Die größten Hits ...mit Discjockey Joerg: ALLE Nummer-Eins-Hits der offiziellen Deutschen Single-Charts (Hitliste, keine Dateien!) Allerdings weiß ich nicht, nach welcher Statistik ausgesucht wurde. Weiter. ... it is one of the longest-reigning Number 1 hits of all-time. Jänner 1982) Britney Spears (3 Nr. That situation is remedied here. This is a list of number-one singles in Belgium from VRT Top 30 (1970-1995) and Ultratop (1995-present). 1 Suche! Hits der 70er | 80er | 90er | 2000er | 2010er. Chart-Hits 2003 Chart-Hits 1984 Autor musikhimmel Veröffentlicht am Dezember 31, 1983 Mai 1, 2020 Kategorien Charts Schlagwörter 1983 , charts , deutschland , hits 1958-1969 • 1970-1979 • 1980-1989 • 1990-1999 • 2000-2009 • 2010-2019. Verenigde Staten Deze pagina is voor het laatst bewerkt op 29 aug 2018 om 19:16. These are the Billboard Hot 100 number-one singles of 1980. Die erfolgreichsten Hits 1980 der Single-Charts in Deutschland. Januar 1980 gab es Top-20-Single- und -Albumcharts jeweils halbmonatlich am 1. und am 15. jeden Monats. 1960s. See also: UK No 1 albums 1980 US No 1 Singles 1980. List of Billboard Hot 100 number-one singles of 1980, "Top 100 Songs - Billboard Hot 100 Chart", Cashbox Top 100 number-one singles of 1980, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_Billboard_Hot_100_number_ones_of_1980&oldid=988253414, Lists of Billboard Hot 100 number-one songs, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2015, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, The yellow background indicates the #1 song on, Additional information obtained can be verified within, This page was last edited on 12 November 2020, at 01:23. No Comments. The dates given below are for 'week ending'. Ersteller alexanderjoseph; Erstellt am 19. How many musical acts can you name that reached #1 on the American pop charts in the decade of the 1980s? 1 Hits - Volume 1 mitgewirkt hat, Rezensionen und Titellisten lesen und auf dem Marktplatz nach der Veröffentlichung suchen. The Billboard Hot 100 chart is the main song chart of the American music industry and is updated every week by the Billboard magazine. 2 Monate (1. Decade by Decade; 1950s: 1950s: 1960s: 1960s: 1970s: 1970s: 1980s: 1980s: 1990s: 1990s: 2000s: 2000s: 2010s: Sheet Music: Record Sales: 1960-1964: 1965-1969: 1970-1974: 1975-1979: 1980-1984: 1985-1989: 1990-1994: 1995-1999: 2000-2004: 2005 … Alle Nummer 1 Hits der deutschen Single Charts 1986-1987. The British rock band Queen was the only act to achieve multiple number-one songs during the year with “Crazy Little Thing Called Love” and “Another One Bites the Dust”. Rate: Featured Quiz . Alle Sommerhits im Jahr 1980 | ⤾80er Der Nippel – Mike Krüger What’s Another Year – Johnny Logan Sexy Eyes – Dr. Hook D.I.S.C.O – Ottawan Take That Look Off Your Face – Marti Webb Matador – Garland Jeffreys Santa Maria – Oliver Onions Upside Down – Diana Ross Funkytown – Lipps Inc. No Doubt About It – Hot Chocolate The two longest running number-one singles of 1980 are "Call Me" by Blondie and "Lady" by Kenny Rogers with each single obtaining six weeks on top of the chart. Listen now or watch the music video. Chart-Hits 1989 Chart-Hits 1987 Autor musikhimmel Veröffentlicht am Dezember 31, 1989 August 4, 2020 Kategorien Nummer Eins Hits Schlagwörter 80er , nummer eins hits Nr. -Lieder von 1989, 1988, 1987, 1986, 1985, 1984, 1983, 1982, 1981, 1980 in einer Rückwärts-Reihenfolge - 1980er. Februar 1982 4 Wochen (insgesamt 8) 8 Gottlieb Wendehals Polonäse Blankenese Musik: Werner Böhm Thorn; Text: Michael Jud, Werner Böhm Thorn – 8. Number 1 Singles - 1960s. Allgemein; Antwortstatistiken; Verteilung der Resultate; Ihre Resultats-Entwicklung; Allgemein. April 2020. The following artists achieved three or more number-one hits during the 1980s. Home » All Subjects » Music » UK No 1 Singles 1980. John Lennon was the fourth artist to hit number one posthumously, after his death in December 1980. Our main database does not give the precise date that a record reached the Number 1 spot. Mache einen Ausflug in die Vergangenheit. Januar – 28. ♬ Singpartitur: 2,50 € | Klavierpartitur: 7,50 € „Dauerbrenner“ nach Singles. Singles. HISTORY MENÜ : Deutschland 2001-Heute: England 2001-Heute: USA 2001-Heute: Deutschland 1991-2000: England 1991-2000: USA 1991-2000: Deutschland 1981-1990: England 1981-1990: USA 1981-1990: Deutschland 1971-1980: England 1971-1980: USA 1971-1980: Deutschland 1954-1970: England 1961-1970: USA 1961-1970: DDR-Hits 1975-1990: England 1949 … 1. A1 – Mai Tai: What Goes On (Radio Mix) A2 – RAF (5) Self Control: A3 – Main Line: Michael Jackson's Greatest Hits … Give Up? 1-Hits seit 1. Diese Liste enthält alle Nummer-eins-Hits in Deutschland im Jahr 1981. Style: Italo-Disco, Pop Rock, Ballad. These are the Billboard Hot 100 number-one singles of 1980. Last updated: November 22, 2020. mix1.de präsentiert den Nr.1 Finder. 