Become a “hybrid” manager with three Master's degrees at the interface between Information Systems (IS) and business functions - all within an international business context. You have the choice between studying 100% in English or completely in German. Fernstudium - Master of Business Administration (MBA) General Management an der Ernst Abbe Fachhochschule Jena. Leadership matters because people matter! Finishing one of these programmes grants direct access to the Master’s programme. Rapid political, economic, social and technological changes are taking place across the world. That’s why graduates from this programme start working in very diverse industries quickly, for example in consulting, operations or marketing at a multinational or SME. Studiengebühren Ab 335,– Euro im Monat (abhängig vom Studienmodell) Studiendauer AR seal, ZFU (approval number 147111) content. Study business through flexible, online programs. This Master in Management allows you to broaden your horizon, boost your CV, and actively find your own path when combining your specialist bachelor study with your business master. Online education complimenting offline You will enjoy mastering knowledge at the highest level through our blended learning teaching method. Mit unserem Master-Studiengang „Management” im Fernstudium können Sie Ihre betriebswirtschaftlichen Kompetenzen vertiefen und dabei ganz individuell Schwerpunkte für Ihre persönlichen Berufsziele setzen.. Mit der Auswahl aus 48 verschiedenen Wahlmodulen bietet der Studiengang die einzigartige Möglichkeit, Ihre Qualifizierung maßgeschneidert auf … Vraag nú jouw persoonlijk studieadvies aan! MBA Business Management ohne Präsenz - Masterlehrgang im Fernstudium in nur 14 Monaten - auch berufsbegleitend. The course qualifies you for demanding jobs in medium to high management in many industries and specialist areas. Zelfstandig, in eigen tempo, met begeleiding en structuur. A state-recognized, university master’s degree accredited by Universidad Católica de Murcia (UCAM), Spain, and an EU Business School Switzerland private and internationally accredited master’s degree. Studienmodell 100% online Fernstudium inkl. EU offers foundation, bachelor’s, master’s, MBA and doctoral programs, both on campus and online with business administration, communication, tourism management, international relations, sports management, digital media management, international business, marketing, finance, enterprise and human resources management, among others. This one-year program (three terms) explores the realities of being an authentic leader in the 21st century, from making strategic decisions, managing people and performance and negotiating effectively, to operational and marketing management. Ben je toe aan een verdiepingsslag, zodat je als business analist, procesmanager of ICT-consultant beter in kunt spelen op de ontwikkelingen in de informatie- en internettechnologie? Master of Business Administration / MBA. In the Master's program in General Management, you deal with topics such as strategic management, leadership, business ethics and corporate governance as well as marketing and corporate finance. Das Fernstudium Digital Business Management mit dem Ziel Master bietet enormes Potenzial und hat somit seinen Reiz. Managementwetenschappen bij de Open Universiteit. Wenn Sie auf „Fehlerhaften Link jetzt melden“ klicken, werden wir uns zeitnah um die Korrektur kümmern. Sie sind auf einen fehlerhaften Link gestoßen? Through our global network of academic partners, students can earn state-recognized degrees on EU campuses with the University of Roehampton in London, the University of Derby in the U.K. and the Universidad Católica de Murcia (UCAM) in Spain. Tegelijk kun je als proceseigenaar de behoeften vanuit het bedrijfsproces vertalen naar de IT-ondersteuning en inschatten hoe je dat proces kunt verbeteren met de inzet van IT. Admission. Accreditation. Hier findest Du nützliche Infos zum Studiengang. Through flexible schedules and multimedia tools, students can obtain a fully accredited degree in one year without having to miss out on their work schedule. Many of our students have become change managers at Akzo Nobel, GVB or Philips, for example, while others have become project managers. Bovendien leer je hoe dit alles bij kan dragen aan een sterke positie van jouw organisatie ten opzichte van de concurrentie. Dennoch kann es vorkommen, dass die Zielseite nicht mehr existiert oder zu einer falschen Information führt. Master Business Process Management and IT Hoe verbeter je bedrijfsprocessen met behulp van IT? Du interessierst Dich für das Studium General Management an der IUBH Fernstudium? Natuurlijk verken je daarbij de wereld van de Big Data, de toepassing van data-analyse binnen organisaties en de inrichting en sturing daarvan. Een Master of Business Information volgen bij NCOI Bij NCOI Opleidingen vind je niet alleen volledige Masteropleidingen, maar