That simple, I’m not pissed, but apparently you are. During Season 8, Episode 11, "You Made a Choice to Be Good," Stefan arrives at Bonnie's safe house, tasked with killing Elena. Everything bad happened to Bonnie was because of Elena or for Elena. BGN works to feature strong, unique content from writers who…. It could have been so much more. That’s a huge lie. Bonnie Mae McCullough is a psychic who later becomes a witch. That isn’t the case for this writer. Bonnie's name has also been invoked several times on Legacies. Learn how your comment data is processed. She briefly became a huntress and then a magicless human. I don’t have to watch it again and I don’t even want to anymore And it is not lie, you know that . 9 Shares Well, it's that time, folks. Before, they often portrayed Bonnie as a desexualized young woman while Elena and Caroline got to be in control of their sexuality. These constant sacrifices are what makes her decision in Season 8 so unbelievable. This seems to ignore the fact that the show fully addresses that Bonnie is the biggest hero amongst them. In her childhood, Bonnie's mother, Abbey Bennett left her and their family to seal Mikael, father to the Original Vampires, but lost most of her powers while doing so and ultimately decided to never return. I believe The Vampire Diaries could have fixed their problem with Bonnie Bennett during the fourth season. Matt got a damn bench named after him….. a bench …. Looking back, I can see why it was so important to me. However, it left a lot to be desired. Before we could see that happen, Bonnie admitted to Jeremy that she was willing to die if it meant she could save Elena and Mystic Falls. Elena fucking Gilbert. Overall I loved Bonnie’s character because she was someone I could relate to, but I just wish she was represented a lot better. The main cast were Ian, Nina, Paul, Kat, Steven, Candice, Trevino, Zach, Matt Davis and much later MM. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Honestly, you are getting redundant and tiresome…You can’t change the past, try to change the future. I also felt that Bonnie was constantly making bad choices and this was a character trait. I would have loved to have seen her character developed further and given a more central role. You seriously need to watch again but since you don’t want to stfu.Only in your racist delusional mind .You’re just pissed off because Bonnie wasn’t the heroine or the lead.Get over it, Yes a hater, making up lies to trash her and prop Bonnie. “The Vampire Diaries” Season 6 airs Thursdays at 8 p.m. EST on the CW. Still (clearly) bitter about this and how her character was treated. As the anchor to the Other Side, when supernatural creatures die, they have to go through Bonnie. This pretty much explains it way better than I ever could and even though it’s old not a single thing has changed since it was written. You don’t have to be black to work out the differences between Caroline, Bonnie and Elena. And two, she was still the second choice — he spent half the season pursuing another woman who dies and then his default is Bonnie. We finally met Bonnie’s absentee mother who left when she was five years old. However, when your need to prove her wrong trumps your interest in listening and learning, you out yourself as a cold and selfish brat. Yes, Bonnie’s familial relationships were very poorly explored & developed. To see someone as powerful as Bonnie Bennett, a witch who could fight Klaus Mikaelson, reduced to being her best friend’s servant hurt immensely and I wondered if they were ever going to show someone doing the same for her. The years that Enzo and Bonnie spent together completely transformed Bonnie as a character. It leaves an impression that slavery has been the most prominent period of your past. The Vampire Diaries Round Table: Will Bonnie Be Back? The Vampire Diaries had many flaws, but its biggest flaw was that Bonnie Bennett never got her due. Agree with most of this. Bonnie's green gown on The Vampire Diaries. They chose to make her a young black woman for the tv show, and then did all this to her :-/. She got a taste of true, unwavering and undivided love. The Mystic Falls gang found a way to bring Bonnie back from the dead but not without a price. In the earlier seasons of The Vampire Diaries, we never got to see Bonnie’s home life, her interactions with her parents, or … Kai and Bonnie were suppose to be a thing, but Julie Plec doesn’t like Bonnie and doesn’t want Bonnie in good beneficial relationships, so she made sure she signed Chris Wood up as lead for her already canceled new show. The Vampire Diaries had many flaws, but its biggest flaw was that Bonnie Bennett never got her due. I mean he kidnapped her and kept her in a cabin alone for years with him as her only company, she maybe strong willed but that’s a very familiar situation for her of her being trapped with no contact with any civilization. Bonnie was referenced in The Originals season 1 episode "A Closer Walk with Thee," in which Klaus and Elijah were haunted by their dead father due to the impending collapse of the Other Side. And by the way, do you know with 100% certainty just how many black doctors and nurses are on the front line in Africa along with the white doctors that the media