The ISO 639-2 language code for Low German (Low Saxon) has been nds (niedersächsisch or nedersaksisch, neddersassisch) since May 2000. Bindebaum zum Festbinden von Getreide auf dem Erntewagen. To the West, it blends into the Low Franconian languages, including Dutch. С използването на услугите ни приемате, че можем да използваме „бисквитки“ Разбрах The table below shows the relationship between Low German consonants which were unaffected by this chain shift and their equivalents in other West Germanic languages. Note that in Germany, Low German has replaced the Frisian languages in many regions. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Rupprecht. einen Segen erteilen / unverständliches Signal geben. Köln/Gelsenkirchen (dpa/lnw) - Autofahrer sollen im Stau eine Rettungsgasse bilden - wie das geht, erklärt nun ein Plakat in 19 Sprachen. [41] If the adjective is declined, the pattern tends to be as follows: As mentioned above, alternative undeclined forms such as dat lütt Land, de lütt Lannen, en stark Kerl, de stark Kerl, stark Kerls, de stark Kerls etc. These Mennonites are descended from primarily Dutch settlers that had initially settled in the Vistula delta region of Prussia in the 16th and 17th centuries before moving to newly-acquired Russian territories in Ukraine in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, and then to the Americas in the 19th and early 20th centuries. This adds numerous idiosyncratic and often inconsistent ways of spelling to the already existing great orthographic diversity. [27] Glottolog classifies six varieties of Low German as distinct languages, based on a low degree of mutual intelligibility. Was der Bauer nicht kennt, das isst er nicht. Wicht, Tüt, Grasmieger, noch so 'n lüttje G. un weer keen Jung. Like German, Low German maintains the historical Germanic distinction between the second person singular and second person plural. Welche Cookies wir verwenden und wie Sie die Verwendung von Cookies unterbinden können, erfahren Sie in unserer Datenschutzerklärung . Verb conjugation for person is only differentiated in the singular. For instance: water [wɒtɜ, ˈwatɜ, ˈwætɜ], later [ˈlɒːtɜ, ˈlaːtɜ, ˈlæːtɜ], bit [bɪt], dish [dis, diʃ], ship [ʃɪp, skɪp, sxɪp], pull [pʊl], good [ɡou̯t, ɣɑu̯t, ɣuːt], clock [klɔk], sail [sɑi̯l], he [hɛi̯, hɑi̯, hi(j)], storm [stoːrm], wind [vɪˑnt], grass [ɡras, ɣras], hold [hoˑʊl(t)], old [oˑʊl(t)]. In unserem plattdeutschen Wörterbuch finden Sie Begriffe von Ackerschnacker oder Gattenpietscher bis zu schanfuudern und Witscherquast. Toggle navigation Plattdeutsch Übersetzer Sätze. The Baltic Germans spoke a distinct Low German dialect, which has influenced the vocabulary and phonetics of both Estonian and Latvian. Versuch einer Definition", in: J. Goossens (ed.). The decision to exclude Low German in formal education was not without controversy, however. Übersetzer Sprachübersetzer mit 130+ Sprachen, Voice Translator Bidirektionale Übersetzungen WIFI Offline mit Foto-Übersetzung Tragbar Sprach-Übersetzer für Urlaub Lernen Reise Was es beim Kaufen Ihres Münsterländer Platt übersetzer zu untersuchen gibt! The reason for the two conjugations shown in the plural is regional: dialects in the central area use -t while the dialects in East Frisia and the dialects in Mecklenburg[example needed] and further east use -en. Wies, vör d' Wies, mit so 'n Happke Eten willen de uns Sand in de Ogen streuen, Schein, das ist nur Schau, er tut nur so, er mogelt, Willkör, na Gooddünken, he spölt mit hum as de Katt mit de Muus, Machtmißbrauch, eigenmächtig, ungesetzlich, Maschine um Getreide von Spelzen und Fremdkörpern zu säubern, Windmiegeree, Tüdelkraam, Schiet un Strunt. If you are in northern Germany, you might be hearing Plattdeutsch. So, for example, the definite article of the masculine singular has the forms: der (nom. Deshalb kann man die Bedeutung des Übersetzers Plattdeutsch … Nennen Sie uns Begriffe aus Ihrer Region! One feature that does distinguish Low German from English generally is final devoicing of obstruents, as exemplified by the words 'good' and 'wind' below. Low German or Low Saxon[b] (German: Plattdeutsch, pronounced [ˈplatdɔɪ̯t͡ʃ] (listen) or German: Platt, pronounced [plat] (listen)) is a West Germanic language variety spoken mainly in Northern Germany and the northeastern part of the Netherlands. Two sound shifts occurred. [clarification needed]. Low German (Plattdeutsch, Niederdeutsch) is an encompassing term for the dialects which remained uninfluenced by the High German Sound Shift. Compare to the German past participle geschlafen. (edd.). Mennonite Low