It is the first time that a major ancient Greek drama production is being livestreamed, and it is also the first time that any event is being livestreamed from Epidaurus. Agiou Konstantinou 22-24, 10437, Athens, Greece The performance is part of this year’s Athens and Epidaurus Festival that this summer it had to be adjusted to the new pandemic reality. National Theatre of Greece will live stream The Persians by Aeschylus, live from the ancient theatre of Epidaurus. New England Academy of Dance Presents: The Nutcracker SATURDAY SHOWS 11AM, 2PM and 6:30PM $35 The National Theatre is always open to collaborations with foreign theatres and artists - tours, joint productions with major theatres abroad, participation in international festivals, educational programs, invitations to important contemporary artists; these are all part of the effort to broaden an already established network. Irene Moundraki This event is realized with the support […] By. A humanity that has the right to unity and to the bridging of distances, even when the conditions do not allow it. In the framework of this year’s Athens and Epidaurus Festival, the National Theatre of Greece will present Aeschylus’s play “The Persians” in Greek with English subtitles. The National Theatre of Greece, during its 90 years of existence, has succeeded in creating a powerful theatrical tradition. Het Theater van Epidaurus, het best bewaarde theater uit de Griekse oudheid, was verbonden aan de cultusplaats voor Asclepius, god van de geneeskunde, in het antieke Epidaurus.. Dit bijzonder goed bewaarde theater, dat als een reusachtige schelp tegen de flank van een heuvel ligt, werd in de 4e eeuw v.Chr. Lina Mendoni Head of NT Economics Dept. Theater Branoul verzorgt sinds 20 maart op voorstellingsdagen dagelijks een livestream via Facebook: even geen coronanieuws, maar mooie verhalen en muziek. This is "HOW WE FOUND THE ANCIENT THEATER OF EPIDAURUS Teaser 3 "THEATER AND REALITY"" by PAUSILYPON FILMS on Vimeo, the home for high quality… Donations can be made using a Visa or MasterCard credit, debit or prepaid card on the Ticket Services site and are processed through the Eurobank online payment environment. Artistic Director of the National Theatre of Greece. Google will host the livestreaming and provide technical support as well as major free promotion across YouTube regarding the livestreaming event. It is Aeschylus’ most important anti-war play. All proceeds will benefit the National Theatre and Greek actors impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Live from Epidaurus: Aeschylus’ “The Persians” in international live streaming from the Ancient Theatre of Epidaurus Amid this difficult year, the Athens & Epidaurus Festival courageously takes on the challenge of COVID-19, making every effort to remain punctual in its appointment with audiences. The revival of Ancient Greek Drama remains a key area of interest for the National Theatre in an effort to combine respect for tradition with new trends. Victory crowns those who act wisely, while the mechanism of justice punishes anyone whose pride leads them into excesses, offending both gods and men with their arrogance. Reeds in de oudheid werd het geprezen voor de harmonie van zijn proporties.Het is ontworpen in het midden van de 4e eeuw v.Chr., door de architect en beeldhouwer Polykleitos de Jongere, die eveneens verantwoordelijk is voor de tholos (gekenmerkt door Korinthische zuilen die met zeer mooie kapitelen zijn bekroond). Te zien van woensdag tot en met zaterdag om 20.30 uur en op zondag om 14.00. Translations Little Theatre of Ancient Epidaurus . Vasilis AthanasopoulosAlberto FaisKonstantinos GavalasNikos KarathanosLydia KoniordouSpyridon KyriazopoulosAlkiviadis MaggonasLaertes MalkotsisGiorgos MavridisArgyris PandazarasDimitris PapanikolaouGiannos PerlegasMichalis TheofanousArgyris Xafis. The stream begins at 1pm ET, with the performance starting at 2pm ET. “Our goal this summer has been to prevent Covid-19 from affecting cultural events and leaving artists without employment and local communities without additional revenues,” Culture Minister Lina Mendoni said. In Susa, the Persian capital, the old men who loyally guard the glorious palaces of Xerxes are awaiting news of their army’s campaign against the Greeks, and are ap-prehensive about the outcome of the expedition. Darius, the symbol of former glory, is summoned from Hades by a necromantic ritu-al and the grief of the Persians. For the first time