Harry claims to have seen his father. Born in 1845, the first known Sirius Black was the older brother of Phineas Nigellus Black, former headmaster of Hogwarts. I'm confused about this sequence – midway through the movie Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry is seen with Sirius Black at the lake with a bunch of dementors. Since then, Patronuses have become one of the most iconic elements of the entire franchise. I have read all the Harry Potter books and have concluded that wizards or witches who are animagus have a patronus of the same animal they are a form of. Take Sirius Black for example, a character most in tune with his canine side. 1 Zur Person 2 Familienverhältnisse 3 Schulzeit 4 Widerstand gegen Voldemort 5 Sirius und Harry 6 Ereignisse in den Büchern 7 Übersetzungskritik 8 Links zum Artikel 9 Anmerkungen 10 Sirius' Tod im Film Sirius Black (*3. REMUS LUPIN: "Lobo", pero siempre utiliza un Patronus incorporeo y por lo tanto no se puede certificar al 100%. Of course, Sirius Black (Padfoot) would agree! The smaller runes are a little trickier - up by his neck is a thing that could be gyfu, the gift (a rune of balance), but if it's really separate angle-y things, then it could also be a slightly funky jera, the year, a rune of cycles and annual returns.. Next to it is a thing that's an yr upside down (or, really, yr is it upside down) - it's eolh or algiz, the elk-sedge. Share. K The king cobra is a powerful Patronus, warding Dementors away with its intimidating hiss and beautifully scaled hood. He tries casting Expecto Patronum and fails, and then the stag (or doe, I kind of forget at the moment) Patronus comes out and saves him. Sirius may have been one of a kind in many respects, but he was not the first – or second – of his name. ), a dog Patronus is a surefire sign of a loyal friend. Share via Email Report Story Send. People can only guess that it is a black dog because a black dog is his animagus, SIRIUS BLACK: Perro, forma que toma al ser animago. LILY EVANS: Cierva, puede que sea por el hecho de estar con James. Nov. 1959 † Juni 1996), früher von seinen Schulfreunden "Tatze" (im Original: Padfoot) genannt, ist Harrys Pate. Sirius was extremely loyal to his friends, his cause and to his godson Harry, whom he fought with until the end. Most probably Sirius's patronus was a black dog or grim. Sirius black patronus. The spell itself, Expecto Patronum, is the only tool … He wasn’t the only Sirius Black. Send to Friend. Harry Potter: 14 Of The Wisest & Most Inspiring Sirius Black Quotes. Share via Email Report Story Sirius black's patronus is a black dog. Stubborn and wilful as the Jack Russell can be (remember Ron’s epic sulk during Goblet of Fire? Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban introduced the idea of the Patronus charm in Harry Potter canon. Harry Potter's Godfather, Sirius Black, may have been a reckless Azkaban-escapee but he was also pretty wise at times — as proven in these quotes. Sirius Black, a wanted murderer accused of killing 13 wizards with a single curse, has escaped Azkaban — the wizarding prison — and is apparently hunting Harry. Sirius black's patronus 199 4 0. by no1potterhead394. Share. by no1potterhead394 Follow.

sirius black patronus

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