Posts Wiki FAQ Q&A Spreadsheet. WIN GOBSTONES BY DISTRACTING TONKS! Posted by. What house was Tonks in during her time at Hogwarts? Koboldstein könnt ihr (derzeit) nur alle 16 Stunden spielen, kostet ein paar Münzen mehr als das Essen, bringt aber auch mehr Fortschritt beim Steigern der Freundschaft. Let’s talk about Filch’s fingernails. or Fireworks, What’s the name of Filch’s Cat? ... Best Replies for Tonks' Filch Quiz. For more questions for Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery check out the answers page where you can search or ask your own question. My favorite spot in Hogsmeade? Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery's latest update adds new 'Share a Meal" and "Play Gobstones" encounters. Find the answer to tricky encounter questions like What's in Doxycide, Forgetfulness Potion, (italics) Red is the worst answer. Name a wizarding author… Mopsy Fleabert. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is the first game in which players can create their own character and experience life as a Hogwarts student. HOGWARTS MYSTERY (Harry Potter) Guide ... Sunday, 23 December 2018. Was Tonks ever made a prefect? We will go over all the questions Tonks may ask during her friendship activities. You warned the Headmaster and the Professors, but later on, you found out that Penny has already been attacked. Friendships : Nymphadora Tonks Character Info. von Vanessa Krahn (Dienstag, 21.08.2018 - 12:00 Uhr) Article by My brother’s broken wand. or
She’ll then ask if you picked a career you’d like to pursue once you graduate from Hogwarts. card classic compact. Find answers for Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery on Newbie Guide Using Spoiler Tags. or She's his aunt. Mit einem neuen Update erhaltet ihr in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery die Möglichkeit alle paar Stunden mit euren Freunden in der Großen Halle zu speisen. - Let's focus. Each activity is a series of four questions which will reward up to three diamonds that translate into experience for Tonk’s friendship level. Join. Hot New Top Rising. He was born to at least one wizard parent sometime before 1951 somewhere in the British Isles. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery es el primer juego en el que los jugadores pueden crear su propio personaje y meterse en la piel de un estudiante de Hogwarts. Her unique skills are incredibly useful to her friends, making her a powerful ally. Just as the title says, test your knowledge of our old mate, Tonks. 3 –  100 experience, 5 gem reward A Mysterious Book, What cool potions did you learn? Despite his magical parentage, Filch was a Squib, meaning he could not perform magic. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery r/ HPHogwartsMystery. Here are all of the class questions and answers in the game. or or Each friend has 10 friendship ranks which can be leveled up by completing quests, sharing a meal together, playing a game of gobstones, and enjoying some butterbeer. What clues did you find? Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery has fans taking on various classes in the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. If you are still looking for help with this game we have more questions and answers for you to check. Answers in green are worth 10 points while answers in yellow are worth 5. Shackles *where did we meet?-flying class*what am i best known for?-metamorphmagus*what’s my first name?-nymphadora*what cool spells did you learn?-revelio-incendio*what guarded the cursed vault?-knight-door*where did you sneak into?-room*my favorite spot in hogsmeade?-zonko’s*what’s my dream job?-auror*what was inside the vault?-book-wand*what cool potion did you learn?-swelling-strengthening*what’d you reveal with Revelio?-staircase*what clues did you find?-corridor-quill*what’s my favorite greeting? Auror Swelling Solution (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
Choose either above to see what others have said. 4 –  120 experience, 5 energy reward Tonks is a free-spirited metamorphmagus with a penchant for rule-breaking. You should always pick a green (10 point) answer. Q. Wait until you get detention. Being a Metamorphmagus. Harry Potter - Hogwarts Mystery: Speisen mit Freunden und Butterbier trinken. ( italics+underlined ) Yellow is the second-best answer. Complete Hogwarts Mystery Friendship Guide. Em Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery você deverá ter todo o conhecimento de um bruxo na ponta da língua. We will now go over the answers to every question Nymphadora Tonks can potentially ask during the activities you complete with her. Name a wizarding playwright. Revelio. Moderator of r/HPHogwartsMystery Archived Comments are locked. Nymphadora Tonks is a Hufflepuff in the same year as the Main Character of Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. ... Hogwarts Mystery game. How is Nymphadora Tonks related to Draco Malfoy? However, you will only meet her after year 2. Another house’s Common Room. Koboldstein ist ein Spiel, in dem ihr wie beim "Mit Freunden essen / Butterbier trinken" eure Freundschaft zu einem Freund weiter steigern könnt. What if I lose? Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone — Film vs. Book Quiz. Zonko’s Shopkeeper, Who’s my head of House?
