Although it started as a small hobby, Sailing La Vagabonde has transformed into a successful business venture. All Proceeds go to helping us get La Vaga (and us) safely around the world! Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. "She looks like a little girl but her personality -- she's really independent, she knows what she wants and she's really sweet and really helpful," Carausu said. Welcome on board La Vagabonde! His Twitter account has 32.8k followers. 2,132 Followers, 0 Following, 0 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Elayna Carausu (@lavagabondemum) Posts. Important Link: About US; … "Heading across at this time of year is not something you take lightly so there was always going to be a lot of preparation and a lot of big decisions to be made, but we were very happy to certainly entertain the idea. Shop. Help Support Our Production! Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. Buy It. 133,508 people like this. Thanks Riley and Elayna for posting the GPS map. Photos. Photos. We’ve been filming it all on YouTube since 2014. 3200nm, with captain…” Join us as we sail the seas around the world. Welcome on board La Vagabonde! No photo for LA VAGABONDE available. Check out our Patreon page for more information: From Sea to Sky. Sailing La Vagabonde youtube channel 1.44M subscribers. Close Cart. That’s way cool. 415.3k Followers, 1,179 Following, 1,889 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Elayna Carausu (@elayna.carausu) Riley Whitelum, Sailing La Vagabonde. Posts. We update a little more regularly on our instagram accounts if you’re interested. it’s banana, peanut butter and cinnamon sandwiches for breakfast today! Buy It. 1 year ago. This is what it's like to live life on the water. Community. 454 likes. July 5, 2016 at 6:05 pm. With whom and where about ? ) Community See all. Widely known for comprising one-half of the Sailing La Vagabonde YouTube channel alongside her boyfriend Riley. The Swedish teen will set sail for Europe on Thursday morning from Hampton, Virginia with Carausu, Whitelum and their 11-month-old son, Lenny. Buy It. Sailing LaVagabonde is a YouTube channel run by Australian video bloggers Riley Whitelum and Elayna Carausu.The channel documents the couple's life aboard their sailing catamaran La Vagabonde.As of 2019, the channel had over one million subscribers. "It'll be either Portugal, Spain or France. everything’s salty and wet and we can’t get our clothes dry.. the bananas have ripened so we are going bananas on the bananas and also the bread. Events. "Wherever the boat is we are, and we're home. About. 0 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from ‘sailinglavagabonde’ hashtag Great work guys. Categories. I'm Elayna. That’s what I call living! Buy It. Carausu and Whitelum told CNN they had no intention of sailing to Europe but made a last-minute decision to help Thunberg out after seeing her plea on social media. 37.8k Followers, 244 Following, 49 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Vaga Bella Swim™︎ (@vaga.bella.swim) The boat is called La Vagabonde The couple have a blog and make money from videos they post on Patreon They receive about $4000 per video they post on to the crowd-funding site Home. Sail safe. Buy It. The couple say that since they contacted Thunberg last week, the teen has been helping them prepare for the 3,200 nautical mile journey, which should take between two and three weeks. Keep it up. Check out their mesmerizing video’s here if you need a bit of an escape. 90.7k Followers, 3 Following, 139 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from the life of Lenny (@lenny.lavagabonde) Home; FAQ; Contact Us; Log In; Create Account; Search; About Us; Your cart. Real-time and current position of LA VAGABONDE (Sailing, MMSI: 227825030) on ais live map is in Caribbean Sea with coordinates 14.46762° / -60.87293° and speed --- knots as reported on 2020-03-06 16:19 by AIS live data. She has gained popularity for documenting her worldwide travel on a yacht. The current position of LA VAGABONDE is in North Atlantic Ocean with coordinates 38.67853° / -28.20202° as reported on 2020-08-16 02:58 by AIS to our vessel tracker app. Recent Posts. SUBSCRIBE and hit the bell for more videos! Whitelum admitted that he was originally hesitant about the journey -- not just because it's taking place out of season, but also because of their baby son. July 5, 2016 at 10:31 am. (#276) Spearfishing in the Azores Islands (Elayna 2, Riley 0) #275 ; She doesn’t want to sail anymore.. La vagabonde est un logement insolite niché dans les vallées Gesvoises. 