Courtesy of ksp jürgen engel architekten Article by ArchDaily. - Fünf Morgen, Berlin. This talk is presented with the support of Bette. - ASTRA Turm, Hamburg German studio KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten have completed an art museum in Nanjing, China, with a series of narrow rectangular slits across the facade. Jürgen Engel has been Principal and as such responsible for around 200 employees and an average gross annual turnover of EUR 500 million since 2009. Since 2017 in his function as Head of the Berlin office he has been responsible for the following projects: - Office and commercial building Zimmerstrasse, Berlin Jan 13, 2016 - Image 9 of 11 from gallery of Nanjing Art Museum / KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten. Der Entwurf von KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten für den neuen Sitz der Ärzteversorgung Westfalen-Lippe wurde mit dem ersten Preis ausgezeichnet. What followed was an intensive conversation on how to resolve the discrepancy between the firm’s external perception and its … At the same time they demand modern standards of land development, sub-division, infrastructure and building or zoning regulations. About Jürgen EngelJürgen Engel, Principal of KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten GmbH, studied Architecture at TU Braunschweig, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, RWTH University in Aachen, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, USA. At Architects77, we bridge knowledge among architects, engineers, students and potential clients to build a better future for generations to come. - Office building at Landsberger Strasse 350-356, Munich photography by ©KSP Juergen Engel Architekten The prayer hall, or Salle de Prière, is a massive cube with a footprint measuring approx. More than 40 percent of Bette customers now choose coloured floor-level shower surfaces made from glazed titanium steel. - MainTor Patio, Frankfurt/Main Since 2013 he works for KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten and since 2016 he is responsible for the construction management. Furthermore he is Deputy Office Head Frankfurt/Main since 2018. Matthias Koch, Head of the Frankfurt/Main office and an authorized signatory, studied Architecture at the University of Kaiserslautern and the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. Architects: KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten Location: Algeria Area: 400.0 m² Year: 2016 Manufacturers: Ductal®, Schöck Project Name: Mosquée d’Algérie All Images Courtesy Of KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten - High-rise at Neue Mainzer Strasse 57-59, Frankfurt/Main 1998-09 Principal KSP Engel und Zimmermann Architekten - The extension to Martino Katharineum High School, Braunschweig From 2013 to 2017 he was responsible as International Director of Design for the projects in the Beijing office, China. Jürgen Engel, Principal of KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten GmbH, studied Architecture at TU Braunschweig, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, RWTH University in Aachen, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, USA.He has been Managing Partner of KSP Architekten GmbH since 1990. since 2009 Principal KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten. Nach dem Entwurf von KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten entstand der Sakralbau in der Bucht von Algier auf einem 26 Hektar großen Grundstück als eine Symbiose einer traditionell-maghrebinischen Pfeilerhallen-Moschee mit Einflüssen europäischer Moderne. - Rechts der Isar Hospital, Munich With a broad range of colours and dimensions, Bette creates a carefully designed environment which makes it possible for people to experience themselves in entirely new ways. Your effort is required! - Kreativquartier - Rummelsburger Landstraße, Berlin Images by KSP Juergen Engel Architekten. - VW Financial Services AG Information and Logistics Center (ILC), Braunschweig - Evangelisches Werk office building, Berlin Send your personal message to the speaker. KSP Juergen Engel Architekten International GmbH Ksp Jurgen Engel Architekten International GmbH was founded in 2005. - GfK Headquarters, Nuremberg. November 2020 erstmals der Öffentlichkeit zum Freitagsgebet zugänglich gemacht. - Wohnbebauung Klostergärten, Düsseldorf Check out their different design versions: Link. Having previously designed the National Library of China in Beijing, the German company KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten has now completed its second significant cultural building in China. - Office building at Hammerbrookhöfe, Hamburg (Deutsche Bahn regional head office) - Taunusanlage 11 high-rise, Frankfurt/Main KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten was awarded the bid among contestants taking part in the bidding competition in 2003. German firm KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten won a competition to design the Mosquée d’Algérie back in 2008. He studied Architecture at RWTH Aachen. 