52-59 60-69 70-79 1980 - 1989 90-99 00-To Date. #1 hits of the 1980s (UK version) Name the musical acts who got to #1 in the UK singles chart in the 1980s Quiz by xirya. This page was last changed on 3 July 2013, at 08:27. Platz der Charts war. Nummer: Artiest: Eerste week: Aantal weken: Weekend: Earth & Fire: 1980-01: 1: I Have A Dream: Abba: 1980-02: 3 All German number one singles 1986-1987. This table shows the date the song reached number one in the charts during 1980. am Tag Deiner Geburt? 1980 ← Liste der Nummer-eins-Hits in Deutschland : 1982 → Zeitraum Wo. 1 in Deutschland z.B. Various – Nr 1 Hit Festival Label: K-Tel – TN 1931 Format: Vinyl, LP, Compilation Country: Netherlands Released: 1984 Genre: Electronic, Rock, Pop. 07/05/2020 15/08/2018 by Heather Y Wheeler. Featuring the top hits from all the charts. 1970s. Number 1 Singles - 1980s. Mehr Informationen über dieses Quiz >> Erstveröffentlichung: 16. The following artists achieved four or more number-one hits during the 1980s. Die Liste enthält viele ikonische 80er-Jahre-Songs von Künstler, die heute nur noch die wenigsten kennen. Nächste Letzte. Neueinsteiger im Überblick. April 1980 4 Wochen (insgesamt 8) 8 Goombay Dance Band Sun of Jamaica Wolff-Eckehardt Stein, Wolfgang Jass – 12. 1 Songs zum Disco Fox tanzen Superhits von 1980 bis 1989 Some classic songs in this list, how they didn’t get to No1 is a mystery for some, Vienna anyone. Welches Jahr? More quiz info >> First submitted: February 17, 2016: Times taken: 1,455: Rating: 4.40: Report this quiz : Report: Quiz and answer stats >> Start Quiz . From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, Artists by total number of weeks at number-one, Songs by total number of weeks at number-one, Medley: Intro Venus / Sugar Sugar / No Reply / I'll Be Back / Drive My Car /, Caribbean Queen (No More Love on the Run), I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Who Loves Me), I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For, Baby, I Love Your Way / Freebird Medley (Free Baby), https://simple.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_Hot_100_number-one_singles_of_the_1980s_(U.S.)&oldid=4482317, Lists of Billboard Hot 100 number-one singles, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. #1 Hits of the 1980s Quiz. Welche Länder-Charts? 1 von 3 Wechsle zu Seite. Last, but by no means least, are the novelty singles. Artist Number-one hits Michael Jackson: 9 Madonna: 7 Phil Collins: 7 Whitney Houston: 7 George Michael: 6 Lionel Richie: 5 Daryl Hall & John Oates : 5 Stevie Wonder: 4 Bon Jovi: 4 Prince: 4 Artists by total number of weeks at number-one. DATUM: AW1: TITEL: ARTIEST: 15-12-1979: 3: weekend: earth & fire: 12-1-1980: 3: i have a dream: abba: 2-2-1980: 3: rapper's delight 1980 (13th January) Brass in Pocket – The Pretenders. Februar 1980 – 2. Welcome to BillboardTop100of.com 1980 1 Blondie Call Me 2 Pink Floyd Another Brick In The Wall 3 Olivia Newton-John Magic 4 Michael Jackson Rock With You 5 Captain and Tennille Do That To Me One More Time 6 Queen Crazy Little Thing Called Love 7 Paul McCartney Coming Up 8 Lipps, Inc. Funkytown 9 Billy […] Our main database does not give the precise date that a record reached the Number 1 spot. Februar) Led Zeppelin: Whole Lotta Love. The following artists achieved four or more number-one hits during the 1980s. The tables below list the running total of different number 1s, the date the track reached the peak, artist name, song title(s) and weeks at the summit. März 1980 – 11. Schlager und Hits der Charts 1949 Autor musikhimmel Veröffentlicht am Dezember 31, 1950 Juni 16, 2020 Kategorien Schlager Schlagwörter 1950 , schlager Schreibe einen Kommentar Antworten abbrechen The ORIGINAL detailed listing of All the British Number One hits from 1950 to the present day, with information about every hit. Juni 1985 – 21. Singles Alben Roy Black: Dein schönstes Geschenk. Diese Liste enthält alle Nummer-eins-Hits in Deutschland im Jahr 1970. The dates given below are for 'week ending'. The top 100 1982 lists the 100 most popular hits in the UK singles music charts in 1982. Introduced in 1958, the Hot 100 is the pre-eminent singles chart in the United States, currently monitoring the most popular singles in terms of popular radio play, single purchases and online streaming More quiz info >> First submitted: May 11, 2012: Times taken: 64,614: Rating: 4.64: Quiz and answer stats >> Start Quiz . Nr. 