An example of this is Gregory Goyle, who was given the position of Beater in his fifth year. Unfortunately, the Quidditch Cup was completely cancelled due to attacks on Muggle-born students before the Gryffindor versus Hufflepuff match, so Slytherin did not get to play against either Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw. A goal from Katie Bell made the score 50-10. Generally, only protective arm-length gloves and knee-pads are used. Community content is available under. Alicia then missed a penalty and Montague scored for Slytherin. 2:41 "I make them good girls go bad" // Draco Malfoy // by serpentinequeenie01. Gryffindor won the Quidditch Cup. 5. Rufus Winickus replaced him. 1. Karaktertræk. Slytherin/D. Malfoy 07 Sublimated T-shirt. At least some content in this article is derived from information featured in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. Draco Lucius Malfoy (s.5. Flint then scored for Slytherin. Jeho otec je smrtijed.Ve škole je stále doprovázen spolužáky Vincentem Crabbem a Gregorym Goylem. 4. your own Pins on Pinterest In the first two films, the Slytherin Quidditch uniform is a plain green robe with a silvery-grey lining. Advarsel! Draco Malfoy Hintergrund 25526672. Draco Malfoy. Leave Out All The Rest- Draco Malfoy by serpentinequeenie01. However, the Keeper may wear shoulder-pads, chest armour and a helmet. Harry pursued him and took both hands off his broom to reach out and capture the Snitch, winning the Quidditch Cup for Gryffindor. Meanwhile, Professors Dumbledore and McGonagall had to plea with Professor Umbridge to allow the Gryffindor team to play. Regular price $59.95. Slytherin lost their match against Gryffindor and narrowly lost to Hufflepuff. Malfoy često zadirkuje Rona Weasleyja zbog siromaštva njegove obitelji, a Hermionu Granger ne može podnijeti zbog njezinog bezjačkog podrijetla te je često naziva "mutnjakušom". Ettől a hírtől minden Harry Potter rajongó eldobja az agyát! In 1948, Andrew Snowy Owl became captain and remained so until 1952. Draco Malfoy Mein Leben und meine Geschichte. Sein damaliger Zauberstab bestand aus Ulmenholz, hatte im Kern Drachenherzfasern und war 18 Zoll lang. Jo King was captain from 1952 to 1956. 44 likes. Als starke Leibwächter hat er meistens seine beiden dummen aber kräftigen Freunde Vincent Crabbe und Gregory Goyle bei sich, deren Väter wie auch sein eigener zu den Todessern gehören. Mindezt úgy, hogy szinte főszereplő. The Keeper wears gloves. Jo King was captain from 1952 to 1956. High quality Draco Malfoy gifts and merchandise. Harry Potter Imagines Harry Potter Facts Harry Potter Characters Dramione Drarry Draco Malfoy Hermione Granger Severus Snape Freya Mavor. $24.95 - $34.95. When the action resumed Harry was struck on the elbow by a Bludger, which broke his right arm. Denne side blev senest ændret den 3. februar 2020 kl. Quick View. The next captain was Mark Overcliff who took up the position in 1760. Hermin… Sign in. Regular price $24.95. The following captain was Dan Darker, from 1744 to 1748, and then Jess Lafington, from 1748 to 1752. Draco Malfoy ya iku karakter fiksi sajeroning seri Harry Potter karangan J.K Rowling.Ing filme tokoh Draco Malfoy diperanake déning Tom Felton.. Biografi. Lee Jordan commented that the captain "seems to be going for size rather than skill" in the lineup. See more ideas about slytherin clothes, slytherin, harry potter outfits. Miles Bletchley was Keeper and Terence Higgs was Seeker. Dec 20, 2019 - This Pin was discovered by Heaven Chamberlain. During their match against Gryffindor, Vaisey was not able to play due to a Bludger hitting his head during practice. Je pyšný na svou čistou krev, nemá rád mudly a mudlorozené čaroděje. Oliver Wood saved again and Gryffindor scored. Als Lord Voldemort am 24. [3], Despite their superior brooms, Slytherin lost their first match of the season against Gryffindor. Katie Bell scored another penalty after Montague grabbed her head. Despite this, when he spotted the Snitch he was able to chase after it and grasp it in his left hand, winning the match for Gryffindor.[6]. 08:24. Da sie am 19.09.1979 geboren ist, ist sie fast ein Jahr älter als Harry und wird auch bereits am Anfang des sechsten Schuljahrs volljährig. [3], According to Gryffindor Head of House, Minerva McGonagall, Gryffindor was "flattened" by Slytherin.[4]. Draco Malfoy Hintergrund 25527348. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The Slytherin Quidditch team is the Quidditch team for the Hogwarts Slytherin house. Quick View. Bole hit Spinnet with his club and George Weasley elbowed him in the face, resulting in two more penalties. Végre megtörténik az, amire évek óta várunk?! Their opening game was on a cold November's day against Gryffindor. He was described to have haughty good looks. Exclusive Personalized Slytherin Crest Adult Quidditch Jersey Style T-Shirt from Harry Potter. Fantastic Beasts: Cases from the Wizarding World. Hogwarts Quidditch Cup Johnson scored the resulting penalty, and Gryffindor moved into a 70-10 lead when Alicia Spinnet scored. 