You must do the things you think you cannot do. Entdecke die 10 besten Ideen und Inspirationen zum Thema „Snapchat" auf Pinterest. Attitudes are contagious. Sand in my toes and saltwater in my curls. Changing your Instagram name doesn’t require you to go back to fix links (as would changing your username), so while it’s not something you want to change often, if you need to optimize it to create the best Instagram profile possible, feel free. That can be stressful. Take only memories, leave only footprints. In addition to random usernames, it lets you generate social media handles based on your name, nickname or any words you use to describe yourself or what you do. This is probably one of the easiest ways to achieve consistency in your feed. You've come to the right place! Being a fruit loop in a bowl of cheerios. Their dogs. It instantly checks to let you know if a username is available as you type. simply love it. If you still need some funny Instagram quotes, well, here you have more: Wanna more inspiration? Remember that happiness is a way of travel, not a destination. Trying to become the best. Just a cupcake looking for a stud muffin. The is no concrete place to add a location when you edit your profile but you can add it as a text on your Bio. Keep your face to the sunshine and you won’t see a shadow. Ayer y mañana no existen = Enjoy life today. Spent a large portion of my life eating. See how Madewell added a link to their Instagram account for menswear. Sep 1, 2020 - This Pin was discovered by Zeynep Yalnız. Fortunately, Instagram Stories Highlights allows you to dive a little deeper. Looking for quotes for Instagram Bio? It won’t always be easy, but always try to do what’s right. I’m best served with coffee and a side of sarcasm. It’s possible that I’m eating frosting with a spoon. 52. Hashtag report. I joined Instagram. 54. Leave a little sparkle everywhere you go. If you simply want inspirational quotes for your bio on Instagram, keep scrolling. Will do the same in my next life. Girl with a strong desire to travel the world and explore new places. 3v3 and Battle Royale. 62. Cool Nickname Generators! Here you have quotes for Instagram bio. Today I will be as useless as letter “g” in lasagna. If that is the case, stay here, we have so many cool ideas for you: Want even more short bio for Instagram? Weitere Ideen zu frage spiel, instagram-ideen, whatsapp spiele. People connect with people. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Bloom’ing gorgeous! Believe in yourself ( it is the first secret to success). Kill it, boys! I know I left my sanity around here somewhere. I’m a woman with ambition and a heart of gold. The best part is that there are tons of ways you can approach you poll. Log In; … Error: Bio unavailable. 33% of all your followers only consume stories. Kilometers are shorter than miles. Press the Set Status button to access your status settings. 33% of all your followers only consume stories. It so cool and cool bro love it. Use one of these sets of hashtags in your next instagram post and you'll see a big boost. Keep it natural. Press on the emoji to add an emoji to your custom status and/or type your custom status message in the status text box. Instagram Bio Idea 6: Show Them The Highlight Reel. The option to add profile links is great for businesses that manage multiple accounts. Check out these interesting short bios. Pursue your passion and you’ll never work a day in your life. Do you find something inspirational? What are good quotes for Instagram bio? Insert pretentious stuff about myself here. Recommended by 4 out of 5 people who recommend things. 10.12.2019 - Erkunde Alinas Pinnwand „Instagram profilbild“ auf Pinterest. Is The journey (and the memories), not the arrival, what matters. Dieser Pinnwand folgen 140 Nutzer auf Pinterest. I’ve always thought being popular on Instagram is as about as useless as being rich in monopoly. The floor will be there. Best friendship hashtags popular on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr: #friendship - 44% . Anyway, people also call them Instagram quotes because they are describing the post in general. You will see that most successful Instagrammers use the same caption style, on almost every single post. Who runs the world? Wanting to be someone else is a waste of who you are. … Similarly, Instagram captions can help complete your Instagram post. Life is short… smile while you still have teeth. The other caption under it can be your real thoughts, like @palmerletteringco did (see below).. Another example is by @outofthebex: she started with a “general” caption and then a specific caption for those who are part of her community. We understanding sharing your story in 150 characters can be a bit intimidating. You shouldn’t try hard to “fit in” or to “be like” someone else on Instagram. Your Instagram Stories Highlights are your cherry-picked stories that you want to share with your followers indefinitely — it’s the cream of your Instagram Stories crop and you want to make sure you’re using only best content for your business. 