PAST RESULTS: Top 100 Albums of 1980, Top 100 Albums of 1981, Top 100 Albums of 1982 . Peter Wolf – Lights Out 99. Author: goldwax317. Many of them feature streaming audio which can be played as individual tracks or through one of the site's many jukeboxes or playlists. 1983 Top 50 Movies by MisterPinkInc | created - 09 Mar 2015 | updated - 07 Jun 2015 | Public My 50 favorite films of 1983 (US release). Interpret Titel Zusätzliche Informationen (Zeitraum, Wochen auf Platz eins, Interpret, Titel, zusätzliche Informationen) 28. Loverboy - Hot Girls In Love 96. Versandrabatt bei mehreren Artikeln. Supertramp - It's Raining Again 97. View the current France Singles Top 100 with at #1 9 1 1 3 by Zola and Sch. Rod Stewart – Some Guys Have All The Luck 98. Der Name Nina war 1983 auf dem Höhepunkt seiner Popularität, denn in keinem anderen Jahrgang konnte dieser Name eine Top 10-Platzierung erreichen. Frank Stallone - Far From Over 99. Nach 1983 kam der Vorname Stefanie in Deutschland langsam aus der Mode, denn dieses war bis heute der letzte Jahrgang mit Stefanie als Spitzenreiter der Vornamenhitparade. The top Canadian song was “Hot Girls In Love” by Loverboy at 59th of the year.… Peter Schilling – Major Tome (C… Find the top 100 Pop songs for the year of 1983 and listen to them all! Startseite; Erweiterte Suche; Toggle navigation. Juli 1983 – 7. Wähle hier deine Charts aus: Single-Charts. According to RPM magazine, the biggest song of 1983 in Canada was “Every Breath You Take” by The Police. Unsere Website verwendet Cookies, um seinen Lesern das beste Webseiten-Erlebnis zu ermöglichen. Refine See titles to watch instantly, titles you haven't rated, etc. August 1983 3 Wochen: 3 Rod Stewart: Baby Jane Roderick David Stewart, Jay L. Davis – 8. Welcome to 1980 1 Blondie Call Me 2 Pink Floyd Another Brick In The Wall 3 Olivia Newton-John Magic 4 Michael Jackson Rock With You 5 Captain and Tennille Do That To Me One More Time 6 Queen Crazy Little Thing Called Love 7 Paul … Eight songs on the year-end top 100 chart below are from Canadian artists. Die Offizielle Schweizer Hitparade. Can you guess the number one Pop song in 1983? 1983: The Top 100 R&B Singles. Sie sehen in jeder Auktion immer die Original-Bilder der zum Verkauf stehenden Artikel. Im Jahr 1983 wurden in Deutschland 827.933 Kinder geboren. Juli 1983 6 Wochen: 6 Robin Gibb: Juliet Maurice Ernest Gibb, Robin Hugh Gibb – 18. Take a look at the Top 100 list below — and feel free to offer your own take on the results, good or bad, in the comments below. Here are a few examples of ways you can filter the charts: The Top 10 Movies of 1983; The Top 20 Movies of 1983; The Top 50 Movies of 1983; The Top 100 Movies of 1983 Die mit * markierten Zahlen sind Schätzungen . Juni 1983 4 Wochen: 4 Geier Sturzflug: Bruttosozialprodukt Friedel Geratsch, Reinhard Baierle – 6. Find out now! The Top 100 Songs of 1984 100. Ontdek hier de bijzondere lijst van de Nederlandse Top 40: Top 100-Jaaroverzicht van 1984 And stay tuned for the Best of 1984 poll, which will launch Friday. All of the lists have accurate AMR/ARIA chart information. ges. 9. Deutsche und internationale Titel. Madonna has the most entries with four of the top songs of 1987.. Single - Charts; Album - Charts; Compilation - Charts; HipHop - Charts; Dance - Charts; Vinyl - Charts; Single - Jahrescharts; Album - Jahrescharts; Compilation - Jahrescharts; Wähle hier das Jahr aus: Zeitraum: 1983 ZURÜCK VOR . These are the top 100 songs of 1987. Lists every song that has ever entered the Australian Top 100 Singles charts since 1958. Artist 100; All Weekly Charts; YEAR-END . Duran Duran – New Moon on Monday 97. 