Dean then got everyone in her car to drive and find their friend. Bring style and sass to your Marvel collection with this Karolina Dean Pop! She also received a message seemingly from Destiny Gonzalez, indicating that she was fine and on a trip to London. Vinyl Figure. However, she and her teammates were eventually sent to the Dark Dimension because of a spell cast by Minoru. Karolina once wanted to be an actress like her mother. She asked her mother to sign a permission slip for a field trip, but Leslie refused. Once she had changed her clothes, Dean saw Nico Minoru looking at her, expressing her admiration for Dean being ready to sacrifice herself during the Infiltration into the PRIDE Construction Site. Karolina and Julie continued to date, and things have progressed well between them. Karolina and Stein returned into the building's hall, attending the speech delivered by PRIDE. Karolina Dean, sometimes known as "Lucy in the Sky," is a fictional character in Runaways. Karolina told Stein to go and see Yorkes in his bedroom while she remained with Frank. The vampire was killed when he drank her blood, due to the solar energy stored in her blood. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. They then came into conflict with the Academy again as their plans to force Klara and Molly to stay were revealed. She also briefly had to face Gert Yorkes' jealousy as she happened to be hanging out with Chase Stein since Yorkes believed that Karolina and Stein were dating. Stein explained that he had prevented them from raping her. Karolina Dean Once they arrived, they discovered a giant hole created by the Nemo Industrial Drilling Machine, and Karolina remained with Hernandez as she pushed a truck inside it. They make it to the woods outside L.A. and Gert lets her dinosaur, now named Old Lace go. Much to the Runaways' joy, they found Old Lace alive and well. As Karolina was quite unease with this encounter, Frank arrived and Karolina asked him to take her back home.[3]. Karolina Dean was raised by her parents Frank and Leslie Dean, two actors from TV's General Hospital, in Hollywood, California. While reviewing some of David Ellerh's drawings of Being of Lights, which resembled the powers Karolina displayed, Karolina was visited by her father Frank. [10] The Runaways were unaware that Doc Justice thrived off sensationalizing his super hero life to the point that throughout the fifty years of his career he routinely orchestrated the death of his young protégés to raise his own profile. They went to the Dean Mansion to check whether the ritual they had seen could be related to the Church of Gibborim and its hierarchy. Dean and the other Runaways watch a WHiH World News report, Dean spent the night with the other Runaways in the wood. Annoyed, Karolina sat on the edge of the roof and began expressing the idea of publicly revealing her powers to everyone. Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Dean asked him to call her father Frank Dean to confirm that the Runaways could access the site, which worked. They both tried to conceal the real reason of their tears, and when Dean told Minoru that she did not need to hide behind her makeup, Minoru retorted that Dean was no better than herself by hiding behind her smile. Gonzalez also mentioned her rebellious faze, which caught Karolina's attention. As she left school, Dean approached Yorkes, who was the only other teenager who was more convinced that their parents were innocent, and she suggested that they found evidence in this regard. Shortly after meeting Xavin, who claimed to be her betrothed so they could bring peace to the universe, Karolina was captured by the Magistrate and his family, who threatened to consume her. As she was quite disoriented and displeased with everything going on, Karolina took a bottle of vodka and went to the roof of Wizard Headquarters to get drunk alone. Karolina, Yorkes and the dinosaur sneaked into the mansion and Karolina found Stein arguing with Frank, who kept him from seeing his father, who was being taken care of by PRIDE. Before leaving, however, she asked Stein about what she had seen concerning Brandon and Lucas, but Stein reassured her, claiming that it was only related to their lacrosse team. (TV) (19) The Avengers (Marvel Movies) (19) Power Rangers (2017) (18) One Day at a Time (TV 2017) (11) Exclude Characters Karolina Dean (643) Nico Minoru (636) Having been framed for Destiny Gonzalez's murder, and with no other choice, they were forced to run. They were joined by Gert Yorkes and Molly Hernandez, and Minoru