Disguising her identity with a full hooded robe, she proposes an alliance with Thanos and is tasked with bringing him the Mjolnir of an alternate universe version of Thor as tribute. [7] Hela was then slain by Odin to save Thor, but then returned to life by Odin after being convinced by Thor to restore the natural balance of life and death. There, the trio battle Thor and Beta Ray Bill, and fail in retrieving the hammer. Helais a supervillain from Marvel Comics. [21] Hela raised an army of the dead to stop Thor's escape from Hel. However, unknown to Hela, Loki had manipulated these events in his favor as he had the Disir in his services and had leased them out to Mephisto for one hundred and one days after demonstrating their skill to the demon lord. Game Helais a character from Marvel Comics, first appearing in Journey into Mystery #102 by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. With its armies wiped out, Asgard remained defenseless allowing Hela to finally retake the throne for herself. [27], From time to time, Odin would enter a magical sleep in order to bolster his powers. Hela probably. While Hela's touch is fatal to mortals as well and she is capable of stealing their souls into Hel, she generally did not claim the souls of mortal heroes unless she finds their souls particularly appealing, leaving that task to the Valkyries who took the souls of heroes to Valhalla. [38] With the help of Thor and Tyr, they manage to slay and banish the remaining Disir, whose souls are claimed by the triumphant Mephisto. Thor ultimately manages to claim the Twilight Sword and uses it to restore the Nine Worlds back to their former harmony and order while banishing Hela, but refuses to set Asgard back into the sky, as Amora asks, claiming that using such unholy power for his own ends would make him the same as Hela herself. Apart from her ambitiousness, Hela's most prominent feature would be her overwhelming confidence; during her first encounter with her brothers, before crossing swords with them, she already made it clear that she viewed them as inferiors who were no match for her, and she later also demonstrated no fear at all when confronting Asgard's army. They encounter Mephisto, who says that he will get them to Hel if Magma goes out with him. Dieser Eintrag bezieht sich auf das "MARVEL Cinematic Universe (Earth-199999)". Gender Jessie Seely. [26] Thor eventually forces Hela to lift the curse by using the Destroyer as his host body to invade Hel, forcing Hela to restore his body to life and health before he could destroy her. She appeared to claim Wolverine's soul, but was driven off by the X-Men and Mirage. She corrupted the Valkyries, mentally and physically, transforming them into fire-demons. What awaits Marvel fans in Phase III and beyond? [60], In the alternate Marvel Zombies universe, Loki seeking more mischief has induced a zombie wide apocalypse during World War II. With her entire army of Berserkers by her side, Hela finally retook the throne of Asgard only to discover that the Asgardians themselves were beginning a revolution against her and were attempting to break into the Royal Palace of Valaskjalf to dethrone her. However Odin used his powers to prevent Balder dying. Joe Quesada was quoted as saying her first appearance as a proper Marvel character would happen at the finale of the "Age of Ultron" storyline. Hela is obliterated by Surtur's Twilight Sword, Unable to stop Surtur's rampage, Hela was then defenseless as she witnessed Surtur lift up his Twilight Sword high above his head and prepared to fulfill his destiny once and for all. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Marvel Comics. Using his extraordinary swordsmanship skills Loki was able to make a group of 13 submit to him. When she came of age, Odin appointed her as the Goddess of the Dead, giving her rulership over the dead in the realms of Hel and Niflheim. Hela was intended to have a cameo in the first, Hela has originally conceived as the main villain of. [8], Hela later battled the Olympian Death-god Pluto for the right to claim Odin's soul, as Odin had been killed by the monster Mangog. In fact, she was so provoked by them that she immediately threw her swords at those false images, shattering them to reveal the truth of Odin's violent deeds. Dragging him onto the balcony, Hela forced Thor to watch on as her undead army of Berserkers as well as Fenris assaulted his allies and the remaining Asgardians, including Heimdall, on the Bifrost. [1], Hela decides to make Skurge her Executioner. Hela then proceeded to use the power of the Eternal Flame to resurrect Fenris and the fallen soldiers, turning them into her Berserkers. Movie [35], During the Siege of Asgard Loki appears before Hela asking if she has made arrangements for the dead. Hela is often armed with her "Nightsword," and is a proficient swordswoman. Real Name [61], Hela appears in the Thor & Loki: Blood Brothers motion comic, voiced by Katharine Chesterton. Odin, however, after realizing that bringing peace was the true way to unite the Nine Realms, saw Hela's over-ambitiousness, combined with her formidable power, as a threat to his peace that he had managed to create across the Nine Realms. Hela demands that