Astoria was uninvolved in the war as the Greengrass's were able to stay out of the general pureblood influx into Voldemort's camp. Demetria Swan, former bully and best friend of Tori's. She had gotten married by that point to Draco, and had secured a well-paying job in the Committee of Experimental Charms. Tori is considered very honest and open, and many people admire her for being her true sled, even when she thinks she's hiding her true self. What!? Astoria Malfoy (née Greengrass), born in 1992, was a pure-blood Witch and the younger sister of Daphne Greengrass. Hermione Granger/Blaise Zabini. Born. In 1995, they reconciled and were quite friendly, and chatted after they survived the Battle of Hogwarts. Despite her pro-muggle attitude, she married a pureblood. This short enough? Hochwertige Tassen zum Thema Draco Malfoy von unabhängigen Künstlern und Designern aus aller Welt. Astoria Greengrass. This is a list of characters in the Harry Potter series. Agreeing that Umbridge was useless, all three were signing members of Dumbledore's Army, and attended all the meetings. Er ist Harry Potters Erzrivale in Hogwarts, er stammt aus einer von Slytherins verehrten Reinblüterfamilie und er ist unser Lieblings-verwöhntes Balg. Marital status Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Sie ging zu Hermine und schubste sie in Dracos Richtung. Attention. 19.01.2015 01.08.2015 20. They were originally a Noble family but rose to Ancient and Noble status due to the coalition of the Longbottom, Patil and Greengrass families orchestrated by Harry Potter. This is the story of how she grew up. Inspiration from the character comes from the Little Mermaid, the titular character of Hans Christian Anderson's fairytale of the same name. Astoria Greengrass is a spoiled, petulant, and persistent witch determined to be an Auror. Draco Malfoy ist der Zauberer, den wir lieben und lieben zu hassen, also zieh deine Roben an, einen Becher Butterbier, und tauche in diese 24 Fakten über Draco Malfoy ein. Rated: Fiction K - English - Drama/Romance - Astoria G., Draco M. - Words: 5,559 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 12 - Follows: 3 - Published: 11/28/2010 - Status: Complete - id: 6512811 Born into the Greengrass family, among the oldest, truly pure-blooded families in Britain, Astoria was brought up in the ideals of Pure-blood supremacy. Astoria Greengrass 's best boards. The previous summer, she had been flying her broomstick, writing letters, or eating, nothing else. Watch Queue Queue. It is known she remained friends with Marley, Fabian, Emily, and Demetria, even visiting Emily and Fabian's wedding. Tori mourned her parents, despite that her father's love for her was gone. Astoria is sorted into Slytherin along with Ginny Weasley, Amy Wilkes, and Drusilla Crabbe. Hannah Abbott was one of Tori's friends, however, she and Tori drifted apart some as she focused on friends her age. - Ironically, both have red hair, according to the Disney version. A "short description". Her second wand is from the same wood family as Draco's first wand. Married In 1998, the bond grew stronger when Daphne confessed her true feelings and beliefs, and helped the DA with their stunts and pranks. Eventually, Tori wrote to her mother, to get Umbridge to stop recruiting her for her counseling session, as Tori was no longer depressed over Cedric Diggory's death. Slytherin. At the parent-teacher confrence, she voted to put Cyggie in second-year classes. Full Name: Astoria Greengrass Age: Sixteen Occupation: Students Education: Seventh year student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The relationship between Draco and Astoria had always been complicated, they fought a lot but secretly cared deeply about each other. Tori has been portrayed by Jade Olivia. Mit Astoria Greengrass. She deducted that Draco was hiding the truth during her fourth year, almost immediately, and figured out he was behind Katie Bell's cursing for the same reason Harry Potter believed him to be the culprit, and knew instantly that if that were true (which Draco confirmed) that Ron Weasely was poisoned. The next day, it was discovered that she was put in the will of Cedric Diggory, and inherited his broomstick. Dies war das Ende der Doppelspione Astoria und Lupin Greengrass! Die Hexe Daphne Greengrass ist eine Slytherin-Schülerin in Harrys Jahrgangsklasse. Physical information She'll be herself, but sometimes, this means throwing away protection others give everything to secure for her, especially during her fifth year. dragon core6'3/4, Rowan, phoenix core Daphne and Astoria brings Hagrid's pet dog Fang with them to there home for Easter