Tina moves over to the case where Nico attempt to return the staff and closes the glass door. Minoru confesses her knowledge of the Assassination of Gene and Alice Hernandez. Tina and the other PRIDE members look on, horrified, as the boxes begin to glow; Andre is successfully sacrificed. She believed that if Jonah was willing to sacrifice a "random kid", then he'd do the same to them, or worse, to their children. She shuts Nico down, telling her to "just go!" In Tsunami, Tina and Robert are the first to arrive to the Stein Residence after Atlas' open house; Janet is crouched over Victor's body with a bullet wound in his chest. Leslie attempts to console Tina, considering the day, but Tina rejects her. Stacey concludes that she's either always had them or something happened the night of the explosion. As she introduces him, as "one of the world's most brilliant mind,s founder of Nemo, a true visionary...", but he cuts her off, claiming that everyone already knows he's a genius. Robert fondly remembers that Tina's hands would shake from all the sugar. While parents mingle, Leslie approaches Tina, asking if she was okay. She typically wears expensive looking dresses, earrings, and necklaces and little makeup. She asks her mother not to make awkward, but she replies that it's in fact Robert who's making it awkward. It was a family problem so the sacrifice would either be Janet or Chase. Dale sedates the dinosaur and Chase follows suit with an attack from his Fistigons. Despite this, when Robert offered to sacrifice himself, Tina saved him by destroying Victor Stein's dematerialization box with the Staff of One. Subreddit for Runaways on Hulu. Tina, again, compels herself to control her emotions, tears swelling in her eyes. Stacey mentions Gene and Alice. The Staff lights up once again as Tina wields the staff to create an impenetrable wall with a diamond shaped pattern. Nico bids her farewell, the same to Robert as he enters the room. Shaken, Dale attempts to divert suspicion, rhetorically asking where they would have went. However, a flash of light radiates from the above balcony, gaining everyone's attention. As he leaves, he mentions that they didn't seem like bad people; Tina comments that they never do. Innocently, she asks if Nico will be meeting up with Alex, her smile much more prominent now. As the continue to mingle, Alex Wilder barges in. However, they were able to slightly bond when Nico discovered the Staff of One and Tina taught Nico how to wield it. Back at home Tina returns the staff to its display case. Robert continues to deflect Tina's offer, proposing that they invite Nico for diner, as she needs them too. Not budging on her belief she concludes that if by "science" she means "high-tech magic" then sure, they are the same thing. --Tina Minoru Early Years Tina Minoru was once a reputable Master of the Mystic Arts and a former Master of the Hong Kong Sanctum, who also became a member (along with her husband Robert) of … Tina reiterates that she made it clear that no one is to come into Amy's room, himself included. Due to the recent events, Tina accepted to have Robert Minoru back in the Minoru Mansion again, although it was still too early to share a bed with him again. Walking by Gert Yorkes, Kincaid and Earl, who were playing on an arcade game Robert had previously offered Tina, Tina silently glared at them before going into her office and bursting into tears. Human Not only this, but they attempted to go to the police and discovered Detective Flores' involvement and hacked Wizard's servers during the night of the gala. It's real life and they are in a real marriage. Enraged by this reveal, Tina threatened to kill Leslie for having kept the truth for so long, but eventually agreed that PRIDE needed Leslie if they wanted to reach their new goal: assassinating Jonah.[16]. Tina, seemingly frustrated, beings to mouth off a rant and Nico reminds her that she did say the first thing that came to mind. Workers from both Geoffrey Wilder Construction, Inc. and Nemo are busy running equipment and other tasks. Based off the Marvel comic series written by Brian K. Vaughan with art by Adrian Alphona. Stacey condemns her, telling her that Molly could have died, too. r/RunawaysTV: Subreddit for Runaways on Hulu. She is also the mother of Nico Minoru; a member of the Runaways. During the dinner, Tina tried to rekindle the flame in their relationship by seducingly handing him over her underwear and suggesting they should go to a hotel. She tells Nico that she too would have learned how to do that if she had stuck around for more lessons. She takes a moment and gathers herself before deciding to take the Staff of One out of the locked display case. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. A Runaways (eredeti cím: Marvel's Runaways) 2017-től futó amerikai websorozat, melynek a rendezői Josh Schwartz és Stephanie Savage, a producerei Kelly Van Horn és Emma Fleischer, a zeneszerzője Siddhartha Khosla. Newsy Seriale “RUNAWAYS” – 3. sezon będzie ostatnim! Tina offers that she did warn him. The box closes and the ceremony is finished. A sorozat az ABC Signature Studios, a Marvel Television és a Fake Empire Productions gyártásában készült és a Marvel-moziuniverzumának része. Affiliation [6] Following her death, Tina grew cold and distant to the ones she loved and, subsequently, turned Amy's room into a personal shrine dedicated to her memory; no one was permitted to enter. Tina Minoru est l'un des personnages récurrents de la série The Runaways. This started a conversation about Amy, and Tina was asked whether she knew what could possibly had driven Amy into killing herself. Robert reminds her that today is the second anniversary of Amy's death. ... Tina Minoru / ... 