ever, the performance of a major ancient Greek drama will be live-streamed from the famous ancient theater of Epidaurus. Website Artwork The play will be streamed live at 21.00 Athens time (GMT +2), in partnership with Google Greece. Without triumphalism or bravado, and with respect for the suffering of the defeated, Aeschylus delivers a paean to the freedom of the individual, juxtaposing democratic ideals with tyranny and blind obedience to power. Regular performances of ancient drama by the NTG began in 1954, while in the following year, the Epidaurus Festival was inaugurated as an annual event for the presentation of ancient drama with a performance of Euripides’ Hippolytus. The Theatre of Epidaurus is a stunningly well-preserved ancient theater constructed in the 4th century BC. Epidaurus Large Greek Theater. Het theater van Epidaurus is een van de best bewaarde in zijn soort in Griekenland. It will be available worldwide except Greece, exclusively through the YouTube platform, free of charge, although donations will be welcomed. LITTLE THEATRE OF EPIDAURUS 2020 PROGRAMME ALKINOOS IOANNIDIS live (MUSIC) 17 & 18 July 2020 – 9:30pm. In 1955 the NTG established the Festival of Epidaurus. Search for screenings at your local cinema for National Theatre Live. The Athens and Epidaurus Festival and the National Theatre of Greece, two major cultural institutions supervised by the Ministry, share our beliefs and adjusted their programming in the new reality, in a creative manner. The Persians (472 BCE) is the oldest ancient Greek drama that has survived in full to the present day. It recounts the Persian response to news of their military defeat at the Battle of Salamis  which was a decisive event in the ongoing Greek-Persian Wars. Email: I thought Catholics were a bit sma... keeptalkinggreece: there is no more info available. Premiere, Theatre . 3,764 Views. Hosting The Persians is a tragedy of defeat; defeat caused by hubris. Technical Coordination The event, part of this year’s Athens and Epidaurus Festival, will be the first time that any event is being live-streamed from Epidaurus. The theatre is, of course, quintessentially the art form of communication and dialogue. The theater of Epidaurus, work of architect Polycleitus the Younger, is connected to the born of theater as well as healing, as it was part of a holy site dedicated to Asclepius, god of medicine and father of goddess Hygeia who personifies health. The Persians, Aeschylus’ most important antiwar play, dramatizes the naval battle of Salamis, one of the most decisive battles in the history of humanity, constantly recalling the timeless values of democracy and freedom, as well as the meaning of Ancient Greek metron and moderation”. The seats in the first row were for officials and were distinguished by being made from limestone and having backs. Irene Moundraki Live from Epidaurus Aeschylus, The Persians. Theater; Epidaurus Theatre to Live-Stream Ancient Play For First Time. Today, there are five venues in the National Theatre in Ziller Building, in Rex Theatre and the School of Athens – Irene Papas (open-air venue under construction). Tags Aeschylus drama English subtitles Epidaurus Greek July 25 2020 live streaming The Persians theater, I was waiting with bated breath, but no streaming was avaialble. To get a sense of just ho… Greece's first state theatre company was the Royal Theatre, which was founded in 1901 and operated until 1908. Without triumphalism or bravado, and with respect for the suffering of the defeated, Aeschylus delivers a paean to the freedom of the individual, juxtaposing democratic ideals with tyranny and blind obedience to power. Within the framework of this year’s Festival, the National Theatre of Greece with the support of the Greek Ministry of Culture and Sports will present to a global audience a production of Aeschylus’ drama The Persians, commemorating the 25th centennial of the Battle of Salamis. The Greek woman breaks free, throwing the king to the ground. General Manager Southeast Europe for Google. Attendance was an integral part of the treatment of patients, as the ancient Greeks viewed the nurturing and cultivation of the soul and spiritual development as inherent to bodily health. The National Theatre of Greece's production of The Persians is being live-streamed free of charge worldwide (outside Greece). Tel. Arts, Culture, FEATURED According to the dead king, the blame for the disas-ter lies with the arrogant Xerxes, whose