holidays. "Astoria Greengrass, I love you." She and her elder sister Daphne grew up as little princesses on the grounds of the Greengrass estate in Wales, where her parents entertained all the Right People: the Malfoys, the Parkinsons, etc. Astoria is the younger sister of Daphne Greengrass. Loyalty In 1997, Pansy realized something had changed between Tori and Draco, and began threatening and insulting her, to which Tori would laugh and respond calmly, for she in some ways felt Draco was playing them both. Title(s) Astoria Greengrass. Astoria and RAC Joint Announcement Extension of Circular Completion (3 November 2020) Acquisition of equity swaps with reference to RECM and Calibre Limited preference shares (2 November 2020) Joint announcement – extension fulfillment date for conditions precedent (29 September 2020) Quarterly suspension update (25 September 2020) After watching scenes surrounding her at St. Mungo's, she decided to live. "Dark Side" by Kelly Clarkson is the theme song of this relationship. She entered Hogwarts two years after her sister and eventually married Draco Malfoy. Draco Malfoy (hubsand)Galloran Greengrass (father)Rhiannon Greengrass (mother)Cygnet Themis Malfoy (daughter)Scorpius Malfoy (TMotM) (son)Daphne Greengrass (TMotM) (sister)Gregory Goyle (in-law)Marie Family (maternal family)Greengrass Family (paternal family)Malfoy family (in-laws)Goyle family (in-laws)Black Family (distant in-laws) Die zwei bekommen demnächst Nachwuchs“, sagte Narzissa stolz. Justin Finch-Fletchley, Tori's friend and date to the Yule Ball. Perhaps a combination of both. Light Neville Longbottom/Luna Lovegood. This Astoria Greengrass-Malfoy фото contains деловой костюм. She married Draco Malfoy, with whom she had a son named Scorpius. Sie wird dem Alphabet gemäß bei den ZAG - Prüfungen im Juni 1996 gemeinsam mit Hermine Granger aufgerufen (HP V/31). Prince of Slytherin Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. She was Sorted into Slytherin House and befriended the only Muggle-born in her dormitory, Alice Tolipandue to her curiosity about those she considered inferior. The latest Tweets from Astoria Greengrass. Patronus Daniel Radcliffe Actor | Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 . Meanwhile Heather Potter, Daphne's best friend and fellow Gryffindor choose to visit her home, and they dare to explore some boundries which makes Fang excited and got involve with them. They really do care about each other, and are equals. Human Hochwertige Kissen & Kissenbezüge zum Thema Harry Potter von unabhängigen Künstlern und Designern aus aller Welt. Occupation: Junior Reporter on the Ministry beat for the Daily Prophet. Ginny's heart is broken so she wanted to revenge by doing a trick to Astoria. One, Demetria Swan, even made amends and became friends with her., Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Tori had spent the entire summer at Malfoy Manor, flirting with Draco, much to her father's dismay. Astoria Greengrass - Hogwarts house? Daphne had hidden into the Room of Requirement with Neville Longbottom to hide from the Carrows. serpeverde shippo troppe coppie ahaha ️ ~sofy Şu ana kadar Harry Potter ve Lanetli Çocuk olan destanı okuduğunuzu varsayalım, doğal olarak Draco Malfoy'un karısı Astoria Greengrass hakkında çok fazla sorunuz olabilir. She also recently had talked to her sister, and discovered that Daphne had shared her beliefs, but had hidden it all this time. She quickly Apparated to the Hog's Head, and used the bar's secret passage to hide in the Room of Requirement, where her friends shortly joined her. Marley Prewett, a best friend and Emily Crow's sister-in-law. Die Hexe Astoria Greengrass ist wahrscheinlich eine Hogwartsschülerin des Hauses Slytherin. The illness suffered by Astoria Greengrass is caused by an ancient family curse which manifested itself generations later. Hannah Abbott, one of Tori's older friends. For those of you who ship Drastoria (Draco/Astoria) or any other pairing with Astoria Greengrass, which Hogwarts house do you see her in? 16 December 2001 [12.162018] “Desperation is the raw material of drastic change.Only those who can leave behind everything they have ever believed in can hope to escape. Blue-green ( Before spring, 1997)Green ( By June 10, 1997) Harry Potter Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Astoria Malfoy (née Greengrass) Biographical information. She was quite unaware of her surroundings, unable to realize her long-time crush was carrying her back to her common room. Anime cosplay. Jestem Astoria. Astoria Greengrass had always been stuck in the shadow of her sister. Meanwhile, knowing the tough time she