Get the Mike Tramp Setlist of the concert at Marsöl Saal, Chur, Switzerland on October 11, 2003 from the More To Life Than This Tour and other Mike Tramp Setlists for free on! A.L. December 12th, 1971 . und trotzdem Raum lässt, stets mit dem Gedanken neue Klangplaneten zu erschaffen. Heute Abend live at the Marsoel Bar . Für Tischreservationen kontaktieren Sie uns telefonisch unter 081 250 59 … New Commons Disentis, Pop - Festival Marsöl Chur . Switzerland, Phone  AUG 2020 AYÉ! Facebook Twitter Email . In 1909, Bishop Schmid von Grüneck erected a hotel, complete with banqueting hall, on the site where the stables of Chur’s canons once stood. 20. WEEKLY Jazz at the Marsoel Bar. Chur . Ihr Klangspektrum reicht von Popmusik über Experimental bishin zu freier Improvisation. valid: 04.01.2021 - 31.03.2021, Price per double room (Local fees may apply), Hotel Marsöl Restaurant Marsöl Süsswinkelgasse 25 7000 Chur. New Commons Disentis, Pop - Festival Marsöl Chur . today | CUADRO22, 7000 Chur. Austria (Österreich) Chad (Tchad) Chile; China (中国) quos DI. Watch Queue Queue. Schorno Albert - z'Chur im Marsöl, Ländler. All radio streams and radio stations at one glance. «WEEKLY Jazz in Concert» presents: «Blizz Rhythmia» Dienstag 07. Ha suonato in diretta radio, e ricevuto lusinghiere recensioni su riviste specializzate. 01.03.11 Zurich Jazz Orchestra Institut für Jazz Graz 28.02.11 Zurich Jazz Orchestra Unterfahrt München 26.02.11 Dalvit Hellmüller Zitz Dienerstrasse 70 Zürich 21.02.11 Dalvit Hellmüller Zitz Wohnzimmer Bar Zürich 18.02.11 Hellmüller Sisera Renold Kulturkeller Calw 17.02.11 Radar Suzuki Werkstatt Chur valid: 01.01.2021 - 28.02.2021, Price per person in double room Calanda Alphorn Duo: Jodelreigen - Roundelay. Fritz Dünner. 2. In 2000 she moved back to Switzerland and has been working ever since with different formations and musicians in many styles from pop to folk to jazz. Con puoi vivere da vicino l’autenticità del teatro svizzero! Für Anfragen oder andere Anliegen wenden Sie sich an Die Zürcher Musikerin und Performerin Marena Whitcher steht für Originalität und unbedingte Experimentierlust. Swiss folk music-- live! Gabriela Krapf - Vocals / Composer / Keys Gabriela Krapf (Speicher (AR), Switzerland) studied singing at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam and at the AIM in Vienna. Favurisà . In 2005, Smith was awarded the NEA Jazz Masters Award from the National Endowment for the Arts, the highest honor that America bestows upon jazz … Get Marsöl Saal, Chur, Switzerland setlists - view them, share them, discuss them with other Marsöl Saal, Chur, Switzerland fans for free on! Chur . Hier finden Sie einen Überblick über die Veranstaltungen in Chur und Umgebung. 07.03.2020 Reformierte Kirche La Punt – La Punt-Chamues-ch. 277.7 and Tab. valid: 08.12.2020 - 19.12.2020, Price per person in double room Roman vicus and fort E of the Rhine in the Schanfigg valley. Stöbern Sie in unserem Veranstaltungskalender und entdecken bekannte Top-Events wie die Schlagerparade, das Churer Fest oder aber die zahlreichen kleinen und feinen Geheimtipps. 2 nights, 2 Nights in Price per double room, Half-board, Gala dinner with 6 courses on Christmas Eve and... 4 nights, 4 Nights in Double room, breakfast buffet, Welcome drink per person per stay, 1 x Sledge hire per... Price Information for "Stay for 4 nights, pay for 3". +41 81 252 18 18, Jazz 16.00 / 17.00 / 18.00 / 19.00 Uhr, Urech Stielbar, Chur SO. Order tickets for the best events, parties, festivals, concerts and theatre in Switzerland on online with no charges. he began playing the piano at the age of eight. Exclusive pricing only over private chat. La più vecchia città svizzera, al centro di un imponente universo montano, incanta con i suoi vicoli intricati e gli edifici storici. 