Public Discord Server Listing - Find discord servers to join and chat, or list your discord server. My favorite Discord bots are the music bots which allow users to play music in the background while the whole community is chatting with each other. There you can browse every category by using the reactions below. A cool multipurpose bot with commands for moderation, utility, fun, memes, animals, and much more! The most complete League of Legends Discord bot. The more votes the earlier the feature gets added. Below listed are the Best Discord Bots which are capable of doing various tasks. Login. This includes a blacklist for inappropriate words/phrases and the ability to suppress spamming of excessive symbols, emotes, capital letters, links, copypasta, and more. Go make an app and create something awesome. An easy to use advertising bot that broadcast your bump advertisement to other advertising servers. Discord Music. Dyno is a feature-rich and modular discord bot for your Discord server. Discord bots that can play music for you in your voice channels! Customize Profiles | Music | Economy | Welcome Images | Auto Role | Web Dashboard | Reaction Roles. Additional features include server rankings, virtual casino games, treasure chests (quick time events), ranking roles and more! Trusted by 61,827 … Add Bastion to your server and enhance your Discord experience! With Sav's Emoji Bot, You can add emojis to your server with ease. ServerStats. Interactive, navigable menus using emoji reactions make it easy to set up all of the features even within the Discord client as well! Türkçe. A Trivia/Quiz Discord Bot with over 90000 questions, nitro as prizes, teams, leaderboards, dashboard, and can give winners roles as rewards! With web configuration, moderation, anti-spam, auto roles, music, custom commands, and much more! 45,629 Servers. Never miss a beat with Octave, a simple and easy to use Discord music bot delivering high quality audio to hundreds of thousands of servers. Bots For Discord. I am happy to have this bot on my server. Integrate your service with Discord — whether it's a bot or a game or whatever your wildest imagination can come up with. Supporting you in your Rust adventures. GiveawayBot. Graphical Fortnite Stats Bot with Auto Fortnite Shop, Server Status, Weekly Challenges, Rdm Drop and Fortnite Map. Discord offers an open API to serve requests for both bots and OAuth2 integrations. A Global Currency game that allows you to Buy, Sell, Raid and Gamble your way to the top of your friends list! Find the perfect Customizable Discord bot for your server on Bots For Discord. Hier nochmal eine Liste der Json Commands die ihr benötigt. Hi, I'm Nyx, a Discord bot that was created to supply useful utility tools that you didn't even know you needed! Gamify your community with Tatsu! In this game you have to guess the title of the anime in screenshot, video clip or audio fragment. ∞ ONLINE N/A More ... English + German / Deutsch + Polish | Supports requirements | 99.9% uptime. Just write "" in order to create an interactive command menu. You can also look at the FAQ page, I have used Lawliet over a year. Easy to use bot with a nice fishery system. Sparklybot 350 servers Soheab_ #6240. Nightbot provides a pile of chat commands and auto-moderation tools for your Discord. Your server members catch fish by being active in text and voice channels. We also have image generation, memes, and mini-games! 842,000 Servers. Some of the commands can be tracked in a channel, which means that the bot automatically posts new content as soon as it gets available! is not affiliated with Discord, Inc. You must be logged in to upvote bots! Coins be spent to upgrade fishing gear, thus further increasing your recent fish gains. If you're interested in the full list of commands or just want to search for a specific function, Just go to, Supported languages: English (default) and German :D. Personalize your Discord with ZeroTwo. Games Create and upload recording, type !save. Fish can be sold for coins. The best part is you can customize every discord bots according to your needs and adding bots to your server will enhance the functionality. You can even make sure that no one can take more than one role from a specfic group of rolls (if you want). Please consider allowing self-bots, or some form of them. I invited him to the server and I'm seriously blown away, I can't understand how good this bot is. ONLINE. The most jam-packed bot about COVID-19 with live data, graphs, voice channel counters, autofeeds & much more! Musik, Moderation und Willkommensnachrichten sind die nützlichen Funktionen des MEE6 Discord Bots. As soon as nobody is connected anymore, it will be removed automatically. Anime, gaming, and many other categories are available. Home Bots Join our Discord. View Invite. Global currency game with over 10m users, stealing, pets, unique items, and more! Many small gimmick commands to have fun with. this is the best among us bot he is lovely and helpful so pls invite him! Rusty Helper allows you to spend more time doing what you love on Rust. Amazing bot! Browse information on each bot and vote for your favourites. Multiple languages, live games, profiles, full champion guides, summoner linking, and more! It's like an economy system that grounds itself in user activity. Discord Bots Our full list of Discord bots. ich Stelle euch heute den Mee6 Bot für Discord vor. Your AdBlock is on We know ads can be annoying, but they're what allow us to make all of Discord Boats available for free. Moderation, Automation, Auto Roles, Reaction Roles, Search Anything, Memes/Reddit, Statistics, Fun, Currency, Gifs (like hug/kiss) Giveaways and way more! ( Deutsche Anime / German Anime - German Gaming Community) Lawliet is a stable and easy-to-use multi purpose bot for server management with activity based fishing idle-game/economy, virtual gambling games, moderation, anime & reddit alerts, emotes & interactions and much more! Follow this recipe: Join a voice channel, then type !record. Guilded Bot is the best Discord bots for keeping LoL players up to date on all the events in their community. Pets, housing, items, profiles, badges, server & global