hubris defies nature and the gods. Website development It was built by the architect Polykleitos on the side of a mountain and merges perfectly into the surrounding landscape of undulating hills, overlooking the Sanctuary of Asklepius. The Persians(472 BCE) is the oldest ancient Greek drama that has survived in full to the present day. LIVE FROM EPIDAURUS Alle opbrengsten komen ten goede aan het Nationaal Theater en Griekse acteurs die getroffen zijn door de COVID-19-pandemie. The repertory of the National Theatre aims at polyphony, promoting a dialogue between tradition, present and future. In the mid-2nd century BCE, the cavea was extended and its capacity increased to 13,000 or 14,000 spectators. Greece's Epidaurus theatre to live-stream ancient play for the first time. The Ancient Theatre of Epidaurus is a theatre in the Greek city of Epidaurus, located on the southeast end of the sanctuary dedicated to the ancient Greek God of medicine, Asclepius.It is built on the west side of Cynortion Mountain, near modern Lygourio, and belongs to the Epidaurus Municipality.It is considered to be the most perfect ancient Greek theatre with regard to acoustics and aesthetics. Culture is the child of the education of one place but at the same time belongs to all humanity. National Theatre of Northern Greece - Giannis Rigas . I mean, why announce it if it is not going tp be forthcoming. De stream is gratis te bekijken, maar donaties zijn welkom. 1 Comment Aeschylus’ Persians is the oldest drama that has survived in full to the present day and is at the same time a historical account of the most important conflict in the second Persian invasion of Greece, the Battle of Salamis, which took place exactly 2500 years ago. Paul Edwards Theater Rotterdam Theater Rotterdam blijft op zijn website digitale theatrale initiatieven aanvullen. More than 200 healing centres in the eastern Mediterranean are believed to have operated under authorisation from the Asclepeion of Epidaurus. Achilleas Kourias The arri-val of the ragged and vanquished king, in stark contrast to the magnificent presence of Darius, completes the image of absolute defeat. Designed by the architect Polykleitos the Younger during the fourth century BC, the ancient Theatre of Epidaurus is one of the best-kept amphitheatres in Greece. During the 4th and 3rd century BCE, widespread warfare led people to seek the help of Asclepius even more, and the sanctuary became one of the richest of that time. Nowadays, the ancient theatre is beautifully conserved and offers great acoustics.It is still used during the Athens Summer Festival. Epidaurus Ancient Theater to Live-Stream Play Performance for the First Time in Its History. The temple of Asclepius, the abaton (a place of ritual sleeping), the tholos (a colonnaded rotunda) and the theatre, the banqueting hall, the hostel and the stadium, the temple and the altar of Apollo, the great stoa, the living quarters of the priests and the shrine of the Muses are all monuments of that era. Peggy Antonakou : +30 210 5288100 For the first time ever, a live performance of an ancient Greek drama will be streamed globally from the ancient theater of Epidaurus. Ancient Theatre of Epidaurus … The Persians, Aeschylus’ most important anti-war play, recounts the Persian response to news of their military defeat at the Battle of Salamis in 480 BCE, which was a decisive event in the ongoing Greco-Persian Wars. Patricia Claus - Jul 17, 2020. Since then, its continuous care has aimed to repair damage from natural causes and the use of the monument. Music and dramatic contests hosted at this theater were part of the patients’ therapy, as they prayed to the god for their healing. Since 2009 the NTG has also been a member of the European Theatre’s Union. Victory crowns those who act wisely, while the mechanism of justice punishes anyone whose pride leads them into excesses, offending both gods and men with their arrogance. The Persians by Aeschylus, the oldest Greek drama that has survived in full to the present day, will be broadcast for free on Saturday, July 25. It was reestablished under the name National Theatre in 1930 and opened for the public in March 1932. For the first time ever, an ancient Greek drama performance will be streamed live, from the ancient theater of Epidaurus, often called “the world’s most beautiful theater.”