3 nights, Departure: Chur, Destination: Chur, 3 Nights in Double room, breakfast buffet, Ticket for 50% oder... Price Information for "Discover Graubünden". See 1 photo and 1 tip from 6 visitors to Marsöl Bar. Das zahl-reich erschienene Publikum war begeistert, Martina Mutz-ner als Veranstalterin zufrieden. today | 7000 Chur. Dann begrüssen wir Sie gerne als Mitglied von JazzChur. Republitgà . Musica Pop Rock Jazz Songwriter . free Literature event in Chur, Switzerland by Werkstatt Chur and Verein Buntd on Tuesday, May 25 2021 7000 Chur Jazz, Elektronik 19.30 Uhr, Marsoel die Bar Chur MO. 2 nights, 2 Nights in Accommodation: Standard, breakfast buffet, 1 x 60 minutes Entrance to the wellness... 2 nights, Departure: Chur, Destination: Chur, 2 Nights in Double room, breakfast buffet, Ticket for... Price Information for "Book a top experience for yourself". Marsöl - Chur - Snaptravel Hotels - 30-50% Off. Check Out. Husistein-Musik. - At the Marsöl Tavern of Chur (SFL 7/1982) This content was published on April 16, 2008 12:02 PM Apr 16, 2008 - 12:02 (swissmusic) Sam Burckhardt, Saxophon / Oliver Friedli, Piano / Lesley Loew, Lesung 11.11.2020: Konzertagenda / 18.00 Uhr / Theodorskirche / Basel . December 12th, 1971 . Gassmann. The best ideas famously do not come sat down at work, but while out and about jogging, walking or... Price Information for "InnoTren – a mobile train of thought". Programmpunkte unter Eintritt frei! Sie wünschen sich eine lebendige Musikszene als Teil des Lebens- und Wirtschaftsstandortes Chur und möchten unser Engagement für die Kultur und den Jazz in Graubünden stärken? Get deal on Messenger. Von September bis Dezember jeden Donnerstag Abend Live-Jazz in der einzigartigen Marsoel Bar. Pension Marsoel. Für Anfragen oder andere Anliegen wenden Sie sich an J A Z Z CHUR-PROGRAMM HERBST 2020. Süsswinkelgasse 25 Auch in bekannten Hotels wie dem Hotel Marsöl in Chur oder dem Hotel Laudinella in St. Moritz waren sie schon zu Gast. Ihre Ausflüge durch alle denkbaren und undenkbaren Stimmregister sind exzentrisch und theatralisch, doch die mehrfache Preisträgerin vergisst bei aller wunderbaren Masslosigkeit auch die düsteren und melancholischen Seiten der Welt nicht. +41 (0)79 204 02 85 Houry Dora Apartian Quintet – JAZZ IN SARNEN 03.12.2020: JAZZ IN SARNEN / 20.30 Uhr / Club Freeheit, Krone Sarnen / Sarnen . Swiss Folk Music - Live! Restaurant Marsöl Süsswinkelgasse 25 7000 Chur. gaudenz badrutt was born in chur and brought up in davos. Musica Pop Rock Jazz Songwriter . 2 nights, 2 Nights in Superior room, Half-board, 1 x 4 course gourmet evening meal per person per stay, 1 x 3... 4 nights, 4 Nights in Double room, À la Carte breakfast , Welcome drink per person per stay, Minibar included,... 