Thor get out of her throne. Hela, Odin’s first born and sister to the Asgardian princes, seeks her place as the rightful heir of Asgard following the death of Odin and her release from imprisonment. Meeting with Mephisto, Loki strikes up a deal granting a portion of his netherworld to Hela for one thousand and one years, as her new Hel. Near death from torture and confinement, Moonstar's struggling pleas are only heard by Hela. Avengers: Endgame Prelude (mentioned) Hela nonchalantly executing the Executioner, Just as the Berserkers had reached the Statesman and cut down the guards, Hela was betrayed by the Executioner who refused to allow all his people to be slaughtered. When all the people of Asgard refused to bow to her, Hela set about massacring Odin's armies and enslaving their people, while recruiting Skurge to be her own Executioner in the process. A supporting character in Ravage 2099 named Tiana, the love interest of the titular hero, was turned into Hela via technological means for this project. However, when Odin transitioned into a peace-time King, he realized that Hela could not, for her ambitions had grown out of his control, and her formidable powers made her a threat to his new society. [12] She then plotted with Loki to bring about Ragnarök by slaying the god Balder then attacking Asgard. This version of the mythological Hela was created byStan Leeand Jack Kirby. Hela tells him that if he manages to defeat her army, she will revive Valkyrie, but for a price. Hela takes the power of the Eternal Flame. The goddess has jet black hair and bright green eyes. She once sent her armies of undead beings and spirits to conquer Asgard, during which the former Asgardian villain Skurge the Executioner, sacrificed himself to stop the enemy's progress at the Bifrost Bri… This resulted in a more efficient recruitment of resistance force, which included the Warriors Three. Hela and Thor then discussed Odin and his many faults, with Hela noting how Odin covered up every problem, he would cast it out, continuing that he had told them both they were worthy. Asgardian Royal Family (formerly)Berserkers Odin, however, after realizing that bringing peace was the true way to unit… [6] Hela slew Thor, who was restored to life by the sacrifice of her servant, the Silent One. Kneel… for your queen. She appears as the main antagonist of Thor: Ragnarok. In the Marvel 2099 series of stories, the megacorporation Alchemax tried transforming people into false versions of the Norse Aesir in order to gain advantage of the worldwide worship of these beings. Thor then defiantly refused and instead chose to end their conflict quickly as he then promptly launched Mjølnir towards her, but as she had been the hammer's first wielder, Hela easily caught it still in mid-air. Hela was born in Jotunheim, the land of the giants. Appearances Hela has vast mystical powers which she can use for various effects like limitless astral projection while retaining many of her powers and abilities, firing deadly bolts of energy from her hands which can age or even kill Asgardians, levitation and the creation of illusions. In the coming of Ragnarök, Thor traveled to Muspelheim, the land of fire, to confront the fire giant Surtur. Hela can manifest various physical structures out of thin air, ranging from weapons to ground structures to even her own armor. Absorbing the dead into her body, Hela creates a fortress around herself to protect them and asks Thor for help through the recently deceased body of an Asgardian. Asgardian Hela sent the Valkyries against the dwarves and New Mutants in Asgard. Hela began tormenting Thor, claiming she would soon take Hofund and unleash her army on the Nine Realms despite Thor's efforts; however, she then witnessed the arrival of Loki on the Statesman with several Sakaaran gladiators including Korg and Miek had come to help. [45], During the 2011 "Fear Itself" storyline, Cyclops sends Danielle Moonstar to what's left of Las Vegas (after what Juggernaut in the form of Kuurth: Breaker of Stone did to it) to look for Hela while the X-Men fight Kuurth. It was during one of these sleeps that Hela made a plan for power. Hela then kisses Thanos in a passionate embrace.[50]. Hela attempts to destroy both Thor and Loki. Hela proves herself to be the superior warrior. The ruler of Hel and Niflheim, the character has been a frequent foe of Thor. Hela is a character from Marvel Comics, first appearing in Journey into Mystery#102 by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. Late 2017 Hela arrived soon after as she expressed her surprise that Thor had survived falling out of the Bifrost Bridge during their last encounter. Tier: At least 4-B, possibly 2-C Name:Hela, Halja, the Death Queen Origin: Marvel Comics Gender:Female Age:Unknown (She was already a goddess of death and the ruler of Hel during the war between Asgard and Heven, which happened during a time when humans didn't know how to speak) Classification:Asgardian, Goddess of Death, Hell Lord Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Immortality (Type 1), Reality Warping, Soul Manipulation, Life & Death Manipulation, Ene… The fighting continued on until the mutants were able to wake Odin. [18] She then appeared in