was going through, the bullies left her alone. Tori's favorite Weasley Wizard Wheeze is the Puking Pastule. However, it is bigger, and much older. They became close and joined Dumbledore's Army together. (Okuyucular için uyarı: Önceden spoyler!) The Greengrass family is part of the so-called Sacred 28 and has shown a tendency towards Slytherin. Astoria attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.She eventually married Draco Malfoy, who was two years ahead of her and in the same House as Daphne. Astoria Greengrass was born into the Pureblood family of Mr. and Mrs.Greengrass and is the younger sister to Daphene. Professor Sprout begged her to donate, as she was a match, and no one else would donate, due to Umbridge being a rather nasty person. But after Cedric's death, Demetria regretted her mean words against Tori, and wanted to be friends, understanding the sad time she was having. She was even featured in Dumbledore's Army, the Dark Side of the Demob, where she memorably called Draco a jerk in the interview with Rita Skeeter (she had full permission to say this,seeing as he was before his sixth year). There might also be bien vestido persona, juego, juego de pantalones, traje pantalón, persona bien vestida, traje, pantalones traje, pantsuit, and pantalones de traje. 35 likes. During the year, despite Draco's wishes, and her prefect status, she caused trouble for the Carrows, and even at Malfoy Manor, with Daphne's help. There might also be хорошо одетый человек, костюм, брючный костюм, and костюм брюки брючный костюм. Tori's long-time crush and love of her life. Astoria Greengrass is the Daughter of Celia Greengrass and Cyrus Greengrass, and sister to Daphne Greengrass. Hair colour There, Tori interrogated Draco, even using Legillimens for the first time. Cygnet Themis, Tori's daughter and youngest. Herself a Death Eater ( hypothetically) Hello! Astoria Malfoy, née Greengrass (1982-2019) is the sister of Daphne Greengrass, wife of Draco Malfoy, and mother of Scorpius Malfoy. Rated: Fiction K - English - Drama/Romance - Astoria G., Draco M. - Words: 5,559 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 12 - Follows: 3 - Published: 11/28/2010 - Status: Complete - id: 6512811 Astoria Greengrass is the youngest daughter of the Ancient and Noble House of Greengrass, and the sister to Daphne Greengrass. Tori's seen the good in him for a long time, and encourages him to be himself. She also isn't afraid to stand up to him, and duel for what she believes in. This video is unavailable. Pochodzę z rodziny Greengrasów oczywiście czystokrwistych. The latest Tweets from Astoria Greengrass. It is known that she had multiple boy… During winter break, at first, Tori didn't believe that Cyggie had resurrected her husband, but realized she was telling the truth through Legillimency. Astoria was the younger sister of Daphne Greengrass by two years. Astoria Zoe Greengrass Edit. Draco admired her bravery and honesty, and seemingly endless compassion, as bragged by Daphne. Greengrass received her Hogwarts letter on her eleventh birthday and accepted. Hannah was chosen as the Head Girl during her last year, and often conflicting Draco's influence, she helped out with the DA's pranks, even giving fifty points to houses for each member involved in the prank. … There aren't any known Death Eaters in the family. Red ( Before winter of 1996)Auburn ( As of December, 1996) Tori read over older muggle reading materials and Ollivander's paper on wands. Astoria bắt đầu theo học Trường Hogwarts vào năm 1993, hai năm sau khi Draco Malfoy nhập học. Her beliefs radically changed. She also was a member of the Greengrass family, one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight. Giới thiệu nhân vật Astoria Malfoy Greengrass (1982 – 2019) là một phù thuỷ thuần huyết, xuất thân từ gia đình Greengrass. This is just my interpretation of Astoria Greengrass and who she is. Astoria Eurydice Malfoy (born Greengrass) was born December 19, 1981 to Waldorf and Queenie Greengrass. Charms- Tori is mentioned it be excellent in Charms, having even created her own spells, such as a charm that keeps you from tripping in high heels and pink lightning stunning someone for a minute. Ships: Harry Potter/Daphne Greengrass. Singing- Tori considers music to be magic, and she is mentioned to be at least an okay singer. Dueling- Tori is very accomplished at dueling, seeing as she took on a very advanced student in dueling that was two years older than her, and won, as well as having survived two duels with vicious werewolf Fenir Greyback. When she goes to Hogwarts and meets Draco Malfoy, that all changes. She knows that he really