I started by adding functionality that Steam Inventory Helper lacked, but it already has SIH's most important features and much more. Mod - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198065759429[M]3 - announcement, PSA[PSA] Scam Method: Fake Subreddit DM (self.GlobalOffensiveTrade), submitted 9 months ago by schmedyMr. The first trade gets a $3 bonus and like most websites on this list you get an extra 2% … • Frequent Giveaways • Friendly Staff • Active Community VOID Trading is the best place to get accurate price checks, find people to trade with, and to talk/meet new people. 70 new users has joined today! vLoot is a well-known CSGO Giveaway website, that hosts daily giveaways for Steam Gift Cards, Games and of course CS:GO skins. 26. votes. It provides easy access to create a post on /r/GlobalOffensiveTrade : A forum for trading. Here you will find a list of discussions in the Counter-Strike Trading forum at the Shooter Trading category. On … There is an image attached with the new cosmetics but they forget to update it because you can see that a M4A1-S Case Hardened was considered to be in one of the collections. Just sign in via Steam and join 724731 users that are using our awesome features. SteamWhiz.com: Compare prices of virtual items (CS:GO, PUBG, TF2, Steam & more) and find the best deals - Easy, quick and free! Do a spring cleaning and get rid of all those unwanted or duplicate items in your inventory by upgrading to something new and shiny. Thanks to the awesome @soldatGFX (twitter.com/soldatGFX) for the incredible thumbnail once again - be sure to check him out if you want something similar! 4* rank. TRADE MODE; SELL MODE; YOU OFFER. From 140 to 350$ (self.GlobalOffensiveTrade), submitted 3 hours ago by MrTwinkihttps://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198048717569, Discuss[Discussion] my game glitched out while I was planting the bomb And put this on my screen when I Spawned in next round LOL (self.GlobalOffensiveTrade), submitted 1 day ago by RAZORX127https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198210808885, Trade[H] CAD$100 [W] StatTrak⢠M4A1-S | Mecha Industries (FN) (self.GlobalOffensiveTrade), submitted 4 hours ago by yodoesitreallymatterhttps://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198441265105, Pricecheck[PC] Classic Knife Blue Gem BS (self.GlobalOffensiveTrade), submitted 9 hours ago by OpeningRide3932https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199034270637, Trade[H] Classic knife CH FT bta blue ps/bs [W] Bayo freehand/high float rust coat bs; Karambit Boreal Forest FT/Forest ddpat FT/Scorched FT (self.GlobalOffensiveTrade), submitted 4 hours ago by Verdungohttps://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197992772960, Trade[H] Bayonet Doppler P1 0.04 + adds [W] Karambit CW FT, Karambit Blac Laminate MW, M9 Slaughter MW, Talon Slaughter MW (self.GlobalOffensiveTrade), submitted 5 hours ago by amtrrhttps://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198047402740, Pricecheck[PC] #10 SSG Blood in the Water on csgo.exchange (self.GlobalOffensiveTrade), submitted 4 hours ago by Utilizeehttps://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198067441046, Trade[H] #1 0.0009 AWP Electric Hive w/ 4x Lambda Holo [W] 7x AK Redline (self.GlobalOffensiveTrade), submitted 2 hours ago by Androidlerhttps://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198120204026, Hey Reddit, help secure and manage your VMs in the cloud. Welcome!Trade and get all the CS:GO items you ever wanted.. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, https://steamcommunity.com/groups/CSGOREPorts/discussions/5/1760230682461327287/, https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1657851754063574826/A439CD5DDC1586714DFF703FF18D79BF3EBD9BD1/, https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1657851943951582246/C4C96FBA801CFDF112751B17F6B7621E72F559DA/. Fly anywhere, climb anything, build and destroy to survive the skirmish. Trade whatever you want. use the following search parameters to narrow your results: and join one of thousands of communities. We are CS:GO VOID Trading! -Posting or commenting in any language other than English is not allowed. Counter Strike: Global Offensive Buy Sell Trade - Buy, sell or trade CS: GO accounts and more. Edit: A support ticket has been submitted. Shop Now. We have frequent giveaways almost every week and offer any type of support/help to people that are new to CS:GO Trading. Steam Community Market. Hey Reddit, ready to take on the battle from all sides? (self.GlobalOffensiveTrade), submitted 2 hours ago by csspikehttps://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198239109000, Pricecheck[PC] Usp-s Neo-noir w/ quad dignitas cologne 2014 holo (self.GlobalOffensiveTrade), submitted 12 hours ago * by kZerachhttps://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198365448333, Pricecheck[PC] ak case hardened (self.GlobalOffensiveTrade), submitted 5 hours ago by MrFritzCSGOhttps://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198979622279, Pricecheck[PC] USP-S Royal Blue FT 4x Titan stickers (self.GlobalOffensiveTrade), submitted 4 hours ago by Camille933https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198106152662, Store[Store] Skins with x4 Comlexity katowice 2014. This page allows you to create a trade faster, easier, and without mistaking float values. 