' if (typeof ouibounce !== 'undefined') { }); View Otto Dix’s 4,919 artworks on artnet. var signup = $form.find('.invalid-email').show().siblings().hide(); Handzeichnungen 1912-62, 1963, illustrated in the catalogue Munich, Galerie Klihm, Otto Dix. googletag.pubads().setTargeting("width", w), googletag.pubads().setTargeting("height", h), 1 == isnewsletter && googletag.pubads().setTargeting("isfirstpage", ['Y', pagetypeforce] ) Lotto 23 Otto Dix ( 1891 - 1969 ) TRÜMMER BEI NACHT pastello policromo. + '
' 17-ott-2013 - Esplora la bacheca "Otto Dix" di Maura Babusci, seguita da 155 persone su Pinterest. Hij doorliep gedurende de periode 1910-1933 verschillende belangrijke moderne kunststromingen zoals het expressionisme, Nieuwe Zakelijkheid. return o; } Ketterer Kunst Munich, , DE Germany Pablo Picassos portrait series of his partner Françoise can be nothing else but a homage to love and to the woman of his heart. + 'Please enter a valid email address' } He went through during the period 1910-1933 several important modern art movements such as Expressionism, New Objectivity. ... Ketterer Kunst, Art auctions, Book auctions Munich, Hamburg & Berlin. Estimate: €240 - €300 Description: Lithograph on wove paper Germany, 1966 Otto Dix (1891-1969) - German painter and printmaker, one of the main representatives of New Objectivity Signed and dated lower right in the stone 'DIX 66' Catalog raisonnée: Karsch 314 Image dimensions: 44 x 35.6 cm Very good condition His grotesque and satirical works have made Otto Dix famous in the 1920s. var o = {}; His paintings and prints created a narrative of war and the results of war—from violent death and destruction, to the hedonistic lifestyle that came as a … $.fn.serializeFormJSON = function () { See our Privacy Policy for more information about cookies. function setNewsletterCookie(cookieName, value) { In 1937, Dix was included in the Degenerate Art exhibition organized by the Nazis in Munich. closedSignupBar: { var name = prefix + cname + "="; 12-mar-2015 - Explora el tablero de Lucia de Toro "otto dix" en Pinterest. He also painted negative caricatures of the partying masses in the Weimar Republic and strung-out prostitutes. Jahrhunderts & Münchner Schule, Erfolgsgeschichte eines Familienunternehmens. Filter by auction house, media and more. function closeSignupBar() { setTimeout(function() { defernl() }, 250); The authenticity of this work has been confirmed by Prof. Dr. Rainer Beck from the Otto Dix Stiftung. } //hide form fields and show thank-you message Oil on canvas. 68, p. 144 (illustrated); this exhibition later travelled to Berlin, Nationalgalerie and London, Tate Gallery. ©2020 Artnet Worldwide Corporation. recentlyShown: { In de jaren '20 groeide zijn aversie tegen de heersende clichés uit … 91 x 120 cm / 35.8 x 47.4 inches. Bildnis Frau Helene Erfurt mit Pelz, 1930 . • For 60 years part of a family collection. Recent Lots By Otto Dix. He does an apprenticeship as a decorator in Gera from 1905 to 1909 and the Dresden school of applied art from 1910 to 1914. + '
Get hand-picked stories from our editors delivered straight to your inbox every day.<\/p>' pagetype = document.querySelector('meta[property="og:type"]').getAttribute("content"), Dörte Clara Wolff) Dufy, Jean E berz, Josef Ende, Edgar F eininger, Lyonel Foerster, Johann Peter Fuhr, Franz Xaver G uillaumin, Jean-Baptiste Armand H eckel, Erich Heine, Thomas Theodor Herrmann, Curt Otto Dix war ein deutscher Künstler und bekannt für groteske Porträtgemälde. var $form = $(formElement); + '<\/div>' expiration_days: 14 “All of the delicacies and liqueurs I could muster were there to greet him,” wrote art dealer Johanna Ey on meeting Dix, in her memoirs. function slideInModal(upOrDown) { + '<\/div>' Find an in-depth biography, exhibitions, original artworks for sale, the latest news, and sold auction prices. // Hide the errors Gera Dibujos Arte General Motors Otto Dix Alberto Giacometti Piezas De Arte De Época Henri Matisse