E-Mail-Adresse: customercare@united.com emptyWebseite: www.united.com. While Merotec strives to protect your personal information and privacy, we cannot guarantee the security of any information you disclose online; you make such disclosures at your own risk. Warranty coverage for. When you visit our site, unless you are specifically informed otherwise, Merotec is the only ones collecting information about you. Your continued use of this site following the posting of changes to these terms will mean you accept those changes. Consequently, we cannot be held responsible for the accuracy, relevancy, copyright compliance, legality, or decency of material contained in sites listed on or otherwise linked to a Merotec site. Aufgrund der aktuellen Situation müssen wir unseren Telefonsupport vorübergehend einstellen. USER COMMENTS, FEEDBACK, SUBMISSIONS, AND POSTINGS. Some sites use pixels, or transparent GIF files, to help manage their online advertising. This combination of experience and diversity results in products and programs backed by world-class service that make Merotec USA a leader in the marketplace. Vielen Dank! Most popular Web sites interact with your Web browser to store small text files, or "cookies", on your computer's hard drive. F: 0049 215 482530004. ch-merotec(at)service-ses.de http://www.service-ses.de Yard Force and Merotec ("Yard Force" and "Merotec Inc.") respects and protects your privacy. In order to respond to your inquiries and requests, Merotec needs to collect basic information from you such as your contact information and the details of your request. support@merotecusa.com. What organization collects your personal information. Under no circumstances, including, but not limited to, negligence, shall we be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages that result from the use of, or the inability to use, any Merotec site or a site that is linked to this site, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages. These other sites may send their own cookies to users, collect data, solicit personal information, or contain information that you may find inappropriate or offensive. service-lux@yardforce.eu. We reserve the right to disable links from third-party sites to Merotec site. Karte. Einzelhandel mit elektrischen Haushaltsgeräten, Klassifikation der Wirtschaftszweige WZ 2008, Dennis Stevens Kaffeemaschinenhandel & -service, Maurizio Guida Sicherheitstechnik 'Sicheres Wohnen', Angelika Jarren Elektrofachgeschäft "Electra", Vladimir Novikov & Konstantin Schipillo GbR Groß- und Einzelhandel "Allcata", Tätigkeitsbeschreibung (Gegenstand des Unternehmens), Name, Adresse, Beteiligungshöhe des Gesellschafters / Eigentümers, Zahlungsinformationen und Beurteilung der Geschäftsverbindung. In the situation where service or warranty inspection is needed, please follow these steps: 1. Mobilnummer. Merotec will not be required to treat any Submission as confidential, and will not be liable for any ideas for its business (including without limitation, product, or promotion ideas) and will not incur any liability as a result of any similarities that may appear in future Merotec business. T: 0041 215750006. ch-merotec(at)service-ses.de Anmelden Produkte. This publication is distributed internationally and may contain references to programs, products, and services that are not available in your country, state, or particular location. Otto-Brenner-Str. Merotec USA’s executive team is made up of seasoned professionals from manufacturers, retailers and service organizations. 145,24 € Auf Lager Der Handel mit und der Vertrieb von elektronischen und benzinbetriebenen Gartenwerkzeugen, Elektrowerkzeugen, Generatoren, Hochdruckreinigern und vergleichbaren Produkten sowie Zubehör. Vereinbaren Sie einen unverbindlichen Gesprächstermin oder lassen Sie sich direkt am Telefon beraten - ganz wie Sie möchten. 3655 Kennesaw North Industrial Parkway. All parts and accessories used on and with this product must be manufacturer/or and authorized by Merotec Inc. Fax senden 02154/8145223 ... Mit Ihren freiwilligen Angaben zur telefonischen Erreichbarkeit, helfen Sie uns bei der Verbesserung unseres Service. ein Ticket ändern möchten, wählen Sie zunächst Ihren aktuellen Aufenthaltsort aus der Liste. This warranty does not cover accidental damage, unreasonable use, normal wear and tear, neglect or non-compliance with the Operating, Safety and Maintenance Instructions. 1. Lufthansa Aviation Center Airportring 60546 Frankfurt am Main. Though Merotec makes every effort to preserve user privacy, Merotec may need to disclose personal information when required by law wherein we have a good-faith belief that such action is necessary to comply with a current judicial proceeding, a court order, or legal process served on our Web site. PLEASE READ THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE USING YARD FORCE - Merotec ("Yard Force" and " Merotec Inc.") WEB SITE. What personally identifiable information Merotec collects. All comments, feedback, submissions, or other information communicated to Merotec through this site (collective, the "Submission") will be the property of Merotec. Fax: +49(0)2154 8253 251007. Prüfen Sie die Zahlungsfähigkeit mit einer Creditreform-Bonitätsauskunft. Contact Yard Force USA at 1-866-902-9690 Monday-Friday between 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM Eastern Time. If you have any comments or questions regarding our Privacy Policy, you can contact Yard Force - Merotec at: support@MerotecUSA.com. The Yard Force Limited Warranty does not cover loss of use or other consequential damages arising from any of the above, nor does it cover repairs made or attempted by unauthorized persons. 