pinterest . Were / was 2. were 3. was 4. was 5. Define or pronounce words used in the test. 4 There was some rice in a jar. 2. 2. was/were We use was/were as the past simple forms of be.We use was for I/he/she/it and were for you/we/they.. 8 Was Suzanne angry about it? 9 Were there any problems? 8. DURING THE TEST - IT IS INAPPROPRIATE AND UNETHICAL TO: 1. 5 My sister was excited about seeing Narnia. B.BB..B. I was at home yesterday. Jill and Kevin were at the zoo last Sunday. 7 Were the bears big? Horses were apparently introduced by the Hyksos invaders of Egypt (1780–1560 B.C.) ; She was excited at the party. The festivals were a nationwide phenomenon, as were similar festivals held in Latvia and Lithuania. ; Were they at the conference? The correct answers are underlined. 1111. During the Soviet years the festivals were Often, 30 percent of all Estonians would be there—at a single concert. Horses were adopted by peoples of the Complete with was or were. ; We were tired after the excursion. 7. b) If it is very hot, they sit at / in / under the shade. My aunt was in hospital yesterday morning. We were You were They were Exercise 2: 1. I was at school this morning. page 1/5 ENGLISH PLACEMENT TEST NAME: Look at these examples. and then spread across the Sudan to West Africa. Your parents were at the station at nine o´clock.