76.1k Likes, 4,845 Comments - Elayna Carausu (@elayna.carausu) on Instagram: “Guess what. Join us as we sail the seas around the world. Kenny McClymont. "We just said yes straight away because we just did a big 10-day sail and we loved it so much and we're pretty keen for another adventure like this," Carausu told CNN, "so yeah, we reached out and from there it took a day and it was like almost a done deal.". My partner Riley and I have been sailing around the world for the past 4 years now celebrating freedom and an alternative lifestyle. 415.4k Followers, 1,182 Following, 1,893 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Elayna Carausu (@elayna.carausu) ", There's a perfect beach for every week of the year. Page Transparency See More. This is what it's like to live life on the water. 132K likes. "It is a bit of a mission and we do have Lenny," Whitelum said. "So happy to say that I'll hopefully make it to COP25 in Madrid," Thunberg wrote on Instagram. About. I'm Elayna. Site navigation; Home; … Sailing La Vagabonde: $11,862+ per video Videos sharing their journey around the globe. The time we were offered 10 MILLION DOLLARS.. (and also we go freediving) [#278] BOAT LIFE: Heading back out to Sea (#277) Is this bad parenting? My partner Riley and I have been sailing around the world for the past 4 years now celebrating freedom and an alternative lifestyle. July 5, 2016 at 10:15 am. Jul 23, 2018 - Explore COURTNEY ️FREEMAN's board "Sailing La Vagabonde" on Pinterest. We are currently in discussions with Buzz Aldrin, Mikhale Korniyenko and NASA, the specific gravity, trajectory optimisation and escape velocity of La Vagabonde has been discussed, agreed upon and finalised. "We're actually not too sure just yet," said Carausu. Welcome to the official merchandise store for all things "Sailing La Vagabonde". 109 Followers, 98 Following, 9 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from LA VAGABONDE (@lavagabonde_qc) Join us as we sail the seas around the world. Reply. See more ideas about Sailing, Sailboat living, Sail life. ", "We're just so lucky that we can take our jobs around the world and it is our home," she added. This is what it's like to live life on the water. The vessel LA VAGABONDE (MMSI: 227497060) is a Sailing It's sailing under the flag of [FR] France.. In the end, vloggers Whitelum and Carausu, who’ve been sailing around the world for three years, came to Thunberg’s rescue, offering her a lift on their 48ft catamaran La Vagabonde. Note: Our contents are created by fans, if you have any problem relating to its accuracy, mail us at [email protected] Read the Next Article. This is what it's like to live life on the water. it’s a bit like a washing machine out here to tell you the truth but we’re hooning and La Vagabonde is loving it. We’ve crossed the Mediterranean, Atlantic, Caribbean, and Pacific, and are now raising our boy Lenny on our boat as well. Goals. Doug Ward. Sailing La Vagabonde. Welcome on board La Vagabonde! and your first days , Sailing la Vagabonde , … 159,707 people follow this. 133K likes. My mind has been opened up to a new world of traveling in this past week, with Sailing La Vagabonde being the biggest earners I could find in the space. WE'RE NOW SHIPPING TO YOU USING 100% PLASTIC-FREE COMPOSTABLE MAILERS . we’re all really comfortable and feeling great. Sailing LaVagabonde is a YouTube channel run by Australian video bloggers Riley Whitelum and Elayna Carausu.The channel documents the couple's life aboard their sailing catamaran La Vagabonde.As of 2019, the channel had over one million subscribers. Continue to next page below to see how much is Elayna Carausu really worth, including net worth, estimated earnings, and salary for 2019 and 2020. Sailing La Vagabonde net worth, income and Youtube channel estimated earnings, Sailing La Vagabonde income. Thunberg refuses to fly due to the high levels of emissions from air travel and instead uses boats, trains and electric cars to get around. 