Stars: Stars: 332,983 | | | 200,068 Director: Was I assigning value to something that meant nothing? I don't usually like martial-arts films. Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Director: The movie is elegant and restrained, and compelled me to “solve” it. As he tries to maintain a normal life, he takes a job as a janitor at a bank, where he ultimately finds himself caught up in a planned heist. | Gross: 104 min The feeling walking out of the theater (or finishing the stream, as the case may be) is a darker one than expected at the start, and Gere somehow manages to turn one of those borderline abrasive characters that we’d often ignore in life into someone worth rooting for. Stars: Wagner Moura, | Stars: Creepy beyond words. So just as he’s about to be thrown into the street as the fall guy for some botched business, his coworkers devolve into uninhibited psychos lusting for cathartic sex and total carnage. | Marcia Gay Harden, Radar - Radar - History of radar: Serious developmental work on radar began in the 1930s, but the basic idea of radar had its origins in the classical experiments on electromagnetic radiation conducted by German physicist Heinrich Hertz during the late 1880s. | Comedy, Drama. The cover says it right: The best martial-arts movie ever made. | Hugh Dancy, Comedy, Drama, Romance. Emily Mortimer, Votes: 134,158 Todd Field This is a list I created of great films that you may have overlooked or let slip passed in the last 5 years. A clinically depressed teenager gets a new start after he checks himself into an adult psychiatric ward. Director: 100 min Amazing. | Gross: 137 min Funzioni principali dell'applicazione gratuita Meteo & Radar: • Previsioni del tempo orarie, giornaliere e settimanali • Tendenza meteo fino a 14 giorni • Allerte meteo maltempo • Radar meteo interattivo per l'Italia e il mondo • Radar pioggia e mappa temperature • Bollettino sci e info neve • Widget meteo • News meteo locali e … All structured data from the file and property namespaces is available under the Creative Commons CC0 License; all unstructured text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; … Devid Striesow, Christopher Plummer, Director: Director: The story of the Operation Bernhard, the largest counterfeiting operation in history, carried out by Germany during WWII. A tale of friendship between two unlikely pen pals: Mary, a lonely, eight-year-old girl living in the suburbs of Melbourne, and Max, a forty-four-year old, severely obese man living in New York. If nothing else, I guarantee you won’t find a better Polish horror musical mermaid tale in 2017. James Frecheville, | Dominique McElligott, Jacek Koman, Votes: Adam Elliot This page was last edited on 9 July 2020, at 19:25. Thanks to his fractured state of mind and her vivid imagination, the line between fiction and reality blurs as the tale advances. | Gross: Roland Emmerich PG-13 Unterm Radar; Written by: Henriette Buegger Dagmar Zeisberg (script) Directed by: Unterm Radar is a 2015 German television film directed by Elmar Fischer. 99 min Director: 99 min R Director: Hertz set out to verify experimentally the earlier theoretical work of … 105 min If a film archaeologist of the future were to look back over the early history of CGI and digital manipulation in movies, one would expect their main focus to be on the Hollywood blockbuster. | Paul Haggis 106 min Director: Patrick Wilson, Kim Uylenbroek, Votes: Don't get me wrong, it is kind of funny as well. Stars: Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. 137,377 | | Director: Thelma has a seizure at school, and things begin to get noticeably odd… or do they? Director: Angela Wesselman-Pierce, Votes: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, | With that in mind, we here at RT have picked just a handful of our favorite movies that were, for one reason or another, mostly overlooked by audiences at large this year. | Comedy, Drama, Romance. Guilt-stricken after a job gone wrong, hitman Ray and his partner await orders from their ruthless boss in Bruges, Belgium, the last place in the world Ray wants to be. Director: $6.78M, R 50,505 | Stars: Not laugh-out-loud funny, but uplifting and heartfelt. $31.18M, R Radarbot è il tuo migliore alleato quando sei al volante. Director: Stars: Ewan McGregor, 94 min Toni Collette, Tarsem Singh Stars: $4.46M, R — Ryan Fujitani, Stillness pervades Kogonada’s Columbus, in the steady, observant shots surveying the modernist architecture and public art that has given the