63. , I loved it too! You can’t make everybody happy, you aren’t a jar of Nutella. This is a fun Instagram caption idea. P.S. Just write it on our comments! Hmmm….Don’t copy my Bio!!! #bestfriends - 4% . It would be perfect if you add a link to your shop/ website, so the people can go directly there. Here are a few Instagram bio tips that you might want to add based on popular trends. Team this shot with #ihavethisthingwithfloors or #ihavethisthingwithtiles and join the already existing community. In a world full of trends I want to remain a classic. So make the most of this to direct customers to your other Instagram handles or to relevant, tagged content. Don’t tell her how to dress, tell him not to rape. Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory. Pour yourself a drink, put on some lipstick, and pull yourself together. Here you have some Instagram bio ideas for girls. Here are 13 Instagram caption ideas: Questions can help you get more “engagement” (if your goal is to grow your Instagram page). Girls don’t wait for the prince anymore. All you need to know is that IT IS POSSIBLE. Snapchat . Give me the chocolate and nobody will get hurt. My relationship status? Netflix, Oreos and sweatpants. Don’t look for society to give you permission to be yourself. Then things just get worse. I can’t remember who I stole my bio from or why. All my life I thought the air was free until I bought a bag of chips. Always give 100% — unless you’re donating blood. This is me in the rawest form. Thanks man, Your email address will not be published. 45 minutes on instagram alone! The Top Outfits to Wear at Lost Lands Festival | Rave Hackers - … You can save your best Instagram Stories to appear as Highlights beneath your Instagram bio. Some people are having a blast in their Instagram caption. Check out the Real Username Fixer… How to Articles. It can also include: We collected here lot of examples to help you out in case you are having doubts about what to write in your bio. Interested in more laughs? Artikel von Be a fruit loop in a bowl of cheerios. 41 Funny travel quotes to make you SMILE instantly, Funny Quotes for Instagram Bio to ROCK your Insta World. Chris Hemsworth (aka Thor) is really good at this. Twitter Bio : What use of a twitter bio that isn’t able to impress and inspire those who end up on your twitter profile? You is kind, you is smart, you is important. I still don’t understand Instagram, but here I am anyway. Explain briefly what the business is about. Your caption can be related to the photo in a creative way. If you’re not the kind of person to write long captions, don’t write long captions. Don’t follow me because I don’t even know where I’m going. With confidence, you have won before you have started. In Seconds! I found some beautiful short quotes here.., short and too the point caption. The more approachable you seem in your IG, the more people will answer and connect with you. Turning my dreams into my vision and my vision into reality, Believing in making the impossible possible. Your email address will not be published. It’s my time to step into the spotlight, I’ve earned it. Is there a way to see changes in an Instagram bio? 54. Weitere Ideen zu outfit, outfit ideen, bekleidung. Found it already? Don’t be so quick to judge me. #instagram - 3% . Until you find your voice and comfort in showing your character and personality, you can choose among these bio ideas below: Use humor to stand out in your Instagram account. to make a users feed feel more personal. His Instagram captions are usually short and fun (see below). Wir lieben all die schönen Zeichen. Start posting, and use quotes and daily life photos if it’s your world. Hi.wir freuen deine Seite aufgefunden zu haben. Taking naps is so childish, I prefer to call them horizontal life pauses. I might not be where I want to be yet but I get closer every day. The other caption under it can be your real thoughts, like @palmerletteringco did (see below).. Another example is by @outofthebex: she started with a “general” caption and then a specific caption for those who are part of her community.. You can get very … My relationship status? Take your time to prepare your caption before you post on Instagram. #friendshipgoals - 3% . 17.11.2020 - Entdecke die Pinnwand „भारतीय संगीत“ von Nalalalu ♥. Gifted napper, talker, and ice cream eater. I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me. Let’s start. Don’t stress out. Keeping it short? The bio will help the consumer to know what you do and what they can expect in your Instagram profile. #friends - 16% . A day in the life of me: Eat avocado toast, post Instagram videos, reply to Instagram comments. You couldn’t handle me even if I came with instructions. Apps; Computers; Gadgets; How to; Reviews; Tech; Conference; 500+ Best Cool Instagram Names 2020: {Top Insta Usernames} by Ryan Robinson 22nd Feb '18 15th Apr '20. Set a time frame for your custom status. I still don’t understand Instagram, but here I am. #friends - … Loving fiercely. We are born naked, hungry and wet. Your life becomes a masterpiece when you learn to master peace. Kind of a good samaritan, terrible athlete, but extremely blessed in the napping skills department. You should have plenty of ideas for a cool Instagram bio right now. Die having memories don’t die with just dreams. Instagram Availability Checker is a free tool to check if a Instagram name is available. Hashtag report. Use one of these sets of hashtags in your next instagram post and you'll see a big boost. Never take life for granted. Look no further! Really! 