In den 1970er und 1980er Jahren war er ein populäres Gesicht auf den Theaterbühnen Großbritanniens. However, when it comes to actually stepping up as a leader, Albus Dumbledore is ahead above his Lord of the Rings match. Die Aufnahme in die Royal Shakespeare Company unterstrich seine Bedeutung als britischer Theaterdarsteller. Für die Rolle des weisen Zauberers war ursprünglich Sean Connery vorgesehen, welcher aber aufgrund von Verständnisproblemen in Bezug auf die umfangreiche Tolkien-Welt abgelehnt hatte. We saw Gandalf do a limited number of things, although some were quite dramatic: he started fires, closed a door, smashed a stone bridge, fought a demon, and faced down an evil wraith. Dumbledore's Occlumency mastery should let him tank those well enough to obliterate Gandalf effortlessly in every round. Ian McKellen wurde kurz vor Ausbruch des Zweiten Weltkrieges im englischen Burnley geboren. If not, then this is hardly a battle. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore is a fictional character in J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. If Gandalf’s mind is too powerful, Dumbledore could control other wizards or powerful beings that have weaker minds. “When they called me up and said would I be interested in being in the Harry Potter films, they didn’t say what part, but I worked out what they were thinking, and I couldn’t.” If Gandalf’s mind is too powerful, Dumbledore could control other wizards or powerful beings that have weaker minds. Im selben Jahr wurde McKellen auch Mitglied der National Theatre Company vom Old Vic Theatre, wodurch ihm 1969 sein endgültiger Durchbruch als Theaterdarsteller in Edinburgh gelang. 0 We could've just started with that and been done with this point. If it was Harry Potter vs. Percy Jackson, you can probably trust Dumbledore to win if he subbed for the Boy Who Lived. erst- und bislang einmalig als Drehbuchautor in Erscheinung. Vom dritten bis zum achten Film war Gambon als „Dumbledore“ zu sehen. Ian McKellen verkörperte Gandalf in Der Herr der Ringe. Er starb Weihnachten Zauberer aus „Harry Potter“ tot. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore is a fictional character in J. K. Rowling 's Harry Potter series. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Dumbledore. “When {Richard Harris] died–he played Dumbledore, the wizard–I played the real wizard, of course,” said McKellen, referring to his career-defining portrayal of Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Dumbledore's... not so much. Mai 1939 in Burnley, Lancashire, England) ist ein britischer Schauspieler. After revelations about Dumbledore’s past that emerged in The Deathly Hallows, debates continue to rage over Dumbledore’s motivations, but this is a discussion for another article.Dumbledore polarizes fans, yet no matter one’s personal feelings about this character, it is impossible not to admire the wisdom, wittiness, and insight that flow from his mouth. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore was born to Kendra and Percival Dumbledore in the summer of 1881, in the mainly wizarding village of Mould-on-the-Wold. Dumbledore Darsteller Harry Potter Wiki Fando . Please, explain your answer. [1] Sein Vater war, wie bereits beide Großväter McKellens, nebenberuflicher Laienprediger und einer seiner Urgroßväter war als protestantischer Pfarrer in Ballymena, County Antrim tätig. Schauspieler David Ryall (79), der Dumbledores besten Freund verkörperte, ist tot. Sein Debüt als Theaterschauspieler gab er 1961 in Coventry. 