Asgard to claim Odin's soul, but was driven off by Thor. [54], She appears in Ultimate Comics: New Ultimates, telling Thor she will release him in exchange for giving her a son. The disappointed goddess simply commented on how she thought the Asgardians would have been happy to see her before she then proceeded to summon her Necroswords and engaged the army in combat, using her powers of telekinesis and weapon manifestation to slaughter them as well as destroy several Asgardian Skiffs. As all of the soldiers and wolf came before her, Hela welcomed them into her new army while claiming that she had missed all of them. Discover (and save!) Comic Book Resources confirmed on March 21, 2013 that Neil Gaiman was returning to Marvel Comics and would bring Angela with him. She summoned Volla's spirit before this to tell her and Loki about Ragnarok, after which she prepared an army of monsters to attack Asgard. Citizenship Hela slaughters the army of the Einherjar. A grateful and healed Amora then returns Thor and his friends back to Midgard after Thor promises her that her allegiance will not be forgotten. Hela is the first female main antagonist in a Marvel Cinematic Universe film. Actors/Actresses Hela Odinsdottir was the Asgardian goddess of death and former executioner of Asgard. Hela proceeded to use her Necroswords to destroy the doorway to the Stronghold, only to discover that they had fled shortly before her arrival having sensed her coming. Hela is usually willing to wait until a person has died before claiming the soul, but she can kill a healthy human or even Asgardian with a single touch, her "touch of death." Forgoing all civility, Hela authoritatively ordered both her younger brothers to kneel down before her, as she is their new queen of the Nine Realms. Hela possesses attributes common to Asgardian gods. As a Death Goddess, Hela has a pact with Death, allowing her to claim the souls of any worshipper of the Asgardians and the Asgardians themselves and take them to Hel or Niflheim, as well as able to travel nearly anywhere within the Nine Worlds in an instant. As Hela took her time walking back to the Bridge, she was challenged by Thor and Valkyrie who were discussing how they could possibly hope to defeat Hela, who was clearly more powerful than any of them. Thor then unleashed a massive lighting blast, destroying a balcony of the Royal Palace of Valaskjalf and temporarily stunning Hela. Hela is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. However, when he learned Loki had taken Odin's place and exiled him on Earth, Thor forced Lok… Hela's attempt at freedom prompted Odin to send the Valkyries to stop her and ensure that she was unable to get free. With a simple touch, she can cause gods to perish, but Hela's purpose is to receive Asgardian souls, as well as their followers. She however must contact the person’s bare skin to make them die. Having smashed Hogun through a wall, Hela managed to overpower every soldier attacking her until the ground was littered with corpses. Daher ist sie in der… [19] She encountered the X-Men and New Mutants in Asgard. Gear Info Death Touch Energy Attack (+20: 780) Critical Damage (+20: 579) Royal Armor All Defense (+20: 659) Hogun made a final attempt to stop her, demanding that she return back to Hel and attempting to avenge his friends, only for Hela to cut him down easily with a spear through his chest before deciding to finally return into Royal Palace of Valaskjalf at long last. That said, Hela specifically mentions Odin deciding to have Thor as a sign of his going soft, so she's at least aware of him, even if Thor was too young to remember her. Hela always wears her magical cloak which enhances her strength and keeps her young and healthy. [1], Hela escapes Hel after an entire millennia. Declaring him to be a smart boy who also likely had good survival instincts, the goddess offered him a job before crossing the Rainbow Bridge that led to Asgard, smiling as she considered the power that would soon be coming her way, with Skurge following her. [48], A greatly weakened Hela later escapes captivity and makes her way to the Triskelion on Earth, where Thanos has been imprisoned after a recent battle with the Ultimates. Hela resurrects her army of the Berserkers, Leaping all the way down inside of their secret tomb, Hela explored the legions of dead Asgardian soldiers buried there and discovered the corpse of Fenris, much to Hela's horror and sadness. the Hulk, and Agamemnon, the leader of the Pantheon, to Hela's realm. Hela can command all of the dead who dwell in Hel and Niflheim, but she has no power over the dead in Valhalla. Hela is not completely without mercy. Hela then gave the soldiers the chance to become her allies only for Hogun to state they would never recognize her as their leader as he then led the entire army of the Einherjar in charging towards her. Although Hela is classified as an Asgardian and has the physical stature of an Asgardian, her actual heritage is as a full blooded giant of Jötunheimr, even though both races share similar attributes. The Asgardian goddess of death is based on the Norse goddess Hel. Als Odinin Norwegen in den Armen seiner Söhne stirbt, offenbart sich Hela, seine erstgeborene