doesn't want to be a Death Eater, and has faith in him being a good person. Astoria was the younger sister of Daphne Greengrass by two years. Ellie Darcey-Alden, the author's preferred portrayer for Tori. Biographical information Read 3. It is assumed Tori lived a cushy life, being the daughter of rich ex-Death Eaters. During the Skirmish at Malfoy Manor, Tori blasted a door out of the way to help the prisoners escape, a feat that had not succeeded before. Astoria Greengrass (born January 14, 1982)goes by Tori, and contradictory to most people's first guess, she was Sorted into Hufflepuff. Howgarts. Tori was devastated when he died, and after inheriting his old broomstick, was inspired and tried out for Hufflepuff Quidditch team. Astoria Malfoy (née Greengrass) (born c. 1982) was a pure-blood witch.Astoria attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.In 2000 she married Draco Malfoy, who was two years ahead of her and a classmate of Daphne Greengrass, Astoria's older sister.The couple had one son together, Scorpius Malfoy, whom was born in 1998. Gender Assuming that by now you've read the epic that is Harry Potter and the Cursed Child , you may naturally have a lot of questions about Astoria Greengrass, the wife of … Tori went to the Yule Ball with Justin Finch-Fletchley, much to Draco's dismay. Si estás aquí para ver a la típica serpiente, ya te puedes ir largando. :She was a Hatstall, and chose to be in Hufflepuff over Gryffindor. Discussion. Ein gemeinsames Leben bis dass der Tod uns scheidet. Her trusting nature earns her the nickname "The Slytherpuff". Mam siostrę Dafne Greengras i tak jak ona moim domem jest Slytherin :') Tori was very excited for the Triwizard Tournament. During the last challenge, she and her sister made a cheerleading outfit and supported him. This is a big news for Daily Prophet, that bursts in gossips and headlines for the marriage. Assuming that by now you've read the epic that is Harry Potter and the Cursed Child , you may naturally have a lot of questions about Astoria Greengrass, the wife of … Astoria Greengrass • 14 Pins. Astoria Greengrass (born January 14, 1982)goes by Tori, and contradictory to most people's first guess, she was Sorted into Hufflepuff. It is assumed Tori lived a cushy life, being the daughter of rich ex-Death Eaters. Astoria Selene Malfoy (née Greengrass) (born c. 1982) was a pure-blood witch. She enjoyed it very much, despite Draco's attempt to ruin the evening, due to hidden jealousy of Justin. Ginny Weasley/Astoria Greengrass. Professor Umbridge was written to by Rhiannon Greengrass, but sucked at the job she was given. «Beauty is the key.» | Hermione ma fav. Author's Notes: Happy birthday,… Astoria Malfoy7 (née Greengrass) (c. 1982 – 2019) was a British pure-blood witch. Attention from two people. She was forced to play with other kids in similar families, most of whom she considered to be brats.Somewhere in that time frame, she became interested in muggle culture. She wore a badge until Cedric asked her not to, to show her wild support. Hermine stellte sich neben Rose und Draco legte seinem Arm um sie. (@xAsGreengrass). Magical characteristics Slytherin house from the story The Untold Tale of Astoria Greengrass {Draco Malfoy} by sarcasm1101 (zoë) with 4,479 reads. Draco Malfoy is tutoring her for potions while also preparing to kill Dumbledore. However, she does have trouble with making friends her age,and for a while got bullied until Cedric Diggory died and everyone realized how hard it was for her. 1. This is the story of how she grew up. Tori collapsed into a fit of depression the minute it was discovered that Cedric was dead. 17 Alle Kapitel 95 Reviews. She grew up in the height of pureblood society but always had an interest in the muggle world. Astoria Greengrass • 420 Pins. Astoria Greengrass marries Draco Malfoy. Emily supported Tori's relationship with Draco Malfoy, as she was currently had feelings for Fabian Prewett. She awoke in the Limbo, visited by Cedric. He set up a deal with Lord Voldemort in 1998 to protect Daphne and Tori, though it backfires when she tried to let Ollivander, Luna Lovegood, and Dean Thomas out of Malfoy Manor, and is nearly murdered personally by Lord Voldemort. Other information George Weasley/OC. The Greengrass family is part of the so-called Sacred 28 and has shown a tendency towards Slytherin. Astoria is in a continuing battle with Pansy Parkinson for the prize of something special. This is a list of characters in the Harry Potter series. Three years later, a group of runaway death eaters pledge to complete what Voldemort left unfinished. Tori's not as close to Cygnet as she is with her