Herkomst: ukendt. Rasht (Persian: رشت ‎, romanized: Ŕäšt (); Gilaki: Rəšt; also romanized as Resht and Rast, and often spelt Recht in French and older German manuscripts) is the capital city of Gilan Province, Iran.Also known as the "City of Rain" (شهر باران, Ŝahre Bārān), it had a population of 639,951 as of the 24 October 2011 census and is the most densely populated city of Iran. Rose (Rosa 'Rose de Rescht') in the Roses Database - Garden.org New and Unread Tree-Mails The Rose de Rescht rose is a very old portland rose which is said to have been discovered in a Persian garden. Once the plant is mature it turns from blooming in flushes into more of a continous bloomer. Shrub Version of Rose de Resht. Propagated on hardy Rosa Multiflora rootstock. I love it. It is flourishing in Stillwater, OK. Rose de Rescht grows 3' - 4' in height. 1 favorite vote. Der Einsatz eines Pferdes schont den Boden und die Pflanze. It is a shade tolerant plant and winter hardy. Rose photo courtesy of thebig-bear. 800 328 8893. Rose name: Rose de Rescht Type: Portland, Historic Rose Fragrance: Very Fragrant rose Colors: Deep Pink Beautiful blooms of fully double rich fuchsia red with purple tints and a button eye. Buy Rose de Rêscht from David Austin with a 5 year guarantee and expert aftercare. I ordered this rose this spring from David Austin Roses as a bare root. "Resht" and "Rasht" are transliterations of the name of a Iranian city located near the Caspian Sea. Young plant, I have a standard-tree rose of rose de resht, which has darker and bigger blooms. Rosa Rose de Resht . All roses have been grown and tended in our family-owned rose nursery. Details 'De Resht' is a compact, bushy small shrub with plentiful, Gallica-like foliage and fragrant, bright purplish-crimson, fully double flowers 6cm in width Characteristics Foliage Deciduous Dense dark greyish green foliage which is pretty disease resistant. Since Modern Roses XII is the most recent ARS publication, rose exhibitors must now show this rose as a Portland with a date of introduction "about 1880," even though it has actually been around for a lot longer. Rose de Rescht hører til gruppen Damascenerroser. Afstamning: Ukendt.Det fortælles at Lady Lindsay har fundet rosen i silkebyen Resht i persien og bragt Whatever its ancestry, Rose de Rescht has made a considerable contribution to the garden as well as the show table. Remonterende: Blomster fra begyndelsen af juli til langt ud på efteråret. 1.5" blooms deep pink rich fuchsia-red with hints of purple;blooms midsummer- fall Plant database entry for Rose (Rosa 'Rose de Rescht') with 44 images, one comment, and 39 data details. Skip to content. Uploaded 12 JUL 17. The Swedish Rose Society recommends Rose de Rescht for northern Sweden. Synonymer:Rose de Rescht.. Højde: 80 - 120 cm Farve: Mørkt ceriserød Duft: Meget stærk duft. 6,29 € 6,99 €-10% Die Bio-Rosen stammen nicht aus einer technisierten Massenproduktion. One of our favourite old shrub roses. Sie werden mit traditionallen Methoden aufgezogen und gepflegt. It is the first of the 10 I ordered to bloom. Rose Rose de Resht. It has many buds and a marvelous damask rose fragrance.

rose de resht dehner

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