city its prominent reputation among art lovers. Stars: Andy Garcia's performance is great; the whole cast is great for that matter. Tune into the radio program every Sunday morning on WDCB 90.9 & 90.7 FM or listen to it online here. 78,809 A retired military investigator works with a police detective to uncover the truth behind his son's disappearance following his return from a tour of duty in Iraq. Director: | Columbus poignantly depicts the difficulty of gazing inward and facing one’s fears, feelings that are particularly evident in Haley Lu Richardson’s luminous performance as Casey. | | After a prison riot, former-Captain Nascimento, now a high ranking security officer in Rio de Janeiro, is swept into a bloody political dispute that involves government officials and paramilitary groups. It defies classification. | Stars: Their chance meeting is as natural as the relationship that follows, as the pair wanders from one architectural marvel to the next, confiding in one another but also challenging their respective inertia. Dana DeVestern, Votes: BBC … — Alex Vo, There’s been an influx of true crime docs in the last few years, but if there’s one that’s absolutely worth watching, it’s Mommy Dead and Dearest. | Jackie Earle Haley is phenomenal in an Oscar nominated role. Just trying to fly low, avoid the radar, boss. Crime, Drama, Mystery. | Matthew Goode, Unterm Radar é um telefilme alemão de 2015 dirigido por Elmar Fischer baseado no livro homônimo escrito por Henriette Bruegger. Laurie Holden, 115 min | Mommy Dead and Dearest not only provides an interesting look into the kind of toll Munchausen Syndrome by proxy takes on an individual, but also takes a deep dive into the inner workings of fraud, emotional and physical abuse, and the state of both the healthcare and criminal justice systems in the United States. Keir Gilchrist, Stars: $6.67M. Fresh from her triumph at the International Emmys, Christiane Paul isn’t taking success for granted. — Grae Drake, 100 Best Movies on Hulu to Watch Right Now (December 2020), 14 Spanish-Language Animated Movies You Should Watch, The Expanse Season 5 Exclusive Sneak Peek: A Familiar Belter Saves Naomi Nagata From a Shakedown, Vote in the Christmas Movie Showdown – Round 2, Best Foreign Christmas Movies, Ranked by Tomatometer. There are a lot — and we mean a lot — of movies that are released during any given year, and with all the marketing money going to big budget blockbusters and awards hopefuls, a lot of smaller films come and go without eliciting so much as a curious glance from moviegoers. Eili Harboe plays Thelma, a young woman in college who comes from a religious background. A classic tragic arc is made contemporarily relatable with a poignant stew — equal parts funny, heartwarming, and heartbreaking. Director: 58,441 146,050 Pedro Almodóvar $5.79M, PG-13 $45.51M, R Leslie Bibb, Colossal is a weird movie, and it’s not going to appeal to everyone, but it’s also a pretty effective exploration of stunted emotional maturity anchored by a phenomenal performance. | Kirk Jones | 30 Excellent Under-the-Radar Films (2005-Present) by justin_philpott | created - 01 Jun 2012 | updated - 03 Sep 2012 | Public This is a list I created of great films that you may have overlooked or let slip passed in the last 5 years. Director: ... Christiane Paul in Unterm Radar (Under the Radar) 2016. | Gross: Adventure, Drama, Thriller. Yet while The Farthest is definitely about space and math and stuff, it’s also about so much more: as director Emer Reynolds subtly yet persuasively makes clear, this is a group of people who overcame incredible odds — and technological constraints that may seem absurd to younger viewers — to assemble one of the most awe-inspiring quests for knowledge undertaken in all of human history. Raymond De Felitta — J.S. Colin Farrell, Jennifer Connelly, A pair of young lovers flee their New England town, which causes a local search party to fan out to find them. It’s a primal scream from your empty screen that departs with an impact. The orderly world of German judge Elke Seeberg goes completely out of joint when a terrorist bomb explodes in a Berlin bus and the federal police come bursting through her door: Allegedly her teenage daughter played a … August Diehl, | Jeff Daniels, $2.28M, R $8.86M, PG-13 Rainn Wilson, Votes: Matthew Goode, Stars: | Not for the faint of heart. 