I agree with your logic excellent work however I... Hey just as something extra as a small fix.... Dunno why my comment got deleted. Using Blood Rush and Weeping wounds is recommended while sustaining combo duration unless you are going for a short mission where you can't stack combo. Stats priority in this guide applies to riven stats as well. Their stats don’t matter, only the mods you put on them, their riven disposition and in some niche cases their passive. Blood Rush, Weeping Wounds etc don't affect them and neither do other melee mods. But if you do prefer the whip build, going for Steel Charge is also a good idea and … If you are using a stat stick you should not be using it to hit enemies but only to enhance the respective melee ability you are equipping it for. if you dont want ot bother with that and prefer the riven route all you really want is a weapon with high disposition, which makes the guandao a questionable choice anyway. Technically these abilities are not affected directly by stat sticks. No lengthy write ups inbound: just relevant info to make building your one punch frame easier. PS: Please correct me if I missed any major point about stat sticks. Expected refers to total number of runs a player can expectto receive at least one of each drop associated with the respective values. Stats priority: Damage > Elemental Damage > Impact Damage > Combo Duration. I keep seeing the same questions on reddit so I decided to make a short guide on stat sticks for warframes that make use of them. The weapon is obvious choice, it's not about weapon itself, it's about mods on it including riven. Explanation: Your aim is to increase critical damage as much as possible due to the super high base critical multiplier. For all builds there are two possible approaches to keep combo up, either use Drifting Contact or Naramon Power Spike passive. Nearly Guaranteed refers to the totalnumber of runs a player needs to obtain a 99%, 99.9%, and 99.99% probability to receive at least one of each drop associated with the respective values. Let us start with what stat sticks are and how they work. Chassis Blueprint:Rotation A 4. Khora - Stat Stick by THeMooN85, last updated on Jul 9, 2019. Reddit community and fansite for the free-to-play third-person co-op action shooter, Warframe. They are melee weapons that enhance your abilities directly or indirectly. Venka - Khora Statstick by OathOfBlood, last updated on Jun 7, 2020. 1. But these days, Khora is a very rounded, generalist Warframe who can do a bit of everything. X is not affected by the equipped melee weapon's stats and innate effects, class-specific mods (e.g., Covert Lethality), Condition Overload, or Acolyte Mods. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. It’s very easy to see why, because, like Revenant, Khora on release was a very mediocre frame with middling stats. Khora possesses one of the most versatile crowd-control kits in the game. warframe khora fr. Required fields are marked *. For the Saryn role, I'd rec Equinox or Khora (with a melee stat-stick with pure toxin.) I always built Khora as a maximum crowd control beast. 1. Would a guandao built for crit damage/ crit chance be a good stat stick? Stat stick choice is almost only based on riven disposition so guandao would be a bad choice. 2020 has a ton to look forward to...in the video gaming world. 3 Forma | 464 Platinum | 145290 Endo - So why do we use the Venka Prime for Khoras Whipclaw Ability? Here's an excerpt from Khora's last major ability update in U22.20: Removed the Line of Sight check from Ensnare to make it more…. General information. Note that while the gladiator set from Deconstructor does not stack with the one equipped on your melee stat stick you can use it in the case of Khora's Whipclaw to gain even more critical chance. As of Update 28.1 Xoris currently resets its combo whenever you use any of the abilities affected by stat sticks so it is highly recommended to use any other melee. High disposition guaranties us high riven statistics. While trapped, the target is completely disabled, and the metal can pull in nearby enemies. Her damage is affected by combo counter as of Update 28.1. | Privacy Policy | Contact Us | About Us |. These are my current stat sticks for Khora/Gara/Atlas, Stats priority: Critical Damage > Damage > Elemental Damage > Impact/Puncture/Slash Damage > Critical Chance > Combo Duration > Status Chance. The Wonder Cat-Woman Discord My Discord server were we talk about anything and everything. you could , you dont need a riven to make a good stat stick, what you would want is a weapon that can scale well of the combo mods(high innate Crit/status) and that can build good base values(thru minimal mod slots or augments). Pick a really niche weapon with good riven dispo and maybe syndicate mods. About The Author. *Anyone know WTF happened to this Earth tile? Prev Article. (an old defense/interception one), it … If you are using a stat stick you should not be using it to hit enemies but only to enhance the respective melee ability you are equipping it for. There were a multitude of problems mostly focused on Venari, who was a timed ability rather than a passive. Posted on November 3, 2020 by. So do you swap Buzzkill for Collision Force and Primed Heavy Impact for an Elemental between the 2 frames? Do NOT use Impact mods on her stat stick since Shattered Lash does no impact damage. If not, what other options are there? Explanation: Since Shattered Lash has no critical chance or status chance you should aim for flat damage. Email. The ‘Grove Guardian’ Act has changed from killing 3 Silver Grove Specters to 1. Non riven build: replace the riven in my builds with a +100% damage augment for the weapon you are using (Jaw Sword, Mire, Dual Cleavers, etc). most of the melee weapons that have syndicate augments make for decent stat sticks, like the dual cleavers(+100% damage), Dark dagger(+100% status), Jaw Sword...this is also beacuase they'll take their syndicate procs with them. Just curious what is the point of high innate stats, if they dont contribute to khora whip damage? It turns out, I’ve kinda been playing Khora wrong for, well, ages. I’m also gonna talk a little bit about some of the changes and tweaks that Khora has received and that have at least in my humble opinion made her better. Use https://rwarframe.github.io/#flair to set user flair and text. didn't know i could use blood rush with khora's 1, shame whipclaw gets a fourth of the combo counter. We Strife away from Berserker & CO cause Whipclaw gets no benefits from those. 1: KHORA CHASSIS. warframe khora fr Technically these abilities are not affected directly by stat sticks. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute("id","a0a39912670201098152b342b1f280a8");document.getElementById("d7a87e267f").setAttribute("id","comment"); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. My build has always been that enemies can’t kill me if they’re trapped inside a cage of death and their allies are shooting at them.