19.04.2020 - Erkunde Vanessa Pohlmanns Pinnwand „Current picture idea“ auf Pinterest. “Be strong,” I whisper to my WiFi signal. The Instagram bio can be funny, creative, inspirational… whatever you want! Instagram social media app is an ideal one for improving high traffic to a website that can help get more visibility in search engines. I hope I can help you with my travel guides to create lasting memories. ), What is your favorite …? September 2019 um 05:27. Netflix, Oreos, and sweatpants. Now you have plenty of ideas that are good quotes for Instagram bio. Just like my heels. LG. Which one are you? They just pack and travel the world. And yes, Beyonce answered it well, “Girls!” Rock your Instagram bio with this cool quotes, girl! Why look up at the stars when the biggest star is me. Schreibt bitte alle Ideen, auch wenn ihr denkt, dass die unpassend sind ;)) LG und Danke schon mal The quote can be a: This is a fun Instagram caption idea. If you want to reach your audience through Instagram, check out this post and get the best Instagram story ideas for businesses trending in 2020. Personalized Username Ideas. This is a fun Instagram caption idea. Required fields are marked *. Someday, there’s going to be an updated version of me. If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way. Here you have some cute quotes for Instagram bios. 0 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from ‘bulletjournal’ hashtag I still don’t understand Instagram, but here I am anyway. Weitere Ideen zu whatsapp status bilder, bilder, rauch fotografie. Outfit Ideen Outfit Bekleidungsstile Modische Outfits Surfergirl Style Kleidung Mode 90er Outfit Mode Outfits Modeideen. My relationship status? It’s simple: Ask your followers a question with a choice of two responses. Skip to content. Write 2 different captions in one caption. Instagram is a personality platform. Let me know! You can also use the poll stickers on Instagram to do a quiz and see how well they know your band. Instagram content idea #31: A bird’s eye view of your shoes and flooring. 3v3 and Battle Royale. Instagram Mini Course; Free webinar; Engagement Groups. You can save your best Instagram Stories to appear as Highlights beneath your Instagram bio. Being. Trying to remember who I was before the world told me who to be. I smile because I have no idea what is going on anymore. When it comes to pick out a perfect twitter bio for your profile you need to be little choosy. You only see what I chose to show you. The photos might help. 53. I’d rather be someone’s Sunday morning than their Saturday night. First I drink the coffee. Those who do not travel only read one page. We live in a society where pizza gets to your house before the police. Trying to elevate small talk to medium talk. best wishes from, Too many eye catching ideas for instagram captions, Most of the times I’m out of the captions so I did a search and found your post which will somewhat help me out I think we guys also start a poll where we will help each other by giving these fun ideas through the app. So you should definitely be having fun in the process. 14.08.2019 - Entdecke die Pinnwand „Instagram foto ideen“ von Caro. Too many ideas about Instagram great captions. When coupled with the “Swipe Up” feature, you’ll be able to send users straight to post instead of referring them to the link in your bio. This is not the whole movie. This section is for all the wanderlust out there. Greaat Posssst… Loved it… Got a ton of new ideas from this one.. Netflix, Oreos and sweatpants. 10. #love - 12% . L❤️ ver not a fighter spreading ✌️ all over the , Currently hanging out in (+ flag country), Saving trees by not doing my homework ✏️, Sleep and get relax. #fun … Be yourself. It gets better by a change. It has beautiful touches of creativity spread throughout the feed. Generate FREE Kik Usernames Great for Girls … Looking for more of an inspirational bio? One caption can be the “Instagram-approved caption”. I hope one day I will love something the way women in commercials love yogurt. Anschließend bei Instagram bei dem Textfeld lange gedrückt halten und „Einfügen“ verwenden. I hold the key to the secrets of the universe. Being positive in a negative situation is not naïve, it’s leadership. Being in the Now (check my Insta Stories). In your Instagram Bio, you should show your coolness (aka. 