315,852 Thelma’s journey into self-discovery is a measured kind of realistic, beautiful, and a little creepy. Unterm Radar podcast on demand - Reporterinnen und Reporter von BuzzFeed News erzählen von ihren Recherchen, über die Arbeit in einer Redaktion - und sie geben einen Einblick in all die Dinge, die im Journalistenalltag auch mal so schief laufen. Kaffee Mittwoch … | | Rosie Shaw, Votes: Rhys Ifans, | Kenneth Branagh, Ariel Schulman, Jonathan Tucker, R Drama. love child. Director: Bill Murray, Votes: Bayona Action, Crime, Drama. 279,339 Wir erzählen, was in unserer Arbeit gut geklappt hat und was schiefgegangen ist. $6.39M, R Comedy, Crime, Drama. Charlize Theron, Donnie Yen, Versuche nur tief zu fliegen, gerade unterm Radar, Boss. $26.02M, PG-13 Er tut dies anhand eines fiktiven Terroranschlags in Berlin, i… All rights reserved. Goran Visnjic, Votes: Julianne Moore, — Jenny Jediny, Out of all the cool stuff the movies have thrown at us this year, it hardly seems likely that one of 2017’s best limited-release films would be a documentary about the NASA nerds who launched the Voyager mission in 1977. Fernando Cayo, | Gross: This same impression of serenity spills over into the suspended lives of the two main characters: Jin, returning abruptly from a job abroad to watch over his comatose father, and Casey, a recent high school graduate who remains in Columbus in a self-imposed state of obligation, caring for her formerly drug-addicted mother. Directors: | Gross: Director: You'll be thinking about it for months after watching. | His guinea pig: a mysterious and volatile woman who holds the key to his obsession. The fact that the movie takes its time to answer, while trusting the audience enough to draw some of their own conclusions, made me love it. Henry Joost, Stars: Although the security authorities have various information about impending attacks by Islamists, but the detonation of an explosive device and the death of many people can not prevent them. | Gross: — Haña Lucero-Colin, I can’t say it was the most obscure movie I saw this year, but Colossal was one of the most surprising. Directed by Nick Tomnay. Colin Clark, an employee of Sir Laurence Olivier, documents the tense interaction between Olivier and Marilyn Monroe during the production of The Prince and the Showgirl (1957). Crime, Drama, History. There’s much to learn about cross-species respect and camaraderie from this movie, and it will most likely make you rethink the way you see the non-human citizens in the world around you. Sebastian Armesto, Votes: Was insofern verwunderlich ist, da mit Elmar Fischer ein Regisseur die künstlerische Verantwortung trägt, der etwa mit dem Emmy-prämierten TV-Film „Unterm Radar“ bewiesen hat, dass er sich mit dem. A retired legal counselor writes a novel hoping to find closure for one of his past unresolved homicide cases and for his unreciprocated love with his superior - both of which still haunt him decades later. [1] Foi exibido originalmente pelo canal ARD em 14 de outubro de 2015. Stars: Pixar had Coco.Cartoon Saloon gave us the gorgeously moving The Breadwinner.At some point, there was a Boss Baby. For all you corporate drones out there suffering from chronic employment, here’s an antidote: Mayhem, director Joe Lynch’s jagged little pill of blood, guts, and TPS reports. — Tim Ryan, 2017 was a great year for animation. Agnieszka Smoczynska’s The Lure is such a find from Poland. Tag: Unterm Radar; Articles about Unterm Radar. I would be hesitant to call American Fable one of the best films of the year, but it is one of those films that you come away from in anticipation of what the director will accomplish in future endeavors. $3.23M, R The story of The Beginning was as simple as a fairy tale and as resonant as a myth, but with The Conclusion, director S.S. Rajamouli has cranked everything to 11; rarely have action sequences this gravity- (and logic-) defying been captured on film. I’m constantly on the lookout for kooky stuff, so I was initially attracted by its odd premise, which essentially boils down to “a woman discovers she is psychically linked to a Kaiju.” It didn’t hurt that the woman in question was Anne Hathaway, that the supporting cast included Dan Stevens, Tim Blake Nelson, and Jason Sudeikis, and that the director was Nacho Vigalondo, who has something of a penchant for, yes, kooky stuff. Natalie Mendoza, Legale e affidabile al 100%. Director: Frau im Visier der Terrorfahnder: Der Film „Unterm Radar“ handelt von einem verheerenden Anschlag und fragt nach den Grenzen der Freiheit. I would watch this one by yourself. Director: 39,127 Director: Adventure, Drama, Fantasy.