used her Staff of One to reveal the path taken by the car used by the kidnappers. Later, Karolina welcomed Nico Minoru into the Dean Mansion to prepare for the gala. Dean went back to the Atlas Academy, where she tried to keep the Runaways together whereas tensions were arising among the group since Chase Stein had destroyed Alex Wilder's laptop. Later on, Karolina and Stein saw both the Wilders and the Yorkeses parents talking together and assumed that they were discussing about Hernandez, prompting them to gather the other Runaways. Finding new disguises, Chase and Molly sneak into the Church of Gibborim to rescue Karolina while Alex waits outside and overhears his parents announcing their intent to find him themselves. Later that night, Karolina was called by Chase Stein, who told her that his father had been heavily wounded and asked her whether she could come to the Stein Mansion, but before she could actually answer, Stein apologized and ended the call, claiming that he should not have involved her. As they tried to decide which bus to take, they heard a WHiH World News report which announced that the Runaways were officially wanted for the alleged abduction of Molly Hernandez and the death of Destiny Gonzalez. This encounter ended with Doc Justice's death at the fangs of Old Lace. Hulu original Marvel series Runaways features the studio’s first ever same-sex wedding in a new episode in its third season – but sadly, the wedding turns out … Considerably relieved, Stein put the bracelet back and kissed Karolina, much to her trouble. During the interview, Karolina talked about the Church of Gibborim Bracelet. They went to watch it and learned the truth about the potential consequences of PRIDE's actions, which could lay waste across California. Dean and Vaughn Kaye look at a painting by David Ellerh, Dean went to the Church of Gibborim Executive Office. [28] Karolina moved to The Hostel's main underground building with the rest of the Runaways, but continued attending college. [11] When Nico found out about Karolina's secret hobby, she was eager to join her,[33] and the two started patrolling the uneventful streets of Los Angeles. In the next morning, they went to the Los Angeles Bus Depot in order to leave Los Angeles. She also started seeing a therapist to cope with her traumatic life experiences. Actors/Actresses They then parted ways and returned home, ready to contact the others in case of need.[14]. Church Girl[1]Rainbow Brite[2]Freak[3]Lacrosse Ruining Slut[2]Blondie[1]Real Life Disney Princess[4]Human Glow Stick[5]The Radiance[6]Angel[6]Messiah[7]Hybrid Bastard[8]K-Dawg[9] Deciding to trust him, Karolina took Stein in her bedroom and took off her Church of Gibborim Bracelet to reveal her powers to him, much to Stein's genuine amazement. 1. With her strong heart and control over solar energy, she defends the Runaways from the skies. [23][24][25] When Nico and Chase disappeared with little notice,[26] Karolina took over the leadership role of the Runaways and was unalarmed by their departure, unlike Molly. Dean also displayed incredible levels of bravery and sense of self-sacrifice. Karolina suggested to keep the file for themselves and wait to see if they could count on Frank to help them. She then joined the other Runaways at the Timely Coffee, where Wilder told them that he had decrypted the video file showing PRIDE's crimes. Despite not wanting to leave Karolina, Nico escapes with the other Runaways. Karolina's exploits caught the attention of the local hero Doc Justice,[34] who offered the team a place at his manor after the Runaways were forced out of the Hostel by an inadvertent public drainage work. [27] Karolina eventually gave the offer a second thought and returned to the team in time to help them save Molly from her mad scientist grandmother. Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Thor's Hammer,, In the comics, Karolina Dean is a member of the. However, Karolina denied and told Yorkes that she knew Yorkes was in love with Chase Stein, which Yorkes denied as well, prompting Karolina to ask Stein to get some drinks to make Yorkes jealous. Dean replied by thanking Minoru for having come back to rescue her and the two shared a kiss. Despite having fled from PRIDE, Karolina continued to secretly meet with Jonah in order to know more about who she was and the powers that she had, electing to keep it a secret from her friends, even her girlfriend Nico Minoru. Dean replied by thanking Minoru for having come back t… Follows a group of six teenagers in the Marvel universe - Nico