13.11.2020 - Erkunde josys Pinnwand „einfach fancy“ auf Pinterest. And of course, a section for the boys, too. I can spot her work from miles away; She incorporates her lettering work with real life props; Her flatlays tell a story; 9. Similarly, Instagram captions can help complete your Instagram post.You might add an Instagram caption to direct customers to your bio link, share selfie quotes, or increase social media engagement.. And the last tip is: don’t get obsessed with your captions. When Instagram says link in bio where is that? Sometimes, people also tend to write funny Instagram captions or cute Instagram captions. Do something today that your future self will thank you for. Find more inspiring travel quotes for friends here. That is why first I am being the worst. Her instagram feed is cohesive (hello white background and perfect flatlays). Don’t get obsessed with captions. your own Pins on Pinterest Dieser Pinnwand folgen 3352 Nutzer auf Pinterest. I don’t care what people think of me. I’m starting to like Instagram, which is weird because I hate pictures. How do I add a location on my Instagram bio website? Help yourself with these amazing travel bio quotes to inspire you. Tip: to add these cute quotes to your Instagram feed, the best way is to copy and paste them from here directly. 55. No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world. The bio is the text that appears on your profile. Brawl Stars is the newest game from the makers of Clash of Clans and Clash Royale. 30 Different Types of … I don’t want to forget something that once made us smile. Post using this hashtag 57,961,951. posts per hour 831. They mean the website link that appears on their profile. I’m going to update my Bio..but better you focus on your own. Be all in or get out. Choose one style and stick to it. One bad chapter does not mean the story is over. Smile big. White Borders Instagram Feed Theme. Hi, I found another app to find captions for my social media posts. Namely, an Instagram caption is a way of describing the photo or video you previously posted. There. There are many Spanish quotes that you can use for your Bio while traveling. The future is shaped by your dreams. Being braver than I believe, stronger than I seem, and smarter than I think. FACT TIME: According to Mark Zuckerberg, an average Instagrammer spends about 45 minutes on Instagram. This above all, to thine own self, be true. Team up with your friends and get ready for epic multiplayer MAYHEM! 52. All you need to know is that it’s possible. All you hipsters need to stop wearing Nirvana shirts if you don’t even listen to them. They are writing like they speak and are not taking things too seriously (which makes it fun on Instagram). This intelligent username generator lets you create hundreds of personalized name ideas. Instagram is all about creative and unique visuals. Here you have more funny Instagram captions. I’m not sure how many problems I have because math is one of them. 65. Instagram Profile Optimization Idea #4 Write an Instagram … Better to see something once than hear about it a thousand times. Instagram is part of Facebook. It allows you to quickly and easily find cool, good Instagram usernames. Use these adorable love standing to talk to your boyfriend, husband, husband, spouse or with whom you really enjoy. It looks like you’re scrolling … Applying the same filter can keep your gallery organized in an instant, play with a few filters until you find one that inspires you. Have a good laugh at these funny Instagram bios and spread the laughter in your feed: The hardest thing I ever tried is being normal. Press the Set a custom status button. Here you have: You can have plenty of Instagram Bio quotes in Spanish here. Take advantage of Instagram’s emphasis on experience, travel, food, or other sensory pursuits: Ask questions that tap into your followers’ experiential focus points- the topics that they care about most, and therefore make them excited to share and engage with your brand. Life is not a fairytale. Creative touch: Handwriting + scribbles on the photos. Bio under construction..check back soon! I’m cool, but global warming made me HOT. But their captions make their accounts so much more entertaining to follow. There are no strict rules for the Insta-game, it is always evolving. Probably the most talented TV watcher you’ll ever find. When it rains look for rainbows when it’s dark I look for stars. People usually use emojis that are related to what they are talking about. Knowledge is like underwear, important to have, but not necessary to show off. Team up with your friends and get ready for epic multiplayer MAYHEM! I wanna be different just like everyone else. Besonders für die BIO in Instagram. There are many people explaining how should be the perfect Instagram Bio. Oder einfach generell das ich verliebt bin einen schönen Spruch, der nicht kitschig ist!! Break your paragraphs using emojis. Friends Instagram, Instagram Story, Arabic Calligraphy, Cover, Arabic