5* rank. You can trade, sell and buy skins, keys, stiсkers, knives, items, cases for real money Founder - read https://redd.it/4vkr7s for fixes to common issues, Officer - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198127397663, Moderator - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198084533601, Officer - https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198071761175, https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198127397663, Weeb Mod - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198136605490, Moderator - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197971565655, Moderator - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198301635157, Mr. Mod - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198065759429, https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197978545342, https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197978855065, https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198239109000, https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198365448333, https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198979622279, https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198106152662, https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198048717569, https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198210808885, https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198441265105, https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199034270637, https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197992772960, https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198047402740, https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198067441046, https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198120204026, https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198016318262, https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198105746067, https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197968581276, https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198064486161, https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198851801009, https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198116543274, Donator - https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198803770628, https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198040872776, Officer - https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198112786829, https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198128982998, https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198103881180. I believe if people create enough retaliation, this implementation could be reversed, just like updates in the past have been, e.g. Sell for money Smart Select. Fast technical support and instant withdrawal. Click here to sign up in a few simple steps and enjoy everything our site has to offer. Use http://steamrep.com/ when trading to make sure who you are trading with is not a scammer, Press J to jump to the feed. Rendered by PID 22388 on r2-app-099ce364dd010749f at 2020-12-08 22:57:50.164960+00:00 running 10c9aaa country code: US. Counter Strike: Global Offensive Buy Sell Trade Forums Trading Market New Posts The OwnedCore Handbook Forum Rules News & Articles Corecoins CoreCoins FAQ Buy Banners Ads Buy Shout-Out Ads CoreCoins Plus CoreCoins Plus FAQ CoreCoins Redeems [Q] Where/how to sell a pack of Cobblestone 2015 Souvenir packages. ALERT: Hello, if you read this it means you are not registered. Group Rules: -Any Trading Post without a Trade link will not be Accepted. © 2020 reddit inc. All rights reserved. When you #PlayForReal on Oculus Quest 2, you play by your own rules. CSGO Account | Trade, sell or buy CSGO accounts Buy CSGO accounts at world's leading marketplace for CSGO keys, items, skins and leveling/boosting services. Only approved users may post in this community. Top 10+ Best CSGO Trading Sites 2018. I can be contacted here, or on Discord. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. CS.TRADE Multi-Game Trade Bot CS:GO, DOTA 2, RUST, H1Z1, TF2 - instant trading tool exchanging your items for keys, skins and knifes. Trading with a CSGO Trade Bot is the easiest, fastest and safest way to upgrade your CSGO inventory. I started by adding functionality that Steam Inventory Helper lacked, but it already has SIH's most important features and much more. 0 items - $0.00 Select items that you want to trade from your inventory below + + $ 0.00 BALANCE. Check out this list of traders and get trading. (oculus.com/quest-2), Pricecheck[PC] Blackiimov 0.97 (self.GlobalOffensiveTrade), submitted 5 hours ago by AgentSmart1https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197978855065, Pricecheck[PC] How much would this skin cost with stickers? Shop Now. The latest installment to the Counter-Strike franchise maintains a healthy, ever-intensifying competitive scene alongside a growing casual playerbase. the first shot accuracy thing with rifles. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is a game created by Valve Corporation and released on August 21st, 2012 as a successor to previous games in the series dating back to 1999. Trade CSGO, Dota2, TF2 & more TRADE NOW. SKIN.IGXE: Global CS:GO Skins Marketplace. x. Fuck those guys, this is my sub now. CSGO Trader is an open source browser extension for Chrome and Firefox that is designed to help with CS:GO trading. Steam community CS:GO Trading forum is the official forum for CSGO trading, it’s a very active place but it’s also filled with shitposts with trades that are unreasonable, if you’re willing to look through a lot of trade posts it’s possible to find people to trade with here. Welcome! This is the first and the biggest official service for the skins trading. It's free. Willing to negotiate. CSGO Trade Bot Sites makes it possible to exchange your cheaper skins into better ones in a few simple steps. Go to csgoswap.com. PLEASE READ THE RULES CAREFULLY BEFORE POSTING BREAKING ANY OF THE RULES BELOW WILL RESULT IN A BAN! Looking for items trades too not only keys trades!! [PC] How much would this skin cost with stickers? CSGO Trader is an open source browser extension that is designed to help with CS:GO trading. *** There is precedent for groups like CSGORep being removed without prior warning, so again, don't panic about a sudden change of tack for how Valve is handling 3rd-party cash trading. CSGO Accounts - Buy, sell, trade CSGO Accounts, CSGO Ranked Prime Accounts, CSGO Items, CSGO Knifes. Lucky for you buying and selling isn’t the only option when it comes to CSGO skins. POPULATION:ONE is VR Battle Royale with no boundaries. (azure.microsoft.com), Trade[H] AK Redline FT 0.15 fv w/ NaVi Holo , 3DMAX , Team Dignitas , LGB eSports [W] 500$ in items / 20 arcanas (self.GlobalOffensiveTrade), submitted 2 hours ago by uzh_okhttps://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198016318262, Pricecheck[Pc] Vox holo 2014 Glock 18 (self.GlobalOffensiveTrade), submitted 6 hours ago by karambitguyhttps://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198105746067, Trade[H] Karambit Autotronic FT 0.30 FV [W] M9 Doppler Phase 4 ST BTA Blue or Non ST with adds (self.GlobalOffensiveTrade), submitted 2 hours ago by lundepwnzhttps://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197968581276, Pricecheck[PC] AWP Electric Hive w/ Non-holo Vox Eminor Katowice 2014 (self.GlobalOffensiveTrade), submitted 8 hours ago by Chr1soMhttps://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198064486161, Pricecheck[PC] FT AK-47 Predator w/ dignitas 2014 kato (self.GlobalOffensiveTrade), submitted 5 hours ago by Dontpaintmeblackhttps://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198851801009, Trade[H] 1/4 ST MW Awp Hyper Beast w/ Vox 14 Holo Scope [W] 115 Arcs TB/PA (self.GlobalOffensiveTrade), submitted 3 hours ago by God_Chose_Mehttps://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198116543274, Pricecheck[PC] Souvenir AWP Dragon Lore FN from Katowice 2015 (self.GlobalOffensiveTrade), submitted 5 hours ago by martin1592Donator - https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198803770628, Pricecheck[PC] ST M4A1-S Dark Water MW w/ 4x Dignitas Holo Cologne 14 (self.GlobalOffensiveTrade), submitted 5 hours ago by Icesicleshttps://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198040872776, Store[Store] Sport Gloves Vice FN, Karambit #853 FT, Butterfly Sapphire FN 0.001, 4x LDLC Holo Icarus Fell, 3x TT Holo Glock Waterelemental, Kara Sapphire/Black Pearl, more Doppler Gems, Katos, Guns and Gloves (self.GlobalOffensiveTrade), submitted 3 hours ago by 1337smokeOfficer - https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198112786829, Trade[H] M4A4 Neo Noir #1 0.00001219 [W] 43 Arcanas (self.GlobalOffensiveTrade), submitted 3 hours ago by omegapb9911https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198128982998, Trade[H] Five-seveN Case Hardened 75% Blue Gem [W] AK-47 Red Line (self.GlobalOffensiveTrade), submitted 12 minutes ago by tomas_54_https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198103881180. Discussion on Shadow Banned Steam Accounts with 20.000$ and more CSGO Skins within the Steam Trading forum part of the The Black Market category. POPULATION:ONE is VR Battle Royale with no boundaries. Live. Fuck those guys, this is my sub now. We are fully automated CS:GO trading bot where you can exchange your skins fast and easy! -Don't post (Buying items). I can accept BTC/ETH or other altcoins as payment method, Cash REP : https://steamcommunity.com/groups/CSGOREPorts/discussions/5/1760230682461327287/, http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198104042040, https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=143776312&token=oz09n2ZE, Karambit Fade FN .01 91%: https://s.swap.gg/72rmJkESo.jpg, Bowie Sapphire FN .03: https://s1.cs.money/lbGbppU_image.jpg, Glock Fade FN .02 88%: https://s1.cs.money/YTIrBzU_image.jpg, Driver Glove Crimson Weave MW .14: https://s1.cs.money/2rlDIhd_image.jpg, Stickers: compLexity Gaming | Katowice 2014, iBUYPOWER | Katowice 2014, LGB eSports | Katowice 2014, HellRaisers | Katowice 2014, Looking for any offers, would prefer in-game item trades instead of money. CS.MONEY is the best site CS:GO Trading Bot, that lets you exchange, buy and sell skins fast, safely and efficiently. (CSGO Prime Accounts for sale) CSGO Accounts. Everything in my inventory is up for trade ! Trade. 