1 Gandalf: 2 Dumbledore: 3 Gandalf: 4 Dumbledore: 5 References You shall not pass! Dumbledore's matches are cool, yes, but when comparing them against the fight scene in the depths of Moria, well... they shall not pass. It features The Lord of The Rings and The Hobbit character,Gandalf, rapping against Harry Potter character, Dumbledore. For most of the series, he is the headmaster of the wizarding school Hogwarts.As part of his backstory, it is revealed that he is the founder and leader of the Order of the Phoenix, an organisation dedicated to fighting Lord Voldemort, the main antagonist of the series. Dumbledore battled Gandalf in Gandalf vs Dumbledore. How well do you know these two great wizards? Gandalf! Tolkien's life -- Game of Thrones creator George R.R. Advice for being a wizard is, I imagine, something like advice for being a parent. The Westboro Baptist Church won't have to go too far to picket this union. I do hope you’re joking. The Equality House is a building painted the colors of the gay pride flag and sitting across the street from The Westboro Baptist compound. The world of fantasy fiction has been rocked to its very core following a claim that avuncular Hogwart’s Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore and Middle Earth’s uber-wizard Gandalf, are in fact one and the same person, and that just one of them would have been ‘perfectly adequate’ to appear as the ultimate force for good against evil in both series of blockbusting sagas. Oh, and spoilers. Harry Potter: 10 Things From The Books That Got Cut (That We're Okay With). Dumbledore or Gandalf? In fact, Dumbledore even has a better after-death look, adapting his Hogwarts garb to an all-white, heavenly set of robes. Ian McKellen Discusses Being Gay in The 60’s | Full Interview. Of course, Gandalf gets an upgrade after he returns from the dead, but overall, we've got to give Dumbledore the win for style. Take this quiz and find out! Dumbledore is a slow, old guy, who needs a wand to fight. No, not at all. They're more powerful, more visually interesting, and have much larger histories. Let’s look at the players in this battle. Nun ist der irische Schauspieler Richard Harris gestorben... Der Tod von Dumbledore ist sehr vielschichtig, ud die Frage an sich in … Gandalf was never represented as inventing his own magic. Speaking of looking the part, just because you're an old and sage magician doesn't mean you have to look shabby. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. [Gandalf:] You shall not pass I rap fast like Shadowfax Tom Riddle me this you bitch How's your little wand Going to beat my staff? It's not that Gandalf hasn't lead groups before, it's that he's known to break off from them to pursue his own adventures. Voldemort and even Grindelwald are complex, menacing figures of evil. Both are exactly what we picture when we talk about wizards, wise old mentors with a gift for leadership and the arcane arts. But neither of those weapons' feats compare to the Elder Wand. Albus too-many-middle-names Dumbledore. Der Schauspieler von Dumbledore ist gestorben, und der Schauspieler von Gandalf musste ihn erstetzen ; Die Szene, bei der Gandalf vom Balrog in die Tiefe gerissen wird Gandalf der Graue, — Der Herr der Ringe Drittes Buch, die leben, verdienen den Tod, doch viele, die tot sind, verdienen das Leben [5][6] Im Juni 2014 wurde dem mittlerweile über 70 Jahre alten Schauspieler von der University of Cambridge die Ehrendoktor-Würde (Doctor of Letters) zuerkannt.[7]. It was then when he witnessed and admired the pity and courage the humble Hobbits reserved in their hearts. Not so Slytherin, who had a reputation for fashioning wands of exquisite quality. An der Universität war er Mitglied der örtlichen Theatergruppe namens Marlowe Society und debütierte dort in Bühnenaufführungen wie Henry IV, Cymbeline und Die tragische Historie vom Doktor Faustus. Als Theaterschauspieler in London und am Broadway wurde er mit sechs Laurence Olivier Awards und einem Tony Award ausgezeichnet. For most of the series, he is the headmaster of the wizarding school Hogwarts . During his wanderings in Eriador, Gandalf met and befriended the isolated and secretive people of the Hobbits in their country, The Shire.During the Long Winter of 2758 Gandalf came to their aid. Im selben Jahr verkörperte er auch in der Actionparodie Last Action Hero