159,830 people follow this. Sailing La Vagabonde Youtube, Elayna, Riley Net Worth, Age, Now, How much did Sailing La Vagabonde catamaran cost? Community. One thing I love about Matt and Jessica is that they aren’t afraid to show the good as well as the not-so-glamorous side of cruising. You can follow La Vagabonde on Instagram and get inspired, too! Shop. Reply. Elayna Carausu and Riley Whitelum, whose YouTube channel, "So happy to say that I'll hopefully make it to COP25 in Madrid," Thunberg wrote on, The 16-year-old had already traveled halfway to the South American country when the UN changed the location of the December summit to Madrid, after. Events. All Proceeds go to helping us get La Vaga (and us) safely around the world! What sets them apart is their massive audience of over 1.4 million viewers on youtube and equally popular Instagram and Facebook page. Sailing La Vagabonde. She has gained popularity for documenting her worldwide travel on a yacht. We just need a little finance for rocket fuel, space helmets (we already have the suits) oxygen, more rods and lures, space food etc. Close menu. We’re about to sail @gretathunberg across the Atlantic. "They've (Greta and Svante) been here every day, helping us with boat jobs.". Widely known for comprising one-half of the Sailing La Vagabonde YouTube channel alongside her boyfriend Riley. They'll also be joined by Thunberg's father, Svante, and British yachtswoman Nikki Henderson. Home. Page transparency See More. WE'RE NOW SHIPPING TO YOU USING 100% PLASTIC-FREE COMPOSTABLE MAILERS ... Share your photos using #sailinglavagabonde on Instagram. Videos. Welcome on board La Vagabonde! Andrew. @elayna__c @riley.whitelum. Upload the first photo. 2: MJ Sailing – @mattandjessicasailing. Sailing La Vagabonde. Speed Avg/Max 5.8 kn / 9.2 kn Deadweight Gross Tonnage AIS Class — Full Vessel Datasheet … Greta Thunberg to travel to Madrid COP25 conference on YouTubers' Riley Whitelum and Elayna Carausu's catamaran. [#279], The time we were offered 10 MILLION DOLLARS.. (and also we go freediving) [#278], BOAT LIFE: Heading back out to Sea (#277), Spearfishing in the Azores Islands (Elayna 2, Riley 0) #275. Reply. We are an Australian couple with the dream of circumnavigating the globe by sail boat… initially having no clue of how to sail. Submit Your Photo. We’ve suffered terrifying storms, pirate scares, financial breakdowns, equipment failures, water shortages, and other interesting mishaps but we wouldn’t trade living on the Sea and going where the wind takes us for anything. Swedish teen activist Greta Thunberg said Tuesday that … +Sailing La Vagabonde . Riley bought a boat he named La Vagabonde in 2013 and a year later picked up his sailing partner, Elayna. The vessel's current speed is 1 Knots. Join us as we sail the seas around the world. We’re Riley and Elayna, an Australian couple documenting our journey traveling the world by sail despite no previous sailing experience. Riley has an Instagram account and also a Twitter account. Continue to next page below to see how much is Elayna Carausu really worth, including net worth, estimated earnings, and salary for 2019 and 2020. 67% complete. Community See All. Elayna Carausu was born in Australia on Friday, July 30, … Welcome to the official merchandise store for all things "Sailing La Vagabonde". Videos. Congratulations for your shocking success ( more than 30.000 US$ per month ) … Riley , it will be very helpful to us , to let us know , about your sailing experience before buying the boat ( it was some 10 days ? His Instagram account has 252k followers with 835 posts. La Vagabonde and her crew are about to sail GRETA THUNBERG across the Atlantic Ocean!! Join us on a 12-month journey to see them all, From pirate scares to Atlantic crossings, Aussie couple vlog their sailing adventures, Activists sail four weeks across Atlantic for climate change summit -- then learn it is canceled. ... "So happy to say that I'll hopefully make it to COP25 in Madrid," Thunberg wrote on Instagram. ", The couple say they're working with weather routers to help keep them on course and feel confident ahead of the journey, whose endpoint isn't yet decided. Paragliding for the first time! Listen to Elayna’s Album. 133,564 people like this. Sailing La Vagabonde. Or Donate Directly. "I've been offered a ride from Virginia on the 48ft catamaran La Vagabonde." "I've been offered a ride from Virginia on the 48ft catamaran La Vagabonde." La vagabonde. View the daily YouTube analytics of Sailing La Vagabonde and track progress charts, view future predictions, related channels, and track realtime live sub counts. Site navigation.

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