economy & more! If you have any questions, feel free to join the Lawliet Support server! I know sometimes it has its downtime, but I understand that's the case with many popular bots. GensokyoBot is currently a Music Discord bot designed to play Gensokyo Radio. If Discord still want some way of selecting bots that they feel deserve a certain degree of merit, then I believe a fair compromise would be to add a Featured Bots section within the Bots tab. Users can get their desired, pre-set role with just one click! Caps are taken from thousands of different anime! Website Source Code Invite Support Server. Meme Bots - Discord Bot List Spice up your Discord experience with our diverse range of Discord bots ONLINE. GiveawayBot is powered by JDA and JDA-Utilities.. Spend your coins from the fishery in all kinds of different virtual gambling games like "Black Jack", "Slot Machine", "Quiz", "Hangman", "Coinflip" and "Tower"! From replying conversation to managing community, there are different bots which you can add to your server. For example, you can track certain subreddits or the current anime news. About. Perhaps you could have a custom type of API key for when people want to use self-bots rather than using a discord client, because you could then throttle … Visit for full documentation. I love this bot so much, that I've become a support specialist for Dank Memer Support, and I love helping out people solve questions they have. Stop recording voice channel, type !stop. Discord-enabled games! Hold giveaways quickly and easily on your Discord server! View Invite. Renegade. Lawliet is a stable and easy-to-use multi purpose bot for server management with activity based fishing idle-game/economy, virtual gambling games, moderation, anime & reddit alerts, emotes & interactions and much more! Promoted EasyFortniteStats. You can even play games like Black Jack and participate in quizzes! Download the best app to communicate over video, voice, or text. Discord Social Bots Our full list of Discord social bots. Groovy is the easiest way to play music in your server. Available for Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, and Android devices. Talk, chat, hang out, and stay close with your friends and communities. Your AdBlock is on We know ads can be annoying, but they're what allow us to make all of Discord Boats available for free. So whether you’re making your own !wumpus commands or looking to Log In With Discord, we’ve got you covered. Türkçe 🏳️ Help Translate Login with Discord. Login with Discord. Go! ONLINE. Login, 【MOST STABLE & EASY-TO-USE MULTI-PURPOSE BOT】 • Fishing Idle-Game/Economy | Gambling Games | Anime/Reddit Alerts | Emotes | Reaction Roles…. Improve the communication on your server by using the emotes and interactions provided by the bot! Discord Bots - Spice up your Discord experience with our diverse range of Discord bots Users can also get a quick snapshot of the day’s events with a simple command. View Invite. They can be a very fun way to interact with discord. The bot will instantly notify the Discord server when new events are added to the team calendar, and will send alerts for upcoming events so nobody misses out. Find the perfect Customizable Discord bot for your server on Bots For Discord. Each server member can create their own voice channel and customize it as they please! Level up, and rise to the top! An IdleRPG bot with shop system, characters, classes, dungeons, items, PvP, economy, gambling, marriage, music, guilds and much more! 37,000+ characters from all sorts of animes/mangas to claim, level up, trade, and more! Herzlich Willkommen, zu einem neuen Video von mir. Discord Boats is a growing directory of Discord bots to enhance your server - Find the perfect bot for your needs and add it to your server easily, quickly and for free. Bot creato da una ragazza di 15 italiana, per qualsiasi problema type ob/info e avete l'email. Manage your Discord server with leveling, moderation, Twitch, Youtube and Reddit notifications. Türkçe 🏳️ Help Translate Login with Discord. Discord is the easiest way to talk over voice, video, and text. Customise your profile with over 7500 combinations! Top Bots - Discord Bot List Spice up your Discord experience with our diverse range of Discord bots pawa is a Discord bot that allows you to record a voice channel with ease. Invite. I am happy to have bot like this. Find the best Discord bots for your server with our discord bot list. it's a really nice and easy to use bot, wich can do pretty much everything you need (and also a lot more), not only that, the fishery system is fun and easier than most economics, Its a very useful and a nice bot . Fortnite bot which can be used to get information about Cosmetics, Item Shop and more! A multi purpose Discord bot with tons of features. Phenomenal bot! You can also request features or vote other ideas. Must have a link! In this article, we are going to take a closer look at all the music bots for Discord and list you that 8 best Discord music bots that you can use in 2020. The fishery is one of the main attractions of the bot! Guess the Anime: anime quiz / trivia game. All of the bots listed here have been approved by our moderation team to ensure that they are high quality. I've used this bot over several years and I've enjoyed it in every server it has been in. Create a unique RPG with your own quests and weapons! Suppose you want to send good morning to every member of … ^^ Easy to use and many features. So go do it! Best Discord Music Bots (2020) Discord Boats is a growing directory of Discord bots to enhance your server - Find the perfect bot for your needs and add it to your server easily, quickly and for free. Login with Discord. 2) Add a search function, metadata, and bot pages A bot that helps make your channel look aesthetic! Groovy - The Best Discord Music Bot The best music bot for Discord. Best bot ever better then mee6, dyno, fredboat, dank memer, unbelievabot, probot etc. Quacky Bot is an easy to use multi-purpose bot ranging from Fun to Moderation. Ruby • Ein Deutscher Discord Bot. AltDentifier The best Discord security and checkpoint bot!

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