in einer Nebenrolle Den Tod. I do hope you’re joking. Gandalf, on the other hand, does not rely solely on his magic (even if it’s less flashy, heck, it’s absurdly powerful) and is known for being quite the combatant with his sword Glamdring. But Gandalf is a being actually made of magic. Of course, neither Gandalf or Dumbledore have any ancient wisdom close to the "Darth Plagueis the Wise" monologue from Emperor Palpatine. Well, we thought it would be most efficient to break down the merits of wizards into categories, and then determine which character was best in each. ScreenRan Both Gandalf and Dumbledore set themselves apart from the passive, on-the-sidelines image of a wizard by actually joining in with most of the fighting. Dumbledore was known for his intellect (the many uses of dragonsblood). Gandalf might disagree, judging by his drab grey cloak and hat. Gandalf giving a fireworks display at Old Took's party in the Shire. Wizards are known for their knowledge of ancient lore. Go back to the abyss! Dumbledore kicks some serious ass, especially when it comes to wizarding duels, but in a contest of all-out-brawls, we've got to give this point to Gandalf. Did we give any of the categories to the wrong person? But evil beings like Sauron and Saruman are just a little bit better in our opinion. [4], 2006 wurde bei McKellen Prostatakrebs diagnostiziert, der bei dem Schauspieler aktiv beobachtet wird. You know that old saying, "You don't… Let’s look at the players in this battle. Dumbledore has access to a vast array of spells and magical devices that do all kinds of useful things. Zu dieser Oscarverleihung erschien er, als wahrscheinlich erster Nominierter in der Oscar-Geschichte, in Begleitung seines Lebensgefährten.[9]. Not only does he wear the hell out of some old-timey scholar robes, but as a young guy, Dumbledore's outfit could put Don Draper to shame. And that age is what gives him the advantage in this section of the wizard contest. Sir Ian Murray McKellen, CH, CBE (* 25. Who won? Dezember 2020 um 15:57 Uhr bearbeitet. Gandalf the White and Professor Albus Dumbledore are having a wedding -- and you're invited. Als Quäkerin fand sie es wichtiger, dass er ehrlich sein könnte, zumal ihre Religionsgemeinschaft sich seit Jahrzehnten nicht mehr für die sexuelle Orientierung der Menschen interessierte. But he can't do a fraction of the things that Dumbledore can. Mit 18 Jahren erhielt er ein Stipendium für das St Catharine’s College der Universität von Cambridge, wo er englische Literatur studierte. In fact, Gandalf is pretty much an ageless being in Middle Earth, having entered that world as already an old man. Als Filmdarsteller erlangte er ab den 2000er Jahren größere Bekanntheit, unter anderem in der Rolle des „Gandalf“ bei den Trilogien Der Herr der Ringe und Der Hobbit sowie als „Magneto“ in der X-Men-Reihe. In der dreiteiligen Verfilmung des Tolkien-Romans Der Hobbit übernahm er wieder die Rolle des Gandalf. The early years of Dumbledore's life were marked by tragedy when his younger sister, Ariana Dumbledore, was attacked by a group of Muggle boys, who saw her performing magic and were frightened by what they saw. If not, then this is hardly a battle. Gandalf and Dumbledore are largely responsible for guiding the plot of their series. You can follow him on Twitter @GrantDeArmitt. Let us know what you think and why in the comments section below. Oktober 2002 verstarb, sodass eine Neubesetzung notwendig wurde. Then there's his staff, which we've seen scare off Nazgûl and break the spell holding King Théoden. Just look at the Harry Potter fanbase to see how many kind of love those two villains. Sorry, Silmarillion fans. Usually, wizards are pretty old. episode of Death Battle. He enjoys comic books and detective novels, firmly believes in Dracula, and has a special place in his heart for animated comedies. 