07/15/2019, 15:11 # 1 When you #PlayForReal on Oculus Quest 2, you play by your own rules. YOU RECEIVE . This kind of rep forum should've been moved off of Steam a long time ago. Trusted by over 1000 daily … - CS:GO items received in trade cannot be re-traded for seven days. From 140 to 350$, [Discussion] my game glitched out while I was planting the bomb And put this on my screen when I Spawned in next round LOL, [H] CAD$100 [W] StatTrak⢠M4A1-S | Mecha Industries (FN), [H] Classic knife CH FT bta blue ps/bs [W] Bayo freehand/high float rust coat bs; Karambit Boreal Forest FT/Forest ddpat FT/Scorched FT, [H] Bayonet Doppler P1 0.04 + adds [W] Karambit CW FT, Karambit Blac Laminate MW, M9 Slaughter MW, Talon Slaughter MW, [PC] #10 SSG Blood in the Water on csgo.exchange, [H] #1 0.0009 AWP Electric Hive w/ 4x Lambda Holo [W] 7x AK Redline. Just sign in via Steam and join 724685 users that are using our awesome features. Bet on CS:GO for the best odds, we have all the top matches! There is also a thriving trading industry. 19. votes. Hey Reddit, help secure and manage your VMs in the cloud. Try Azure free. ***Getting "submissions restricted" on the submit button over at /r/globaloffensivetrade? [PC] Usp-s Neo-noir w/ quad dignitas cologne 2014 holo, [PC] USP-S Royal Blue FT 4x Titan stickers, [Store] Skins with x4 Comlexity katowice 2014. When you follow CSGO on Steam you got a email promoting the new operation. It's free. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. If you want to trade something from my inventory just send steam offer (please dont add me i dont have time to talk about deals)! Fly anywhere, climb anything, build and destroy to survive the skirmish. We offer all the features you need for a successful and safe trade. ... PINNED: Trading is just not allowed in this forum. PSA[PSA] Operation Broken Fang (self.GlobalOffensiveTrade), submitted 5 days ago * by schmedyMr. This forum uses Lukasz Tkacz MyBB addons. Always interested in high tier : Sapp/Ruby/Emerald/Dlore/Howl etc. 116 new users has joined today! CSGO trade bots have emerged in terms of popularity across CSGO players throughout a couple of past years due to their ability to make your trading experience much more simple and convenient. 2. There is a huge list of advantages that you should be considered, but even a couple of those can turn your trading experience much more profitable. mostly looking for items offers : downgrades/upgrades. 0 items - $0.00 - $0.00 Select the items you want to receive from site inventory below. Welcome!Trade and get all the CS:GO items you ever wanted.. r/Csgotrading: ***Getting "submissions restricted" on the submit button over at /r/globaloffensivetrade? Try Azure free. Trade … Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. Mod - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198065759429[M]2 - announcement, Question[Q] Where/how to sell a pack of Cobblestone 2015 Souvenir packages (self.GlobalOffensiveTrade), submitted 11 hours ago by Al4r1chttps://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197978545342, Hey Reddit, ready to take on the battle from all sides? TradeIt.gg. @ Sethery#2533, Picture https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1657851754063574826/A439CD5DDC1586714DFF703FF18D79BF3EBD9BD1/, In-game Inspect https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1657851943951582246/C4C96FBA801CFDF112751B17F6B7621E72F559DA/. [H] AK Redline FT 0.15 fv w/ NaVi Holo , 3DMAX , Team Dignitas , LGB eSports [W] 500$ in items / 20 arcanas, [H] Karambit Autotronic FT 0.30 FV [W] M9 Doppler Phase 4 ST BTA Blue or Non ST with adds, [PC] AWP Electric Hive w/ Non-holo Vox Eminor Katowice 2014, [PC] FT AK-47 Predator w/ dignitas 2014 kato, [H] 1/4 ST MW Awp Hyper Beast w/ Vox 14 Holo Scope [W] 115 Arcs TB/PA, [PC] Souvenir AWP Dragon Lore FN from Katowice 2015, [PC] ST M4A1-S Dark Water MW w/ 4x Dignitas Holo Cologne 14, [Store] Sport Gloves Vice FN, Karambit #853 FT, Butterfly Sapphire FN 0.001, 4x LDLC Holo Icarus Fell, 3x TT Holo Glock Waterelemental, Kara Sapphire/Black Pearl, more Doppler Gems, Katos, Guns and Gloves, [H] M4A4 Neo Noir #1 0.00001219 [W] 43 Arcanas, [H] Five-seveN Case Hardened 75% Blue Gem [W] AK-47 Red Line. Visit one of our recommended sites and get your hands on some fresh CSGO skins! CSGO Trading Community has 14,279 members. Home Forums > Main Marketplaces > Counter Strike Accounts - Buy Sell Trade > CSGO Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell CS:GO Accounts Marketplace to Buy and Sell CSGO Accounts. REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. π Rendered by PID 22388 on r2-app-099ce364dd010749f at 2020-12-08 22:57:50.164960+00:00 running 10c9aaa country code: US.
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