Champion Helmet's mission is offering the best possible shopping experience to any motorcycle rider who visits us in our Store or online - shopping for motorcycle jackets, boots, helmets, motorcycle gear or any kind of different accessory. So, let's take a look at the Shoei Neotec 2 and Schuberth C4 Pro. Shoei Neotec II vs Schuberth C4 Pro: Which is best? Add to cart Neotec 2 Excursion TC-3 Helmet . The C4 Pro Carbon photographed here looks stunning with its large checked pattern exposed through the graphics, though the seam running down the middle at the rear looks a little clunky. The SC2 will have 14 hours of talk time versus 10 hours on the SLR and the SLR has a range of about 1.6km while the SC2 has about 1km. I’ve reviewed both here on Bennetts BikeSocial, but it’s a common question asked; “Which one should I buy?” After covering thousands of miles in them in all weathers, I’ve got to pick a favourite…. Overall, both the Shoei and the Schuberth have decent options that avoid having a box stuck on the side of the shell, but the much cheaper C4 Basic gives more versatility to use your own comms than the Shoei with its large proprietary intercom docking areas; it’s just a shame the colours are so limited on the Basic. My favourite: The Schuberth C4 for its longer battery life, more discreet microphone and easy fitting, or the C4 Basic for its versatility with any intercom. Optisch sieht der Neotec kräftiger und robuster aus, während der C4 Pro einen schlankeren und schmaleren Look hat. The Shoei has a large button on the front to unlock the chin section, while the Schuberth has it tucked under the bottom. My favourite: The Schuberth for its easy-to-operate and clean mesh-covered top vent, but if you want a real blast of air to the face, the Shoei takes it due to being dual-homologated and the fact that the visor stays open…, The Schuberth has mesh over the holes in the top vent to stop bugs getting in. There are lots of other lids that fit a treat, but the point is that not everything suits everybody. On the C4 Pro, I find the skirt to be too bulky, pushing into the back of my neck, while my lower jaw is squashed and there’s a little pressure on the forehead too. 699,00 578,80 -+ Add to cart. 785 Posts . This has been a flip upon the older versions of these helmets, the original Neotec and Schuberth C3 Pro, which were strong helmets but the C3 Pro was simply superior. Whenever anyone tells you a helmet is a great (or a terrible) fit, you must take it with a pinch of salt; we all have different head shapes and sizes, so trying on any lid for yourself is vitally important. In our testing, both systems were very comparable in their performance, though while the Schuberth gave a massive 18 hours and 50 minutes of runtime while playing Bluetooth-streamed music at full volume, the Shoei only managed 5 hours and 45 minutes. Just did a 18 hour 2 day trip in the Shoei and tortured my forehead after about 5 hours. Joined: Jun 8, 2013 Messages: 3,239 Likes Received: 405 Trophy Points: 243 Location: swansea Ride: Multistrada MTS S. Same here as above, tried Schuberth and Neotec came to the conclusion I have a Shoei shaped head, no problems at all on continental spins. So far im actually liking the C3 better. I'm debating whether my next helmet is going to be a Shoei Neotech or a Schuberth C3 Pro. The Shoei Neotec II has a Pinlock Evo fog-resistant insert included, while the Schuberth C4 Pro has a Pinlock 120; both offer the highest levels of resistance to misting. The Schuberth gets uncomfortable on my head, but remember that this is very subjective; you must try one for yourself. Cheap vs expensive: How much should you pay for a motorcycle helmet? My favourite: A draw – both are great linings, though the Schuberth has a caveat with the fit. The C4 Pro has an upgraded, more plush lining than the previous C4, but between the Shoei and the Schuberth there’s no discernible difference when they’re on the head; both are excellent. Love the flip up design and was able to install my SENA 20s with no issues. They are both made out of fiberglass and use complex technical methods to make the shell, are tested in wind tunnels and provide good safety. Shoei Neotec 2 on aerodynamiikaltaan myös hyvä, vaikka vauhdissa kääntää päätä, ei kypärä kampea kovin pahasti sivulle. This may just be personal though. * Your email address will not be published, © Copyright 2020 Which one is the better? I will admit that the AGV Sportmodular is a great modular helmet but it simply lacks the pedigree and history of Shoei and Schuberth in this category. Discussion in 'Equipment' started by MdoubleP, Oct 22, 2015. 913949). If your bike has a large screen that means no air is blown across the visor, you’ll likely not have to worry, but if the wind hits the top of your lid, you’ll have to keep the speed down if you want to ride with the sunshield down and the visor up. just received my new GT air 2 days ago. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Last. Now we have a strong competition between the 2 helmets and it is not clear which one is actually superior. Schauen wir uns zuerst die Schale an. The Shoei’s vents are also stuck down, so cleaning them out isn’t as easy. Unfortunately, clear and easy to use as the C4 Pro visor is, it also has a really annoying flaw that’s been carried over from the C4; at speeds of about 65mph and over, it just won’t stay open. Looking for a new helmet to replace my aging Shoei Multitec's (I have two). Fans and riders alike seemed to have hot or cold feelings, and SCHUBERTH has actioned much of the feedback that the riding community has provided. Shoei Neotec 2 vs. Schuberth C3 Pro vs. Schuberth C4. Naked bike riders wouldn’t ride with it fully open at these speeds, but touring machine owners with screens that still direct the wind to the top of the lid will likely find it as irritating as me. Show Printable Version; Email this Page… 06-04-2018, 09:33 PM #16. bobcatbiker. At the end of the day, Sena is one of the best communication system brands in the business. - Theme by, Laguna Seca 4 Perforated One-Piece Racing Suit, Shark EVO GT Review and Road Test + Video, Dainese Storm 2 Jacket and Pants Review + Video, Dainese Thunder Gore-Tex Glove Review + Video, Dainese Mistica Tex Jacket Review + Video, Dainese Sauris 2 D-Dry Jacket Review + Video, Arai RX-7V Racing Helmet Review and Road Test + Video. Again they are the same. However, I’d recommend that you look at both before investing, as we all have different shaped heads. As is the case with other intercoms, the FM radios are fine when they have a connection, but they soon lose it. bobcatbiker. On the Shoei these parts come with the intercom system. The Shoei Neotec fits me extremely well, but while I didn’t have any issues with the Schuberth C3, C4 or E1’s fit, the S2 didn’t fit me at the back of the head. Bennetts is a trading name of Bennetts Motorcycling Services Limited, registered in England and Wales (company number 11453343) with its registered office at Worldwide House, Thorpe Wood, Peterborough, PE3 6SB. It is these little things which really separate these helmets. Both these helmets have focused heavily on noise isolation and that is one of the key features of a premium modular helmet. The only issue i … The C4 Pro draws it's inspiration from all the previous Schuberth Flip-Up helmets and pushes the bar even higher! Ultimately, a naked bike will see the Schuberth perform exceptionally well, but as soon as you add screen turbulence, the benefits are often lost. #5 steveb123, Apr 30, 2018. The Shoei’s seal is improved over the previous Neotec. With that out of the way, we compared the Schuberth C4 Pro and the Shoei Neotec 2 using medium sized helmets in order to make sure we had a good baseline and for equality. The Schuberth has a very deep visor aperture, which gives a large field of view; horizontally there’s no noticeable difference between it and the Shoei, but the cut-out at the front means looking down requires less head movement; it’s easier to see into your pockets and look at anything on your tank. I actually ride with the Shoei Neotec 2 each day on my police motorcycle, as it is my issued helmet. Both have a composite fibre shell construction – making for an extremely tough outer – and both have plastic chin sections. However, in very hot climates, that huge ventilation can be a massive bonus. This website uses cookies. When you're wearing the C4 Pro, it really doesn’t look like a flip-lid at all, and for some that’s still important. Informing our numbers are the collective road tests of the Shoei Neotec 2 (Shoei’s modular helmet), the Shoei NXR (their touring helmet), the Shoei GT Air 2 (from sport-touring), the Shoei X-Spirit 3 (their top of the line race helmet), the Shoei Hornet ADV (their adventure helmet), and the Shoei J-Cruise 2 (their ever-popular jet helmet). Since I'm hearing-impaired, noise attenuation is a big consideration, as well as the helmet's ability to accommodate hearing aids - full-face helmets tend to tear hearing aids off my ears when putting on / taking off a helmet. In terms of vision, the C4 Pro has a wider field of vision and this a nice little plus there. I’m Chris from Champion Helmets and if you want to see reviews of these helmets and more, subscribe to our channel on YouTube. My favourite: The Shoei is just a little less of a fiddle – mainly down to the lining pads – but I also prefer the metal buckle. The Shoei Neotec II starts at £519.99 for black or white, rising to £549.99 for colours and £599.99 for graphics. Joined: Oct 20, 2015 Oddometer: 772 Location: atlanta. The C4 Pro has an upgraded, more plush lining than the previous C4, but between the Shoei and the Schuberth there’s no discernible difference when they’re on the head; both are excellent. Schuberth C3 Pro vs. Shoei Neotech? If that model’s not available anymore, you can have an equivalent one – a very good deal. Shoei Neotec 2 vs. Schuberth C3 Pro vs. Schuberth C4. I'm a 60 (ish) hence going a size up in Schuberth 19-06-17, 10:53 #5. grantmac. Fitting the Schuberth SC1 communication kit is a really simple process – just plug in the control unit and the battery. The Shoei Neotec 2 and the Schuberth C4 both belong to the best modular helmets in the world. Beide sind aus Glasfaser gefertigt und verwenden komplexe technische Fertigungsmethoden bei der Herstellung der Schale, sind im Windkanal getestet und bieten gute Sicherheit. The Schuberth C4 Pro was released this year as an evolution of the C4, which continues the company’s range of premium modular helmets…. C4 näyttää vähän pyöreämmältä, joten voi olla aavistuksen parempi. The photos here show the carbon-fibre version of the Schuberth, which pushes the price up to £699.99.

shoei neotec 2 vs schuberth c4 pro

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