German is called Plautdietsch. Wenn't Eeten all is, mutt de Kööksch up'n Disch, Wenn das Essen alle ist, muss die Köchin auf den Tisch: sie steht dafür gerade, Wennacker, de W. sücht wöst ut, de mutt ok doch beplant worn. Jahrhundert erschliesst. In Dutch, the word Plat can also mean "improper", "rude" or "too simple" which is why the term is not popular in the Netherlands. [30] The Bundesgerichtshof ruled in a case that this was even to be done at the patent office in Munich, in a non–Low German region, when the applicant then had to pay the charge for a translator,[31] because applications in Low German are considered "nicht in deutscher Sprache abgefasst" (not written in the German language). This website is estimated worth of $ 8.95 and have a daily income of around $ 0.15. Wenn de Katt ut Huus is, danzen de Musen up Disch, Wenn die Katze aus dem Haus ist, tanzen die Mäuse auf dem Tisch, Wenn de Keu dann Mors in´n Wind stellt, denn gift dat Regen, Wenn die Kühe den Hintern in den Wind stellen, dann gibt es Regen. It is formed with wesen (to be), the preposition an (at) and "dat" (the/it). Scholarly arguments have been put forward for classifying Low German as a German dialect. It is a domain having nrw extension. Low German varieties have a common verbal plural ending, whereas Low Franconian varieties have a different form for the second person plural. Small portions of northern Hesse and northern Thuringia are traditionally Low Saxon-speaking too. When in 1975 dialect folk and rock bands such as Normaal and Boh Foi Toch [nl] became successful with their overt disapproval of what they experienced as "misplaced Dutch snobbery" and the Western Dutch contempt for (speakers of) Low Saxon dialects, they gained a following among the more rurally oriented inhabitants, launching Low Saxon as a sub-culture. The historical Sprachraum of Low German also included contemporary northern Poland, East Prussia (the modern Kaliningrad Oblast of Russia), a part of western Lithuania, and the German communities in Estonia and Latvia, most notably their Hanseatic cities. The Middle Low German language (Mittelniederdeutsch) is an ancestor of modern Low German. Der erste Hochdeutsch zu Plattdeutsch Übersetzer für Sätze (Prototyp) übersetzen Zufallssatz. (Paraná) [The trilingualism the College of Fritz Kliewer Witmarsum (Paraná)]", Claudio Vereza, Espírito Santo's state assemblyman by the Workers' Party | The Pomeranian people in Espírito Santo, U.S. Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration - Language Use in the United States: 2007, Institut für niederdeutsche Sprache – Sprachenpolitik, Sprachenchartabericht of the regional government of Schleswig-Holstein for 2016,, SASS Plattdeutsche Grammatik 2.5.2. Groningen: Sasland. Within the official terminology defined in the charter, this status would not be available to a dialect of an official language (as per article 1a), and hence not to Low German in Germany if it were considered a dialect of German. Immer wieder bemängelt die Polizei fehlende Rettungsgassen in Staus. Deklination der Adjektive, Building Blocks of Low Saxon (Low German), languages with more than 3 million speakers,, Articles containing Spanish-language text, Articles with Portuguese-language sources (pt), Articles with dead external links from April 2017, ISO language articles citing sources other than Ethnologue, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2008, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2008, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2014, Articles containing Portuguese-language text, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from June 2017, Articles needing additional references from June 2019, All articles needing additional references, Articles containing Low German-language text, Articles containing Plautdietsch-language text, Articles containing Middle Low German-language text, Articles containing West Frisian-language text, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from July 2017, Articles containing Swedish-language text, Articles containing Icelandic-language text, Articles containing Old English (ca. If several people in the second person (“you all”) possessed multiple books, then jug would be used instead.