Tochter und ursprüngliche Thronerbin Asgards, die Odin vor Jahrhunderten verbannt hat, da sie nach den zahlreichen Kriegen und Schlachten, die sie zusammen mit ihrem Vater geschlagen hat, besessen vom … Asgardian She created many plots to do so, once taking control of Valhalla, the Asgardian Heaven, for a short time. übermenschliche Kraft: Hela bestitz übermenschliche Kraft, diese übertrifft sogar die meisten Asen. Hela refuses to let all the Asgardians escape. Hela slew Thor after tracking him down by putting humans in danger, but restored him to life after Sif offered to die in his place. [46] When her teammates try to invoke a dark magic to summon a portal to follow Danielle, they end up in Hell instead of Hel. Hela manages to block all Valkyrie's strikes. [32], She is seen attending a meeting with Mephisto, Blackheart, Satannish and Dormammu about a disturbance created by the newly resurrected Magik, who is looking for the soulsword and the original Bloodstone amulet. Emerging into Himinbjorg, Hela had immediately begun regaining her powers as she then encountered Himinbjorg's two guardians, Volstagg and Fandral, who demanded to know who Hela was. Hela then summoned one of her Necroswords and used it to smash through the floor of the Vault, revealing the secret tomb which was hidden underneath. He then leaped down to the Bifrost to fight off Hela's Berserkers and save his people. However, she quickly abdicates her position and installs Balder as the ruler of Hel, while a bound Hela is taken prisoner. Goddess of Death[1]Odin's Firstborn[1]Evil Demoness[1]Murderous Hag[1]The Rightful Heir[1]Savior of Asgard[1]Powerful Being[1]Evil Being[1] [44] Hela, along with Pluto, Satannish, and many other rulers of Earth's various netherworlds, are shown to be slaves of the Chaos King after he obliterates the realms of Hell itself. [40] Thor, after a fierce struggle with the Enchantress, engages in open combat with the Nightsword-armed Hela, and though managing to hold his own against her and her forces for some time, ultimately falls to her immense and evidently vastly enhanced power. Hela had taken to living in a Las Vegas casino. Though Thor acknowledged Odin's paternal deficiencies, during a heart-to-heart confrontation between him and his sister, he still confessed he believed that their father's decision to imprison her instead of letting her rule was an accurate one - Hela made it clear that she would exterminate her entire nation if they stood in the way of her resuming her conquests. Hela and her Executioner then located the Hidden Stronghold where Heimdall and the remaining Asgardians opposed to her rule were hiding out. [13] Later Balder was restored after the Asgardian's death and resurrection battling the Celestials. It is revealed that Hela was one of the Asgardians that helped him to the throne, but is now demanding payment for her assistance, along with the seductress Lorelei. Im not sure exactly, but id have to assume that time doesnt pass wherever Hela was imprisoned, so she didnt age. A curious Odin makes the decision to investigate personally and is bitten by a zombie. Dieser Artikel bietet eine Übersicht, jeweils sortiert nach erstem Auftritt, über die Haupt- und Nebendarsteller der Kinofilme des Marvel Cinematic Universe, sowie deren deutsche Synchronsprecher.. Darstellerübersicht Wishing to show her true strength to all of these rebels, Hela dubbed Skurge as her Executioner, gifting him with a Bloodaxe which she had created. In exchange for this, Hela erases Loki from the Books of Hel, thus he is no longer tied to Hel or Asgard, gaining absolute freedom. However, Hela lacks attachment and will kill anyone who betrays her, even Skurge without hesitation. Placing her hand inside the fire, Hela took the flame into her hand before turning to Skurge and offering him the chance to see what true power looked like. Thor: Ragnarok (2017) Cate Blanchett as Hela. your own Pins on Pinterest However, just as Hela got back to her feet, she was then attacked by Valkyrie who had slashed at Hela with her Dragonfang, attempting to avenge the Massacre of the Valkyrie. Thor, however, experienced a vision of Odin offering up his wisdom. [volume & issue needed], Hela was awakened from her mortal guise after Ragnarök by Thor, albeit due to Loki's machinations. However, much of this is masked by a casual confidence and appearance of friendliness, such as when she returned to Asgard, she casually murdered Volstagg and Fandral, but then offered Skurge a job as if nothing had happened. During Asgard's violent conquest of the Nine Realms, she was an effective and brutal wartime leader due to these traits, and therefore essential to Odin's conquest being a success. Asgardian Physiology/Supernatural Empowerment: As the eldest child of Odin, Hela had tremendous superhuman abilities and supernatural powers, which are far superior to those of almost other Asgardian, even Thor, with her still being more powerful than Thor even after he acquired his full powers. In a state of surprise and panic, Loki ordered Volstagg to take him and Thor back to Asgard where he believed they would be safe from Hela's homicidal rage, which Thor desperately attempted to stop from happening, but was too late.