show? The sixth season quickly picked off where the last season left, and we learned that Bonnie and Damon were alive but located in a mysterious dimension. I saw the trailer and was immediately captivated. Yes, i do wish that they would have done right by Bonnie. Damon: My life is over, Stefan.My life has been over for a century and a half. Her story arc in the fourth season gave us some insight into the mind of Bonnie Bennett. Elena along with Damon sacrifice themselves to bring back their loved ones, Elena wants to trade herself in exchange for the hostages, Elena chooses Matt’s life over her own and dies, Goes into a house full of vengeful vampires to save stefan. All the yes! The writers don’t know how to develop the people of color in their shows. She cared for everyone else but herself and didn’t have an ounce of self-preservation. S1, Ep4. Look it up. This could be done by accident or intent the result is the same, a misused character who could have made better impact. In the first season, Bonnie discovered her magic and tried to figure out where she belonged in the supernatural world. Learn more about our use of cookies: cookie policy. Nations are annihilated for oil, for money, for power… There has been the Armenian genicide by the Turks, the Holocost by the Germans, hundreds of thousands of Natives were terrorized by Europeans on every vergin land, Americans killed each other profusely during the Civil war, millions of Russians were killed by Stalin, Indians by the English, tens of millions Chinese by Mao Dzedun, Syria is bombed to the ground and you still rant against “white” power. I found Bonnie to be the most likeable and complex female on the show. I have read L.J.Smiths books (ghost writers excluded) and Bonnie is not treated like crap. It would have helped to balance out Elena’s sweetness and Caroline’s neurosis. Do you know how many black volunteers there are that don’t get mentioned by the news media? Jennifer has been working as a freelance writer for eight years, contributing to BuddyTV, TVRage, Hidden Remote, Gossip On This, and PopMatters. Throughout the season, we saw Bonnie preparing to fight an Original, Klaus Mikaelson. ???? And when she “dies” again and is stuck in that prison world due to the otherside collapsing, who is that because of again? The show was made up of main characters and main regulars. Next she loses her mother except that started before the series started making a storyline that should have to do with Bonnie and Bonnie only about the center of the universe, Elena and then her reward for finding her mom after years of abandonment: she get killed and turned for guess who again? That’s what heroes do. She seemed slighted when her father wanted to implement more rules so that he could better protect Mystic Falls. Yes, race is absolutely a factor in how this character was treated. Kai was all about Bonnie, there was a long buildup, tension, attraction, pull/push… Their contrasting characteristics played wonderfully off each other and we just saw a taste with no pay up which was *bogus*. The show reinforced a dangerous narrative, one in which Bonnie existed to help Elena and one where she would gladly die for her. With Elena out of the picture, Bonnie was allowed to be front and center in season seven. Even in death, Bonnie was willing to focus on her friend’s feelings and well-being instead of her own. But she wasn’t one of the stars, and much like Matt and Jeremy, her role was never as fully developed. Her character was demoted from Bonnie Bennett to Enzo’s girlfriend and that also reads like a textbook victim of Stockholm Syndrome when their separated from their kidnapper/abuser. Totally agree with that! However, only Bonnie cared for Enzo, so she figured out that she had to fight for him. Those moments felt far, and few because we didn’t get to see Grams as much as I hoped we would. I would have loved for her n Enzo the get married n have babies, but it didnt happen, sadly. Children die of hunger while some of the richest people in the world are your “brothers”. Then we met another member of the Bennett family, Abby Bennett Wilson. I missed something obviously. Maybe you need to watch again, Elena goes with klaus to save all her loved ones from getting hurt. We never got to see what her home life was like or the full extent of her dynamic with her parents. Could she have had a better ending???? Elena and why did they have to over do the spell? Elena because she could lose her near and dear Stefan. And if you go back to the books, Elena and Bonnie were the closest in regards to friendship and Caroline not really part of the gang. We later learned that Shane was using Bonnie to revive his long dead wife. When white doctors sacrifice their lives on that suffering continent, you live yours comfortably on theirs without a grain of gratitude…On the contrary, you are eagerly waiting for an incident to attack your neighbors and that my friends is racism…. On July 23, 2016, the CW announced that the upcoming season would be the series' last and would consist of 16 episodes. If I don’t praise Elena I must be hater? Also Julie Plec also admitted she wanted Bonnie to stay dead in season 5 or something like that. She attended her graduation as a corporeal ghost and decided