8 were here. Geschichte. KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten ist ein international tätiges Architekturbüro mit über 300 Mitarbeitern aus rund 30 Nationen. KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten offers sophisticated team planning and design services in accordance with the emerging criteria of international building markets and appropriate to the scope of individual client needs. - AVIC, design competition, References (previous employers): This … KSP JÜRGEN ENGEL ARCHITEKTEN GmbH Hanauer Landstraße 287 - 289 D - 60314 Frankfurt am Main Tél. About Jürgen Engel. He has worked for KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten since 2002, from 1997 until 2002 he worked as an architect for Foster and Partners, London. Ulrich Gremmelspacher, Head of the Braunschweig office and an authorized signatory, studied Architecture at Technische Universität Braunschweig. - “Upper West” high-rise, Berlin Judged by its height of just 96 meters, the WestendDuo on Bockenheimer Landstrasse is one of Frankfurt’s smaller high - rises, yet on account of its unostentatious elegance it represents a highlight in the financial center’s skyline, standing out for its ingenious ecological overall concept. Other Projects by KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten. - Art Museum, Tianjin, China 1990-98 Managing Partner KSP Architekten Jürgen Engel, Principal of KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten GmbH, studied Architecture at Technische Universität Braunschweig, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, RWTH University in Aachen, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, USA. Please participate! 44. Judged by its height of just 96 meters, the WestendDuo on Bockenheimer Landstrasse is one of Frankfurt’s smaller high - rises, yet on account of its unostentatious elegance it represents a highlight in the financial center’s skyline, standing out for its ingenious ecological overall concept. As a consequence of Covid-19, our social and cultural life has been reduced to a minimum and we all need to adapt to this unprecedented situation. - Schwedenkai passenger terminal, Kiel Sebastian Schöll is a Managing Director and Partner at KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten GmbH. 400,000 m² Height of minaret: 265 m Competition: January … Es hat Niederlassungen in Braunschweig, Frankfurt/Main, Berlin, München, Peking und Shenzhen. Since 2014, Thomas Busse is head fo design in Frankfurt. Latest. Der 12.400 m² (BGF) große Neubau reiht sich durch seine markante Form in die Projects (9) KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten | 在领英上有 2,632 位关注者。KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten is a German architecture practice that is also successful internationally. Wir sind ein deutsches Architekturbüro mit 4 nationalen und 1 internationalen Standort. Therefore, from Monday, March 23rd, onwards, each day at 7 p.m. we will be sharing one of the unique talks from the previous 35 events that we have held during the last 5 years. As project leader he was responsible, among other things, for the new Deutsche Börse building, “The Cube”, in Eschborn near Frankfurt/Main (the first high-rise in Germany to be awarded LEED certification in Platinum). References: Dear viewer,Maybe you have never attended our events, but perhaps know this already. Dirk Bohnstedt studied architecture at the Technical University of Braunschweig as well as at the Technical University of Darmstadt. 287-289 60314 Frankfurt am Main , de +49 (69) 944394-0 - Bio-Enterprise, Shenzhen, schematic design phase Therefore, from Monday, March 23rd, onwards. They focus on current bathroom interiors, materials, colours, shapes and finishes. He has been principal of KSP Architekten GmbH since 1990. Zur Verstärkung unseres Teams in Frankfurt suchen wir ab sofort einen:ARCHITEKT ODER Our goal is to present each speaker with personal feedback cards, as we do at our events. KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten together with KREBS+KIEFER International GFA (total area): approx. … We are currently represented at locations in Berlin, Braunschweig, Frankfurt/Main, Hamburg, Munich, Beijing and Shenzen. KSP JÜRGEN ENGEL ARCHITEKTEN GmbH Hanauer Landstraße 287 - 289 D - 60314 Frankfurt am Main Tél. Deutsche Börse Eschborn, Germany . Anja Keller, Deputy Office Head Munich, studied Architecture at the University of Stuttgart and with a German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) scholarship at the University of North London. - Great Mosque Algiers, Algeria Today KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten … - Dual tower for High-Tech Park, Foshan, China The travertine natural stone facing with its narrow window indentations obscures the sheer number of storeys and as such reinforces the overall monolithic impression of the museum building. - Tianjin Art Museum, China. The practice (formerly KSP Engel and Zimmermann Architects) is a German architecture firm with around 250 employees. - BASF Headquarters, Ludwigshafen A 45-meter high cube, slightly set back from the edge, bars the central dome. - Quedlinburger Straße, Berlin Our speakers love it and we want to continue with this tradition. KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten (ehemals KSP Engel und Zimmermann Architekten) ist ein deutsches Architekturbüro mit rund 250 Mitarbeitern. As a team leader in the Frankfurt office Sebastian Schöll is also responsible for various project teams and for what is currently KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten’s biggest construction project: the Great Mosque in Algiers, Algeria. As a team leader in the Frankfurt office Sebastian Schöll is also responsible for various project teams and for what is currently KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten’s biggest construction project: the Great Mosque in Algiers, Algeria. KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten. Under his leadership, his team scored numerous competition successes. +49(0)69. We are currently represented at locations in Berlin, Braunschweig, Frankfurt/Main, Hamburg, Munich, Beijing and Shenzen. Since we have a commitment with you, with the architecture scene, we came up with this new idea that is meant to lift your spirits and provide you with some genuine inspiration – at your home. Based on built projects on our site. KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten GmbH Hanauer Landstr. KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten. Es hat Niederlassungen in Braunschweig, Frankfurt/Main, Berlin, München, Peking und Shenzhen. The Company's line of business includes providing professional architectural services. KSP Juergen Engel Architekten GmbH Ksp Jurgen Engel Architekten GmbH was founded in 1936. 