If you want to find out your actual hogwarts house, take the pottemore test but also take this one as Id like to find out what i can do better in my quizzes. Beantwortet ihr diese richtig, sammelt ihr Punkte, um letzten Endes euer Freundschaftslevel zu erhöhen. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
, Hogwarts Mystery School © 2020 - Designed By. Hello everyone, welcome to Part 2 of our Walkthrough for Unleash Your Patronus Adventure for Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. Includes Boyfriend, House, Wand, Personality, Friends, Enemies, Favorite teachers and subjects, Past, Life though Hogwarts, Future, Family, Opinions of you, E.T.C, E.T.C. Guides. This quiz I'm 90% sure is innacurate! An enchanted door. Who was the Caretaker before Filch? 4 2 4 424. pinned by moderators. Who was the Caretaker before Filch? or What’s my dream job? Answer this question: - Let's trick Filch. Name a wizarding band… The Hobgoblins or The Bent-Winged Snitches. Grab a giant sandwich and take this quiz to find out which character from Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery you are. Chiara Lobosca Friendship Guide Updated and more Adventures coming soon. Find out with the Hogwarts Sorting Experience created by J.K. Rowling. Best Replies for Tonks' Filch Quiz?. This quiz is just for fun and make sure to tell me if there's any bugs! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
If it seems violent, remember the wizard community standard is different (a prank sucker is supposed to use acid to burn a hole in your tongue and is openly sold as such) so it’s like everyone is from the Adams Family in this regard. An enchanted door. or Distract Tonks to defeat her at Gobstones. Test your school spirit, whether you be Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff or Slytherin. Professor Sprout 44. ... Yellow is the second-best answer. Meal with Tonks. The experience required and reward for each level are as follows: 2 –  80 experience, 5 gem reward or Who’s on a Chocolate Frog Card? or An Ice Knight You’ll become a Death Eater. Professor Flitwick. Let’s play, (character name)! She is rebellious and has some very special Metamorphmagus abilities. Wait until you become an Auror. Where did you sneak into? 9 –  960 experience, 15 energy reward Jam City. We have similar questions to this one that may have more answers for you: Show all. Sabes que necesitas tu carta astral de Hogwarts. Who killed Tonks during the Battle of Hogwarts? Tonks has a thing for older guys. Zonko’s Joke Shop, What cool spells did you learn? Add your answer. You might beat me… Upon becoming friends you will be able to share a meal in the Great Hall, drink butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade, and play Gobstones in the Courtyard. As you progress your Hogwarts adventure you were periodically meet new friends. How do you like Gobstones? A transfigured Black Quill Shackles, What does he keep in his office? Tonks has two seperate quizzes during the Butterbeer event. Being a rebel. Take this magical personality quiz and reveal if you are more like Nymphadora Tonks, Ginny Weasley, or Hermione Granger! She is kind, intelligent, attractive and the most popular person in the year. Badeaa will quiz you on your knowledge of wizarding art. Nymphadora Tonks is a Hufflepuff students in the same year as you. Take this quiz! Tonks - What‘s my favorite greeting? Let’s trick Filch Little is known about Filch's early life. TRIVIA. Building Game, Cell to Singularity - Evolution Never Ends, All Free Energy Locations in Hogwarts Mystery. ... Tonks will give you a quiz on Filch, prove how well you know him to raise your friendship with Tonks. Lets just say its detailed :) Enjoy! Wait until you see this move… Penny Haywood is a Hufflepuff student in the same year as the Main Character of Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. Saiba, neste guia, quais são as respostas corretas para todas as aulas. or In the previous part, you found out that R is planning to unleash something horrible on Hogwarts. July 2020. 7 Minute Quiz 7 Min. Let’s talk about Zonko’s Let’s ask Filch to join. We Muggles can't study at Hogwarts, but we can content ourselves with an encyclopedic knowledge of the place. 19 Jan 2018 19 January 2018. Apollyon Pringle, What does Filch love the most? Best of luck with your wizarding career! Let’s form a prankster club. None of those will have a heavy impact on the story, so pick whichever option you prefer. 6 Minute Quiz 6 Min. Mrs. Norris. 8 –  640 experience, 15 energy reward 6 –  280 experience, 10 energy reward Tonks likes tricks (pranks), Zonko's Joke Shop, and pranking Filch. or She's his sister. 6 months ago. - Let's trick Pince. You’ll get detention again. Hogwarts was founded over a thousand years ago by four powerful wizards: Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Rowena Ravenclaw and Helga Hufflepuff. She's his cousin. Let’s trick Pince.
