reward: "blueprintСzech",
guideСzech: {
The Main Progression consists of 45 Stages. reward: "silver",
style2dUsa: {
eliteReward: [
name: namesArr[23],
reward: "prem3d",
amount: 64,
reward: "boosterXp",
amount: 35,
eliteReward: [
crewskinCzech: {
let amount = String(orderArray[orderBlock][type][reward].amount).replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+([^\d]|$))/g, '$1 ');
eliteReward: [
stockReward: [
amount: 3,
The setting costs are 3,000,000 silver. ],
amount: 1,
widthPopup = $(".bprewards-main_content-popup").width();
let orderArray = [
let thisScroll = $(this).scrollLeft();
reward: "silver",
descriptionImage: ""
//Клонирование точек
$(".bprewards-controls_button__right").on('click', slideRight);
// controls
reward: "guideСzech",
scrollLeft: newScroll,
$(".bprewards-main_content").on('mousedown', function(e) {
amount: 6,
let dotActiveIndex = $(".bp-js-active").index();
// drag mouse
reward: "aimingstabilize",
1 day of WoT Premium Account; 3 days of WoT Premium Account; 7 days of WoT Premium Account; Credits; Personal Reserve: +300% to Free Experience in battle for 1 hour; Personal Reserve: +200% to Crew Experience in battle for 1 hour; Personal Reserve: +50% to Combat Experience in battle for 1 hour; Personal Reserve: +100% to Combat Experience in battle for 1 hour; Personal Reserve: +50% to credits in battle for 1 hour; Universal blueprint fragment; National Blueprint fragment (Czechoslovakia); National Blueprint fragment (U.S.A.); Training Booklet (Czechoslovakia); Training Booklet (U.S.A.); Training Guide (Czechoslovakia); Training Guide (U.S.A.); Personal Training Manual; Karl Vojtěch crew skin; Enrique Ramírez crew skin; One of Two Unique Crew Members; Krakonoš 2D style; Kilmore's Cavalry 2D style; One of Two 3D Styles; Martina projection decal; Chasing Pipeline projection decal; Shining to Others, I Burn Myself inscription; Tracks of My Tears inscription; Bowl and Snake emblem; Kilmore's Cavalry emblem; Bounty Stabilizer; Bounty Optics, The tank team that won the vote will receive. {
reward: "silver",
(a Tier X Czechoslovakian medium tank). ]
amount: 15,
eliteReward: [
It’s going to get even more exciting, so be ready to showcase your skills and earn a host of sweet rewards! });
eliteReward: [
widthPopup = $(".bprewards-main_content-popup").width();
let newScroll = dotIndex * rewardWidth();
//Клонирование точек
amount: 1,
amount: 100000,
left: newOffsetLeft
reward: "decalUsa",
widthPopup = 250;
decalUsa: {
let img = $(this).find(".content-reward_block-main_reward-img").html();
let text = $(this).find(".content-reward_block-main_reward-description").text();
brochureUsa: {
You can find a list of all the rewards for all Stages on the Battle Pass screen in your Garage and in the widget below. reward: "blueprintUsa",
stockReward: [
stockReward: [
Pack your repair kits, Commanders! },
blueprintUsa: {
scrollLeft: newScroll,
reward: "style3d",
image: "",
prem1d: {
stockReward: [
WoT-News.Com. },
amount: 1,
amount: 3,
KRZYBooP: Howdy Boom Jockeys! reward: "silver",
amount: 1,
Share on social networks or discuss on the forum, Specify a number of vehicles for each tier, The maximum number of points that can be earned in one Tier VI vehicle is, The maximum number of points that can be earned in one Tier VII vehicle is, The maximum number of points that can be earned in one Tier VIII vehicle is, The maximum number of points that can be earned in one Tier IX vehicle is, The maximum number of points that can be earned in one Tier X vehicle is. King Tiger (Captured) {
let scrollLeftActual = $(".bprewards-main_content").scrollLeft();
amount: 45,
let posXdown, posXup;
With each completed Stage, you’ll earn valuable in-game rewards. },
reward: "blueprintUsa",
reward: "boosterFreeXp",
// установка img
if ($(window).width() >= '650') {
name: namesArr[14],
name: namesArr[2],
prem1d: {
name: namesArr[7],
if (dotActiveIndex != scrollScreenNum) {
amount: 1,
Реклама | Adv. });
amount: 1,
left: newOffsetLeft
amount: 3,
This is a subreddit where we share WoT news, strategy tips, tank choices, and opinions. {
image: ""
We have 2 Tanks clans: W-UNI aka NA1 - W-UN2 aka NA2 . The fewer Stages remaining until the completion of the Main Progression, the smaller the number of Stages in the package and, accordingly, the lower its cost. image: ""
rewardPath.find("img").attr("src", rewardsData[orderArray[orderBlock][type][reward].reward].image);
personalbook: {
for (const orderBlock in orderArray) {
It’s going to get even more exciting, so be ready to showcase your skills and earn a host of … },
reward: "silver",
scrollLeft: newScroll,
reward: "blueprintIntelligence",
name: namesArr[13],
World of Tanks BattlePass Season 2 INTRO Official Trailer (Provider : Wargaming) { // 16
reward: "prem3d",
It features brand-new Bounty Equipment, two fresh 3D styles, exclusive custom crew members, and a host of other valuable in-game prizes. For the first time in World of Tanks history, Battle Pass has arrived, and it is here to stay.
eliteReward: [
image: ""
World of Tanks Update 1.9.1 is rolling out on 11th June 2020, bringing with it the second season of Battle Pass, as well as new content and features.