father, but they still are obviously close, and Cygnet seems to have inherited her disposition towards Muggles and muggle-borns. Wand Tori's straight red hair darkens to auburn by her fourth year, and by her fifth year, her eyes have chosen to be green rather than blue, like Daphne's. Boggart Ginny's heart is broken so she wanted to revenge by doing a trick to Astoria. According to The Sinister Man, the role of Astoria Greengrass is portrayed by Georgie Henley from "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe". Although she didn't get the Seeker position, she did become a Chaser in her third year. (@A_Greengrassrp). «She looks like an angel». Astoria Greengrass and Pansy Parkinson, although Pansy's friendship with Draco apparently ended sometime after they completed school. Legillimens- Tori is a very powerful Legillimens, able to learn it with little-to-no effort, and with very little training was able to delve into the mind of a very good Occlumens, in her fourth year. harrypotterfaceclaims, claims, potter. Will these circumstances bring them closer or further complicate things? They joined Dumbledore's Army, and remained friends after the Second Wizarding War. Tori and Emily hit it off in their first years. House There might also be bem vestido pessoa, terno, calças de terno, terninho, pessoa bem vestida, terno das calças, pantsuit, and terno de calça. Astoria Greengrass was born on month day 1981, at birth place, to Costello Greengrass and Rozza Greengrass. This is just my interpretation of Astoria Greengrass and who she is. Before seeing Cyggie off for the first time, she gave her the Marie family necklace. Edit. The problem is that, Greengrass family, wants to marry Astoria with Draco Malfoy. History Edit. While her mother, Rhiannon, tried to support her, and still loved her, Galloran chose to disown Tori, a decision overridden by Daphne, the eldest and the eldest Greengrass left alive after the Battle of Hogwarts. She likes to organize parties and events. In Ollivander's wand shop, Tori witnessed Geneva Ollivander come into the store, and gave her back her wand. Cedric Diggory's broom- After Cedric Diggory died, he bequeathed his broomstick to Tori, who played one season with it, and used it to rebel against the Carrows. After a session that insulted Tori, she moved on. Magic Purse-Similar to Hermione's handbag, it can house people even inside. They snuck back into the Battle of Hogwarts, and survived, although their parents didn't. Eye colour Justin originally had feelings for Tori and went out with her to the Yule Ball, but he remained in the friend-zone. Family members Anime. Non-Verbal Spells- In her fifth year she could say a spell and cast a non-verbal one at the same time. Born Daphne even distracted Lord Voldemort by taking Weasley Wizard's Wheezes candies, in excessive amounts, to give Tori the chance to let the prisoners escape Malfoy Manor. [Source]. Die beiden Reinblüter versuchten zu fliehen, doch Snape bekam den Auftrag vom dunklen Lord die Verräter nach der letzten Versammlung zu finden und in die Kerker des Malfoy Manor zu schaffen. Title: Kitten (1/1) Author: Leigh, aka leigh_adams Characters: Zacharias Smith/Astoria Greengrass Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 939 Summary: She wasn't sure if it had been the tequila or the frustration that led to the breaking point. During the battle, she refused to kill anyone, but did knock many Death Eaters unconscious, including Remus Lupin's murderer, and even dueled with her love interest. She leaves behind her husband Draco Malfoy and son Scorpius (CC1.4, CC2.15). She was noted by her mother to hardly laugh or smile anymore. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Their only child was named Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy. Astoria's life was cut short by a curse placed upon her ancestor long before her time, resulting in her body becoming extremely frail. They are all characters who have appeared in a Harry Potter -related book by J. K. Rowling. Tori was however a bridesmaid at Hannah's wedding. Once, Tori acknowledged that Hufflepuffs are the true opposites of Slytherin, not Gryffindor, despite what the two Houses appear to believe. She had been chosen as the Hufflepuff Prefect, and had been chosen by a new wand, although she was still in possession of Geneva Ollivander's wand. She has also been shown to be fiercely loyal, not ragging on Daphne, and not saying too many bad things (although she sees them) about Draco. This Astoria Greengrass-Malfoy foto contains traje de negocios and juego de negocio. Astoria is the younger sister of Daphne Greengrass. Slightly over 