Weimar. // =================================================================== Since it was founded in 1954, Ketterer Kunst has been firmly established in the front ranks of auction houses dealing in art and rare books, with its headquarters in Munich and a branch in Hamburg. Otto Dix (1891-1969) was een Duitse schilder en graficus. Keith Haring Andy Mouse Color silkscreen, 1986 91.5 x 90.5 cm / 36 x 35.6 inches Estimate € 100,000-150,0000 / US$ 110.000-165.000 (PRNewsfoto/Ketterer Kunst) 61: 28 November from 6 pm-8 pm (vernissage) 29 November to 3 December from 11 am-5 pm. } callback: function() { } [CE]. $modal.css({ if (!window.jQuery) loadJQuery(); (Conzelmann, Otto: Otto Dix, Handzeichnungen, Hanover 1968, p. 44) This work presumably shows the dancer Tamara Danischewski, portrayed in oil with a flower in her hand in 1933. var script = document.createElement('script'); // Check if ouibounce exist before calling ouibounce 1924 tritt Otto Dix der "Berliner Secession" bei und wohnt ab 1925 in Berlin. Die Sammlung Hildegard und Ferdinand Kosefeld, Kunst nach 1945 & Sammlung Stiftung Kunst & Recht, Neuere Meister, Modern Art & Kunst nach 45, Modern Art & Kunst nach 45 & Alte Meister, Klassiker des 20. Subscribe to our newsletter to get the breaking news, eye-opening interviews, and incisive critical takes that drive the conversation forward. } }, Ver más ideas sobre expresionismo, expresionismo aleman, arte. Jahrhunderts & Münchner Schule & Seitenwege der deutschen Avantgarde & Bauhaus 14.05. ... Ketterer Kunst, Art auctions, Book auctions Munich, Hamburg & Berlin. unsere tour ausgewählter werke gastiert in mehreren städten. : Dix 65 inscribed in pencil (in image) l.l. The picture is an outstanding example of the transition from Expressionism to the Neue Sachlichkeit (the New Objectivity). }); }); 1925 beteiligt sich der Künstler an der Ausstellung "Neue Sachlichkeit" in Mannheim. //if there are cookies indicating that we shouldn't show the signup bar, then the modal won't have been added to the page } else { Sep 30, 2014, By 1921 Otto Dix (artist German, 1891-1969) Foundry Worker Franz Dix 1862-1942 and Louise Seamstress Amann Dix 1864-1953 - The Artist's Parents Otto Dix what famous for his unique & amp; grotesque style. pagetypeurl = document.URL, 28, illustrated in the catalogue Göttingen, Kunstverein Göttingen & Städtisches Museum am Ritterplan, Otto Dix. prefix = 'artnet_newsletter_'; (function defernl() { $.ajax({ 18 München-Riem * The result was the hammer price plus 22 percent buyer’s premium. 60 x 81 cm (23,6 x 31,8 in). LITERATURE: Ketterer Kunst A 10, November 11 - 24, 1973, lot 322a Lempertz, Cologne A 556, December 1976, lot 178 with illu. function initNewsletterSignup() { + ' @media (max-width: 575px){ #ouibounce-modal {display:none !important;} }' w = pagetype + 20 * Math.round(w / 20), h = pagetype + 20 * Math.round(h / 20), googletag.cmd.push(function() { A preview of all the works in the auction will be possible in Munich on 12 - 14 September from 11:00 - 17:00 in Ketterer Kunst’s … if (!found) { Sold: € 30,000 . Amah-Rose Abrams, Asta: 306 Modern Art and Post-War - Oggetti venduti Selezione dell'asta 306. + '<\/div>' if (!o[this.name].push) { on plate 11 Lempertz, Cologne A 568, December 1978 lot 194. o[this.name].push(this.value || ''); The nearly 1000 lots offered at the auction include works by Otto Dix, Ida Kerkovius, Max Pechstein, Christian Rohlfs and many others. prefix = 'artnet_newsletter_'; isnewsletter = pagetypeurl.includes("?page_1"); //hide on mobile phones } + '<\/div>' checkCookies(); signed and dated 'DIX 22' (lower right); titled and numbered 'Dompteuse II' (on the reverse) watercolor, brush and India ink and pencil on paper. $('#ouibounce-modal') Themen: Emil Nolde, Franz Radziwill, Hermann Max Pechstein, Kunst, Markus Lüpertz, Otto Dix, Presse Bildbeschreibung: Auktion 380 - 04.06.11 Lot 62 Öl auf Leinwand 1929 344.040 € verkauft Bildquelle: Ketterer Kunst GmbH & Co KG
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