1. User Online Neuerscheinungen. Canadian entries have been bolded in red. 1: Peter Schilling Major Tom (völlig losgelöst) 2: Nena 99 Luftballons. at number 1. To determine the rankings, I came up with a point system based on a song's peak position and weeks on the chart. The Top 100 Songs of 1983 100. Chart Hits mit Videos und Hörproben. Within the top 100 there are a total of 77 different bands or artists. This is a list of Billboard magazine's Top Hot 100 songs of 1984. sverigetopplistan - singles top 100 1983-11-15 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 Top 5 Single-Charts. 1981 ← Liste der Nummer-eins-Alben in Deutschland: 1983 → Zeitraum Wo. Many of them feature streaming audio which can be played as individual tracks or through one of the site's many jukeboxes or playlists. Michael Jackson achieved the most entries (including a duet with Paul McCartney) with five of the top songs of 1983.. Single - Charts; Album - Charts; Compilation - Charts; HipHop - Charts; Dance - Charts; Vinyl - Charts; Single - Jahrescharts; Album - Jahrescharts; Compilation - Jahrescharts; Wähle hier dein Datum aus: Zeitraum: 04.12.2020 - 10.12.2020 ZURÜCK. Download as PDF and watch all the videos of the chart. TOP 100 DEUTSCHLAND 1983: 1984 = Deutsche Produktion oder Koproduktion = Oscar-Nominierung als Bester Film. Top 100 Single Charts 1984 - bei These are the top 100 songs of 1983. Lists every song that has ever entered the Australian Top 100 Singles charts since 1958. Content is available under CC BY-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted. Wähle hier deine Charts aus: Single-Jahrescharts. Top 100 Single-Jahrescharts. Artist 100; All Weekly Charts; YEAR-END . 18.12.2020. Jackson Browne - Lawyers In Love 95. David Bowie - China Girl 94. Year-End Hot 100 Songs; Year-End Billboard 200 Albums; 2020 Year-End Boxscore; Google's Top Hummed … List of 100 greatest rock and pop music albums released in 1983 featuring "Murmur" by R.E.M. List of Billboard Hot 100 number-one singles of 1983; List of Billboard Hot 100 top-ten singles in 1983; References Last edited on 5 December 2020, at 12:14. Sammy Hagar - Your Love Is Driving… I put this list together based on data from the Billboard R&B singles chart. Within the top 100 there are a total of 80 different bands or artists. News Toggle navigation. The top 100 1986 lists the 100 most popular hits in the UK singles music charts in 1986. SLICING UP EYEBALLS READERS POLL: TOP 100 ALBUMS OF 1983 . Versandkosten per Deutsche Post Brief Maxi in Höhe von €2,70 sind vom Käufer zu tragen. Alle Angaben beziehen sich auf die Bundesrepublik (DDR-Ergebnisse sind nicht berücksichtigt). The song title is at the top in gray with the artist below in red.. You can find links to more 80's content at the bottom of the page. Januar 1983 7 Wochen: 7 Culture Club: Do You Really Want to Hurt Me George Alan O’Dowd, Jonathan Aubrey Moss, Roy Ernest Hay, Michael Emile Craig – ← 1981 → 1983 → Alben. Year-End Hot 100 Songs; Year-End Billboard 200 Albums; 2019 Year-End Boxscore; All Year-End Charts; DECADE-END . SAMMLUNG Varianten-Satz HPF Olympiade der Schlümpf von 1983 / TOP +100% ORIGINAL. Talking Heads - Burning Down The House 98. Mai 1983 – 5. Stand: 15.09.19: Auf einen Blick: 1983: Week-by-Week : Deutscher Film (einschließlich Koproduktionen) 14.568.800 Besucher 21 Filme 17,9 % … Es fallen immer nur die tatsächlichen Versandkosten an, keine Verpackungskosten. All of the lists have accurate AMR/ARIA chart information. Juni 1983 – 17.