14", Ebony, and why? As a child her mother would often set up playdates for her sister and Draco Malfoyin hopes that later on in life they would develop romanitic relationship.During these playdates Astoria woul… Watch Queue Queue Draco smiled, eyes sly, and ignored my spazz-matic behavior. Tori grows in height rather slowly, though, as she is only "tall enough to hug Draco without standing on tiptoe" at the end of her fifth year at Hogwarts. She has also shown to be very intelligent. Tori even has her own special gesture of public affection, putting her hand over where the Dark Mark was, and holding him by that, rather than wrists of hands. Astoria Greengrass is the youngest daughter of the Ancient and Noble House of Greengrass, and the sister to Daphne Greengrass. She has invented two spells to date- a charm to keep you from tripping in your high heels, a spell that conjures pink lightning that stuns the attacker for a minute, perfect for hasty escapes, and this spell is her personal favorite and signature. Read Astoria Greengrass from the story Harry Potter Face Claims by AStrangeEvent (A Strange Event) with 1,478 reads. Select this result to … In dem heutigen Harry Potter Faktenvideo präsentiere ich euch 13 Fakten über die Slytherin Daphne Greengrass, der Schwester von Astoria Greengrass. Astoria was the younger of the two daughters of Cuthbert Greengrass and Tanis Queen. In her teenage version, the author believes she would be played by Ellie Alden-Darcey. Tori hid her true beliefs from her parents until she was fourteen, which differed greatly from their pureblood mania. They are all characters who have appeared in a Harry Potter -related book by J. K. Rowling. This is a symbol of embracing Draco's dark side, not just his better nature. All in all, Tori has an integrity and nobility that everyone seems to recognize. Scorpius and Tori aren't shown interacting much, but it is known that Tori is more accepting of Scorpius's friends and those he interacts with than Draco is, and often keeps Draco in check. Tori grew up with Pansy in her childhood, but Pansy got along with Daphne's more cameleon nature, becoming a bad influence on Daphne that Tori despised. Spoiler alert. Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls, Battle of the Astronomy Tower participants, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Dumbledore's Army, the Dark Side of the Demob, The Magic of the Music: The Story of Tori Greengrass, the Little Mermaid, Astoria Greengrass 1982 2020 Astoria Greengrass, 1982 - 2020. Pureblood & Slytherin. The event is a collaboration between Traverse City Tourism, the Leelanau Peninsula Wine Trail and the Wineries of Old Mission Peninsula. Her Second Wand- This wand chose her late summer of 1998, although she tried it in 1993 and it did not choose her. Astoria was born into the Greengrass Family which is one of the oldest and truly pureblood family, Astoria was brought up with the knowlodge of Pure blood supermancy then during her teenage years came the events of the second wizarding war, but however, made her espoure a tolerant life view from then on. Star Necklace- A family heirloom given for her eleventh birthday. Family information Classic editor History Talk (0) Share. This article contains information about Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. However, Tori agreed to do it that summer. Daphne gehört zum Freundeskreis um Pansy Parkinson. Astoria Greengrass (@sofia__malfoy__) su TikTok | 8970 Mi Piace. There aren't any known Death Eaters in the family. Tori also TPed and hexed Snape's office, with the help of Marley and some of her otter friends, especially prefects that were fed up with Draco's run of the show. She has some lying abilities, and has some Ravenclaw abilities, however, in the end, she had to choose between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor, and chose Hufflepuff, a house she always admired. Fred Weasley/OC. During the summer of 1997, Pansy wrote to Draco, demanding a choice between the two of them, which Draco shared with Tori, whom he chose. Nicknames/Aliases: Stori. Blood status Astoria attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.She eventually married Draco Malfoy, who was two years ahead of her and in the same House as Daphne. She is also mentioned to be slender, and light-skinned. Warte nur, bis sein Vater davon hört. This is a big news for Daily Prophet, that bursts in gossips and headlines for the marriage. How in merlin's beard could a fourth-year blood traitor help Draco kill their headmaster, and how on earth could a bratty death eater help Astoria …

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