Minoru, Karolina Dean, Molly Hernandez, Chase Stein, Alex Wilder, and Gertrude Yorkes - who discover that their parents are secretly members of a super-villain cabal called The Pride. The Deans, wishing to give their daughter a normal life, told her she has a deadly allergy and instructed her to never take the bracelet off. Gender Alive During a visit at the PRIDE Construction Site, Karolina learned that there were Gibborims, who were related to her, who were trapped under the surface and was willing to let them escape. Dean told Yorkes that they needed to go to support Stein, which made Yorkes wonder why Karolina had called her in the first place. Karolina did some meditation to calm her mind, listening to a Church of Gibborim tape recorded by her mother Leslie. Our Runaways profiles cover the original version of the team, written by Brian K. Vaughan. They managed to hide from the Church's security and from Jonah and were eventually able to get into a van driven by Alex Wilder, enabling the Runaways to escape.[17]. Karolina discovered her Alien heritage, which gave her the ability to fly and manipulate solar energy, powers that were inhibited for most of her life by a Medical alert jewelry bracelet forged from an alien metal. She was joined by Stein, who tried to have her confess about whatever was on her mind. [20], When Chase started to sense that Old Lace was still alive, the Runaways followed the trail straight to the Avengers Academy campus. Karolina and Xavin prepared for their wedding,[16] but unfortunately during the ceremony a Skrullos guest insulted a Majesdanian bridesmaid's dresses leading to more fighting. Hybrid Physiology: Karolina Dean is part of an extraterrestrial species known as Gibborim and part Human, possessing various superhuman attributes. They also discussed about their respective superpowers. Dean accepted to go with Nico Minoru in order to find them, but before they kept searching, Dean decided to confess her feelings and kissed Minoru, who returned her kiss. Runaways is, in actuality, the first Marvel property to feature real LGBTQ+ representation. [31] After that, Karolina dropped out of college and started dabbling in super-heroics,[32] gaining some traction online and becoming dubbed "Sparkles" by social media. Citizenship However, she also had an affair with Jonah. [30], Karolina became more aimless and anxious as time went on, until she powered up to save a young girl from being run over. Karolina, Stein and Yorkes discussed potential rational explanations for their parents' behavior, but found flaws in each other's theories. They found Leslie Dean's laptop with an encrypted file related to the Ultra Project on it and decided to send it to Alex Wilder so he could decrypt it. Dean joined the other Runaways and they drove to the PRIDE Construction Site, where they stumbled on Carl, a member of the Church of Gibborim providing security. As she was also attracted to other girls, she decided to conceal her religious beliefs for once and took off her Church of Gibborim Bracelet, only to become entranced when her arms began to glow. Along with the other Runaways, Dean stood back when he knocked them over, but she quickly figured out that Jonah only had interest in her and persuaded her friends to flee while she remained behind, although Nico initially refused to leave Dean. Upon being informed that her mother Leslie was kept prisoner at the Crater, Karolina decided to rescue her, although the reveal of her powers in front of a group of Church of Gibborim parishioners turned her into the reluctant leader of the cult. Initially, Karolina publicly appeared as a kind, smiley and optimistic figure, which her mother Leslie Dean frequently used in order to welcome new adepts into the Church of Gibborim. Karolina then went to the Timely Coffee with the other Runaways, where they discussed their plan of infiltrate into the Wizard servers during an upcoming PRIDE gala held at Wizard Headquarters, in order to find evidence of their parents' crime. Date of Birth Additionally, the Deans were members o… Karolina's rainbow print tee on Marvel's Runaways. [2], After the conflict escalated, Karolina and Xavin returned to Earth. However, Davis remained mostly unaffected by Dean's powers. She teamed up with her friends and formed the Runaways. Unbeknownst to Karolina, Frank and Leslie were aliens exiled from their home planet of Majesdane for criminal activities. Marvel TV Studios may be dead, but we're hoping Marvel Studios takes some lessons from its … [21] They soon stopped fighting again, and Nico