2009 brachte ihm die Darstellung des König Lear in dem US-amerikanischen Programm The Great Performances eine Emmy-Nominierung ein, nachdem er bereits in der Vergangenheit dreimal für den US-amerikanischen Fernsehpreis nominiert worden war (1994 für And the Band Played On, 1996 für Rasputin und 2007 für Extras). Who would win in this fight: Dumbledore or Gandalf? You know, the long beard, the gray hair, etc. Um auf den Titel Deiner Frage zurückzukommen: Gandalf wird von ganz jemand anderem gespielt, nämlich von Ian McKellen. Dumbledore kicks some serious ass, especially when it comes to wizarding duels, but in a contest of all-out-brawls, we've got to give this point to Gandalf Die tragische Historie vom Doktor Faustus, Festival Internacional de Cine de Donostia-San Sebastián, Alfred der Große – Bezwinger der Wikinger, Der Herr der Ringe: Die Rückkehr des Königs. "Gandalf" wird der neue Dumbledore. Planting Peace's president Aaron Jackson told the Huffington Post: "We are delighted to be hosting the Dumbledore and Gandalf wedding and stand with them in the face of bigotry and celebrate equality for all. The two fictional characters will wed this Sunday, June 7, at the Equality House in Topeka, Kansas. I know this is a very discussed theme among all of us geeks, but I've been having this argument with a friend that has lasted DAYS about who is a better wizard and I'd like to hear some of what you think. After all, Dumbledore is a mortal creature who has achieved mastery over the arcane arts. Albus too-many-middle-names Dumbledore. Dumbledore Vs. Gandalf: Who's The Better Wizard? … So prepare your forbidden books and steadily growing beards, magic fans, as we at Screen Rant ask Dumbledore Vs. Gandalf: Who's the Better Wizard? Gandalf is a protagonist in J. R. R. Tolkien's novels The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.He is a wizard, one of the Istari order, and the leader and mentor of the Fellowship of the Ring.Tolkien took the name "Gandalf" from the Old Norse "Catalogue of Dwarves" in the Völuspá.. As a wizard and the bearer of a Ring of Power, Gandalf has great power, but works mostly by encouraging and persuading. Gandalf. Gandalf and Dumbledore have some qualities in common such as: Both being the leader of the party They both have people who look up to them They are both smart Gandalf and Dumbledore have some differences such as: Gandalf goes along with the party Dumbledore has a wand Gandalf has a stick Dumbledore has magical powers I would prefer to have Dumbledore by my side because he has … Movies/Book support needed. Not only was it crafted by Death himself, the Elder Wand is a more compact, versatile tool for a wizard in combat. 1 Privates 2 Anmerkungen 3 Auftreten in den Harry Potter Filmen 4 Link zum Artikel 5 Filmographie (Auswahl) 6 Weblinks Der in Nordirland geborene britische Schauspieler Sir Michael Gambon (*19.10.1940 in Dublin) spielt seit dem 3. In Filmproduktionen spielte er seit Mitte der 1960er Jahre zunächst nur kleinere Rollen. They often serve as exposition machines, explaining to the hero the mystical history of their quest. Advice for being a wizard is, I imagine, something like advice for being a parent. He is a main character as well as one of the main heroes in J.R.R Tolkien's Middle-Earth saga and Peter Jackson's live-action adaptation of the books respectively. You know that old saying, "You don't have to be perfect, you just have to be there?" Damit war er zu diesem Zeitpunkt, entgegen der „Don’t ask, don’t tell“-Politik des amerikanischen Militärs, das einzige offen homosexuell lebende Mitglied dieser Armee. Seine Studienzeit war ebenfalls vom Theaterspiel geprägt. Gandalf has two pretty impressive weapons at his disposal. Schauspieler gandalf dumbledore. Gandalf shouts that it shall not pass and breaks the bridge with his staff, causing the monster to fall into the abyss. Another example is healing. No, not at all. Auf sein Coming-out gegenüber seiner Stiefmutter Gladys McKellen reagierte diese erleichtert. Wizards are known