not to tell anyone because she didn’t want them to know that she was dead. Bonnie is best friends with Elena Gilbert and Caroline Forbes, and she descends from a long line of powerful witches - including those who developed the immortality elixir, made daylight rings, and helped the Gemini Coven create the 1994 Prison World. They also had in order of call sheet which was Nina, Paul, Kat, Candice, Trevino, Zach, Matt and MM. From the very beginning, the series wronged her. I don’t dismiss anything Elena did, I even think she tried to do something important. Cooper: What The HBO Documentary Leaves Out About Duane Weber, Boba Fett's Mandalorian Voice Change Explained By Actor, Boba Fett's Future Explained: Movies, Spinoffs, Mandalorian Season 3, Invincible TV Show Cast Adds Ezra Miller, Jon Hamm, Mahershala Ali & More. In the series finale, Bonnie protected Mystic Falls from Katherine and the hell fire she wanted to unleash on the town. Unfortunately, by the second season, there was a reversal on Bonnie’s empowerment. What makes me the most frustrated about this fact is that during this time Bonnie decides to give him advice and tells him to have self-respect and remarks snidely by saying “Spoken like someone who’s never been pursued” which was a blow obviously directed at Bonnie fans, but later when we get their “full” story, he never actually pursues her, nor does he apologize for anything he did or said to her during that time. She has developed other close friendships with fellow childhood friends, Matt Donavan and Tyler Lockwood. Everything up to that point had benefited Elena Gilbert or another white character. And her ancestors joined in to help Bonnie complete the task. I always thought that Stephan, Damon and Elena were the lead characters and the rest were supporting. Vampire Diaries is a famous supernatural romance TV show that has followed the popularity of Twilight. While fans were dying for Bonnie to get a mentor, it seemed like our prayers finally had been answered. Bonnie's triangle necklace on The Vampire Diaries. Bonnie has the power of second sight and palm reading Bonnie is going to die young Bonnie says that her husband has to be outrageously rich and totally gorgeous (anyone else thinking of Damon?) She is pictured here on the cover of The Hunters: Destiny Rising. The thing is she was useless (everytime she wanted to do something, she caused more troubles), whiny and selfish. She was treated so poorly, never got anything she wanted because she so sleflessly put others first and omg when she lost Enzo I was so mad. That’s what love is and Bonnie Bennett was filled with love throughout her entire body, and I think that’s what the creators of the show were trying to get at. And feel the same way about Pete Ross from Smallville and the Haitian from Heroes. Vampire Diaries 8x05 - Bonnie & Enzo "Je vais rester avec toi" VF - Duration: 1:51. Honestly, I imagined Bonnie taking over Grams former position, Occult Studies, at Whitmore College. It's Elena's first day back at Mystic Falls High School since the tragic death of her parents. A good person does what Bonnie did. In season 1's "Malivore," Dorian explained to Alaric that Bonnie located the vampire lover of a Dryad, using a ring to do a locator spell. So I noticed that in the article the writer tried to make it a point that Bonnie doesn’t have any sense of self-preservation because she’s willing to die if it means saving the lives of those she cares about (aka Elena as well as her entire town on more than one occasion), but technically if you aren’t willing to die for someone, then you really don’t love them. Click the button below to start this article in quick view. Fortunately, the charade didn’t last too long. By the fifth season, the Mystic Falls gang became aware that Bonnie was dead and they decided to hold a memorial. Disney+ Releases New Trailer for the 6-Part Docuseries 'On Pointe', I saw the trailer and was immediately captivated. Leigh Raines at February 10, 2015 10:30 am . I would have liked to have seen Bonnie’s witchcraft further developed. Bonnie used her magic, got the tired witch nosebleed, and fainted at the end of the episode, prompting many on Twitter to winder, is Bonnie really dead on The Vampire Diaries? As their connection grows deeper, Stefan's dangerous older brother, Damon, shows up to wreak havoc—and claim Elena for himself. You guessed it Elena. From that point on she was determined to find a way to bring Enzo back to life. Initially, she told no one but Jeremy, and he showed concern, whereas her friends didn’t. During that period, the show tried to sell us on Bonnie and Enzo’s love, but it didn’t feel real because there was no buildup. But, i say all that to say, Bonnie did what she did becuz she was caring. Let’s start with the people she’s lost because of of poor little orphan Elena. Along with her Aunt Jenna, Elena looks after her troubled younger brother, Jeremy. At that point, she accepted it and decided it was manageable because at least she was alive. The Vampire Diaries (2009–2017) Episode List. If you are not in control of the facts of just who is doing what, just how much of it the media tells you then it is best to keep quite. Bonnie Bennett was the heroine, meanwhile Elena was useless, most of her decisions brought more troubles. It wasn’t until Enzo died that Bonnie’s magic resurfaced. It's strange Bonnie's apparently still living in Mystic Falls but has adopted a hands-off approach when it comes to the Salvatore School. He had been through so much ,n jus about all of his friends let him down. Klaus learned of the imminent implosion after a phone call to "a rather reluctant Bennett witch in Mystic Falls." I was a little bit disapointed because Bonnie was a good friend while Caroline was very busy with her new family and had less time for Bonnie. Bonnie and Kol, Bonnie and Kai had untapped potential , Bonnie going to new Orleans to meet Marcel and Vincent should have happened..we also never really saw my Lucy Bennett again, another waste. 