They will sail right into a sunrise at 7:37 AM local time. Enjoyed the healthy influence with food and the exersicing. [7][8][9] The series began aboard their Beneteau Cyclades sailboat. It is linked to Sailing La Vagabonde’s YouTube channel and patrons pledge a certain amount per video, in a few cases donating in excess of £200 per episode. All Proceeds go to helping us get La Vaga (and us) safely around the world! We’re thinking of everyone who has been affected. Music Credit: We are currently in discussions with Buzz Aldrin, Mikhale Korniyenko and NASA, the specific gravity, trajectory optimisation and escape velocity of La Vagabonde has been discussed, agreed upon and finalised. Welcome on board La Vagabonde! This is what it's like to live life on the water. 213 – Sailing La Vagabonde BOAT LIFE: Across the BLUEST SAND BANK to our own PRIVATE ISLAND! Sailing La Vagabonde. BOAT LIFE: Across the BLUEST SAND BANK to our own PRIVATE ISLAND! De bemanning neemt haar mee over de Atlantische Oceaan, van Virginia naar Spanje. [9][10] Between 2014 and 2018, the pair sailed over 105,000 kilometres (65,000 mi) combined, including three Atlantic ocean crossings and one Pacific ocean crossing. Featured Collections. Real-time and current position of LA VAGABONDE (Sailing, MMSI: 227825030) on ais live map is in Caribbean Sea with coordinates 14.46762° / -60.87293° and speed --- knots as reported on 2020-03-06 16:19 by AIS live data. Thanks. I sailed single handed across the atlantic in 2010 and I think you rock in sailing, parenting, whatever stupid shit you do. Join us as we sail the seas around the world. Ep. Sailing La Vagabonde Riley and Elayna have offered Greta the Climate Change Teen Goddess a sailboat ride back to Europe. Fort De France to St Lucia (Sailing La Vagabonde) Ep. Web Design by Jake Lorraine. This is the new group to replace the toxic one. View the daily YouTube analytics of Sailing La Vagabonde and track progress charts, view future predictions, related channels, and track realtime live sub counts. Like I said, they’re going to need ALL the help they can get. They are an Australian couple that travel the world on board the La Vagabond Catamaran. WE'RE NOW SHIPPING TO YOU USING 100% PLASTIC-FREE COMPOSTABLE MAILERS. The Pacific Ocean is less violent than the Atlantic. Sailing LaVagabonde is a YouTube channel run by Australian video bloggers Riley Whitelum and Elayna Carausu. In total, they currently earn over $9,000 US per video. It is linked to Sailing La Vagabonde’s YouTube channel and patrons pledge a certain amount per video, in a few cases donating in excess of £200 per episode. With whom and where about ? ) Web Design by Jake Lorraine. Very happy you are all safe. Last year they had, as they called it, a "stowaway" and named him Lenny. and your first days , Sailing la Vagabonde , … Join us as we sail the seas around the world. If you were thinking of donating we believe this is a good place: THEN… they have a warehouse in Little Haiti, Miami that we can send things to. Featured Collections. Welcome on board La Vagabonde! Sailing LaVagabonde is a YouTube channel run by Australian video bloggers Riley Whitelum and Elayna Carausu.The channel documents the couple's life aboard their sailing catamaran La Vagabonde.As of 2019, the channel had over one million subscribers. We can’t believe what is happening. 67% complete. (#276) 213. Join us as we sail the seas around the world. 132 d. vind-ik-leuks. “La Vagabonde will take roughly three weeks to reach Spain, where Ms. Thunberg hopes to arrive in time for the next round of United Nations-sponsored climate talks,” … Elayna, Riley and Lenny. We’re about to pack up and head to Australia for a few months! Photos: Sailing's most popular vloggers Sailing La Vagabonde The couple have sailed more than 65,000 nautical miles, sailing anti-clockwise around the world from Europe to … Ep. 213 Thanks for considering joining our Patreon Crew. Vagabond (Japanese: バガボンド, Hepburn: Bagabondo) is a Japanese epic martial arts Vagabond manga series written