Their stats don’t matter, only the mods you put on them, their riven disposition and in some niche cases their passive. Hey guys and welcome to another warframe build article. Khora Blueprint:Rotation C 2. The release date of the frame is somewhere around 3rd week of April, 2018. Press J to jump to the feed. Guandao has pretty low disposition so NO. Let's get started. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Well, it’s actually gonna be several builds for Khora, Venari, and melee weapon. These abilities are only affected by the Gladiator Set mods. 5 Forma | 644 Platinum | 124730 Endo - Hello there, This configuration is made for Khora. I would probably get a riven for crit damage/chance too. Note on Ash Bladestorm which is also affected by attack speed unlike the others in this group: You can use Gladiator Might, Gladiator Rush and Gladiator Vice on deconstructor to gain the 1x combo bonus (Deconstructor can't gain combo) of the set (+30% critical chance) but it's nowhere nearly as effective as a seperate stat stick.
We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. I've seen people use jaw sword and mire, I personally plan on using dual cleavers once I finally get my Khora. The best weapon for a stat stick in this case is Venka Prime so at 13x combo you will have 13x60%=+780% critical chance. Share. All enemies within line of sight of the explosion receive 200 / 225 / 250 / 300 base damage, while enemies at the center are also disoriented briefly, causing them to be knocked back and ragdolled. khora xoris build, 13.07.2020 - Просмотрите доску «Onlin-Академия» в Pinterest пользователя elfimof, на которую подписаны 2470 человек. With the introduction of Pilfering Strangledome, Khora did get a big boost in terms of meta relevance and usability. Hello again my fellow Atlas Mains. As of Update 28.1 Xoris currently resets its combo whenever you use any of the abilities affected by stat sticks so it is highly recommended to use any other melee. If you have a good riven for it and you are satisfied with only doing a million damage in overkill go for it. More critical chance on riven has diminishing returns with Blood Rush. Last Updated: July 5, 2020 Frames. Your email address will not be published. Lotus, forgive me: Inaros Elemental Sandstorm Build Deep Dive, Next Gen, Companion App, Hawkmoon, and Prophecy, I backtracked my most played classes and it’s related to my real life, No Grumbles Here – Long Time Player and Still Loving the Game. Your email address will not be published. Landslide gains 25% additional damage for each combo multiplier, up to a 3.75x damage multiplier at 12x combo, or 4.0x with , Animation speed is affected by mods that influence attack speed (e.g. The game is currently in open beta on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Raw DMG, Corrosive for the beefy targets. . Stats priority: Damage > Elemental Damage > Puncture/Slash Damage > Combo Duration. Non riven builds are more than viable so don't worry about getting a riven. Guandao's riven disposition is not the best. https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/izf9t8/warframe_2020_stat_stick_guide_for_khoragaraatlas/. Therefore, upcoming games with a mere announcement and no discernible release date will not be included. So why are they listed here?
I am pretty sure this will be grind fest similar to what we had seen when Nidus was announced. Disruption Relic Reward Changes: Based on some great player…, I know the title sounds a bit odd, but hear me out: Protea and Khora released with some very similar ability problems, and Protea could be improved the same way Khora was. Neuroptics Blueprint:Rotation B 3. The best weapon for a stat stick in this case is Venka Prime so at 13x combo you will have 13×60%=+780% critical chance. Note: Accumulating Whipclaw provides an additive +350% ability strength so when modding Khora strength is not that important. Atlas Main Info Update: Warframe Revised. Warframe: Gara, Khora and Atlas have abilities whose power is affected by their melee weapon's equipped mods, but not its base stats. Cookies help us deliver our Services. 2020 GamesToday - Your place for discussion, help, guides, reviews, videos, questions, news, and anything else games related. Here are fifteen games we're looking forward to in the first half of 2020. Price: 20 platinum | Trading Volume: 48 | Get the best trading offers and prices for Magus Melt Next Article . khora is so dumb you dont need to min max everything to make her work. viewframes.