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Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec adapted the TV series from L.J. The Vampire Diaries ended in 2017, but some of its characters, including Bonnie Bennett (Kat Graham), have been mentioned in the spinoff shows, Legacies and The Originals, thus explaining what happened to them after the main series concluded. Although she was with Jeremy, it felt more like a puppy love situation, and that may stem from the two-year age gap between them. I hate that everything has to be a “race” thing. GOD YES!!! Unfortunately, this was also the same season where Bonnie unwillingly had her life tethered to Elena’s. They want the diversity label but don’t want to do the work. After the arrival of a diabolical vampire named Mikael, Abby Bennett was forced to abandon her family and friends in her attempt to imprison the Original inside of an ancient tomb. Bonnie started to experiment with dark magic. Smith, it went on for two more seasons without her, which was unexpected since the show revolved around Dobrev's Elena Gilbert from the very beginning, following her high school life shortly after she lost her parents in a car crash. Think about it, we never seen Jeremy do anything romantic for Bonnie, nor has he ever celebrite her birthday . Our site uses cookies. He ends up loosing his fiance n there was nothing said about him ever finding love r getting engaged to someone. Judging by the context in which her name was used and the events that were happening at the time, it seems she served as a mentor to Josie and Lizzie and remained close to Caroline and Alaric in Mystic Falls. In the episode “The Last Dance,” Bonnie “dies” and yet her death centered around Elena. The “magical negro trope” is a thing. Valentin Gary 16,660 views. When I began the series, I was the same age as the main character, and it ended with her as a twenty-something trying to figure life out. For years, we had seen Bonnie suffer in many ways, but none as painful as that. 1 Oct. 2009 Family Ties. Kai, despite being an enemy, actually appeared to put Bonnie first in some ways compared to other characters because of his focus on her. The Vampire Diaries could be over the top, fun, and highly unrealistic – but despite being a campy teen vampire show, it actually had a ton of really dark heartbreaking moments. And still was treated like crap. Because in the flash forwards you see Bonnie and Enzo together, you would assume it would develop in the present time, but doesn’t when you finally get to the future nothing is explained until a flashback episode that still explains nothing beyond maybe Stockholm Syndrome. The Vampire Diaries is an American fantasy-drama television series which was first broadcast on The CW from 2009 to 2017, airing 171 episodes over 8 seasons. ... Vampire Diaries Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. They essentially made Bonnie desperate for him because he was the only person she interacted with for about 3 years, but that wasn’t true for him because he got to leave the cabin frequently. She was a plot device to the writers, the hail mary they pulled out when they couldn’t think of anything else. Exept the part “You don’t have to be black to work out that there is not one black writer on the TVD team” is actually wrong. If only this series could get a do-over — though I can’t imagine someone else playing Bonnie than Kat Graham. That maybe heroic to you, but it’s problematic especially since no other character has to give up what she does. N although i had a soft spot for Stephen, it all went out the window when he killed Enzo. (beside in season 1, when Stefan rescue her and Elena). Do you know how many black people around the world that have contributed to causes? There were lot of guys in the show, so ok if they are not all “main characters”, but they were only 3 main girls and for me Bonnie was as main as Caroline. So much wasted potential with this relationship. I found Bonnie Bennett’s treatment telling. On the surface, it seemed touching, however, if you went deeper, it was all about the others and how they felt when it should have been about Bonnie. It reminded me of Twilight because of the palpable teenage angst, and the two lead actors looked similar to Bella and Edward. I thought that when the character of Kai had change, and started showing remores, and showing more emotions . The flash-forwards revealed that Bonnie and Enzo were a couple. A disgusting pattern emerged, and it illustrated that