and illustrated by Takehiko Inoue. As “the beginning is half of everything” , we would love to know about how you dealed with sailing , anchoring , mooring , insuring “La Vagabonde ” and getting from Bari area to Ios . Join us on board La Vagabonde for our final leg of our sail down to Lagos, Portugal with our patron Andre, to meet the crew at the Sopromar Boat Yard who have kindly offered to help us out. LA VAGABONDE Current Position (Sailing, MMSI: 227825030) - MyShipTracking. ... ©2020 Sailing La Vagabonde. This is what it's like to live life on the water. Recent Posts. We are obsessed with sailing, and we’re all about partnering … Goals. All Proceeds go to helping us get La Vaga (and us) safely around the world! r/SailingLaVagabonde: For Elayna and Riley's adventures around the world on their boat La Vagabonde. Stream Tracks and Playlists from Sailing La Vagabonde on your desktop or mobile device. Glad ur safe, Riles would not let anything happen! Welcome to our Sailing La Vagabonde SoundCloud account! Sailing LaVagabonde is a YouTube channel run by Australian video bloggers Riley Whitelum and Elayna Carausu.The channel documents the couple's life aboard their sailing catamaran La Vagabonde.As of 2019, the channel had over one million subscribers. They people of The Bahamas are going to need:– Generators– Food (non perishable)– Tools, hammers,– Chain Saws– Hand Saws– First Aid Supplies– Work Gloves– Can openers– Water– Tarps– Batteries– Flashlights– Diapers– Baby Formula– Sanitizing Wipes– Toiletries– Sanitizer– Water Purification devices– Bleach, You can send any of these items or order them from Amazon to:Global Empowerment Mission340 NE 59th terrace,Miami, FL33137. Ep. Sailing La Vagabonde net worth, income and Youtube channel estimated earnings, Sailing La Vagabonde income. At Doyle Sails, this is our forte, and we’re very proud to have partnered with Sailing La Vagabonde on their journey around the world while we all live vicariously through their sailing adventures they share with us. In total, they currently earn over $9,000 US per video. Welcome on board La Vagabonde! Naturalistic Healing in Bali. The vessel LA VAGABONDE (MMSI: 227497060) is a Sailing It's sailing under the flag of [FR] France.. Haul out and Back to Australia! Thank you to all the artists who feature. This is what it's like to live life on the water. Todays video was filmed over a month ago. In exchange, the patrons get exclusive access; extra video content and invites to supporters’ meet-ups on board La Vagabonde. 213. View the daily YouTube analytics of Sailing La Vagabonde and track progress charts, view future predictions, related channels, and track realtime live sub counts. Required fields are marked *, BOAT LIFE: Across the BLUEST SAND BANK to our own PRIVATE ISLAND! (Sailing La Vagabonde) Ep. Find out more here. Sailing; Sailing Vlogs; uncategorised ©2020 Sailing La Vagabonde. 19. 213. Elayna and Railei thanks to God you were safe when the hurricane passed through Bermuda. Sailing La Vagabonde Merchandise Scroll Down To Shop . As of 2019[update], the channel had over one million subscribers. Lenny (Sailing La Vagabonde)is a little walk in the Lydian mode. Paragliding for the first time! Videos made possible by people like you. Check Sailing La Vagabonde YouTube statistics and Real-Time subscriber count. Join us as we sail the seas around the world. Meet Riley; They are the top sailing channel on you tube and really are a lot of fun to watch as they sail around the world. R’s sail set and mast rake was lovely. We are currently in discussions with Buzz Aldrin, Mikhale Korniyenko and NASA, the specific gravity, trajectory optimisation and escape velocity of La Vagabonde has been discussed, agreed upon and finalised., 13:31 The Magistrate – Jack Pen and His Anthropomorphic Orchestra, From Sea to Sky. My wife and I both went to the same place for our 13 DAY fast and detox. Keep sailing, living, loving, diving. The channel documents the couple's life aboard their sailing catamaran La Vagabonde. Sailing La Vagabonde. 