The summer before Scorpius' third year at Hogwarts, Astoria died to the toll of her family curse. Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls, the movie counterpart of her grandfather Lucius, https://harrypotterfanon.fandom.com/wiki/Asteria_Malfoy_(The_Eternal_Wayfarer)?oldid=138888, Hogwarts Orchestra solo harpsichord (formerly), Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She showed the first signs of magic at a relatively young age, having been only two when she levitated a piece of cake during a dinner. Nicholas Malfoy - Murdered unruly Muggle tenants, disguising them as Black Death victims (PM) Septimus Malfoy - An influential figure in the Ministry of Magic during the late eighteenth century; Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy - The only child of Draco and Astoria Malfoy (YL, CC) Other canon notes and references "The whole lot of them have been in Slytherin, he's always boasting about it. Gender: Female Hair colour: Dark Brown Skin colour: Pale Family information; Family members: Daphne Greengrass (sister) Bellatrix Greengrass (sister) Draco Malfoy (husband) Scorpius Malfoy (son) They eventually found out, but respected her privacy. Add your own. She Was Partly Responsible For The Death Of Sirius Black. 2006). The wand was however said having been crafted by Garrick Ollivander in his final wandmaking years. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Asteria attended Hogwarts and was Sorted in Slytherin along with her cousin Francis Zabini and her best friend and would-be-dormitory mate Demetra Nott. Her beliefs radically changed. Astoria Greengrass and Draco Malfoy clash when she first starts at Hogwarts. Harry stunned the Death Eater and Ron punched Draco and called him a "two-faced bastard", even as this was the second time they saved his life that night.. After Voldemort's defeat, Draco and his parents sat … A good student, she enjoyed reading and playing Wizard's Chess. Species His wife Astoria was sent to marry him by her parents the royals of the Kingdom of … Sep. 26, 2018. Asteria also had long limbs and her overall look—long and thin limbs, pale skin, hollow cheeks—made her look a bit like a skeleton. We know that this event occurs during the summer break because her son Scorpius didn't know what to write by owl to his best friend Albus Potter to let him know about it. Patronus Single Casually they found out that the cave also hid a secret passage, blocked by an old landslide, which led to Hogwarts' fourth floor. She composed for both harpsichord and organ, and sometimes for organ and orchestra. Jade Olivia was Tom Felton's … ... Draco Malfoy was still snoring away peacefully, blonde strands of hair hanging cautiously over his eyes. She was the firstborn child of the Malfoys and had two younger twin siblings, Antares and Scorpius Malfoy (b. She wanted me to have somebody when she left, because... it is exceptionally lonely, being Draco Malfoy." Asteria was particularly tall for a girl, and very slender. June 5, 1980. She came out with her best friends, but did not reveal her attraction for Weasley. Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy were disappointed in their son's choice of a bride, as Astoria held a tolerant view of Muggles and Muggle-borns. The car was damaged and wild due to having lived in the woods and the Forest for 25 years, but they somehow managed to repair it. She revealed herself a quick learner, but at the same time she showed little interest in the instrument, being mainly attracted by the harpsichord which she took up at the age of 8. Later that year, the two girls would meet fellow Slytherin Theophylactus "Theo" Hammersmith, which eventually became their best friend. Skin colour Her Death. Astoria took her first piano lessons from her mother. Language: English Words: 4,785 ... Draco Malfoy/Ginny Weasley; Astoria Greengrass/Harry Potter; post-DH; Summary. The Harry Potter Lexicon is an unofficial Harry Potter fansite. Astoria Greengrass (2714) Draco Malfoy (2290) Harry Potter (1549) Hermione Granger (1220) Ginny Weasley (973) Ron Weasley (965) Scorpius Malfoy (815) Daphne Greengrass (644) Narcissa Black Malfoy (643) Pansy Parkinson (632) Include Relationships Astoria Greengrass/Draco Malfoy (1071) Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter (547) Title(s) Slytherin