I didn’t find out it was done this way until AFTER my fall. Did the ice have Identifcation? One solution would be to have a large pole with an arm on it with a piece of stiff rubber mounted on it so that when a driver drive under it, the rubber hanging down from the arm would clear the snow off the roof and either a high-lift or other snowplow could push the removed snow off to the side. I’m wondering why nobody has mandated heated covered parking….that would solve lots of problems. RALEIGH, N.C. (WNCN) – A 17-year-old is being treating at the hospital after he was injured in a shooting overnight in Raleigh, police said. Take the ticket, look up the federal osha rule, take it to court. ‘Eyimofe (This Is My Desire)’: Debut Trailer For Nigerian Drama Screening At LFF. The other day in California going down the mountain it’s clearly said trucks only because the downgrade was 6% for 12 miles so that means the possibility of failed breaks are high, but I still have moron who just came in front of me because she say that space and slowed down. ALL drivers NEED pre-paid legal. Second, a lot of trailer tops are made of lightweight plexiglass and will not support some of our weight. Hey, the State has a vested interest in road safety, becomes part of the public tax bill. Oh, and BTW, I drove for a short period of time in my life, both van & flatbed, so I respect the job. The debris is carried a distance before it falls. Or passed in a hurry. A million drivers complain about ANYTHING and the response is….a deafening silence. “So oftentimes, drivers don’t have the tools readily available to them, so we do try to make sure these vehicles get stopped so the snow does get removed in a safe fashion.”, Source: NHGOV, whdh, wmur, wmur, wmur, twitter. I have no problem refusing loads to the NE, NW or CA. I’m not getting on top of a trailer with a smooth finish so I can fall off and risk death or severe injury. You’re only immune if you are acting legally. Wish I could show you pictures of trucks in the left lane about 2-3 feet away from the vehicle in front of them car/truck. Like defrosting the cars rear window those tiny little wires do the trick. Come to think of it, it may be illegal for hem to force you to engage in such a dangerous activity as climbing on top of a slippery trailer. Poor innocent of any crime CMV driver. Get our Hamptons Insider newsletters delivered direct to you. In ky if it hits the rd first it’s road debris if it hits you ..following to close…simple, It’s an osha violation to be more than 4 feet off the ground without a safety harness. Hold your place, don’t slam the breaks. Sounds like more of a money racket to me. By Go By Truck News / August 28, 2015 . Invent an ice shaver drive thru make trucker suction cup boots and climb that trailer. It’s not that expensive to build these bolt down style I-beam with rubber scrapers hanging from chain. I Need CDL Training By Taylor K. Vecsey. THATS NOT A TRUCKERS WORK DESCRIPTION…. How do airliners do it? BETHESDA, Md. New Hampshire State Police say that the goal was to enforce and spread awareness of ‘Jessica’s Law.’ It was named in honor of Jessica Smith, who died when ice from a moving truck fell, causing a fatal accident. I wouldn’t even know how or where to begin to try and get up there. In the process of falling, unbeknownst to me at the time, I broke my big toe on my left foot. If death from flying snow/ice happened everyday in America, the problem would be bad enough that some entrepreneurs would figure out a safe way to clear a trailer. Blue Beacon won’t at any cost. I don’t think you can walk on top of those trailer with the translucent roofs?? Little John Road is in a … They leave some snow and ice on the trailers so the possibility exists for damage to other vehicles, even after removal by a machine. SMH!!! This is why I run a flat. The one who gets hurt…. A snow ticket for trailers is like the cell phone law. Dismissed. OK, so what is a driver with a translucent fiberglass roof that you can’t walk on to clean it supposed to do? However, before I embark, if there is a way, sure I am on that…a sweeper attachment to a loader, or a scraper, if not, then there should be a company available to provide a service. There is nothing safe about climbing on the roof of a trailer even in the best conditions. Not worth my life!! Ok just throwing it out there..but does anyone but me see the opportunity here like a do it yourself truck wash slip 5.00 in and wa-la you drive through .. It.should.be against the law such action, a trailer is about 13.6″ high, no side protection, and is very sleepery,can cause one to fall off it and die,. How exactly am I supposed to get on top of my trailer? but standard message and data rates may apply. Poor careless little girl. You can die hitting your head falling from NO feet off the ground, just standing. Then lost her life in a fracton of a second because of her own carekess, wreckless, bad driving habits. Money, that’s all this is about. Put snow removal scrapers at truck stops or service stations along turnpikes! Report this to OSHA and see what they have to say about a driver being forced to climb up on their trailer without proper safety equipment. The driver could fall through or even worse slip on the ice and fall off the trailer and break his or her kneck.. smarten up America. I also noticed they didn’t mention anything about the smart drivers who