used a spell to share their memories. Alias(es) As he reacted positively, Dean did not hesitate to publicly use her powers against Darius Davis, with her friends once again expressing amazement. Dean is saved from a deadly fall by her powers. However, Leslie reassured her daughter before leaving the room. She then talked about the event with Gert Yorkes, wondering why Stein had not told her anything. Image: Hulu. [13], Karolina and Frank Dean talk about the Church of Gibborim's beliefs. But now, after more than a decade, two Runaways characters, Karolina Dean and Nico Minoru, have finally found their way and begun dating. Years after the Pride was formed, Janet Stein accidentally conceived a child. The situation was further deteriorated because of Minoru's wish to work with the mysterious Morgan le Fay to save Alex Wilder, which affected their relationship. Nico and Karolina getting married. Like the other Runaways, Dean refused to listen to them and revealed her powers to PRIDE, much to their shock. [29] Not long afterwards, Nico decided to act on her feelings for Karolina, and they started dating. The pair then left the party to head for the Wilder Mansion. Runaways is a Marvel comic book series created by Brian K. Vaughan and Adrian Alphona. They the returned to their respective homes, and Dean sadly reviewed the Book of Gibborim before angrily throwing away all the objects she had which were connected to the Church of Gibborim, calling it complete lies and crying at the idea that she had been a huge part of the organization. Karolina's white leather moto jacket with lace-up sides on Marvel's Runaways. Sorry for the buffers just bear with me!! Thus, the Runaways rushed to the Wilder Mansion, but found the sacrifice room empty as the ceremony was actually conducted in the Church of Gibborim Executive Office. [15], Karolina is oriented by Frank Dean to drop the mission, Later, Karolina was visited by Frank in her bedroom to discuss what Karolina had revealed to him. With the debut of Marvel’s Runaways on … Now ready to fully oppose the Gibborim family, including her own father, Karolina joined in the Runaways' efforts to stop them from leaving Earth. The Runaways were soon attacked by Jonah, who had joined the fight with PRIDE. As the conversation continued, Minoru suddenly began to scream, and when Karolina asked her what was happening, Minoru told her that someone had kidnapped Wilder. After making this discovery,[36] Gert convinced Doc Justice's son and assistant, Matthew Caniglia, to interrupt a staged mission that resulted in Karolina being drained of her solar energies by Doc Justice's ally Ashley Pearson. Once at home, Dean sent a message to Gonzalez to check whether she was fine and waited for an answer.[11]. This lead to a mutual understanding and their differences were peacefully resolved. Dean joined Nico Minoru at the Timely Coffee to figure out how they could save Alex Wilder, who had been kidnapped, with Dean fearing that the kidnappers could be affiliated to the Church of Gibborim, prompting Minoru to hug her in comfort. Leslie then came to Karolina's room and expressed her joy at the idea that Karolina had reconnected with her friends. NO COPYRIGHT INTENDED. She gave her medical alert bracelet to Nico as a gift and remained in contact with her friends via voice transmissions. When Justin Seyfert detected the Ultron tech within Victor, the Runaways were attacked. In the case of two Marvel Comics heroes, even finding the path was 13 years in the making and fraught with danger, supervillains, evil parents and the occasional world-ending cataclysm. She feared that her friends would consider her a freak if she revealed it to them, but ultimately decided to trust Chase Stein and tell him about it. She was raised by her mother's husband Frank Dean. She failed, prompting Hernandez to join her and to use her superhuman strength to lift the rear of the car, which greatly amazed Dean. Dean and Nico Minoru getting ready for the gala. What the Marvel Cinematic Universe Could Learn From Runaways’ Nico & Karolina. Sponsored Links. Status Dean asks Destiny Gonzalez what it is like to rebel. Species On the next day, Dean returned to Atlas Academy, where she saw Chase Stein getting in a fight with Brandon and Lucas, something Eiffel blamed Dean for as she claimed that Dean had flirted with them, although Dean denied it. After learning the truth, Karolina was ashamed of her alien heritage and didn't put much value in her life. "Pride & Joy" is a six-issue story arc from the comic book series Runaways (vol. While