for their magical weapons. My friend, one day, said "Dumbledore could kick Gandalf's ass." Yes, we know that Gandalf is always off doing some important thing on his own, but that's small comfort to Bilbo and the gang when they're in trouble. Gandalf, meanwhile, appears in four completed books (technically two, if you count Lord of the Rings as one book like J.R.R. How? Plus, being an Istari wizard, he’s essentially immortal, unlike Dumbledore, who is a mortal man. Though it was a close match, we believe he takes the edge over the resident sage of the Harry Potter universe. Post edited by BtbCupcake on 27.02.2014. In Teil 1 und 2 hat Richard Harris den Dumbledore gespielt. And that's without mentioning Gandalf's greatest battle, indeed, one of the best cinematic battles of the past twenty years. 1989 war er Mitbegründer der Gruppe Stonewall, die sich vor allem gegen die sogenannte Clause 28 einsetzte. 2007 wurde er von Elisabeth II. Dumbledore's shields were barely able to stop shards of glass; while Gandalf's were tanking hits from the Balrog and even Sauron himself. Dass es ausgerechnet um diese beiden Zauberer geht, ist übrigens kein Zufall: Rowling hatte bereits vor Jahren erklärt, ihre Romanfigur Dumbledore sei schwul. Ehemalige BEM-Accounts ... Geboren 27.05.1922 Großbritannien Gestorben 07.06.2015 Berufe Schauspieler, Producer, Sprecher, Synchronsprecher. Dumbledore was played by Richard Harris in the first two movies., Ensemblemitglied der Royal Shakespeare Company, Mitglied des Order of the Companions of Honour, Commander des Order of the British Empire, Mitglied der American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Wikipedia:Defekte Weblinks/Ungeprüfte Archivlinks 2018-04, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, McKellen, Ian Murray (vollständiger Name), Ian McKellen hat des Öfteren historische Personen dargestellt, so zum Beispiel, Einzug in die Filmindustrie hielt er im Anschluss an eine erfolgreiche Shakespeare-Verfilmung hauptsächlich über das Science-Fiction- und Fantasy-Genre. But what do you think? And though both wizards rock that particular look, we have to hand it to Gandalf for actually living the part. Er wurde Mitglied der Royal Shakespeare Company und trat am Royal National Theatre in einer Reihe von Shakespeare-Stücken wie Macbeth und Othello auf, in denen er auch Hauptrollen verkörperte. Nachdem McKellen um die Jahrtausendwende herum seine Theaterarbeit für seine Filmkarriere unterbrochen hatte, kehrte er 2007 zum ersten Mal seit längerer Zeit wieder auf die Theaterbühne zurück und trat in Stücken wie König Lear und Die Möwe auf. As it happens, the resemblance between Gambon’s Dumbledore and McKellen’s Gandalf was so strong that the dummy Gandalf used in The Hobbit was named after Gambon. Finden Sie Info zu für Düsseldorf. The wizards Gandalf and Dumbledore face off in this episode of Epic Rap Battles Of History. Dumbledore! They do so through stage-managing, "the conflict between antagonist [Sauron and Voldemort] and protagonist [Frodo and Harry]," according to Kerrie Ann Le Lievre, one of the contributing authors to Wizards and Wainscots - a book focused on common themes in the Harry Potter series. As part of his backstory, it is revealed that he is the founder and leader of the Order of the Phoenix , an organisation dedicated to fighting Lord Voldemort , the main antagonist of the series. And let's be honest, one of them is Christopher Freaking Lee. 1 Description 2 Interlude 3 Dumbledore 4 Gandalf 5 Intermission 6 Death Battle 6.1 Bigthecat10 6.2 Shrek-it Ralph 7 Conclusion 7.1 Bigthecat10 7.2 Shrek-it Ralph 8 Advantages and Disadvantages Lord of the Rings vs. Harry Potter! Vom dritten Film der Harry-Potter-Filmreihe an spielte Michael Gambon den Schuldirektor Albus Dumbledore. Seine Eltern lehrten ihn, dass die christliche Idee am besten ausgelebt werde, indem man christlich handelt. All wizards are wise, of course, and capable of dolling out some very useful advice. 