refused. Never seen a shovel that size. An officer acting outside the law is most certainly open to being sued civilly and the juridiction he works for is most likely going to turn their back on him and tell him to hire his own lawyer. Then it could be a good will service offered to drivers instead of another way to drain a drivers wallet. Another state we won’t go to in winter time. My boss asked me a couple of days after I fell what could have prevented this accident. As of today March 82019 I am still not back to work. OSHA requires a harness and safety restraints standing upon anything higher than 7 feet, at 13’6″ you cannot be compelled to climb your trailer roof. It is NOT safe! Reincarnation I REAL! David, I can remember the young woman getting killed, and like all other instances as this the legislature has to make the citizens think they care about them. YIPEE!!! Problem with the harness thing is, just where above you are you going to hook that harness? NHSP would let you know they didn’t require the driver to climb on their trailer. Safety HUH ! Lazy slob state troopers. They will not pull a car over for failure to yeld, the fine doesn’t pay them enough. Any type of trailer yard would be responsible to put up fall protection. I can see it. I’ll go to OH, if the rate is REAL good. Who is stupid enough to believe they can be forced to dangerously climb on a slippery trailer??? There’s better ways of making a living than running NE during the winter. One problem. We’re “GLAD” you “CARE” so much about our SAFETY! Try to climb it when it is full of ice and snow? I’ll hand it straight to the company to pay. KEEP YOUR DISTANCE, DONT TAILGATE. You know nothing of the situation but sit around and talk like you know all…. You can sue the company and most will just pay out. The load fell half way up, knocked me to the ground, unbeknownst to me, tore my pants, which I figured out before my next stop! I won’t do it again. But, I have my own authority and have been at this for nearly a quarter century. Clean off your truck it IS your responsibility. I have faith there will be something. "Das Gehäuse ist schusssicher und kann mit einer Alarmanlage ausgestattet werden", sagte der Vitronic-Sprecher. The rates coming back out are usually dirt-cheap. The enforcement and education blitz coincides with the completion of a $3.8 million bridge replacement project of the Old State Road Bridge over the NYS Thruway (I-90) in Albany County. Plus, is that an approved method by OSHA? If they refuse to understand the roof of a trailer isn’t designed to hold the weight of a truck driver/person then they don’t care about safety. Not the CMV driver. This week in New Hampshire, State Police conducted an enforcement blitz targeting truckers who hadn’t cleaned off their tractor-trailers. A panel of the 5th U.S. The only way this can even begin to become lawful, the useless State would have to legislate into law that EVERY VEHICLE MUST BE FREE OF SNOW AND ICE BEFORE TRAVELING. This “careless” girl that you refer to was hit by a straight truck and killed. I was in truck recovery for one of the five top carriers in the country. Add snow removal gantries at the weigh stations. Oh, it’s ok, watch the video…they are doing it at a SAFE HAVEN, a weigh station!!! There is nothing in the 41 years I have been driving that has ever told me I have to climb into a 13’6 trailer and clean it. Cops and their agencies get sued every single day. When I was young, I did flatbed trucks and thought nothing of it until a sudden and stiff breeze blew me off a stack of lumber. I just clinch my teeth and say man I hope it don’t bust my glass. Then the companies that have trailers loaded and unloaded in such a state as Bew Hampshire should install DeIcer Machines. If you are a company driver the company has to furnish the equipment to enable you to conform to the law. Truckstops and other facilities could charge a nominal fee for this to pay for the snow clearing device and someone to push the snow to the side. I’m surprised no one hasn’t started installing the things you drive under with the scrapers to get the snow off at truck stops. As a steering wheel holder, I might not know much, but I do know common sense is a super power, and we are fresh outta phone booths. But I understand we can’t control mother nature. This is truly just a BS law to appease a group of voters. the state doesn’t have to provide anything to back the law. SUBSCRIBE to Dread Pirate Trucker on … So many whiny babies! This is BS. If your saying “ I can’t do that I’ll get fired”, well grow a set of balls and refuse to put yourself in that predicament and if they want to fire you let them. I’ve been two cars behind tractor-trailers and been hit by ice and snow chunks coming off the top. “We had one night, that is it. Unfortunately, drivers are not equipped to handle the removal nor do the machines companies can buy do the job either. It’s a legitimate problem, so a solution has to be found. I was in decent shape the one & only time I climbed up onto an icy trailer. What they should have done was just enforce cars to stop tailgating. The first time I was doing it, it was early AM, still dark out. File suit against the State of New Hampshire. . The carriers, shippers and receivers, law enforcement, and DoT are all well aware of these facts, and manufacture these problems anyway. Trailer Ufficiale del Film - Blitz video