Life went on, Potter saved the world and Draco faced his family's errors no less than his own. 17 February 2004) was an English witch of Elven ancestry and the eldest daughter of Draco and Astoria Malfoy. She produced no major piano pieces. Asteria Polaris Malfoy (b. However, his sister-in-law, Bellatrix Lestrange married her husband only to keep the Black family tradition of marrying a pureblood wizards and witches. Twenty-five years later, the boy who lived opened his eyes. Physical description; Species: Human. She entered Hogwarts two years after her sister and eventually married Draco Malfoy. Other relatives of hers were the Zabini family via her aunt Daphne—she had two cousins in this family, namely Francis (b. Lucius Malfoy is an antagonist/anti-hero in the Harry Potter book and film series. Unlike her mother, Asteria focused on music by Wizarding composers, be it classical (mainly baroque), modern or contemporary. Believe me, beneath that golden shell of hair, there is a nice boy that wants to prove his worth." White-blonde The type of magic that alters the form of objects or creatures, Transfiguration, is more scientific than other forms of… HARRY POTTER, characters, names, and all related indicia are trademarks of Warner Bros. © 2001 – 2020. At Madam Malkin's she witnessed the reconciliation between her father and Harry Potter, which she did not understand at the moment but was later explained to her by him: he told her that The-Boy-Who-Lived and himself first met at Madam Malkin's on August 1st, 1991, but admitted that when he was eleven years old was snooty and arrogant and made disagreeable comments about Half-Bloods, Muggle-Borns and non-Slytherin Houses, which eventually gained him Potter's dislike. Astoria tragically inherited the family curse that her ancestor had and she passed away.She also was a member of theGreengrass family, one of theSacred Twenty-Eight. The reason for the Astoria's ancestor being cursed with a blood malediction causing death and passed down to his descendant is unknown, nor is it known whether he (or she) deserved it or was killed by it. 17 February 2004) was an English witch of Elven ancestry and the eldest daughter of Draco and Astoria Malfoy. Physical information This included a large knowledge of the musical capabilities of the instruments and a consistent research to expand it. 2021 The author of this article will soon improve this article soon. Astoria Greengrass Malfoy dies of a blood malediction. Slytherin HouseHogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry As witnessed multiple times by Rose Weasley-Granger, her hand joints often crackled. Loyalty She was cunning and cold-blooded, a quality which would earn her the title of the best Duellist in the School. ... Astoria Greengrass, … Pale Grey (right) - light green (left) Astoria's life was cut short by a curse placed upon her ancestor long before her time, resulting in her body becoming extremely frail. The Malfoy Family in their sitting room in Malfoy Manor. Her father chose the first name Asteria in order to honour Astoria, and Astoria on the other hand chose the second name. Members of two families keep one secret to the very end. Includes fluffy, funny flashbacks of the pair's past. Asteria was a powerful witch and a skilled Duellist. That way, Harry Potter wouldn't bother him and he would live forever. After her education at Hogwarts she met and married Draco Malfoy and the two had a son Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy. The author does not need any new ideas at the moment, but expect to see improvement here in the near future. Language: English Words: 1,293 ... Astoria Greengrass & Draco Malfoy (46) Astoria Greengrass/Draco Malfoy (13) Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter (12) Harry Potter/Ginny … I just feel she really doesn't care what happens to the characters she hates, and there's literally not even a tiny snippet of anything that might somehow suggest she ever considered Astoria being frail or sick or dying at a young age BEFORE the play was written, which means she read the play, saw Astoria died, and she thought, whatever, great, if Malfoy can get a redemption arc, at least punish him for existing, … Major Character Death; Astoria Greengrass/Harry Potter; Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley; Astoria Greengrass/Draco Malfoy; Harry Potter; Astoria Greengrass; Infidelity; Summary. She was Sorted into Slytherin House and befriended the only Muggle-born in her dormitory, Alice Tolipandue to her curiosity about those she considered inferior. Asteria Polaris Malfoy "Astoria always knew that she was not destined for old age. Unlike what happened with her father, nobody in the family even suggested to make her attend Durmstrang, as this school mantained its reputation of teaching Dark Arts. She weighted as much as Demetra Nott, who however was nearly 10" shorter and thus in her ideal weight. 