It hasn’t been easy to coordinate but we’ve ensured that all the songs are absolutely fresh and never heard before. It’s that time of the year again, when “Best Of” and “Top Ten” lists take charge and recap the year that was; Independent record label Transcending Obscurity, whose founder Kunal Choksi has been on a signing spree this past year, is making sure that metal has its own place in the annual roundup trend with its first metal compilation. It has bands from all over the world specializing in various styles. Label Sampler 2016, a Various Artists Compilation. January 17, 2019. I started to get to know Kunal from reviewing and interviewing a couple of bands on his ever expanding roster. Read below the full track listing. Januar 2018.. Today we have some exciting news about an immense free sampler of music just released by Transcending Obscurity, along with a chance to win a Mark Riddick-designed shirt. And that’s what Transcending Obscurity specializes in, and I fucking love it for that. From humble beginnings and a focus on metal releases from Asia, Transcending Obscurity Records has mushroomed like an expanding nuclear blast front into a label with a globe-spanning, genre-spanning roster of very impressive bands. L'etichetta indiana Transcending Obscurity Records ha pubblicato via Bandcamp una raccolta di anteprime di nuove uscite, la maggior parte delle quali previste per il 2020 e alcune per gli anni successivi. Released 25 November 2016 on Transcending Obscurity (catalog no. India based metal label Transcending Obscurity Records has released a brand new 52 track label sampler. Ursinne - Talons 05. 631 talking about this. As has been the tradition for the label since the last four years, TRANSCENDING OBSCURITY RECORDS have prepared and released this year’s label sampler on January 5th. Here's our 2018 label sampler. As has been the tradition for Transcending Obscurity since the last four years, the label has prepared and unleashed this year’s label sampler on January 5th. VV.AA. TRANSCENDING OBSCURITY: 2018 LABEL SAMPLER (VIA BANDCAMP, COURTESY OF TRANSCENDING OBSCURITY): Thanks-Stay Metal, Stay Brutal-\m/ -l- Posted by SPAK at 1/17/2018 09:55:00 PM. Artwork courtesy Turkka Rantanen. Insgesamt sind 55 Songs von Bands aus aller Welt dabei. The bands have been carefully handpicked to represent what we feel is the best expression for that particular genre and as such this sampler is segregated as per the different styles we’re specializing in. n/a; Lossless Digital). It has bands from all over the world specializing in various styles. Featured peformers: Mark Riddick (aka_text artwork role_id 1314.aka_text). “Well, what sort of shit do they actually specialize in”, you may ask, and my appropriate response is the smashing 55-track compilation that is the label’s 2016 sampler compilation. Explore releases from the Transcending Obscurity Records label. List and review the concerts you've attended, and track upcoming shows. Track listing – 1. Feedjit. Comme tous les ans le label indien Transcending Obscurity Records sort son sampler présentant les artistes de son label. #transcendingobscurityrecords #transcendingobscurity #labelsampler #labelsampler2020 Zverejnené v jan 20, 2020 | 0 komentárov Indický label TRANSCENDING OBSCURITY RECORDS podporujúci metalové podhubie už dlhých 15 rokov pod svojou hlavičkou vydáva žánrovo rozmanitú muziku a možno aj vďaka tomu si získal toľko priaznivcov po celom svete. – Transcending Obscurity – Label Sampler Vol.1. Officium Triste - Your Heaven, My Underworld 02. Transcending Obscurity Records – Label Sampler 2018 For years now, the underground label of Transcending Obscurity Records has long been one that I’ve been in love with ever since hearing releases from bands like The Dead, Toxoid, and Rectified Spirit. Here’s the artwork for the 2020 Transcending Obscurity label sampler that will be up in January. “ We’re absolutely thrilled to unveil the much awaited 2018 label sampler on our official BA NDCA MP page. Imperialist – Cipher – Album Review. It comes from one of planet Earth’s premiere labels specializing in sonic savagery, Transcending Obscurity Records. TRANSCENDING OBSCURITY RECORDS Release Label Sampler For Free Download January 15, 2018 Reeder TRANSCENDING OBSCURITY RECORDS have just released a label sampler that consists of 36 tracks and it’s available on their Bandcamp page. The label has amassed one massive, 36-song undertaking entitled “Label Sampler 2018” and it is a stunning offering, indeed. Made in the EU. Sunday January 5 2020, 9:52 AM. Transcending Obscurity Records 2019 Label Sampler Is OUT NOW! HEADS FOR THE DEAD (International) – At The Dead Of Night (Horror Death Metal) 04:53 The Transcending Obscurity Records 2019 label sampler is out now! – Transcending Obscurity – Label Sampler Vol.1 Un'importante veduta sull'enorme lavoro che la Transcending Obscurity sta facendo per supportare al meglio il mondo metallico, specialmente in un'area dallo smisurato potenziale come quella dell'Asia meridionale. Rate Your Music is an online community of people who love music. “This is our most ambitious and diverse label sampler yet. Free with Metal Hammer magazine, issue 303,November 2017. Transcending Obscurity Records Label