[40]. In the early 20th century, scholars in the Netherlands argued that speaking dialects hindered language acquisition, and it was therefore strongly discouraged. Een enquête naar het gebruik en de beheersing van het Nedersaksisch in Nederland. It was spoken from about 1100 to 1600. Welche Cookies wir verwenden und wie Sie die Verwendung von Cookies unterbinden können, erfahren Sie in unserer Datenschutzerklärung . ", Was gibt es heute zu Mittag? Mit dem kostenlosen Online-Übersetzer Plattdeutsch kann man in einem Lesesaal sitzen und ganze Sätze des unverständlichen Textes übersetzen, der auf Plattdeutsch verfasst ist. 70.9% percent said that they could speak Low Saxon. översetten tofällig. To the South, Low German blends into the High German dialects of Central German that have been affected by the High German consonant shift. Auf dieser Webseite findet man niederdeutsche Texte sowie bibliographische Information, die (digitalisierte) niederdeutsche Literatur vom 15. bis zum 21. Wenn de Muus satt is, smeckt dat Mehl bitter. Sprachgeschichtliche Grundzüge des Niederdeutschen. Die Übersetzer: Mitarbeiter von Straßen.NRW. Begriffe von Hochdeutsch auf Platt und umgekehrt übersetzen, plattdeutsche Tonbeispiele, Schreibregeln und Suchfunktionen zu regelmäßigen und unregelmäßigen Verben. : In addition to Low German, the Frisians still speak their local language today. Sprichworte und Sprüche in Münsterländer Platt und die Übersetzung ins Hochdeutsche Die Plattdeutschen Sprichworte stammen aus dem Buch: Lieder und Sprichwörter in plattdeutscher Sprache, von Dr. Paul Bahlmann (*1857 +1937) Das Buch wurde 1896 in der Regensbergschen Buchhandlung in Münster herausgegeben. The only literary texts preserved are Heliand and the Old Saxon Genesis. Nevertheless, opponents claimed that it should simply remain a spoken and informal language to be used on the street and in the home, but not in formal schooling. Wat den Eenen sien Uhl is, is den Annern sien Nachtigall. Das Plattdeutsche Wörterbuch der Neustädter Schützengilde e.V. Bloemhoff, H., 2005, Taaltelling Nedersaksisch. Wie kann't angaan, meerdn in'n Sommer und aal Boll-iis! wittschen / Se suht man n' beten wittschen ut. Meine Großmutter sang uns diesen Vers Ostern vor ( um 1940). In their opinion, it simply did not match the nationally unifying power of High German. wältern / Dat Perd wältert sik / Wälterblock, wälzen / Das Pferd wälzt sich / Walze - zur Bodenverdichtung. 150 dieser Poster hängen nach Angaben von Straßen.NRW nun an den Toilettenanlagen von Autobahn-Parkplätzen. Numbers of child speakers dropped from 8% to 2% in the same period. Plattdeutsch or Niederdeutsch are the modern High German names for a non-standardised language spoken in nothern Germany (north of the so-called Benrather Linie isogloss) and in the north-east Netherlands. Only a few texts survive, predominantly in baptismal vows the Saxons were required to perform at the behest of Charlemagne. Een enquête naar het gebruik en de beheersing van het Nedersaksisch in Nederland. It is known in the Low German of Germany as. East Pomeranian-speaking regions of Southern Brazil are often assimilated into the general German Brazilian population and culture, for example celebrating the Oktoberfest, and there can even be a language shift from it to Riograndenser Hunsrückisch in some areas. 150 dieser Poster hängen nach Angaben von Straßen.NRW nun an den Toilettenanlagen von Autobahn-Parkplätzen. German speakers in this area fled the Red Army or were forcibly expelled after the border changes at the end of World War II. In some of these countries, the language is part of the Mennonite religion and culture. Wenn de Lüüs lies loopt up dann Kopp so henn und her, "tööf, denn laaf furts man Essig köpn, und schon loopt se dor nich mehr"! mehr. - Vorsicht ! Plattdeutsch definition: the group of West Germanic dialects of N Germany ; Low German | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Toggle navigation Plattdeutsch Sätze Übersetzer. Wi sammelt wat för't Osterfüer, de oolen Teertonn' sind toi düer, wüllt ji de Freude mitbelewen, mööt ji uus n' paor Groschen gewen. A 2005 study showed that 29.2% spoke exclusively Low Saxon and 47.9% spoke both Dutch as Low Saxon at home. t = d at the end of a syllable.) The neighbouring languages within the dialect continuum of the West Germanic languages were Middle Dutch in the West and Middle High German in the South, later substituted by Early New High German. Warte mal, er wird noch! Generally speaking, Low German grammar shows similarities with the grammars of Dutch, Frisian, English, and Scots, but the dialects of Northern Germany share some features (especially lexical and syntactic features) with German dialects. This is because northwestern Germany and the northeastern Netherlands were the area of settlement of the Saxons (Old Saxony), while Low German spread to northeastern Germany through eastward migration of Low German speakers into areas