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969. 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979. ges. UK No 1 Singles 1980. During the 1980s the chart was based collectively on each single's weekly physical sales figures and airplay on American radio stations. Every song that went to number one for 1980 stayed on the Billboard Hot 100 over twenty weeks. That situation is remedied here. Bewertung: Letzte Aktualisierung: 16. Chart Tools. Falco (3 Nr. Interpret Titel Autor(en) Zusätzliche Informationen (Zeitraum, Wochen auf Platz eins, Interpret, Titel, Autor[en], zusätzliche Informationen) 22. Mai – 14. April) Soulful Dynamics: Mademoiselle Ninette. Sie sind hier: Musikportal › Charts › Aktuelle Nr.1 der Charts Aktuelle Nr.1 Hits der Charts (ausgewählte Länder - weltweit) T-Shirt Tipp. Alle Nummer 1 Hits aus den deutschen Charts der 80er Achtziger. The following songs were featured in top of the chart for the highest total number of weeks during the 1980s. 1-Nov-1980: Status Quo: What You’re Proposing: 11-Oct-1980: Ottawan: D.I.S.C.O. The following artists were featured in top of the chart for the highest total number of weeks during the 1980s. The first album to reach number one was Abbey Road by the Beatles in 1969, and the first Swedish-language album was Cornelis sjunger Taube by Cornelis Vreeswijk that same year) Deutschsprachige Nr.1-Hits (1980-1999) Nennen Sie alle (überwiegend) deutschsprachigen Nummer 1-Hits der deutschen Singlecharts zwischen 1980 und 1999. 15:00. Dabei muss jeder herausfinden, welches Lied an seinem Geburtstag auf dem 1. Dezember 2019 #1 So waren die 80er. Bassix ß15.794 19. Greatest Hits (sometimes referred to as Kenny Rogers' Greatest Hits) is a compilation album by country music superstar Kenny Rogers. In Belgium there are two parallel industry standard ("official") hit music charts, one for the Dutch-speaking and another for the French-speaking community. NUMMER 1 HITS 1980-1989. Statistiken für Deutschsprachige Nr.1-Hits (1980-1999) Klicken Sie hier um das Quiz zu spielen! 1 Überblick (über 35 Länder) Top 100. Dezember 2019; 1; 2; 3; Nächste. Höre dir die besten und beliebtesten 80er Songs an. Nr.1-Hits eines Jahres anzeigen » Chartselektor » Liedsuche » Jahrescharts » Nr.1 Hits » Statistiken » Grand Prix / ESC » Datenbank Infos » Chartselektor » Filmsuche » Jahrescharts » Kinohits » Filmvergleich » Oscar » Datenbank Infos: Nr.1 Hits . No. Number 2 Hits of The 1980s. 2 Monate (1. ½ Monat (1. 1950s. Chart-Hits 1981 Chart-Hits 2003 Autor musikhimmel Veröffentlicht am Dezember 31, 1980 Mai 1, 2020 Kategorien Charts Schlagwörter 1980 , charts , deutschland , hits Jedes Jahr hat seine eigene Top 10. 15:00. alexanderjoseph Theatertiger. That situation is remedied here. Eine Playlist mit über 100 Hits aus den 1980er Jahren. 1980 (6th January) Another Brick in the Wall – Pink Floyd. Oktober 1998) Weitere Musiker mit 3 Nummer-eins-Hits: Erste Allgemeine Verunsicherung, Modern Talking, No Angels, Smokie, Albert West, Shakira, Pitbull, Bonez MC. Habt ihr einen favoriten für die schlechteste #1? Alle Nummer 1 Hits der deutschen Single Charts 1986-1987. Diese Liste enthält alle Nummer-eins-Hits in ... 1 Woche: 1 Modern Talking: You Can Win If You Want Dieter Bohlen – 10. 2 Roger Waters – 10. The tables below list the running total of different number 1s, the date the track reached the peak, artist name, song title(s) and weeks at the summit. If your exact birth date isn't shown find the closest date before your birthday - this is the song that was number 1 on the day you were born or a later birthday.To find all your No.1 songs listed together see the panel below.
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