94 43 94 - 38 - “La Llotja deLerida,” theatre and convention center, Spain, design architect (LABB Arquitectura), 2006 - 2010 Completed in 2016 in Algeria. The eye-catching new museum, which won first prize in a competition in 2006, takes up a several urban references from its deeply historical location. The eye-catching new museum, which won first prize in a competition in 2006, takes up a several urban references from its deeply historical location. References: - Residential building “Gleis Park Berlin”, Berlin Today KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten has more than 20 years’ experience in the conversion of existing and in many cases listed buildings, and as such, long before construction in existing contexts and revitalization were seen as a clearly defined task architectural task, was a pioneer of the trend towards the careful treatment of our architectural heritage. - Documentation Center Bergen-Belsen Memorial Called Jiangsu Provincial Art … Having previously designed the National Li- brary of China in Beijing, the German company KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten has now completed its second significant cultural building in China. 8 were here. He has been Managing Partner of KSP Architekten GmbH since 1990. More than 40 percent of Bette customers now choose coloured floor-level shower surfaces made from glazed titanium steel. - New BBVA headquarters, Madrid, Spain, design manager (Drees & Sommer), 2009 - 2011 - Deutsche Telekom AG - City Nord, Hamburg He has been Managing Partner of KSP Architekten GmbH since 1990. - Shenzhen Art Museum & Library, China The task to be fulfilled was to expand the existing library by adding a second tract to the building with a total space of 80,000 m2 that was to house 12 million books. 145 meters by 145 meters, and 22.5 meters high. What followed was an intensive conversation on how to Jiangsu Provincal Art Museum - Office building CityGate, Stuttgart References: Das von KSP Engel & Zimmermann (heute KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten) entworfene 70 Meter hohe Bürogebäude wurde Ende 2014 fertiggestellt. Here, we will collect the messages and forward them via e.mail to our speaker: You can find the full gallery here:, Architects, not Architecture. - Atmos office building, Arnulfpark, Munich He has worked for KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten since 2005. The eye-catching new museum , which won first prize in a competition in 2006, takes up a several urban references from its deeply historical location. - “Neue Burg” residential development, Wolfsburg. - New Deutsche Börse building, Eschborn Michael Schumacher Jürgen Engel and Claudia Meixner. Eye-catching contrast or effect colours present individual bathroom elements as coloured eye-catchers which shimmer in an exciting way depending on the light incidence. 2,677 Followers, 1,047 Following, 123 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten (@kspjuergenengelarchitekten) Eye-catching contrast or effect colours present individual bathroom elements as coloured eye-catchers which shimmer in an exciting way depending on the light incidence. Jürgen Engel, Principal of KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten GmbH, studied Architecture at Technische Universität Braunschweig, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, RWTH Aachen, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Cambridge, USA. Since 2018 he has been Office Head Munich. Wir sind ein deutsches Architekturbüro mit 4 nationalen und 1 internationalen Standort. - Hotel office building, Alexanderquartier, Berlin Jürgen Engel talks about the significance of studying in different cities, traveling and broadening the mind by getting to know other worlds. Apart from its four offices in Germany, KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten is also represented abroad. courtesy of KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten In addition to training, conference and office space, this building also contains the VIP area and the auditorium with seating for around 400 people. TALK #52: Jürgen Engel, Jürgen Engel, Principal of KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten GmbH, studied Architecture at TU Braunschweig, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, RWTH University in Aachen, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, USA. - Pariser Höfe office building, Stuttgart They focus on current bathroom interiors, materials, colours, shapes and finishes. KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten WEBSITE / PROJECT BOOK It all began with a competition presentation by Heine/Lenz/Zizka that left KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten convinced. KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten is a German architecture company that is also successful internationally. The company’s projects have received numerous awards, including: Prize of the Lower Saxony Branch of the German Association of Architects (BDA), the Lower Saxony State Architecture Prize, the International Highrise Award, Mipim Award, Design for Asia Award, red dot design award.

jürgen engel architekten

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