Bonnie couldn’t have anything for herself, not even her magic. When he kidnaps her to save her I thought “sweet, but random” and that randomness never gets cleared up. I’d die if it meant saving the life of someone in my family or my best friend or if it meant saving the lives of a bunch of innocent people. I thought for sure that they were changing the character so he can be a potential love interest for Bonnie. I agree 100 percent with the article. Yes to everything in the post. The Vampire Diaries brought many epic couples to life, some of which have remained in our memories even after the show has ended.One of which (for me), is the relationship of Bonnie and Enzo. And in the end I was a little bit confuse with Elena’s personality but Caroline & Bonnie had clear personalities and they were kind of opposite so yes, the potential in Bonnie-Caroline friendship was huge. And finally a character was pursuing her, unabashedly, and *only* her like she deserved. According to actor Michael Malarkey, Enzo and Bonnie’s story will have a crazy twist, and viewers won’t have to wait long to find out what that means. How many black volunteers can you currently count fighting death and desease in Africa? Elena via threat of Elijah. Abby was born to Sheila Bennett and an unnamed father on August 16, 1972, presumably in Mystic Falls, Virginia. )), yes she’s alive, at least, and Elena can have her happy end but Bonnie is the one who fight for save everyone/ Mystic Falls again. After Nina left the main cast was Paul, Ian, Kat, Candice, main regulars Matt Davis, Zach and MM. She assured him that she could use her gifts to protect the town. Then again, one TVD series was enough. The Vampire Diaries' lead Nina Dobrev shocked fans by leaving the show in its sixth season.Although she was the star of the teen drama, based on the books by L.J. It seemed like Bonnie was so desperate for a mentor that she accepted the first person that came along and said all the right things. Get notified about exclusive offers every week! Although she died, she was still determined to help Bonnie. Indeed, it is hard to believe that eight years have passed since the show first aired. Congrats on not having the treatment of race send you a message about your value as a human being. Especially, when you compare Bonnie’s treatment to that of her peers, Elena and Caroline. Bonnie is a very powerful psychic … I’m not dismissing anything. Once more the show drove home the narrative that Bonnie Bennett’s sole purpose on the series was to help and serve the white characters around her even if it was detrimental to her or her family. I felt as though the writers put her in last minute relationships that nobody cared about because the writers never made us care (except Jeremy). Then her next death in season 4, Elena at least get to share the spotlight with Jeremy since resurrecting him is what caused it, but who is she resurrecting him for? 2:44. Bonnie and Elena's friendship is put to the test when the two are cursed by Kai Parker, rendering Elena comatose whilst Bonnie lives. But what happened after that? And after all her sacrifices (and in the contrary of Caroline or Elena when someone she loves die, there is no funeral (???! It’s extremely problematic because she was the only woman of color on the show that was there day in and day out. Which means I’m right , I don’t trash Elena Gilbert – the writers did it . Bonnie manages to break the curse in the series finale, however, proving that she is one of the show's most powerful witches. In the books Bonnie was a white red haired witch. However, I don’t hate the open ending they gave her because at least she’s alive and living life to the fullest. She also resurrected the dead, petrified Silas, rescued the Salvatores from the Phoenix Stone, released Elena from Kai Parker's sleeping spell, and incapacitated enemies and moved objects with her mind. And in season 8 any and all progress made as a character was ruined by Enzo, more specifically the whiny pathetic person she became. This article wasn’t about who is better or worse, but about how were treated white girls and how was treated black girl. Do you think Bonnie will come home soon or will that be saved for the end of the season? Furthermore, Bonnie felt slighted by her father when he told her that she needed help. The season premiered on October 21, 2016 and concluded on March 10, 2017. Stop blaming others for your misfortunes and flaunting your skin tone under the world’s nose. I think that season four would have been the perfect season for them to course correct because it was also the same season in which she began to experiment with dark magic. The writer is talking about a more mature and grand view than “just a show.” Bringing up unrelated injustices is another gas-lighting technique. Her relationship with Damon grew and deepened, and we saw a dynamic that we haven’t seen in a long time. If we’re going in chronological order who’s life does she lose next? How lucky is she Damon decided to use his upstairs brain that day. Their relationship was powerful and loving, and it could have been a crucial part of her characterization, except the show killed her before she could do any mentoring.

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