film trailer ufficiale cinema americano italiano in uscita clip inedite scena dietro le quinte interviste attori speciali curiosità Wheres the law for plows traveling in the opposite direction throwing snow over the Jersey barrier. Seems like there more interested in the fine money than safety. I’m starting physical therapy next week with next Doctor appointment is April 8, 2019. So all of you that want the state to put in ice scrapers at toll booths and rest areas, what happens when someone hits an upright or scuffs the top of their truck. Please read to be better informed. Now if something had happened the story could have been the trucker killed a woman and her kids, it’s unfair that we being scolded this way. I found myself admiring the drivers who did that because I too would not enter the N.E. And then they told them to climb up on their trailers and shovel the snow off. Let the municipality get fined for breaking Federal laws. Here today, gone tomorrow. But hey the state’s won’t do that because they can write tickets instead and people can keep getting hurt/die instead!! Answer is they a afraid to stop a higher state or federal official over this and get them in trouble, and they know.the ticket will.be low value for the state. Blitz è un film del 2011 di genere Azione/Thriller/Crime, diretto da Elliott Lester, con Paddy Considine, Aidan Gillen, Zawe Ashton, Jason Statham, Luke Evans, David Morrissey. 4 Years You gonna strap it to the front of the trailer? It’s just a matter of who is responsible for getting snow and ice off the trailer roof. A good ladder. What is this country coming to ? I took off my boot, my toe was purple! Oh boy, we will be screwed for sure then. It would take several people to use and ladders or a lift of sorts. Except they won’t do it because of safety. I spent 3 weeks in the office doing “light duty”. Let Jessica’s Mom clean the snow and ice off. Lift gates are the WORSE, when your trying to take a poorly shrunk-wrapped load UP. They could build the scrapers that some have mentioned but they aren’t a guarantee to get all of the snow and ice off the trailer. A minimum 200-300 feet mandatory following distance would be dandy. There are clearly way too many points of failure. All I can say is I refuse to climb to top of trailer so I guess take me to jail, let me out when it warms up and snow is gone. If the trailer has a metal roof, it becomes so slippery that the driver risks just sliding off the side, not to mention we’re asking them to clear off 8 feet of trailer going sideways. RIP Rob. How about fining car drivers $500 a wack for following too close to big trucks…bet they’d back off a bit. Can’t change Mother Nature but there has to be an answer. 'Blitz' starring Jason Statham - Official Trailer - YouTube Me too!!! If you didn’t it is on you. I dont do Yankee land,any mo screw em ,let em get it them selves and pay huge tolls to drive on crappy roads, Actually, MOST truck washes, specially Blue Beacon, will NOT attempt snow removal off trailers. Accidents happen. Run south in the winter if you can. Andrew, 3 times is the charm. If you come up from behind a semi with snow on top of the trailer, you think you would be smart enough to realize a hazard…but if the truck passes you and snow/ice falls off and hits you, yeah then you have a legit claim. Way better than the potential danger of making someone climb up on the roof of a van. But it’s not the top of the truck they won’t clear it’s the trailer and if you are a oo pulling a drop and hook it’s someone else’s problem not the driver. Though that would be the propper argument to raise with the officer in refusing to climb up on the trailer, the problem there being, there really is no arguing with an officer, they all take it personal. The project, which began in March, was completed within budget and a month ahead of schedule. I’ve had ice and blinding At the side of a highway,no way. If you can’t afford or are “unable” to remedy, YOU need to do something different. I would also call OSHA and file a complaint. I would refuse to do it, call the company and tell them to get someone out there. but standard message and data rates may apply. Hold a gun on them??? And I get hit by ice-frisbies all the time that come off of cars. You damaged company equipment! Furthermore if the driver does figure out how to get atop the trailer. Tell them you will not move the truck since you are under arrest. With that said though I understand fully the dangers of having debris coming off of the roofs of trailers or cars. And as for police “forcing” drivers to endanger themselves removing ice and snow that is simply not true. Unfortunately it should be considered road debris and all drivers on the road have the responsibility to drive accordingly. Should be a legal requirement for all trucking related businesses who either own trucks, rent trucks, make their living off servicing trucks ie..TA, Petro, Loves, Pilot, Flying J, Sapp Brothers…etc..to have these scrapers at the exits of their businesses. The City of Windsor has been cracking down with bylaw enforcement over the past week in a blitz it says has resulted in 23 charges. They got him on life support at the hospital and opened his head to relieve the pressure, but, he showed no signs of brain activity days later, they removed it and he died.

enforcement trailer blitz

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