17 February, 2004Malfoy Manor, Wiltshire, Great Britain Marital status The illness suffered by Astoria Greengrass is caused by an ancient family curse which manifested itself generations later. Lucius Malfoy, the son of Abraxas Malfoy and brother of Lucille Malfoy, was one of the few pure-blood wizards left by the late 20th century.He joined the Death Eaters when they came to power in the First Wizarding War.He married Narcissa Black, a fellow pure-blood of similar wealthy background, and they had one son, Draco, who would later become Harry … Astoria died during the summer of 2019, due to her blood curse. She also was a fan of the wizarding rock band Alice Molland. Hair colour Her eyes showed a slight heterochromia, the righ one being grey but the left showing green reflexes. She also had some creative skills which she expressed mainly through small music compositions and musical improvisation. Eye color. She left behind a heartbroken Scorpius and Draco. Asteria often wore dark clothes and was noticeable for her unusually long fingers and limbs. Biographical information Astoria Malfoy Died Of A Blood Curse. Their only child was named Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy. Born Also known as Behind the scenes. Biographical information. Asteria indirectly descended from the House of Black, and thus carried on the tradition of naming children after stars. She was born in 2004 and she had two younger brothers, the twins Antares and Scorpius Malfoy (b. Pottermore: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, The theatre production opened in the West End of London at the Palace Theatre on 30 July 2016: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Parts One and Two, Editors: Steve VanderArk and Trish Drasnin. A renowned composer, harpsichordist and organist in the Wizarding World, she was a descendant of both the House of Malfoy and the Greengrass family, both included in the Sacred Twenty-Eight, and, indirectly, of the House of Black through her paternal grandmother Narcissa Malfoy (née Black). She started a rivalry with James Sirius Potter, and most prominently with Dominique Weasley. Asteria was a solitary person and sometimes described as a "freak". Ginny and Draco have an affair and people find … 2006). Occupation ... Major Character Death; Astoria Greengrass & Draco Malfoy; Astoria Greengrass/Draco Malfoy; Astoria Greengrass & Original Female Character(s) Astoria Greengrass & … 2009)—and, coming from an ancient line of Pure-bloods wizards, several other families (for instance, the Longbottoms, the Potters, the Prewetts, the Rosiers and the Weasleys). Rose: "Albus is wrong. She was the daughter of Cygnus Black IV and his former wife, Druella Rosier, but they separated when she was eight years old. 5' 10" (1,78m) Asteria was known for her technical skills both at the organ and the harpsichord. Asteria Polaris Malfoy (b. 17 February, 1981), also known under her pen name Elenion Ancalima, was an English witch of Elven ancestry. Asteria bought her first wand at Ollivander's that day. Weight Lady Astoria Miril Malfoy, née Greengrass (b. Wand She had high cheeks, a small nose and her fingers were long and sometimes described as "griffin"; also, Rose Weasley-Granger, when first met her and saw her hands, was made thinking "of a pale spider and its scampering legs, with her crackling joints reminding of the spider's clicking pincers"—a feeling Rose did not like at all, as she inherited her father's arachnophobia. Astoria is the younger sister of Daphne Greengrass. Draco Malfoy has one sibling in Gregory Malfoy of whome he did not get along with for most of his life, and has only begun to since his fall to the side of Voldermorte