with a Slavic-speaking population (Germania Slavica). Nur wer den Spruch konnte, durfte mit sammeln. Ü, Heidelberg (Heidelberg, Germany). (In der Wiederholung als Schreckensausruf). Sanders, W. (1982) Sachsensprache, Hansesprache, Plattdeutsch. Deutsch: Plattdeutsch: Region: Beisammensein, Gemeinschaft: Tohopheid: RÜG: Müllabfuhr: Müllhaldeenst, Mülldeenst: RÜG: kurz haltbar (z.B. "Schau", sagte die Katze, sah in den Topf, da bekam sie was mit der Suppenkelle an den Kopf! Im plattdeutschen Wörterbuch finden Sie Begriffe von Ackerschnacker, Gattenpietscher oder Luushark bis zu schanfuudern und Witscherquast. [33], Through the works of advocates like Groth, both proponents and opponents of Low German in formal education saw the language's innate value as the cultural and historical language of northern Germany. Testversion. The situation of Low German may thus be considered a "pseudo-dialectized abstand language" ("scheindialektisierte Abstandsprache"). Members and friends of the Historical Society of North German Settlements in Western New York (Bergholz, NY), a community of Lutherans who trace their immigration from Pomerania in the 1840s, hold quarterly "Plattdeutsch lunch" events, where remaining speakers of the language gather to share and preserve the dialect. In some Low German dialects, the genitive case is distinguished as well (e.g. "Low" refers to the flat plains and coastal area of the northern European lowlands, contrasted with the mountainous areas of central and southern Germany, Switzerland, and Austria, where High German (Highland German) is spoken. On the other hand, High German was considered the language of education, science, and national unity, and since schools promoted these values, High German was seen as the best candidate for the language of instruction. deutsch (plät′doich′) n. See Low German. Groningen: Sasland Efforts, Learn how and when to remove this template message, European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, § 23 Absatz 1 Verwaltungsverfahrensgesetz (Bund), Verein für niederdeutsche Sprachen in Brandenburg, Bundesrat für niederdeutsche Sprache, Neuigkeiten aus Brandenburg, El Comercio: Menonitas cumplen 85 años en Paraguay con prosperidad sin precedentes, STATUS UND GEBRAUCH DES NIEDERDEUTSCHEN 2016, "UNESCO Atlas of the World's Languages in danger", "Ontwikkelingen in het gebruik van Fries, streektalen en dialecten in de periode 1995-2011", "O trilinguismo no Colégio Fritz Kliewer de Witmarsum. Ich als Rheinländerin muss ja Nicht-NRW’lern auch immer erklären dass der Ruhrpott und das Rheinland NICHT dasselbe sind Verstehen die Leute immer nicht Ich lieeeeeeebe den Ruhrpott dialekt, der ist so ehrlich und erfrischend Haha “da hat dein Arsch gleich Kirmes” ist definitiv mein favorit! Wat de Buur nich kennt, dat frett he nich. Wenn du dahin schießt, wo du hin guckst, denn will ich der Haase sein. J. Goossens: "Niederdeutsche Sprache. 1244 [40], In the genitive (possessive) case, the pronoun functions in the same way as an adjective and so it may take an ending if needed to match the singular or plural status of the noun it is modifying. Leave a Comment / Uncategorized. Plattdeutsch war Amtsspache in Hamburg, und prägte über viele Jahrhunderte die Kultur der Stadt. Groth's publications demonstrated that Low German was a valuable language in its own right, and he was able to convince others that Low German was suitable for literary arts and was a national treasure worth keeping. This is a significant higher number than the 2011 study. Therefore, a lot of Low German words sound similar to their English counterparts. ), den (acc. [24] As stated above, the arguments are not linguistic but rather sociopolitical and revolve mainly around the fact that Low German has no official standard form or use in sophisticated media. It is also spoken to a lesser extent in the German diaspora worldwide (e.g. The question of whether today's Low German should be considered a separate language or a dialect of German or even Dutch has been a point of contention. As with the Anglo-Frisian languages and the North Germanic languages, Low German has not been influenced by the High German consonant shift except for old /ð/ having shifted to /d/. Low German is most closely related to Frisian and English, with which it forms the North Sea Germanic group of the West Germanic languages. English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. Unser Übersetzer Plattdeutsch funktioniert online und ist völlig kostenlos. They inspired contemporary dialect artists and rock bands, such as Daniël Lohues [nl], Mooi Wark [Nl], Jovink en de Voederbietels [Nl], Hádiejan [Nl] Advocates of the promotion of Low German have expressed considerable hope that this political development will at once lend legitimacy to their claim that Low German is a separate language, and help mitigate the functional limits[clarification needed] of the language that may still be cited as objective criteria for a mere dialect (such as the virtually complete absence from legal and administrative contexts, schools, the media, etc.).