33 episodes, 2017-2019 Ever Carradine ... Janet Stein 33 episodes ... Director of Visual Effects for Marvel … Runaways ends on a high note. W-LOBI Lyrica Okano as Niko Minoru / Brittany Ishibashi as Tina Minoru. However, to date, her most direct use of destruction with the staff was when she completely obliterated one of Victor Stein's De-materialization Boxes, rendering it into a pile of ashes. This left Tina extremely shaken and she immediately left the scene, ignoring that Stein had just collapsed on the floor behind her. Shocked to find out that the sacrifice didn't work out as planned, Tina confirms to Leslie that neither Victor nor Janet or Robert are picking up their phones. Back at the house, Tina confronts Nico in her office; Nico still holding on to the Staff of One. Trapped in the Dark Dimension where she relived the loss of Amy, Tina managed to escape with help from Nico, only to find out that she had lost control of Wizard to Morgan le Fay. In Fifteen, PRIDE calls an emergency meeting, following the failed sacrifice from the previous night. Watching the news, the reporter is discussing the death of Destiny Gonzalez. Robert, shocked, looks around in surprise but doesn't immediately respond; Tina reassures him that it had worked for Dakota Johnson. With Dean relinquishing leadership of PRIDE due to her past relationship with Jonah, Tina became the leader of the organization, planning the search for the missing Runaways and looking for a way to assassinate Jonah. Tina calls detective Flores and he quietly handles Amy's death. However, now, they have "other people" to meet those deadlines. Tina tells him that they can't exactly call the police or paramedics; if they did, Janet would be taken away in handcuffs. A single text sends things crashing down on Marvel's Runaways. As she's making her way to Amy's room, her husband, Robert, attempts to intervene, asking her what's going on, but she ignores him and continues past him. Tina truthfully admits that it wasn't her, that she didn't know; Jonah reveals that it was Frank who came to him. Nico attempts to give her the staff back. Instead of the Wilder Mansion, the sacrifice was to be perpetrated directly in Jonah's room in the Church of Gibborim Executive Office. Tina, unaware that Robert had actually gone to meet with his lover Janet Stein, sadly returned home, only to find Nico in her bedroom with Alex Wilder on her bed. During the ensuing confrontation, Tina used the Staff of One to protect PRIDE from the Fistigons' blasts as well as Karolina's light beams, although the latter were significantly powerful. Robert attempts to quell Tina's anger. As they gather around a mysterious box, Tina holds up the Staff producing a sound proof barrier. Leslie tells them all that they have a common enemy, Jonah. Much of Tina's personality, prior to losing her eldest daughter, Amy, remains unknown. As she's walking down the hallway, she stops and turns back to her daughter. Robert returns by Tina's side, speaking to her in their native tongue. Actors/Actresses She was devastated by the death of her older daughter Amy, which caused her to distance herself from the rest of her family, especially her daughter Nico. Tina Minoru Tina is heartbroken and angry; Amy was looking for her secrets, Wizard's secrets, not PRIDE's and that she died for nothing. Tina’s reforged love for Nico was made evident when she willingly shortened her own life to banish Morgan le Fay back to the Dark Dimension to save Nico and the Runaways. At the restaurant, Tina orders the shiro maguro while Robert has the halibut. Then, Tina and the rest of PRIDE were asked to check on their children's whereabouts. She is a member of the Pride, as well as the wife of Robert Minoru. Runaways (30 episodes) Back to the Minoru Mansion, Tina went into her office to put the Staff of One in its shelf. She smiles and Leslie returns the gesture, telling her that things always ran flawlessly because they ran them, that they both could focus on the bigger picture. Tina, facing the mirror, smelling a dried herb, turns towards Robert. Tina also told Nico that the Staff had been programmed to work with Tina's DNA, but that Nico could still use it since they were of the same blood. 