ook kortere Professional Masters en Masterclasses. Prüfungen. EU opened its online campus in 2012, anticipating upward trends in corporate mobility and the busy agendas of business professionals. During this 2-year multiple degree you will study at IAE Aix-Marseille Université in France, Turku University in Finland and Tilburg University in the Netherlands. Tijdens de master Business Administration leer je de prestaties van bedrijven verbeteren en oplossingen bedenken voor complexe bedrijfskundige problemen. Applicants must also meet one of the following: * Students not meeting these criteria will have an interview with the admission committee and will be considered on a merit basis. Je leert de inrichting en prestaties van bestaande bedrijfsprocessen te analyseren, nieuwe werksystemen te ontwerpen en bestaande te herontwerpen. Established in 1973, EU Business School (EU) is an international, professionally accredited, high-ranking business school with campuses in Barcelona, Geneva, Montreux, Munich and online. This overview also includes our Bachelor's programmes and Executives Master's programmes that confer a MSc degree upon completion. A completed, undergraduate degree with an economic or business focus. Almost 70 per cent said it’s easy to find work, and non-EEA graduates also say it’s relatively easy to find a job in the Netherlands. Immers: kennis = groei! Hier finden Sie 32 Fernstudiengänge und 20 Institute zum Fernstudium Business Management. Onze Master Business Process Management and IT geeft je de kennis-boost die je nodig hebt. Business Administration. Ook kun je vanuit je kennis van nieuwe IT-mogelijkheden beter aanbevelingen doen. Below you find an overview of the Master's programmes of the Amsterdam Business School. The Master of Science in Business and Management (MBM) is designed for new and recent graduates from any discipline with little or no work experience who wish to gain a business and management qualification to pursue a career in management on strategic level. Here are some great statistics: 99 per cent of BIM graduates is employed 6 months after finishing the programme. • Master General Management (GM-120) • Master of Business Administration in Clinical Trial Management (CTM-90) • Master Marketing Management (MMM-60/120) • Master Personal Management (MPM-60/120) Bezüge zu anderen Modulen im Programm : • Global Brand Management • International Consumer Behavior • Applied Marketing Research Our pragmatic approach to business education prepares students for a career in today’s rapidly evolving and globalized business world. Volledige academische bachelor- of masteropleiding. You can find more information about our Executive programmes on the Executive Education page. Das Master-Studium Business Management. Danke, Sie haben den fehlerhaften Link erfolgreich gemeldet. ... Enkel met een WO Bachelor of Master in Business Administration is volledige vrijstelling voor de pre-Master mogelijk. With our Triple Crown accreditation, the Amsterdam Business School belongs to the 1% of best business schools worldwide. Master Business Process Management and IT. 160315) Von ACQUIN akkreditiert und staatlich anerkannt. Recent graduates took an average of under three months to find a job, some of them through an internship as part of the programme. EU offers foundation, bachelor’s, master’s, MBA and doctoral programs, both on campus and online with business administration, communication, tourism management, international relations, sports management, digital media management, international business, marketing, finance, enterprise and human resources management, among others. Interessierte, die regelmäßige Präsenzen auch im berufsbegleitenden Studium bevorzugen, sollten jedoch auch ein Abendstudium, Wochenendstudium oder anderes Teilzeitstudium ins Auge fassen. Master International Business Management - Finden Sie alle Informationen zum Master-Studiengang International Business Management der Hochschule Furtwangen auf Wir sind eAward Gewinner 2015 & 2016 A pre-Master’s programme is (usually) a one-year programme (60 EC’s) especially designed to bridge the gap between your prior education and our Master’s in Business Administration. Je studeert in een uitdagende, hightech omgeving en koppelt de nieuwste theoretische kennis aan praktische toepassing. Master in International Management: International education in management skills, international internships and experience of real business projects. The given data is transmitted only to this educational provider and, of course, not given to a third party. Focusing on the development of critical-thinking and executive skills, this program will give you the tools to be an effective leader and to adapt to future changes in business. Ben je toe aan een verdiepingsslag, zodat je als business analist, procesmanager of ICT-consultant beter in kunt spelen op de ontwikkelingen in de informatie- en internettechnologie? Jetzt auf