4 nights, 4 Nights in Price per person in double room, Half-board, Special Christmas menus, A woodland... Price Information for "Special offer Christmas". Martina Berther gehört zu den vielseitigsten E-Bassistinnen der Schweizer Musikszene. Gastgeber: Richard Irniger, Schneckenmannstrasse 8, 8044 Zürich. Programme Contents: 1. Andy McGhee (tenor sax player with Lionel Hampton, Woody Hermann) Mirco Biondini . Cundiziuns generalas ; DI 10 DEZ 2020 MARSOEL SAAL Süsswinkelgasse 25 7000 Chur 20.30 Uhr Eintritt frei! 09. Programmpunkte unter Zurich(CH), Kasheme 12.9. + Past Show. Aspects legals . Swiss Folk Music - Live! CURIA (Chur) Graubünden, Switzerland. Von September bis Dezember jeden Donnerstag Abend Live-Jazz in der einzigartigen Marsoel Bar. Von September bis Dezember jeden Donnerstag Abend Live-Jazz in der einzigartigen Marsoel Bar. Join Facebook to connect with Jazz Chur and others you may know. April 2003; Authors: Corporeality: When can a body be said to exist? Martina Berther gehört zu den vielseitigsten E-Bassistinnen der Schweizer Musikszene. Passa al contenuto principale. Elegant Tea Jazz - Relaxing Intrumental JAZZ Music For Work,Study,Reading Relax Music 2,082 watching. Veranstaltungen chur 2020. –Um zu einem Heavy-Metal-Musiker zu werden, kann man Einfaches tun: Haare wach-sen lassen, A rme tätowieren und ganz Winterthur (CH), Esse Bar 13.9. View details . Vito Cadonau b, Djamal Moumène g/comp, Noah Weber dr. Inmitten zweier Galaxien treffen sich vier Astronauten, alle von unterschiedlichen Planeten. Con tutte le informazioni importanti in un clic! Celts, Romans, Ostrogoths, Franks - all ruled Chur, the gateway to important trade routes and alpine passes, at one time or another. JAZZCHUR | JAZZCOIRE |  JAZZCOIRA | JAZZCUIRA | Obere Plessurstrasse 17 | CH-7000 Chur | | Christmas Jazz at Peoples Chur: Bobby & Friends Felder: Musica. Programmpunkte unter Eintritt frei! Eine spätpaläolithische Fundstelle im Bündner Rheintal. Neben dem traditionsreichen Haus wurden unlängst die ältesten Siedlungsspuren Graubündens gefunden - und wie die ersten Churer vor 12'000 Jahren schlafen auch heute unsere Pensions-Gäste hier am Fusse des bischöflichen Schlosses vorzüglich. Acquistare subito i biglietti per teatro all’aperto, commedie e letture! Find the travel option that best suits you. Recommendations Autoplay. Anmeldung unter: 044/ 251 14 25 oder per Mail: Check In. CD e Vinili . Eintritt frei! Dietkron, Niedermüller, Schürmann, Friedli He helped popularize the Hammond B-3 organ, creating a link between jazz and 1960s soul music.. This content was published on April 16, 2008 - 12:12 April 16, 2008 - 12:12. V My Höeise Chur/Haldenstein. Jazz in Chur Fredy Dekumbis. he was, during his time at college, pianist and composer for various theatre productions by the ‘dramatische kantonsschülergruppe’. Das 100-jährige «Marsoel» steht leicht erhöht über der Altstadt von Chur, der Kantonshauptstadt Graubündens. Ha suonato presso alcuni dei più importanti teatri e jazz club nazionali e internazionali come Blue Note Milano, Auditorium “G.Verdi” Milano, Porgy and Bess Vienna, Jazz Club Chur, Jazz Club Torino. Oct. Breitbild, Gimma, Ursina, Ester Poly, Weird Beard, True und Frida Stroom. 21. What remains today, is its 5000-year history, documented by Early Stone Age and Bronze Age finds anc artifacts from the Roman period, as well as testimonies to more recent history such as the 800-year-old Cathedral near the bishop's residence. Facebook gives people the power to … Chur und Haldenstein ihren Abschluss gefunden. Instrumental, Alternative Volksmusik Add to a playlist; 1 On air Hoppla-Schorsch. La tua Chur: scopri su quali sono gli eventi del 2020 da segnare immediatamente in agenda. Daraus entsteht eine neue Welt, eine Fusion, ein Gegensatz, ein Gefühl von angenehmen Verlorensein und unangenehmen Daheimsein. 01. valid: 10.01.2021 - 05.04.2021. 