133K likes. We are setting sail in two months for the sailing life. The delay is necessary because we live on a boat and need to be free to sail. Sailing La Vagabonde. Your email address will not be published. Welcome on board La Vagabonde! Discover daily channel statistics, earnings, subscriber attribute, relevant YouTubers and videos. The vessel's current speed is 1 Knots. Hence the need for another sailing jaunt. [3][5], 2019 United Nations Climate Change Conference, "Stranded climate activist Greta Thunberg offered a lift by Aussies sailing the world with their son", "Goodbye, America: Greta Thunberg to Sail Again After Climate Talks Relocate", "Greta Thunberg to hitch a ride to Europe with Australian YouTube influencers", "Greta Thunberg arrives in Lisbon after three-week voyage from US", "Ahoy There, Mommy! Luv ‘ya! Sailing La Vagabonde. Sailing La Vagabonde. Sailing La Vagabonde. Ze laten veel zien: van hoe zij aan hun eten komen (grote inkopen bij de supermarkt tot en met zelf vissen), welke avonturen ze beleven als ze bij een (ei)land zijn, hoe zij omgaan met problemen aan boord en nog veel meer. In exchange, the patrons get exclusive access; extra video content and invites to supporters’ meet-ups on board La Vagabonde. Congratulations for your shocking success ( more than 30.000 US$ per month ) … Riley , it will be very helpful to us , to let us know , about your sailing experience before buying the boat ( it was some 10 days ? Family Sails Around World on YouTube", "An Interview with Riley and Elayna of Sailing la Vagabonde", "How to get paid to go sailing – 5 different options for living the dream", "YouTube funding couple's million-dollar yacht", "Sailing la Vagabonde: Meet sailing's most popular vloggers",, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2019, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 13 November 2020, at 17:45. Sailing La Vagabonde, a user on Spotify We and our partners use cookies to personalize your experience, to show you ads based on your interests, and for measurement and analytics purposes. This is what it's like to live life on the water. Sailing La Vagabonde Video. Riley Whitelum, Sailing La Vagabonde. Bad Weather but Good Vibes (Sailing La Vagabonde) - Ep. Sailing La Vagabonde. We’re Riley & Elayna, an Australian couple documenting our journey traveling the world by sail despite no previous sailing experience. Ep. Web Design by Jake Lorraine. Join us as we sail the seas around the world. Sailing la Vagabonde Dit koppel zeilt de hele wereld over en op YouTube hebben ze een kanaal waar ze elke week een vlog van 10 à 20 minuten posten. The items will be sent over on planes and barges immediately!THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH. Goals. 18. Real-time and current position of LA VAGABONDE (Sailing, MMSI: 227825030) on ais live map is in Caribbean Sea with coordinates 14.46762° / -60.87293° and speed --- knots as reported on 2020-03-06 16:19 by AIS live data. Meet Riley; De Zweedse (en veel besproken) klimaatactiviste Greta Thunberg zeilt momenteel mee aan boord van Outremer 45 La Vagabonde. It's a … With only 30Nm left to sail and a favorable wind we can start preparing to welcome the Australian catamaran “La Vagabonde” and her international crew right in the heart of Lisbon, at Doca de Santo Amaro. 133K likes. Love that place. The current position of LA VAGABONDE is in North Atlantic Ocean with coordinates 38.67853° / -28.20202° as reported on 2020-08-16 02:58 by AIS to our vessel tracker app. Sailing La Vagabonde FAN CREW has 4,222 members. Help Support Our Production! La Vagabonde has rarely in the last year chosen to use its ais transponder and it was put on for only a few days after the start of the ongoing crossing. Supplies can also be brought over from 10am to 7pm 7 days a week. 213 – Sailing La Vagabonde BOAT LIFE: Across the BLUEST SAND BANK to our own PRIVATE ISLAND! Peoples homes and lives have been torn apart and they are going to need all the help they can get. Greta Thunberg is expected to arrive to Lisbon, Portugal today, on Tuesday, Dec. 3rd, early morning. I was worried sick . Be careful and God protect this dear family. The time we were offered 10 MILLION DOLLARS.. (and also we go freediving) Greta (16) hoopt op tijd in Madrid te zijn om daar de klimaattop te kunnen bijwonen. 