Sampler for free download Verfasst von Mike Langer am 15. Paganizer - Adjacent to Purgatory 04. Email This BlogThis! Das meiste bewegt sich in den Genres Black, Death … And the latest evidence of that is a 2018 label sampler released through Bandcamp a couple of days ago, which includes tracks from forthcoming releases by … Share. Catalog, rate, tag, and review your music. Comes in cardboard sleeve. Label sampler from Transcending Obscurity Records. In case you haven't noticed in recent years that label is Transcending Obscurity records based in India! Win-win, baby. El sello Transcending Obscurity Records nos presenta "2019 Label sampler", un recopilatorio de 50 temas donde poder catar lo que se cuece en la sala de máquinas de este sello originario de India, estando disponible tanto para su escucha online como para descargarlo pagando la voluntad. Newer Post Older Post Home. This is the current and relevant label sampler showcasing acts signed to Transcending Obscurity Records (main international label) followed by those enlisted by the sub-labels Transcending Obscurity … Metal label Transcending Obscurity release 2018 Label Sampler for free download. 0 Likes. It's a great way to see which releases are coming up and the kind of promos that you will receive from this end in the foreseeable future. The sampler features 55 tracks from 55 bands , spanning a wide range of metal sub-genres and an equally expansive geographic coverage. I can personally attest to the quality of Transcending Obscurity’s shirts (no stupid box-shaped Gildan tees here), and you can rest assured sporting this … Posted at 14:00h in iye-metal, Metal, Recensioni by Alberto Centenari 0 Comments. It’s for free download and there’s lots of new music from all styles. Elle se découvre en streaming intégral et téléchargement libre ci-dessous. Das Underground-Label TRANSCENDING OBSCURITY hat zum Jahresende wieder einen Sampler zusammengestellt und bietet ihn gratis zum Download an. La cuvée 2020 propose pas moins de 52 artistes venant de tous les coins du monde. TRANSCENDING OBSCURITY Releases Label Sampler 2020. Jam some killer tunes and get a free shirt. When you rate your music, the site's music/social recommender can recommend similar music and … Genres: Death Doom Metal, Death Metal. Transcending Obscurity releases year-end 55 bands strong Label Sampler on Bandcamp. This year’s label sampler design was created by none other Misanthropic Art and features a killer work of eldritch horror. 1. Transcending Obscurity Records Label Sampler 2020, FREE DOWNLOAD! Transcending Obscurity’s new Label Sampler 2016 features a whopping 55(!) Various Artists - Transcending Obscurity Records - Label Sampler (2016) Country: International Genre: Blackened Death Metal Quality: [email protected] Size: 788 Mb Traсklist: 01. Mythological Cold Towers - Vetustus 03. acts, many of whom you’ve no doubt known and ALL songs are absolutely fresh and never heard before including bands that haven’t even been officially announced yet….giving fans of extremity a real heads-up as what to look out for in 2018! [Taken from the Transcending Obscurity Bandcamp page:] This is our most ambitious and diverse label sampler yet. Discover what's missing in your discography and shop for Transcending Obscurity Records releases. tracce 1-23 - death metal/grind/crust tracce 24-26 - technical death metal tracce 27-31 - sludge/doom metal tracce 32-41 -… Transcending Obscurity have unveiled their much awaited 2018 label sampler via their official BANDCAMP page! Pay-what-you-want and you get 50 songs from 50 bands…..a little glimpse into what’s in store . Initially a studio-project band formed in late 2012, HEX was conceived by the seasoned bass player Adolfo WB, who was involved in several Basque bands during the early 90s, such as BEER MOSH, FROM THE CROSS, LEFT HAND RIDERS, IN THOUSAND LAKES, WALDHEIM or VHÄLDEMAR. To that end, we’re bringing you a double dose of goodness from Transcending Obscurity. The Beast PLATINUM released January 5, 2020 This is our most ambitious and diverse label sampler yet. Heads For The Dead will be releasing their new album Into The Red with Transcending Obscurity Records and have ... Transcending Obscurity Releases Free 52-Song Label Sampler… transcending obscurity records "label sampler 2016" A falta de unos días para finalizar el año, uno de los sellos que con más fuerza han irrumpido en estos últimos años dentro del metal extremo, Transcending Obscurity Records , nos presenta el recopilatorio que reúne a 55 bandas cuyos trabajos han sido editados por dicho sello. VV.AA. Kunal Choksi má proste nos na originálne formácie a osobne som vďaka tomuto labelu spoznala kapely ako HENRY … Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. The bands have been carefully handpicked to represent what we feel is the best expression for that particular genre and as such this sampler is segregated as per the different styles we're specializing in. Every few years a record label comes along and really shakes things up in the music industry, labels like Metal Blade, Earache and Relapse spring to mind. Official Facebook page for Transcending Obscurity.

transcending obscurity label sampler

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