Now, we’re assuming you’re more than familiar with the four houses of Hogwarts, but here’s a quick refresher, just in case. Q. Your letter has finally arrived! Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough. You have three response options. Green is the best answer. Nymphadora Tonks is a Hufflepuff student in the same year as the Main Character of Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. Name a famous wizard painter… Rodrick Plumpton or Amos Diggory 8 3 6 2. Hot New Top. Un merci tout spécial à SANDY, Zebre, Anouk, Kokoth et Aurélie qui ont partagé ses questions/réponses dans l’espace commentaire !. What form does her second patronus take? I might be a metamorphmagus or You can also check out our guide for this game here. Tonks becomes a friend of the Main Character in year 3. Some questions will have two 10 point answers. TRIVIA. Malecrit. Während dieser Speisen mit Freunden stellen sie euch Fragen. 7 –  480 experience, 10 energy reward Answers: 1 . Mrs. Norris Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery? Quiz Harry Potter : Hogwarts Mystery : Jouez-vous à cette application ? But there are some familiar faces - a young Nymphadora Tonks and a puppy Fang. Were did we meet tonks. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery? Un merci tout spécial à Jonathan, Lalwendë, SANDY, esmelle et Aurélie qui ont partagé leurs questions/réponses dans l’espace commentaire !. Of what relation is tonks to Narcissa Malfoy? Hot. What am I best known for? Calling all witches and wizards! Your source for the Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery Video Game. Rising. Beat Tonks’ Filch Quiz! Ask a question for Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, The members with the know how for Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, You can also check out our guide for this game here, Tower Craft 3D - Idle Block Building Game, Archer's Tale - Adventures of Rogue Archer, Ninja’s Creed: 3D Sniper Shooting Assassin Game, Global City: Build your own world. or What guarded the Cursed Vault? Since she started this Filch thing young she was still in the “throw things at the boy you like” stage. What was inside the vault? or She is a Rebel with some very special Metamorphmagus abilities, meaning she can change her appearance at will. Tonks will then transfigure Filch’s notes into a rat, and she’ll be quite happy while doing so. You can comment on the page with Disqus or Facebook. or What is Tonk's blood status? or Walter Crane. Rancorous Carpe Tonks will give you a quiz on Filch, prove how well you know him to raise your friendship with Tonks. Let's play, [Character Name]! Magenta Comstock. 5 –  240 experience, 5 energy reward or Let’s join the Gobstones Club. ... Este quiz te dirá qué casa de Harry Potter eres y cuál es tu casa ascendente. card. SOME OF THE STORIES ARE NOT COMPLETED BUT PLEASE BE PATIENT AND I WILL UPDATE THEM WHEN I CAN Delilah Longbottom result is finished! I might be an Auror. Strengthening Solution. 10- 1040 experience, You will be rewarded with Nymphadora Tonks’ unique hairstyle upon reaching friendship level 10. Her specialty lies in potion-making which will be very useful in your quest to discover the Cursed Vaults. or Hogwarts Quiz: Are You More Like Tonks, Ginny Or Hermione? - Q1: Parmi ces propositions, sur quoi est centré l'histoire du jeu ? ... Quiz: You're Not a True Potterhead If You Fail This Hogwarts Quiz. Incendio ( italics ) Red is the worst answer. Answers: 2 . P.S.

hogwarts mystery tonks filch quiz

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