29.03.2017 - Erkunde Thalias Pinnwand „Draco Malfoy“ auf Pinterest. Adrian Pucey was also a Chaser. Quick View. Slytherin finished second, third or fourth. For Beaters, they also carry small black clubs (similar to cricket bats) to help them ward off Bludgers during matches. Due to his other matters at hand, Draco ceased playing Quidditch altogether for the rest of the school year, and even lost interest in knowing the results, as he never watched any of the other matchups and barely bothered to mock Harry when his rival was heading to another match. Ich bin Draco Malfoy, der Sohn von Lusius Malfoy und Dies ist meine Geschichte Meine Partnerseiten: @[523192327727069:]; @[131402250346006:] They lost against Gryffindor. Draco Malfoy (født 5. juni 1980) er en fiktiv person fra J.K. Rowlings bogserie om Harry Potter. kesäkuuta 1980) on kuvitteellinen henkilö kirjailija J. K. Rowlingin kirjoittamassa Harry Potter -kirjasarjassa.Hän on Lucius ja Narcissa Malfoyn ainoa jälkeläinen. See more ideas about Long hair styles, Hair styles, Hair inspiration. During the rainy Slytherin versus Gryffindor match, the Slytherin Chasers were dominant, taking a 60-0 lead at one point. Beaters:Unidentified (1991-1992)Unidentified II (1991-1992)Peregrine Derrick (1993-1995)Lucian Bole (1993-1995)Vincent Crabbe (1995-1997)Gregory Goyle (1995-1997)Chasers:Marcus Flint (1991-1994)Graham Montague (1991-1996)Adrian Pucey (1991-1996)Cassius Warrington (1993-1996)Urquhart (1996-1997)Vaisey (1996-1997)Keepers:Miles Bletchley (1991-1996)Unidentified (1996-1997)Seekers:Regulus Black (?-1978)Terence Higgs (1991)Draco Malfoy (1992-1997)Harper (1997)Captains:Winky Crockett (1940-1944)Neil Lament (1944-1948)Andrew Snowy Owl (1948-1952)Jo King (1952-1956)Rufus Winickus (1956-1960)Jody Jacknife (1960-1964)Stuart Craggy (1964-1968)Steve Laughalot (1968-1972)Emma Vanity (1972-1976)Lucinda Talkalot (1976- ? Jul 9, 2020 - Explore Whitney Henderson's board "Slytherin Clothes", followed by 123 people on Pinterest. Add interesting content and earn coins [7], When Harry spotted the Snitch for the third time, Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle and Flint walked onto the pitch, dressed as Dementors. Gryffindor scored the resulting penalty. The announcement was made by Albus Dumbledore, headmaster at the time. Quidditch team information Slytherin narrowly defeated Ravenclaw, a week after the start of term after the Christmas break. From 1940 to 1944 Slytherin were captained by Winky Crockett, until Neil Lament took up the role. In 1948, Andrew Snowy Owl became captain and remained so until 1952. Draco saving Hermione Manip [Torture Scene] Quirrell's attempt was thwarted when a small fire broke out on the stand he was occupying. Ihr Zauberstab ist aus dem Holz eines Weinstocks und der Kern ist die Herzfaser eines Drachen. Dreco Malfoy (v izvirniku Draco Malfoy) je izmišljen lik iz serije fantazijskih romanov o Harryju Potterju britanske pisateljice J. K. Rowling.. Je Spolzgadovec in star prav toliko kot Harry Potter.Je svetlih las in neumornega sarkazma. Biografi. Known players On the first Sunday after the Easter holidays Gryffindor played Slytherin. Da Draco Malfoy in Harry Potter ein ziemlich nuancierter Charakter ist, hat er viele positive und auch negative Eigenschaften. Draco je opisan kao visoki dječak blijedog, ušiljenog lica, svijetle kose i hladnih sivih očiju. However, for the sixth film, the uniform was redesigned to feature a green robe with a distinctive silver pinstripe pattern. Hometown When Harry first joined Hogwarts, Slytherins reigned supreme. As an older man, his hairline was receding, making his features look even more pointed. Kris Kolumbiko followed, until 1756, when David Makehay became captain. Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle replaced Derrick and Bole as the beaters on the 1995-1996 team. Gryffindor's Angelina Johnson scored first and Flint deliberately crashed into her, so Fred Weasley threw his Beater's bat at the back of Flint's head which smashed into his broom handle, bloodying his nose. Izhaja iz »častitljive« rodovine Malfoy in njegov oče, Lucius Malfoy, je Jedec smrti (pribočnik Mrlakensteina). Slytherin were leading the Championship by 200 points, meaning Gryffindor needed to win the match by 210 points to claim the Quidditch Cup. This intrigued Harry, as previously Draco suffered minor injuries yet exaggerated to ensure the entire match was postponed until the weather changes for the better. Die Eigenschaften des neuen Stabes sind unbekannt. [1], From 1940 to 1944 Slytherin were captained by Winky Crockett, until Neil Lament took up the role. Although Dolores Umbridge, via her position of High Inquisitor, decided to ban all unapproved teams, she immediately gave the Slytherin Quidditch team approval to play. In stormy conditions, some players wear goggles. Quick View. The Quidditch Cup was cancelled this year due to the Triwizard Tournament being held at Hogwarts, much to the astonishment of many students. Von all den etwas bösartigen Charakteren in Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy ist einer der interessantesten und komplexesten, weil er nicht nur ein Bösewicht ist. Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. Slytherin/D. Podívejte se na zamilovanou fotografii Daniela Radcliffa! 1972 beendete er die Schule, heiratete in den folgenden Jahren die reinblütige Narzissa Black und zusammen bekamen sie 1980 ihren Sohn Draco Lucius Malfoy. Rival(s) Draco Malfoy er søn af Lucius Malfoy som er en tidligere Dødsædere - som kun har angret sine dokumenter officielt - og som har "rent blod" og Narcissa Malfoy - (søster til Bellatrix Lestrange , se Familjen Black) og vældig grad om Draco, som viser sig at have stor betydning i den sidste, afgørende kamp.Draco er sønnesøn af Abraxas Malfoy , hvilket han ikke er siden at prale om. Read Kapitel 7 - Ronald versus Draco (1/2) from the story Hermine Granger und der Hundertjährige Krieg | by asa-cchi (asavakit) with 1,031 reads. Alicia Spinnet scored and Gryffindor Keeper Oliver Wood saved. Hermine Jean Granger (im Original: Hermione Jean Granger) ist die beste Freundin von Harry und Ron. Draco Malfoy (* 5. června 1980) je fiktivní postava ze série knih J. K. Rowlingové „Harry Potter“. [2] Lucinda Talkalot replaced Vanity as captain. In his first and second years he had blonde hair slicked tightly back. Marcus Flint was in his sixth year and was Slytherin Captain and a Chaser. Spoilers will be present within the article. 马尔福, Spansk: Draco Malfoy (udtalt Drah-coh Malfoy). Rufus Winickus replaced him. Harry Potter was relentlessly pursued by a Rogue bludger so Oliver Wood called for a time-out. [Source]. The Slytherin versus Gryffindor match was re-scheduled as Flint claimed his Seeker, Malfoy had an injured arm, so the first match was Gryffindor versus Hufflepuff. Slytherin Quidditch team Malfoy 07 Sublimated T-shirt. Harry ga opisuje kao razmaženu, arogantnu i sebičnu osobu. Jody Jacknife was Slytherin captain from 1960 to 1964. Some Slytherins, including a certain Draco Malfoy, have been known to do this too. Fanfiction Fantasy Romance Harry Potter Draco Malfoy Love Story ... Cedric Diggory Fred Weasely His Only Ron Weasley Hermione Granger Haley Lily Potter has always lived in her brother's shadow, while Harry was "The Boy Who Lived" she was "The Girl Who Voldemort Didn't Get To". As Harry Potter chased the Snitch, Malfoy grabbed his Firebolt. Je synem Luciuse a Narcisy Malfoyových.Ve Škole čar a kouzel v Bradavicích je zařazen do Zmijozelu. Harry ga opisuje kao razmaženu, arogantnu i sebičnu osobu. Harry Potter Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Flint protested to referee, Madam Hooch, but she judged it fair, so Slytherin were defeated 170-60.[5]. Stuart Craggy was captain from 1964 to 1968, followed by Steve Laughalot.[2]. League(s) If it was, Malfoy would not have remained a Seeker, due to his involvement with the Death Eaters. Emma Vanity was captain from 1972 to 1976. Tudtad, hogy a kedvenc Harry Potter karaktered csak fél órát szerepelt a filmekben? [9], Slytherin must have defeated Hufflepuff to go into the last game leading the championship by 200 points,[9] considering they only narrowly defeated Ravenclaw.[7]. Draco Malfoy z Harryho Pottera prošel šílenou změnou: Z blonďatého usmrkance je machr, který prohání holky v lamborghini + Další fotografie Harry Potter a Draco Malfoy jako pár? May 19, 2020 - Explore Chloe Darby's board "awesome colours" on Pinterest. Tom Felton alias Draco Malfoy aus Harry Potter - Autogrammfoto [AK3] ... Eigenschaften und Funktionsweise der Waren nicht notwendigen Umgang mit ihnen zurückzuführen ist. Penalties were given to each side. Vaisey replaced Adrian Pucey as a Chaser the 1996–1997 school year, Urquhart replaced Montague as both a Chaser and Captain. Stuart Cra… Draco was a slender boy with sleek white-blond hair, cold grey eyes, a pale complexion and rather sharp, pointed features. The outcome of Slytherin's match against Ravenclaw is unknown. Fotografie. Bei ihren gemeinsamen Erlebnissen kann sie oft wichtiges Wissen und Können beisteuern.

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