47877 Willich. Any shipment received that does not have an RGA number clearly marked on the outside of the box will be refused. (02154) 8919720. Alternative Kontaktmöglichkeiten. THE MATERIALS IN THIS SITE ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMISSIBLE PURSUANT TO APPLICABLE LAW, SUMEC NORTH AMERICA DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES OR MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 6. FirmenWissen erfüllt die Trusted Shops Kriterien wie Bonität, Kostentransparenz und Datenschutz. Die letzte Änderung im Handelsregister wurde am 22.01.2019 vorgenommen. Send in proof-of-purchase and serial number (if applicable) to confirm warranty coverage. Some parts and accessories are available at http://www.forcetools.co/. ist Datenlieferant und Betreiber von FirmenWissen. 3. 3655 Kennesaw North Industrial Parkway. Your access to any and all Merotec America sites may be terminated immediately without notice from us if in our sole discretion you fail to comply with any term or provision of these terms. Brief senden an MEROTEC GmbH ... Telefonnummer . For a complete list of parts and accessories for your product please contact Yard Force Customer Support as listed above. Bitte nehmen Sie sich diese 2 Sekunden Zeit nach Ihrem Anruf. *Customer Service Department will respond to the complaints/claims received through a web form in a maximum response time of 15 days. Ihre Rückmeldungen und Fragen helfen uns noch besser zu werden. Faxnummer. Questions regarding the policy should be directed to. This includes Internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser type, Internet service provider (ISP), referring/exit pages, platform type, date/time stamp, and number of clicks. Geschäftsführer) geführt. und das Anpassen von Nachrichten und Werbeanzeigen an Ihre persönlichen Interessen. HOFER verwendet Cookies, Plugins sowie Analyse- und Retargeting-Tools , um die Website bestmöglich an Ihre Bedürfnisse anpassen zu können. Vielen Dank! Sertronics GmbH Merotec Service Center Ostring 60 66740 Saarlouis. MEROTEC GmbH in Willich im Branchenbuch von meinestadt.de - Telefonnummer, Adresse, Stadtplan, Routenplaner und mehr für MEROTEC GmbH Willich Service Ihr Feedback ist uns wichtig. Firmenname: Merotec GmbH Geschäftsführer: Herr Roland Menken. All rights reserved. With whom Merotec may share your information. Merotec will be entitled to use the Submission for any noncommercial or other purpose whatsoever, without compensation to you or any other person sending the Submission. Online Präsenz. This is the entire agreement between the parties relating to the use of this site. 5. Products purchased or used outside of the USA and Puerto Rico are not covered by this warranty. Hinweis: Um eine vollständige Funktionalität des FirmenWissen-Angebots zu ermöglichen, muss Javascript aktiviert sein. Many Yard Force products can also buy purchased from a wide range of online retailers. Merotec makes no representations whatsoever about any other Web site which you may access through this one. E-Mail-Adresse. Luxemburg. United Customer Contact Center. Cons: Poor quality-poor customer service, Service stinks, No help with customer svc, No contact what so ever, Communication and response to solving my problem . Email: yardforce-lu@merotec-service.de. The material in this site could include technical inaccuracies, typographical errors, or omissions. Find their customers, contact information, and details on 174 shipments. 5. This policy is subject to change so please check back frequently. Analysetools. Es ist ein Gesellschafter an der Unternehmung beteiligt. However, without your personal information, Merotec may not always be able to provide you with complete service or any service at all. Wir haben auf unseren Webseiten Cookies, Pixel, Tags und ähnliche Technologien (auch von Drittanbietern) sowie Inhalte Dritter im Angebot. 5. MEROTEC GmbH mit Sitz in Willich ist im Handelsregister mit der Rechtsform Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung eingetragen. : 0041 215750006. Yard Force Customer Service and Technical Support. Zur Serviceadresse der Firma Sertronics GmbH Merotec Service Center (Kombi-Tool) Duro DCT-160 King Craft KBM-160F King Craft KCT-160 King Craft KKW-160 King Craft KKW-160N Topcraft TMW-40F Topcraft TMW-160F Topcraft TKW-160N. Kennesaw, GA 30144. Erhalten Sie alle wichtigen Finanzdaten, inkl. (0211) 98909597. As a service to you, Merotec may provide links to other sites from our site. SUMEC NORTH AMERICA DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE FUNCTIONS CONTAINED IN THE MATERIAL WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE, THAT DEFECTS WILL BE CORRECTED, OR THAT THIS SITE OR THE SERVER THAT MAKES IT AVAILABLE ARE FREE OF VIRUSES OR OTHER HARMFUL COMPONENTS. ... aufnehmen. Öffnungszeiten Öffnungszeiten hinzufügen. Website. Please keep in mind that whenever you give out personal information online that information can be collected and used by people you don't know. Applicable law may not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability or incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. that the product was purchased from an authorized retailer of Yard Force products. 8. What choices are available to you regarding collection, use and distribution of your information. You will be notified by a prominent notice on our Web site and an email prior to a change of ownership or control of your personal information. MODELL: GLM 43 IV/13/2015, 41599. Sprechen Sie uns an – wir helfen Ihnen gerne weiter. Bitte nehmen Sie sich diese 2 Sekunden Zeit nach Ihrem Anruf. Diese Technologien ermöglichen die Verwendung bestimmter Features, das Teilen auf sozialen Netzwerken (Facebook, Instagram etc.) By using the pages on this site, you signify your agreement to these Terms and Conditions. Statistisches Bundesamt (Destatis), Wiesbaden) wie folgt zugeordnet: Ihr Unternehmen? SUMEC North America can revise these Terms and Conditions at any time by updating this posting. If you have any comments or questions regarding our Terms and Conditions, you can contact us at: Some parts and accessories are available at, Please keep your original purchase receipt in a safe place as proof of purchase. Bitte erstellen Sie einen kostenlosen Basis-Account, um eigene Daten zu hinterlegen.

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