Handwriting, Arabic Calligraphy Art, Slipcovers, Blanket Friends Instagram, Instagram Story, Arabic Calligraphy, Cover, Arabic Handwriting, Arabic Calligraphy Art, Slipcovers, Blanket. If you want a good example of a cool Instagram bio, just have a look at the accounts you like to follow and try to figure out what captivated your attention. Did you know that people who use humor tend to be seem more approachable? A preview of my life. But in 2018, instagram has evolved from sharing pictures and videos with your friends to being insta celebrities!! Include a Description of Yourself The best Instagram bios tend to have a self-description. I’m not the jealous type, but what’s mine is MINE. Entdecke und sammle Ideen zu snapchat auf Pinterest. Maybe you just have your Instagram to connect with your friends and want to be original with your Instagram bio. See more ideas about instagram story ideas, instagram story, creative instagram stories. Well, we are here to explain what Instagram captions are all about. I hope one day I will love something the way women in commercials love yogurt. Everyone loves to upload selfie photos on Instagram because nowadays everyone wants to capture photos of every moment which they love or happening with them for the first time and most of the peoples like clicking photos with … Using Photo Manager, you can import your images directly from the cloud, using any of the following services: Adobe Lightroom CC; Facebook Read now! It sounds cliché, but it’s true: there’s nobody else out there like you, so be yourself and you will stand out (re-read this sentence). Hard work never killed anyone, but why take the chance? You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. Writing captions can be easier if you tell a story. The good news is you’re the pilot. While a picture can tell a thousand words, words can enhance a picture by telling a story, providing context, or adding an air of mystery. Insta Story Quiz question ideas: When did I create [your business name]: How many people work at [your company]: What is our best-selling product is: Guess what my next [blog post / product] is: Guess how many people bought [your product]: Here’s another good one for more funny travel quotes. Your Instagram bio is like your presentation to other people. IcelandAir shows how you can engage with your followers’ around their itch for travel, but you can also ask questions … I can resist everything except temptation. To truly live is the greatest adventure there is. Everything has beauty but not everyone can see. My relationship status? A human. Imagine you introduce yourself, that is what you should say in the bio, but in a short way, as it is limited to 150 characters. Keep the same caption style. 3. This is a fun Instagram caption idea. Create an account or log in to Instagram - A simple, fun & creative way to capture, edit & share photos, videos & messages with friends & family. Instagram profilbild Sammlung von Alina. They are like a story. Your situation, day or project might inspire or motivate someone. So… go set up your Instagram account and let the fun begin! Words cannot express my love and passion for Fridays. Then things just get worse. 5. #happy - 3% . I’d rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not. I’m just really mean and people think I’m joking. They are a great way to build relationships with people because someone can always relate in one way or another to your situation. The quote can be directly or indirectly related to your photo. Promote blog posts Source: @JulieChicStyle. Simply press Edit Profile on your Instagram and you will be able to fill up your Bio. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all. 52. A champion is defined not by their wins but by how they can recover when they fall. 56 Pins. Just a girl in front of a photo willing to receive likes. Top 10 friendship hashtags. Instagram Masterclass; Instagram Ads Training; Free Stuff. You have a tone on this article, so just scroll up again and choose the one you like. Currently starring in my own reality show titled: A Modern Cinderella, One Girl’s Search for Love and Shoe. 4. Antworten. Making a Photo Book in BookWright just got a whole lot easier with Blurb Photo Manager—the easiest way to pull your photos into your book-making workflow. Weitere Ideen zu whatsapp status bilder, bilder, rauch fotografie. Left or right? Weitere Ideen zu fotoideen, instagram foto ideen, fotografie ideen. Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. Why? 150 Pins. You might be willing to become a travel influencer or you might just enjoy traveling and want to show your interest in your profile. meint. 