67% complete. here you can read all vagabond manga chapters for free, we publish them the sec they get released. 1.52M Subs. Image: Nikki Henderson At the link below, La Vagabonde's position is updated with some delay. 133K likes. Solo sailing Los Angeles to Hawaii on 23ft boat - Duration: 39:45. here you can read all vagabond manga chapters for free, we publish them the sec they get released. Interested in becoming part of our crew? 1.52M Subs. This is what it's like to live life on the water. should reach. Explore BLUE HOLE ft SHARKS. Ep. Where Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Mans Chest Was Filmed (Sailing La Vagabonde) Ep. 133K likes. Discover daily channel statistics, earnings, subscriber attribute, relevant YouTubers and videos. Listen to Elayna’s Album. Sailing La Vagabonde. Sailing La Vagabonde 713,503 views. Network Video Recent Blog Posts La Vaga Outremer 45: an La Vagabonde has a first name and a point for a hen / spinnaker. The current position of LA VAGABONDE is in North Atlantic Ocean with coordinates 38.67853° / -28.20202° as reported on 2020-08-16 02:58 by AIS to our vessel tracker app. Sailing La Vagabonde - Riley and Elayna are the most popular sailing couple in the world. By using our website and our services, you agree to our use of cookies as described in our Cookie Policy . Vagabond (Japanese: バガボンド, Hepburn: Bagabondo) is a Japanese epic martial arts Vagabond manga series written and illustrated by Takehiko Inoue. Global Empowerment Mission are currently in full mobilization to assist the NW Bahamas, specifically the Abacos. Thanks for the links. Love the video’s, Safe sailing to the next adventure. 1.52M Subs. should reach. Especially when you consider that Riley Whitelum and Elayna Carausu, the Aussie couple who run La Vagabonde, an Outremer 45 catamaran, sail with their Join us on board La Vagabonde for our final leg of our sail down to Lagos, Portugal with our patron Andre, to meet the crew at the Sopromar Boat Yard who have kindly offered to help us out. [10] Following the success of their channel, they negotiated a discounted price with the company Outremer for the catamaran that they have sailed since 2017. WE'RE NOW SHIPPING TO YOU USING 100% PLASTIC-FREE COMPOSTABLE MAILERS. The vessel LA VAGABONDE (MMSI: 227497060) is a Sailing It's sailing under the flag of [FR] France.. Sailing La Vagabonde net worth, income and Youtube channel estimated earnings, Sailing La Vagabonde income. Join us as we sail the seas around the world. San DIego Ca . See what Sailing La Vagabonde (sailinglavaga) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of ideas. Network Video Recent Blog Posts 5 years as Patreon creator; 216th ( 18 ) Patreon Rank 3,640 ( -164 ) Patrons Not Published Best Guess: $4K - $35K Earnings per video episode* Twitter 33.3K Launched Jan … No insults will be tolerated on either side. Every bit counts. We were very worried about the danger you might face with a baby on board. Sailing La Vagabonde video statistics, Youtube videos statistics Thanks for considering joining our Patreon Crew. 2540 Followers. Life changing. around January 1st, 2021* * rough estimate based on current trend. Great to hear that you are all safe. around January 1st, 2021* * rough estimate based on current trend. Thanks for considering joining our Patreon Crew. Ep. The time we were offered 10 MILLION DOLLARS.. (and also we go freediving) [#278] BOAT LIFE: Heading back out to Sea (#277) Is this bad parenting? 213 Thanks for considering joining our Patreon Crew. It portrays a fictionalized account of the life of Japanese swordsman Miyamoto Musashi, based on Eiji Yoshikawa’s novel Musashi.

sailing la vagabonde 213

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