. On this occasion, Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis stated: “As humanity is still challenged by the COVID-19 pandemic, the first ever live streaming of an ancient Greek drama performance from the ancient theater of Epidaurus is, Ι believe, a pivotal moment. On this occasion, Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis stated: “As humanity is still challenged by the COVID-19 pandemic, the first ever live streaming of an ancient Greek drama performance from the ancient theater of Epidaurus is, Ι believe, a pivotal moment. Achilleas Kourias Katerina Charalampidou Anyone who wishes to do so can make a donation to support the National Theatre of Greece, its work and its staff. HDR ===== For the next couple of days, we are going to stay at the seashore on Peloponnesus to see a large… And while it is true that nothing can compare with the physical presence in such a sacred place like Epidaurus, the fact that, in these adverse conditions we can share a taste of our cultural heritage and unparalleled Greek experience with people who would like to visit our country but are currently undergoing restrictions is really important. Virginia Bakoussi Answer 1 of 3: For those who want to see a performance in the ancient Epidavros theater. It is also a historical record of the most important battle of the sec-ond Persian invasion of Greece (and one of the most crucial conflicts in human histo-ry), the Battle of Salamis, in which the play’s author, Aeschylus, took part. Email: ... Google will host the live streaming and provide technical support as well as a major free promotion across YouTube regarding the live streaming event. For the first time, YouTube will give the opportunity to an international audience, to virtually travel to the home of the theater and to the magical landscape of Epidaurus and to watch live, via live stream, the Persians by Aeschylus – one of the leading ancient Greek tragedies. A performance of the ancient Greek play “The Persians,” by Aeschylus, will be streamed live to a global audience on Saturday, July 25, from the ancient theatre of Epidaurus. A detailed account of the rout concludes with a long description of the Battle of Salamis, the flight of Xerxes, and the ill fortune of the remaining army that attempt-ed to return by land. For the first time, a performance of an ancient Greek play, will be streamed live from Epidaurus, on Saturday, July 25, 2020, at 21.00. See upcoming titles, release dates and trailers for the best British theatre screening at your local cinema. The Artistic Director of the National Theatre of Greece is the actor and director Dimitris Lignadis. Gorki stream / Gorki Stream Doesn’t matter where you are, in Berlin, Istanbul, Minsk or on the Scottish isles – now you can watch our new premieres from anywhere, and we’re not just taping them, we’re producing recordings specifically for the stream. This resulted in a number of great works of construction. In 1938 the National Theatre of Greece performed its first open-air production of ancient drama, Sophocles’ Electra; the first performance after centuries at the Ancient Theatre of Epidaurus. The Ministry of Culture and Sports’ goal has been to prevent COVID-19 from leaving Greece without cultural events this summer, from leaving artists without employment opportunities and from leaving local communities without additional revenues. Well, by visiting the beautiful site of Epidaurus, you can combine it all! The performance is in Greek with English subtitles and lasts approximately 90 minutes. Organized by the National Theatre of Greece It will also be  available at the websites of the National Theatre of Greece, the Athens and Epidaurus Festival and the Ministry of Culture and Sports, as well as the National Theatre of Greece’s YouTube channel. Its fame spread far beyond Argolis and it was considered the birthplace of medicine, while its monuments bear extraordinary witness to the development from faith healing to science. PROGRAMME AT LITTLE EPIDAURUS THEATRE ALKINOOS IOANNIDIS live (MUSIC) 17 & 18 July 2020 – 9:30pm. In partnership with Google Greece. The impressive size of the Persian army, the fame of its generals, and the god-given power of their king do nothing to allay the fears of the elders, who know all too well how the web of Ate, the goddess of folly, can entrap men and lead them to their ru-in. For the first time ever, the performance of a major ancient Greek drama will be live-streamed from the famous ancient theater of Epidaurus. sunday 09.08.2020. Coordinator The play is in Greek with English subtitles and lasts