21. Könntest du vielleicht noch ein rein schwarzes Flugzeug Symbol einfügen. In short, the algorithm uses a recipe of relevance and resonance (sound familiar?) Chocolate never asks me any questions, chocolate understands me. Therefore, you will get more successful. The app is a perfect choice for businesses read more… 5 tips to make Instagram marketing an effective one To be irreplaceable, one must be different. Don’t follow me because I don’t even know where I’m going 64. I might look like I’m doing nothing, but in my head, I’m quite busy. A. Pinterest : vaveylaxq. Thanks , You’re welcome. Therefore, you should go direct to the point. Another example is by @outofthebex: she started with a “general” caption and then a specific caption for those who are part of her community. Weitere Ideen zu instagram foto ideen, fotos, fotografie ideen. #1 Peggy Porschen Pretty in pink and pastel hues, Peggy Porschen should top your photo bucket list if you’re looking for an overdose of cuteness and a pop of colour for your photo feed. Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn’t know you left open. Yes, we do still exist! I’ll never be able to have a kid as cool as theirs. I’ve always thought being popular on Instagram is as about as useless as being rich in monopoly. Don’t waste it copying my Bio.. 58. Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live. I followed my heart, it led me to the fridge. Keep the dream alive: Hit the snooze button. Tip: Write your question at the beginning of your caption so that people see it straight away when they see your post. Sometimes depressed, stressed…, but still well dressed. Top 10 friendship hashtags. Is there something in common? Many people say link in bio in their posts. There are three kinds of people in this world. Don’t trust my words? I got here by being me, so I’ll continue being me. Cold or hot? See more ideas about instagram story ideas, instagram story, creative instagram stories. The reason why some of the biggest (and smallest) Instagram accounts are so successful is because they are “personal” and they are “themselves”. In this article, you’ll learn what an Instagram caption is, why you should use one, and tips for writing the best Instagram captions. I still don’t understand Instagram, but here I am anyway. How we live our life is far more important than how we say we live our life. Wondering how many miles I have scrolled with my thumbs. She turned her cants into cans and her dreams into plans. You can also check out these amazing articles and find more interesting quotes you can put on your Instagram or WhatsApp. Life is what happens to you while you scroll through Instagram. By continuing to use our website, you consent to the use of these cookies. Time to BRAWL! Comment document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a6510858fd21da605051e64c139987b6" );document.getElementById("b7bd07dac0").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Your email address will not be published. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. And maybe find something you like for your bio. I love vintage cafés and handmade design. I work an unpaid internship as a professional nerd. With this type of Instagram feed themes, you can post just about anything – just make sure you’ve always got that floral element in each post! Read now! Give a “title” or “heading” for your caption. Weitere Ideen zu Instagram profilbild, Profilbild, Instagram-ideen. Today’s mood is brought to you by lipstick and coffee. Polls are a great way to engage your audience and build your brand. Do you have a fun or cool Insta bio and you want to share it with us? Instagram Status in English for Love It ought to really be cute, pleasant, funny and most importantly within the very romantic way to say I Love You for a partner which may make him joyful. Tumblr Witzig Lustige Bilder tumblr Beiträge Pocket Princesses Disney-Bösewichter. We even found more and summed up the best Instagram captions here. Your life does not get better by chance. Terms and conditions may apply. The bad news is time flies. Wanna discover them with me? If copying from your online character counter tool, try pasting into Notes, Notepad, Evernote, or even a Facebook status update before you paste it to your profile in Instagram. einfach fancy Sammlung von Josy • Zuletzt aktualisiert: vor 2 Wochen. I’m actually not funny. Pink or blue? We all want to be cool! Netflix, Oreos, and sweatpants. Write 2 different captions in one caption. Contents. 20 Instagram Story ideas that will boost engagement 1. Get more atraction by audience & BIG BOOM in your followers. Is The journey, not the arrival, that matters. Create an account or log in to Instagram - A simple, fun & creative way to capture, edit & share photos, videos & messages with friends & family. Believing in yourself is the first secret to success. Or, conduct easy customer … I’m out here hustling to claim what’s mine. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Note: it doesn’t mean that you have to write a long captions in order to build relationships. Sorry not sorry. The other caption under it can be your real thoughts, like @palmerletteringco did (see below). If you’re not the kind of person to write long captions all the time, you don’t have to.

status instagram ideen

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