1998 war er in Bryan Singers Der Musterschüler in der Hauptrolle eines Ex-Nazis zu sehen. Dumbledore, though, sticks with his people. Thanks To J.K. Rowling, Dumbledore And Gandalf Got Married This Weekend It's the most magical union in all of the fictional wizarding world. Dumbledore knew plenty about wand lore, but there’s nothing to suggest he was any good actually making the things. Dass daraus nichts geworden ist, hat einen bestimmten Grund. [3], McKellen ist ein Aktivist für die Rechte von Schwulen und Lesben. He's a team player, reliable as a contact in times of need. : „Der Herr der Ringe“-Star Ian McKellen hätte neben Gandalf noch einen weiteren berühmten Zauberer spielen können, doch er hat das Angebot für „Harry Potter“ abgelehnt. Sure, Merlin and Dumbledore could cast spells and enchantments, but Gandalf’s power was so immense, it could literally break the world. No, Dumbledore has never done anything remotely as impressive as fighting a Balrog, let alone for the amount of time Gandalf did, and that was before he was Gandalf the White. [8], Für die Darstellung des Regisseurs James Whale in Gods and Monsters gewann er 1999 den Chlotrudis Award als Bester Schauspieler und wurde für den Oscar nominiert. Michael Gambon, Actor: Gosford Park. 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We’ll began with the mortal. In his veins flow the same powers that created all of Middle Earth. Yes, there are some canon Tolkien writings in which Gandalf appears, but since many of them were left unfinished by the man himself, we're giving this one to Dumbledore. Trotz der anhaltenden internationalen Popularität seiner wenigen Filmrollen (insbesondere, Im März 1988 spielte McKellen eine Rolle als, McKellen führte als maßgeblicher Darsteller (Prospero) einer Adaption von Shakespeares, McKellen ist eng mit seinem Schauspielkollegen Sir, 1970: The Tragedy of King Richard II (Fernsehfilm). Both of these wizards are immensely powerful, with a control over magic rarely seen in any work of fiction. We try our best to judge which legendary sorcerer is the best wizard, Harry Potter's Dumbledore, or the Lord of the Rings' Gandalf. Gandalf has no need for a stupid wand, and can actually fight with a sword, if need be. Don't think for a second that this question didn't take a while to answer. Sein Vater, Denis Murray McKellen, war Bauingenieur. Schauspieler Richard Harris gestorben Dumbledore zaubert nicht mehr Er war ein Frauenheld, ein Trinker und ein gewaltiger Sprücheklopfer. Grant DeArmitt is a New York City-based writer and lover of all things weird. Sir Ian Murray McKellen, CH, CBE (* 25. Sind ja auch zwei verschiedene Schauspieler. 2002 wurde McKellen als bester Nebendarsteller für seine Rolle als Gandalf im ersten Teil von Der Herr der Ringe erneut für den Oscar nominiert. Gandalf vs Dumbledore is the eleventh installment ofEpic Rap Battles of History and the eleventh episode of Season 1. Also, if Dumbledore uses Fiendfyre, Gandalf won’t be able to stop moving around due to the onslaught of living fire that can’t be extinguished. Having originally been an immortal spirit, he takes the form of Gandalf the Grey when he is entrusted with an important mission. At the red carpet premiere of Tolkien-- the biopic based on Lord of the Rings author J.R.R. 2. Gandalf takes the cake if they were to be matched up. In the Lord of the Rings, Gandalf is the essence of power. Gandalf or Dumbledore? Dumbledore or Gandalf - Who Said It? And when it comes to mystical history, the guy who knows more is most likely the one who's lived more of it. McKellens Großeltern väterlicherseits waren schottischer und nordirischer Herkunft; daher stammt auch sein Nachname. However, we have to give this one to Gandalf. ... hier als Gandalf. I think Dumbledore could still win. Im selben Jahr erhielt McKellen den Preis für das Lebenswerk des Festival Internacional de Cine de Donostia-San Sebastián zugesprochen. Mit drei Jahren besuchte McKellen mit seinen Eltern eine Peter-Pan-Vorstellung im Manchester Opernhaus. Vs! Not since Merlin himself have names defined wizardry like Gandalf and Dumbledore. That's a major win for Albus. [11] Gandalf in Düsseldor Sir Ian Murray McKellen, CH, CBE (* 25.Mai 1939 in Burnley, Lancashire, England) ist ein britischer Schauspieler.Als Theaterschauspieler in London und am Broadway wurde er mit sechs Laurence Olivier Awards und einem Tony Award ausgezeichnet. 