approximately 90 minutes. Dimitris Lignadis More information on the performance and the plot here. The National Theatre of Greece, in partnership with the Ministry of Culture, invites the entire planet to the most beautiful theatre in the world, at Ancient Epidaurus, to share and participate – even if only online – in our production of The Persians; in a ritual that takes us back to the past, reminding us of the essence and the core of existence, which is at the same time a bridge between people and cultures. Saturday, July 25, 2020 The Theatre of the Asclepeion of Epidaurus, built on the northwest slope of Mount Cynortion, is the consummate form of the architectural experience of the ancient world, combining elegance with perfect acoustics, and is the best preserved ancient theatre in Greece. The orchestra is 20 metres in diameter, with the thymele, the base of an altar of Dionysus, at its centre. Aeschylus’ The Persians performed by actors of the Greek National Theater will be available to a global audience on July 25, 2020. National Theatre of Greece. Law Consultant The drama  will be live-streamed at 9 p.m. Athens time (GMT +2) through . The theatre came to light during excavations by Panagis Kavvadias from 1881 to 1883. What is the reason for 2. wave in Greece? ATHENS – For the first time ever, an ancient Greek drama performance was streamed live from the ancient theater of Epidaurus on July 25. It is also a historical record of the most important battle of the second Persian invasion of Greece (and one of the most crucial conflicts in human history), the Battle of Salamis (480 BCE), in which Aeschylus participated. As countries around the world are still exploring ways to restart theater in the post-COVID era, and as most festivals across Europe have been unfortunately canceled this year, the Athens and Epidaurus Festival will still take place, albeit in a condensed form, titled Fragment, adhering to the strictest safety measures. Director of The Persians The Theatre of Epidaurus has a 20-meter wide circular orchestra, 55 rows and a seating capacity of up to 14,000 people. Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis exclaimed that the upcoming performance, live from Epidaurus, is “a pivotal moment, as humanity is still challenged by the Covid-19 pandemic.”. Aeschylus’ The Persians performed by actors of the Greek National Theater will be available to a global audience on July 25, 2020. Tracing appeared to be in specific cases (close... Alex: Dear Wit and Drama, I highly appreciate your news, information, updates and comm... Ion: My daughter is coming from UK. If you would like to make a donation to the National Theatre of Greece, please fill in your name, email and the amount you wish to donate. Email:, Sat, 25.7.2020: Livestream started at 17:00 GMT – Performance started at 18:00 GMT. Email: For the first time ever, the performance of a major ancient Greek drama will be live-streamed from the famous ancient theater of Epidaurus. After centuries of silence, ancient drama was once again heard at Epidaurus in 1938, when the National Theatre of Greece (NTG) performed Dimitris Rondiris’ production of Sophocles’ Electra, starring Katina Paxinou and Eleni Papadaki. Head of Drama and International Relations Dept. Sisifos: Obviously you are living on a fantasy island. It was one of the most decisive battles in the history of humanity, whose outcome determined the world’s future. July 17, 2020 17.07.2020 | 10:44. As part of this year’s Athens and Epidaurus Festival, the National Theatre of Greece, with the support of … With the support of the Greek Ministry of Culture & Sports. © 2020, All Rights Reserved, Aeschylus’ The Persians live-streamed from Epidaurus on July 25, World Hellenism mourns Greek-American Hero, Paul S. 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Maria Karananou Communications and Marketing Dept. Minister of Culture and Sports. The first 34 rows are original, excavated at the end of the nineteenth century. A streaming service specifically aimed at theater lovers, BroadwayHD offers a slate of almost 300 whole, high-quality, professionally filmed live … - Press Enquiries It is therefore quite fitting that in 2020, when the entire planet is being tried by COVID-19, that Greece symbolically and literally transmits globally an ancient drama performance from the holiest of places, to heal the wounds that were inflicted by this pandemic.

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