'Marvel's Runaways' Sets Remaining Cast for Television Project with Hulu, https://runaways.fandom.com/wiki/Tina_Minoru?oldid=12762. Later into the evening Tina approaches Robert after his and Janet's talk. Tina, fearful for her daughter commands him to stop, to reason with their children. Jonah bluntly asks them where their children were. Brittany Ishibashi, Actress: Runaways. In Doomsday, Tina and Robert head towards the construction site for the South Los Angeles Community School. This is made clear during their first annual meeting when she feared what Jonah would do to them or to their kids should they falter on their deal. When the situation was defused thanks to Geoffrey, Jonah once again ordered Janet to sacrifice herself, and she ultimately reluctantly agreed to protect Chase. Chase is confused as to why they were called. She was eventually informed of the truth behind the death of Amy, who had actually been murdered by Jonah, and swore to kill him in revenge. Karolina takes Chase's place and sends a blast of light at Tina and the others. Wkrótce. Each of the families attempt to sway their children to come home, but the children stand together, against them. [3] Stemming from these unstated issues, this prompted Tina to hack and keylog Amy's computer activities, either before or after her password was hacked. Jonah continues to elaborate that on the night of the failed sacrificed, their children witnessed everything. Every year, Nico Minoru's parents would join five other couples in a "charity event." Tina later accompanied Nico to the Atlas Academy open house, and when Robert showed up as well, Tina forbade Nico to go to him, claiming he was responsible for the damage in their family. Tina faced the further collapse of her personal life when she learned about the affair between her husband Robert and Janet Stein. Tina tells him the she needs him out of the room, immediately. [6], Tina Minoru had settled her youngest daughter, Nico, to bed when she discovered Jonah interacting with her eldest daughter, Amy. In Metamorphosis, Tina approaches Nico in her bedroom, startling her in the process. Tina then turned on the TV and discovered on WHiH World News that the body of Destiny Gonzalez had been found on the beach, meaning that the previous PRIDE sacrifice had failed. The Staff lights up in response to Nico and Tina advances forward, attempting to speak, though her words become inaudible. With this information in hand, Tina went to the Yorkes Residence and confronted the Yorkeses about the ranch and the assets they had been transferring there. Even Tina's o… 1 History 1.1 Stolen by Tina Minoru 1.2 PRIDE's First Ritual 1.3 Nico's Discovery 1.4 Kidnapping of Alex … Two years later, they would have their second child, Nico. With the lesson lesson complete, Tina explains what exactly happened to produce the effect, that an electrical current traveled from Nico's neural pathways into the staff which made that happen. Eventually, everybody left the house, and Tina asked Alex Wilder where Nico was. They apologize and inform her that they had been mushroom hunting in a cave with no cell reception; they even off her some as a way to make up for missing the meeting. She also reconciled with her former PRIDE colleagues during this time, specifically Leslie Dean, who, on a previous occasion, was ready to angrily engage her in a physical fight. Once on the site, Tina agreed that Jonah should share details about what he hoped to find beneath the surface of the dig site, but he remained elusive and simply activated the drill without answering. Her cold pragmatism made her a valuable member of PRIDE who Jonah and Leslie Dean could count on, to the point that many in PRIDE, including Geoffrey Wilder, outright suspected her of having murdered Gene and Alice Hernandez, when really it was Dean who perpetrated the crime. This staff was specifically designed to be capable of doing and responding to the whims of Tina Minoru. Unable to revive Victor, Jonah keeps him in the last Dematerialization Box, that a joint for the inner coil should keep his mitochondria nourished. Victor has captured Karolina, Dale has Gertrude and Old Lace in his possession, planning to get away from the city until things are cleared up. She is an actress, known for Runaways (2017), Teenage … Kevin Feige jako niedawno mianowany Dyrektorem. The loss of her daughter Amy devastated her, reinforcing her already stern behavior, to the point that she forbade anyone in the Minoru Mansion to enter Amy's room. Posts about Tina Minoru written by Bennett Brothers' Marvel Podcasts ... Minoru. Before she bids them farewell, she hopes that they can focus on their job, PRIDE, that they are all almost finished. Species The Chase of the Magistrate's Son was an unsuccessful attempt by the Runaways … She decides against it; instead she's going to call Frank. One year, Nico and the other kids decided to spy on their parents. Janet questions Molly's parentage, given Karolina displayed the same abilities as Jonah. Robert stands and confronts Tina, tapping on the crystalline-like barrier, "real mature" he tells her. CEO of Wizard Tina and her husband Robert then went to the Wilder Mansion for another PRIDE meeting, which was supposed to be concluded by the last sacrifice they would have to perpetrate. Tina Minoru Character » Tina Minoru appears in 42 issues . Due to this reveal, Tina went to an emergency PRIDE meeting in the Wilder Mansion, where they discussed the fact that the sacrifice of Destiny Gonzalez had failed and that Victor Stein had not told them that he had actually murdered her afterwards. Female With little time to prepare, Tina meets Robert and the other members at Leslie's private office at the Church of Gibborim. Nico got the Runaways into the Pride's underwater compound with a magic bubble, but Chase almost died and then Nico's parents used magic to freeze her solid.