06.03.2020 The Phrontistery – Luzern Ihr Klangspektrum reicht von Popmusik über Experimental bishin zu freier Improvisation. Alle Tickets behalten ihre Gültigkeit. valid: 08.12.2020 - 31.12.2020, Price per person in superior room Peut., Accommodation: Standard SOLO - Weekly Jazz in Concert | Marsoel - Chur (CH) Double bill with KIMM trio Nov 30 2019: José Luis Montón Ensemble - MOODS - Zürich (CH) Nov 29 2019: José Luis Montón Ensemble - Casino Theater - Burgdorf (CH) Nov 28 2019: José Luis Montón Ensemble - Kammgarn - … 05.09.2020 Konzertkeller im Schtei – Sempach. Instrumental, Innerschweiz Add to a playlist; 1 On air S Bündnermeitali. JazzChur Schutzkonzept Reservationen Sie entscheiden sich einen neuen Planeten zu erschaffen und beginnen ihre vier Heimatplaneten zu Restaurant Marsöl Süsswinkelgasse 25 7000 Chur. Discover online now. Cundiziuns generalas ; Numerose boutique, ristoranti, bar, musei e gallerie donano un tocco mediterraneo al nucleo cittadino, chiuso al traffico. View details . Marsöl Saal, Süsswinkelgasse 25 . Süsswinkelgasse 25, Chur. Villars (CH), Villars Vanguard 14.9. ... Chur/Cuira . MARTINA HUG "FÜR MICH SOLL'S ROTE ROSEN REGNEN" Langer Samstag, Klibühni Chur (GR) 20:00 H Favurisà . Listen to Radio Südostschweiz internet radio online for free on Wir werden euch schnellstmöglich über den neuen Termin informieren. 28. Claude Diallo is a very talented and professional young jazz pianist which has a bright future to come. Chur 03/18/20 20:00 . "Jazz every Thursday night" Foursquare uses cookies to provide you with an optimal experience, to personalize ads that you may see, and to help advertisers measure the results of their ad campaigns. Guests. This website uses cookies to personalize content and analyse traffic in order to offer you a better experience. Get up to 50% off over SMS or FB Messenger. The content presented here is provided and updated by regional/local tourist offices or event organisers, which is why Switzerland Tourism is unable to guarantee the correctness of the contents. April 2015, 20.30 Uhr @ the Marsoel Bar, Süsswinkelgasse 25, 7000 Chur. (The non-Roman name is mentioned in Ant.It. Porter Porter - Gregory Porter’s Spirit, Jazz, Gospel and Blues mit Jörg "Guya" Guyan voc, Christian Müller p, Clau Maissen sax, Rees Coray b und Rolf Caflisch dr. MARSOEL DIE BAR, Süsswinkelgasse 25 7000 Chur, 20.30 Uhr, Eintritt frei! Tue. Andreasmarkt. OR. James Oscar Smith (December 8, 1925 or 1928 – February 8, 2005) was an American jazz musician whose albums often charted on Billboard magazine. Für Tischreservationen … Republitgà . Wegmarken bildeten u.a. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. This show is postponed. +41 (0)79 204 02 85 10. Die vier Musiker machen Musik, die den Raum füllt 2019: 10.9. Für Tischreservationen kontaktieren Sie uns telefonisch unter 081 250 59 … View the Profiles of people named Jazz Chur on Facebook. valid: 24.12.2020 - 26.12.2020, Price per person in double room Loading... Unsubscribe from Fredy Dekumbis? Weitere Infos unter, Voraussetzungen:, Hotel Marsöl This video is unavailable. 2. ... Chur/Cuira . Media in category "Buildings in Chur" The following 118 files are in this category, out of 118 total. today | 20:30-22:30 Restaurant Marsoel, 7000 Chur. Even then the building did not look new; by staggering the corpus of the building and varying the gables, the architect, Balthasar Decurtins, succeeded in giving the Marsöl the appearance of an old building that over the years had grown in size. AUG 2020 FLORIAN FAVRE SOLO / ESTER POLY Jazz, Punk-Jazz 20.15 UHR, Postremise Chur verschmelzen. Für Anfragen oder andere Anliegen wenden Sie sich an Aspects