[29]. Begriffe von Hochdeutsch auf Platt und umgekehrt übersetzen, plattdeutsche Tonbeispiele, Schreibregeln und Suchfunktionen zu regelmäßigen und unregelmäßigen Verben. Ü ist die Plattform, die professionelle Übersetzer & deren Auftraggeber auf einfache und schnelle Weise zusammenbringt. [48][citation needed] Interregional and international communication is severely hampered by this. After mass education in Germany in the 19th and 20th centuries, the slow decline which Low German had been experiencing since the end of the Hanseatic League turned into a free fall. Was der Eine nicht mag, mag der Andere gern. ), Holzstäbchen zum Verschließen des Wurstdarms, Hölzerne Stange an der Würste zum Räuchern hängen, Willst du, soll ich, sonst lass mich (wenn man sich nicht einig ist, wer zuerst durch die Tür gehen soll). Alle von uns für die Zukunft verantwortlich ist, so großzügig zu sein! Eigentum, Produktionsmittel / Er verfügt über viel Eigentum. [22] Etymologically however, Platt meant "clear" in the sense of a language the simple people could understand. Hubertus Menke: "Niederdeutsch: Eigenständige Sprache oder Varietät einer Sprache? Habt ihr Hühner, schwarz und weiss: Eier nehemn wir auch noch mit. etwas verbrochen haben; etwas Schändliches begangen haben. Man kann ihn leicht auf einem Gadget beim guten Internetanschluss haben. 66K likes. : Tänze, Lieder, Musik, Gedichte, Plattdeutsch und Trachten im bunten Wechsel A colourful mixture of dances, songs, music, poems, Low German and garbs Plattdeutsch - eine ehemalige Weltsprache, heutzutage kaum bekannt [17] There are Mennonite communities in Ontario, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Kansas and Minnesota which use Low German in their religious services and communities. Furthermore, many writers follow guidelines only roughly. When the past participle ends with -en or in a few oft-used words like west (been). Wenn't Ostern iss, wenn't Ostern iss, denn slacht uns Vaddern Buck, denn danzt uns Mudder, denn danzt uns Mudder, denn wackelt ehr de Rock. Plattdeutsch translated from English to German including synonyms, definitions, and related words. The forms of Low German's adjectives are distinct from other closely related languages such as German and English. Plattdeutsch. 1244 Ein altes Hausmittel gegen Kopfläuse! To the latter group belongs the orthography devised by Johannes Sass. Spruch der Kinder, die Geld für das Feuerwerk beim Osterfeuer sammelten. Im plattdeutschen Wörterbuch finden Sie Begriffe von Ackerschnacker, Gattenpietscher oder Luushark bis zu schanfuudern und Witscherquast. gegenseitige Einladungen bzw. ", in: Eva Schmitsdorf et al. There are also immigrant communities where Low German is spoken in the Western hemisphere, including Canada, the United States, Mexico, Belize, Venezuela, Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. As no active threats were reported recently by users, is SAFE to browse. "Kleine Hunde mit Stachelbeeren!" 450-1100)-language text, Articles needing additional references from May 2016, Articles needing cleanup from October 2017, Cleanup tagged articles with a reason field from October 2017, Wikipedia pages needing cleanup from October 2017, Articles needing examples from February 2010, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2015, Articles prone to spam from September 2016, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Articles with citation needed in ref field, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Plattdütsch, Plattdüütsch, Plattdütsk, Plattdüütsk, Plattduitsk (South-Westphalian), Plattduitsch (Eastphalian), Plattdietsch (Low Prussian); Neddersassisch; Nedderdüütsch, A broader term for the closely related, continental, A common feature of the Low German speaking dialects, is the, Friedrich Wilhelm Grimme (Westphalian: Sauerländisch), Augustin Wibbelt (Westphalian: Münsterländisch), This page was last edited on 2 December 2020, at 03:47. In most modern dialects, the nominative and oblique cases are primarily distinguished only in the singular of masculine nouns.

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