following the death of his father Lucius Malfoy. Being 5' 10" tall, but weighing only 114 lbs, Asteria was underweight and just above the level of severe thinness—her BMI was 16.41 and severe thinness is usually related to a BMI lower than 16.01. Date of birth. Draco Malfoy grew up as an only child at Malfoy Manor, the magnificent mansion in Wiltshire which had been in his family’s possession for many centuries. James Sirius remembered her as "bored and apathic" on that day, and did not have a good impression of the girl. She also had Elven ancestry through her mother's family. This curse is a blood curse called blood malediction which was placed apon one of her ancestors way before her time resulting in her body to become extremely frail. Here it is a selective list of her original works: Harry Potter Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. This piéce is an arrangement of different themes and solos Asteria and Theo improvised during their Hogwarts years on the side of the Great Lake, starting from the Fourth Year when Asteria learned to conjure the Musical Charm which makes objects produce notes. BAMF Astoria Greengrass; Death Eater Draco Malfoy; Redeemed Draco Malfoy; Good Slytherins; Dark Arts; Gothic Romance; gothic horror; Psychological Drama; Legilimency (Harry Potter) Sexual Tension; Drastoria; Death Eaters; Good Theodore Nott; Canon Rewrite; Moodypocalypse; ... Draco Malfoy (1736) Astoria Greengrass (1382) Harry Potter (969) Hermione Granger (742) Scorpius Malfoy (693) Ron … By the time she went to Hogwarts, she had already composed and two main pieces for harpsichord: a Chromatic Fugue in G and a Prelude in D plus Fugue in A. Asteria received her Hogwarts Letter on her 11th birthday and accepted. 2004) and Queenie (b. It is questionable if she ever really asked for friends other than Theo and Demetra. The son of a Death Eater, Draco was raised to strongly believe in the importance of blood … Dueling Club ChampionHogwarts Orchestra solo harpsichord (formerly) She was the sister of Bellatrix … As Garrick Ollivander retired after the Second Wizarding War in order to pursue his theoretical about wandmaking, the shop was then run by Ollivander's son Griflet. Astoria was born into the Greengrass Family which is one of the oldest and truly pureblood family, Astoria was brought up with the knowlodge of Pure blood supermancy then during her teenage years came the events of the second wizarding war, but however, made her espoure a tolerant life view from then on. Place of birth. She was secretly lesbian and in love with Dominique Weasley, something she hid under their rivalry. Can they overcome their parents, a tragic death, & Draco's hobby of keeping secrets? She instead continued attending Wizarding Music classes and the Wizard's Chess Club, and she played her first exhibition matches on Headmistress McGonagall's Chessboard, a friendly tournament in which she faced Giovanni Finch-Fletchley (Hufflepuff), Desdaemona Crawley (Ravenclaw) and Lucy Weasley (Gryffindor). Asteria Polaris Malfoy was born on her mother's twenty-third birthday in Malfoy Manor, the wealthy estate and residence of the Pure-blood Malfoy family. She joined the Hogwarts' Wizard's Chess Club and the Wizarding Music Club, and took Wizarding Music lessons. During the first Wizarding War, Mr. Malfoy was one of Voldemort's most loyal … Armand Malfoy (ancestor)Abraxas Malfoy (great grandfather)Lucius Malfoy II (grandfather)Narcissa Malfoy (grandmother)Reuel Greengrass (grandfather)Helena Greengrass (grandmother)Daphne Zabini (aunt)Blaise Zabini (uncle)Draco Malfoy (father)Astoria Malfoy (mother)Antares Malfoy (sister)Scorpius Malfoy (brother) Female Malfoy thus recommended to his daughter not to have prejudices againstother wizards. Her repertoire, although large, had only a small section dedicated to Muggle composers, whose highlights are: Asteria wanted to become a professional musician since she was 13 years old, and was regarded as a prolific composer, arranger, session musician and soloist. Born into the Greengrass family, among the oldest, truly pure-blooded families in Britain, Astoria was brought up in the ideals of Pure-blood supremacy. I love my husband and I love my son, but staying here seems to lead to only one option.
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