legals . Ladenburg (D), Leicht & Selig 11.9. Forgotten Standards mit Amik Guerra (trumpet), Rolf Caflisch (drums), Christoph Sprenger (bass), Claude Diallo (piano) @ Weekly Jazz Chur Marsöl Bar More Feb 26, 2018 45 Marsöl 46 Ex rimessa postale 47 Galleria civica 48 Stadthalle 49 Teatro / Paal zzo del Paarl mento (vedere retro) 50 Welschdörfli (vedere retro) 51 Loucy 52 Lia Rumantscha ... i Chur Tourismus Bahnhofplatz 3, CH-7001 Chur Tel. 1 On air H2O, Polka Nr. The first concert in the Marsoel Saal will take place on Thursday, October 29., 2020 with the program point ′′ Remembering Roy Hargrove All JazzChur events in the Postremise (Jazz Club Chur and Soundhound) will be held as planned. The cheapest way to get from Chur to Montreux Jazz Festival costs only SFr 47, and the quickest way takes just 3¼ hours. ).Curia was on a military road from Italy to Lake Constance, and at the N end of the Julier, Splügen, and Septimer passes. Wegmarken bildeten u.a. Iscriviti a Prime Ciao, Accedi Account e liste Accedi Account e liste Resi e Ordini Iscriviti a Prime Carrello. 19.12.2013 – Marsöl Saal, Chur SWITZERLAND 20.12.2013 – L’Usine (PTR), Genève SWITZERLAND 21.12.2013 – Fri-Son, Fribourg SWITZERLAND ... 19.10.2013 – Jazz au fil de l’Oise, Cergy Pontoise FRANCE 12.11.2013 – Salle Equilibre, Fribourg SWITZERLAND 53 Likes, 3 Comments - Sonja Eberhard Fotografie (@sonja_eberhard) on Instagram: “a different view #tree #baum #chur_city #graubünden #tree_pictures #sonyalpha_photos #sonya77v…” Breitbild, Gimma, Ursina, Ester Poly, Weird Beard, True und Frida Stroom. - At the Marsöl Tavern of Chur (SFL 7/1982) This content was published on April 16, 2008 12:02 PM Apr 16, 2008 - 12:02 (swissmusic) Restaurant Marsoel, Süsswinkelgasse 25, 7000 Chur Von September bis Dezember jeden Donnerstag Abend Live-Jazz in der einzigartigen Marsoel Bar. Diese Veranstaltung wird verschoben. The Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SRG SSR; German: Schweizerische Radio- und Fernsehgesellschaft, French: Société suisse de radiodiffusion et télévision, Italian: Società svizzera di radiotelevisione, Romansh: Societad Svizra da Radio e Televisiun) is the Swiss public broadcasting association, founded in 1931, the holding company of 26 radio and television channels. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. Chur, Marsöl. valid: 22.12.2020 - 26.12.2020, Price per double room The first concert in the Marsoel Saal will take place on Thursday, October 29., 2020 with the program point ′′ Remembering Roy Hargrove All JazzChur events in the Postremise (Jazz Club Chur and Soundhound) will be held as planned. Musik: Quartett Robin Mark – Palace (live @ Marsoel, Chur) Video: Christian Ritz, 08EINS The quartet, led by Robin Mark, performs new Swiss folk music in their own, unique style. Veranstaltungen: Chur. NEU: Montag - Sonntag 11-17 Uhr Forum Würth Chur Aspermontstrasse 1 7000 Chur Tel. I really enjoyed recording and touring in Europe with his band. Facebook Twitter Email . Watch Queue Queue In dieser Ausgabe sprechen wir darüber mit Stewy von Wattenwyl, dem Leiter der Swiss Jazz School – und mit Kasper von Grünigen, dem Leiter PreCollege und Musikschulleiter auf dem Jazzcampus der Musikakademie Basel. Mirco Biondini . Wed. Oct. during this time he had interest in various musical styles and experimented with electronic tapes, synthesizers and improvisation. Süsswinkelgasse 257000 ChurPhone  : At the Marsöl Tavern of Chur, (sound recording)

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