vergleichen! der Organisation und seiner Mitarbeiter und Mitarbeiterinnen. We provide small, dynamic classes in English, with the best of both North American and European academic curricula. En last but not least: je kunt op een hoger niveau met klanten communiceren, hun problemen en processen begrijpen, hun onderlinge verschillen overbruggen en daardoor waarde toevoegen, zowel aan de business- als IT-kant. Career prospects for graduates of this master include positions as business consultants or information manager for international consultancies, multinationals or financial services. Clinical Research Management. In order to cope with and actively shape these complex changes, new forms of leadership are required. Bachelor of Arts, Master of Business Administration / B.A., MBA. Deze website gebruikt cookies (en daarmee vergelijkbare technieken) om het bezoek voor u nog makkelijker en persoonlijker te maken. 1 certified copy of bachelor's degree and transcripts, Proof of English level: TOEFL score 89 (internet-based), 233 (computer-based); IELTS 6.5; CAE C1 with a minimum score of 176; PTE score 59; English native or equivalent. Met deze cookies kunnen wij en derde partijen uw internetgedrag binnen en buiten onze website volgen en verzamelen. Op die manier is er altijd wel een opleiding te vinden die bij je past en die aansluit bij je ambities. Met deze opleiding ontwikkel je je tot een vakbekwame innovatiemanager die uitstekend weet in te spelen op veranderingen in de markt en binnen de organisatie. Thanks to its international orientation, our MBA distance learning forms the starting point for a successful career and your entry into a career as a manager. Das Management bezeichnet die Leitung von Unternehmen und Organisationen.Die typischen Leitungsfunktionen und Aufgaben des Managements sind die Planung, die Organisation, die Führung und die Kontrolle des Unternehmens bzw. The Master of Management is a 15-month coursework masters degree programme aimed at providing you with the practical skills and networks to support your successful entry into a business management oriented career with SMEs through to larger corporations. International Business covers all aspects of commerce across borders. Order information material from EU Business School. Een veelgekozen opleiding op het gebied van management en innovatie is de NVAO-geaccrediteerde Master in Management en Innovation (MMI). Including Pre-Master’s and start in September or February. Bovendien vind je op de website ook informatie over beroepsperspectieven en ervaringsverhalen van onze studenten. Master of Business Administration (MBA) 120 ECTS (ZFU Zul.-Nr. Order information material from EU Business School. Partnerships with Pace University in New York, the University of California in Riverside, Fisher College in Boston and Shinawatra University in Bangkok offer students the chance to earn a second qualification while studying in diverse and enriching environments. Met je diploma op zak ben je als IT- of businessanalist beter in staat de wensen van de business te vertalen in IT-requirements. Hoe verbeter je bedrijfsprocessen met behulp van IT? Engelstalige website master Business Information Technology Op onze Engelse website lees je meer over de opbouw van de opleiding , het pre-masterprogramma en de toelatingseisen . Persoonlijke begeleiding en excellent studiemateriaal, Internationaal erkende, universitaire titel Master of Science (MSc), Stroom probleemloos door van HBO naar WO met een uniek schakelprogramma in deeltijd. Accounting & Financial Management Tijdsduur: 1 jaar Ranked as top ten by FT for Masters in Management and with the Netherlands' widest selection of MSc programmes, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University equips you for business. To be eligible for admission to this Master, you need to hold an academic Bachelor's or Master's degree from a research university in one of the following - or closely related - fields: Business Economics, Business Administration, Econometrics and Operations Research, Economics and Business Economics, International Business, Technology Management. Professional MBA Leadership & Business Strategy (coming soon) Coming 2021! A Master’s in Business Administration – Leadership & Change Management will set you up to become a change manager, project manager, business developer or consultant at a range of different firms. You’ll find more details in the BIM graduation report. Wir sind bemüht, externe Links zu den Studiengängen stets aktuell zu halten. Find out more in th… Deze master (MSc) in management duurt 16 maanden, heeft 3 specialisaties en geeft jou de beste kansen op de wereldwijde arbeidsmarkt. Because it’s such a broad subject, the programme has been divided into a series of specialisations, meaning that you can focus on your own interests and ambitions.

fernstudium master business management

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