Yorkes thought that they did not stand a chance, Minoru told Dean to keep following the kidnappers. [citation needed], Karolina misread some signs and unsuccessfully tried to kiss her friend Nico. American Karolina Dean was sent to a foster family that was addicted to prescription painkillers, and she was forced to see a psychologist. Later, as Dean was being insulted by Eiffel about the upcoming school dance, Gert Yorkes decided that the Runaways would go together at the dance. On a more romantic note, she also found the courage to confess her feelings to Minoru, which enabled her to start a relationship with her friend. Things escalated into a fight between Wilder and Chase, who destroyed the laptop containing the evidence. As Stein left, Karolina worried about what her powers meant, but Stein comforted her, calling him the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Dean fought against Jonah as long as she could, opposing her own powers to his, leading to power cuts on the site, but she was eventually defeated and captured.[17]. After removing her Gibborim bracelet for the first time, Karolina discovered her powers of light generation. Thus, they were shocked by the reveal of the ongoing between Janet Stein and Robert Minoru, immediately followed by Victor Stein collapsing on the ground. While Wilder and Minoru briefly left the room, the others remained to investigate and Stein found a camera on one of the shelves. Dean tried to comfort Hernandez, citing her young age, but this only caused Hernandez to get angry and leave them. Virginia GardnerValentina Gordon (young). He then left Karolina as she stared a painting made by her grandfather David Ellerh, which happened to display a feminine figure glowing with bright lights, exactly like Dean did.[12]. This unexpected pregnancy led to the decision of each couple within the Pride conceiving one child and passing on their inheritance from the Gibborim to their children. To give her friends time to escape, Karolina revealed her powers to Pride and stood up against Jonah's abilities. Karolina's Car: Prior to running away from their parents, Karolina possessed a car. She asked him about Gonzalez and Kaye confirmed that he had seen her getting into a car to take her to what he believed was the airport so she would leave to London. Virginia Gardner has worn the coat and played the role. This prompted Karolina to ask him whether something had happened between Brandon, Lucas and herself. RELATED: Marvel’s Runaways Reveals Nico’s Magic Staff Isn’t Magic After All Obviously, Nico still has feelings for Alex on the TV show, just like she did in the comics, so this might be just a temporary relationship before the show introduces a new love interest for Karolina, or it might just be a total change in the romantic coupling in the group. Karolina told Alex that she was busy with a church event, whereafter she got into an argument with Yorkes before they all left when the bell rung. During the open house, Karolina listened to the introductory speech with her mother Leslie, who worried about the absence of Frank Dean. Leslie and Jonah had a daughter named Karolina, who was officially Frank's daughter. [13] Despite growing up with two famous parents, Karolina was untouched by Hollywood scandal and developed a compassionate nature and strong moral compass.[13][8]. February 2001 The teenagers escaped their new homes to regroup and fight the supervillains that have filled the void in Los Angeles left by their parents' departure. Nico managed to save Karolina's life by using the Staff of One to make the sun rise.[37]. Human/Gibborim Hybrid Marvel Database is a FANDOM Comics Community. Dean then tried to call Nico Minoru, leaving a message on her voicemail about what had happened to Stein. Wilder then informed them that he suspected PRIDE to intend to sacrifice Andre Compton, one of his kidnappers. [12][2] Additionally, the Deans were members of The Pride, a secret cabal involved in criminal and occult activities. Later at Atlas Academy, Karolina overheard Alex Wilder inviting Chase Stein to come over to the Wilder Mansion and Gert Yorkes joined the conversation. Skin and hair turn iridescent when her powers are active. [35], The Runaways accepted to operate as crime-fighters under Doc Justice's wing, becoming a new incarnation of the hero's former squad, the J-Team. [1] Karolina's true nature was suppressed by a specialized medical alert bracelet which is made of a special metal that dampens her energy points. Standing about 3 3/4-inches tall, this figure is packaged in a window display box. Dean quickly drove according to the Staff of One's signal, although Yorkes insisted that Dean should pay more attention to their own security. Female Dean and the other Runaways went into hiding in the woods. Attending a party, Dean declined an offer for drugs. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Karolina then left the Wilder Mansion with her mother Leslie Dean. Portrayed by Dean is warned by Nico Minoru about her parents, Later that night, while she was reading the Book of Gibborim, Karolina heard her parents Frank and Leslie playing and laughing outside. Just like Black Panther was preceded by Luke Cage and Jessica Jones beat Captain Marvel to the punch, Marvel's Runaways also starred LGBTQ heroes long before the … There, Karolina was confronted to a monstrous version of Minoru, and once they escaped, she voiced her fear that Minoru had engaged on a dark path. Much to Dean's surprise, Minoru got out of the car and tried to use the Staff of One to keep the kidnappers from leaving. Karolina returned to her parents' home planet with Xavin, hoping to stop the war, which was triggered by her parents. With this victory achieved, the Runaways gathered at the Timely Coffee, where they expressed amazement at each other's abilities, including Dean's, who was considerably relieved that her friends still accepted her. Together, the Runaways discussed the advancement of the secret video file decryption and what they should do next, with Dean confirming that they had to push their plan to its end and send their parents into prison. From her youngest age, Karolina wore a Church of Gibborim Bracelet which she never took off, unaware that it actually concealed her Gibborim light emitting powers inherited from Jonah. They all returned in the sacrifice room, where Wilder analyzed the camera and found that the data were stored on Wizard servers, meaning that they had to find a way to hack into it. In the night, Dean had a conversation with the other Runaways and kept expressing doubt that her mother could be a murderer, especially since no one had found any significant evidence. This caused Karolina's powers to activate and make her fly back to safety on the roof. She can also project this light into beams of energy, enough so to temporarily distract and disable others. They then decided to move forward on their plan, but as they discussed, Yorkes asked for Karolina to talk privately and asked her whether she was attracted to Minoru. Dancing for a few moments, Dean then collapsed. Immediately after, Leslie Dean came to visit Karolina in her bedroom and Karolina told her mother that she thought her father Frank was acting strangely. Karolina helped Hernandez with the dancers' towels, praising Hernandez for her optimism. Leslie Dean (mother, deceased);Xavin (betrothed), Karolina Dean was raised by her parents Frank and Leslie Dean,[13] two actors from TV's General Hospital,[14] in Hollywood, California. Even so, a few threads were placed in its finale. Karolina's metallic floral maxi dress on Marvel's Runaways. Karolina tells Frank Dean the truth about PRIDE, Since Frank was actually not part of PRIDE, Karolina decided to trust him with the truth regarding what the Runaways had discovered about the secret sacrifices. Karolina considered that now that her true nature was revealed, she could actually be free and almost confessed her feelings for Minoru, but they were interrupted by the arrival of Gert Yorkes and Molly Hernandez. 1 #1 with the other five original Runaways. 3,, Pages using DynamicPageList parser function. [1], Dean, Chase Stein, Nico Minoru, Gert Yorkes and Molly Hernandez all arrived in the Wilder Mansion and Dean urged her former friends to talk about the death of Amy Minoru so they would be able to move on. [18], Karolina was among the numerous extraterrestrials abducted Henry Gyrich's mandate to S.W.O.R.D..[19] She was brief held in custody of S.W.O.R.D. As the Runaways gathered, Molly Hernandez revealed that she had accidentally admitted to Catherine Wilder that she knew about the Rite of Blood. Karolina is still able to legally claim royalties from her parents movies. Karolina waited for Yorkes to pick her up and drive to the Stein Mansion, although she was quite unnerved by the fact that Yorkes had brought along her dinosaur. During an annual gathering of their parents at the Wilder's Mansion in Malibu, Alex Wilder used the secret passage he had discovered to spy on his parents and witnessed the human sacrif…

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