1995 trat McKellen mit seiner Beteiligung an Richard III. After joining … Das twitterte ein Schauspiel-Kollege. So while Dumbledore's been around for a while, he can't compare to a guy who started his physical life in his sixties, then stuck around for a few centuries. Every hero should have a great set of villains. So what do you think?? I looked over to him, and stated the opposite. First is the sword Glamdring, a powerful blade and scourge to malicious creatures. Dumbledore is represented as the greatest wizard of his time - not of all time. So don't believe that just because we're giving this win to Gandalf's baddies means we respect Dumbledore's any less. Fall into nothingness that awaits you and your master! Auf diese Weise kam er während der folgenden Jahre in ersten Kontakt mit Werken von Shakespeare, dessen Dramen es ihm besonders angetan haben. The old and wise, yet very powerful wizard rivalry comes to an astonishing end today! You might consider it blasphemy to compare the two, but here at Screen Rant, debate is always a friendly, constructive thing. incorrect . With a score of five to four, this victory goes to Gandalf. A one-stop shop for all things video games. Die nächsten vier Jahre folgten weitere Stücke in regionalen Repertoiretheatern, bevor er 1965 schließlich am Londoner West End auf der Bühne seinen bisher größten Erfolg verbuchte. Als Theaterschauspieler in London und am Broadway wurde er mit sechs Laurence Olivier Awards und einem Tony Award ausgezeichnet. And not to be rude here, but Gandalf's magic actually lets him survive death. I think about this question for weeks but I still don´t know answer. Go back to the abyss! He was portrayed by Nice Peter. As an Istari, he is almost a god, which means that he is innately more powerful than any human or other mortal creature. Though the two might be close in ability, Gandalf's power is ultimately stronger. The Dumbledore/Gandalf debate is likely to rage on for years to come, and these two beloved franchises aren't going anywhere, with each having new stories in the offing. It was released on July 14th, 2011. Schauspieler gandalf dumbledore. Film Harry Potter und der Gefangene von Askaban die Rolle von Albus Dumbledore. Gandalf vs. Albus Dumbledore is a What-If? Probably applies to magic-wielders as much as dads, right? Hier haben wir alles was Sie brauchen. You decide. Beliefnet 1. In that spirit, we decided to put the two iconic magicians up against each other to determine just who is truly the better wizard. Gandalf will frequently throw himself into the heat of battle, dispatching orc after orc with his sword and staff combo. There's something to be said about looking better than someone at both young and old stages of their lives, but looking better after the grave? Sein endgültiger Durchbruch kam mit der Darstellung des Magneto in den X-Men-Filmen und als Gandalf in der Herr-der-Ringe-Trilogie. Tolkien did) and six movies. Der junge Ian war fasziniert vom Spiel auf der Bühne und entwickelte sich in der Folgezeit zu einem regelmäßigen Theaterbesucher. Da steht ein Artikel mit der Schlagzeile: Gandalf ist tot und darunter war ein Bild von Sir Ian McKellen! Im Jahr 1979 erhielt er den Orden Commander of the British Empire (CBE), 1989 den London Critics’ Circle Theatre Award als Bester Schauspieler, und 1991 wurde er von der britischen Königin zum Ritter geschlagen.

dumbledore schauspieler gandalf

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