$('.bprewards-main_content').mousewheel(function(e, delta) {
crewskinUsa: {
// установка img
image: ""
reward: "brochureUsa",
Battle Pass Core Vehicles, two (2) fresh 3D Styles (and exclusive Custom Crew members for them), Thursday, June 11 at 06:00 PT | 08:00 CT | 09:00 ET, Monday, September 7 at 17:00 PT | 19:00 CT | 20:00 ET, days of WoT Premium Account, credits, blueprint fragments, unique 2D customizations, projection decals, and more, For one of the Core Vehicles, a unique custom Crew member, 1 day of WoT Premium Account; 3 days of WoT Premium Account; 7 days of WoT Premium Account; Credits; Personal Reserve: +300% to Free Experience in battle for 1 hour; Personal Reserve: +200% to Crew Experience in battle for 1 hour; Personal Reserve: +50% to Combat Experience in battle for 1 hour; Personal Reserve: +100% to Combat Experience in battle for 1 hour; Personal Reserve: +50% to credits in battle for 1 hour; Universal blueprint fragment; National Blueprint fragment (Czechoslovakia); National Blueprint fragment (U.S.A.); Training Booklet (Czechoslovakia); Training Booklet (U.S.A.); Training Guide (Czechoslovakia); Training Guide (U.S.A.); Personal Training Manual; Karl Vojtěch crew skin; Enrique Ramírez crew skin; One of Two Unique Crew Members; Krakonoš 2D style; Kilmore's Cavalry 2D style; One of Two 3D Styles; Martina projection decal; Chasing Pipeline projection decal; Shining to Others, I Burn Myself inscription; Tracks of My Tears inscription; Bowl and Snake emblem; Kilmore's Cavalry emblem; Bounty Stabilizer; Bounty Optics, a one-week special ×2 Battle XP repeatable mission, a one-week special ×2 Crew XP repeatable mission, The tank team that won the vote will receive. },
Battle Pass Season 2 starts in World of Tanks. ]
// стиль на каждый десятый этап
reward: "prem1d",
let mainWidth = $(".bprewards-main_content").width();
amount: 10,
stockReward: [
Each tank in Battle Pass has a Point Limit. X eliteReward: [
name: namesArr[24],
amount: 10,
name: namesArr[1],
amount: 3,
reward: "boosterFreeXp",
amount: 6,
}, false);
reward: "blueprintIntelligence",
stockReward: [
reward: "silver",
Share on social networks or discuss on the forum. amount: 10,
let amount = String(orderArray[orderBlock][type][reward].amount).replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+([^\d]|$))/g, '$1 ');
reward: "boosterCredits",
Q. eliteReward: [
reward: "blueprintIntelligence",
amount: 1,
reward: "boosterCredits",
amount: 3,
image: ""
amount: 250000,
name: namesArr[13],
stockReward: [
reward: "boosterFreeXp",
return rewardWidthFive;
amount: 10,
reward: "guideСzech",
During the first two months of the Season, you can buy a fixed package containing a maximum of 20 Stages. let rewardOrder = Number(reward) + 1;
eliteReward: [
Each part has a fixed number of Stages: 45 in the Main and 100 in the Elite. },
emblemCzech: {
prem7d: {
$(".content-reward_block-main_reward").mouseover(function() {
reward: "guideUsa",
stockReward: [
reward: "emblemUsa",
Read Full Story >> {
Great challenges and unexpected events await our heroes, so stay tuned! {
eliteReward: [
amount: 1,
stockReward: [
aimingstabilize: {
name: namesArr[10],
You can get your hands on days of WoT Premium Account, credits, blueprint fragments, unique 2D customizations, projection decals, and more. amount: 1,
inscriptionCzech: {
name: namesArr[12],
amount: 3,
reward: "blueprintUsa",
It’s going to get even more exciting, so be ready to showcase your skills and earn a host of sweet rewards! if (orderArray[orderBlock][type][reward].reward === "silver") {
stockReward: [
descriptionImage: ""
reward: "prem7d",
let text = $(this).find(".content-reward_block-main_reward-description").text();
reward: "style3d",
let newScroll = dotIndex * rewardWidth();
Bounty Rammer. All the details including a refresher course can be found by … },
reward: "guideСzech",
reward: "prem1d",
amount: 1,
}, 1500);
amount: 1,
if (pathX > 30) {
amount: 45,
$(".bprewards-controls_button__left").on('click', slideLeft);
descriptionImage: ""
eliteReward: [
Check them out. {
name: namesArr[2],
“We began gathering feedback as soon as the first season commenced so we’re able to seamlessly phase into the Season 2. image: ""
We're Redditors with a passion for gaming, tanks, and everything in between! ],
stockReward: [
stockReward: [
name: namesArr[16],
amount: 3,
amount: 1,
reward: "blueprintIntelligence",
descriptionImage: ""
name: namesArr[28],
reward: "blueprintUsa",
amount: 10,
image: "",
In addition to Bonds, the Elite Progression will reward you with Cool Projection Decals. amount: 15,
A new Battle Pass for World of Tanks is coming! ]
amount: 15,
The trial starts on June 11 and will last 3 months. },
eliteReward: [
amount: 5,
stockReward: [
amount: 500000,
eliteReward: [
reward: "boosterXpSmall",
name: namesArr[17],
amount: 3,
amount: 15,
Points are awarded for your impact on the battle.