Robots and droids in works of fiction tend to have similar types of names. SPIRIT AND OPPORTUNITY. It’s in our nature to attribute human characteristics to non-living … Get fun ideas and inspiration for what to name your Roomba from iRobot’s list of the most popular Roomba names. 1,919 Pages. This name generator will generate 5 random names, which will fit robots, androids, machines and other mechanical beings. Then check out our fun name generators for robot names, cat names or pirate names. 50. NameRobot's naming experts blog about naming for businesses and companies and share their insights on how to find the perfect name. Some robots don't necessarily need to be equipped with a full arsenal of keywords. ν-13, the Yandere Robot Girl SNK Boss of BlazBlue. Especially with the development of artificial intelligence, robots will come into our lives. Learn more about rules and trends for names in your industry or profession. May 9, 2007 #2 Robbie. Machines, robots, and androids, are not a recent invention: artificial life forms have kindled the imagination of mankind for centuries. This robot has realistic expressions and will help with studies about human cognitive development. Browse through team names to find funny team names and cool team names. But these robot-specific names are extremely powerful because they can be combined with almost all other keywords, which makes the name individual after all. A great way to make a memorable business name is to use rhythm or alliteration, these types of business names sounds great and are extremely brandable. You can rest easy, because none of that is actually true. This character is also referred to as… After hours upon hours of feverish research, I have determined that most Japanese giant robot names follow basically the same pattern--three syllables with an optional prefix or suffix thrown on for interest. Jimmy the Robot from Aquabats! Robot Wars (Classic Series) Series 1 ; Series 2; Series 3; Series 4; Series 5; Series 6; Series 7; Robot … Our multiple name generators create different types of names. As professional name finders, we are really not impressed by the habit of naming a robot "Robbie", or to provide it with the suffix "the robot". 1; 2; 3; Next. User-agent record. Random nickname generator for Robot. Many robots have names, which make it plainly clear that its bearer is a machine and not a living creature. Robot Name Generator - you can generate random 30 names each time, which will fit robots, androids, and other mechanical beings. Equally valuable for his prowess on the battlefield and his hilariously psychotic commentary, HK-47 could always be relied upon to take the piss out of any self-serious Jedi or Bounty Hunter. Robot Name Generator - you can generate random 30 names, which will fit robots, androids, and other mechanical beings. The name prefixes alternate … We already know concepts of robots from earlier times like Greek mythology and literature of past centuries. There's more than business names and brand names. 1 Best Robot Vacuum or Roomba Names; 2 Funny Robot Vacuum or Roomba Names; 3 Clever Robot Vacuum Or … To all those who have to find a name for a robot, whether for a fictional android, a mechanical machine or artificial intelligence: we wish you a lot of fun and success in finding a name! When designing a robot for military use, creating a heavily-armed assault machine is an obvious route to take. Androids, which are not only equipped with artificial intelligence, but also with a humanoid body, often have names that sound very human. We offer three different styles of names to suit different usage scenarios, some are detailed names, usually include the functional features; some are just codes. … The Transformers Name Generator takes the first and last letters of the name entered and selects a corresponding Transformers name prefix and suffix. We often hear that finding a name for a new project is one of the hardest things to do. Do you give it a funny name, a clever robotic name, or a badass name? All Rights Reserved. In the "Robots.txt" file, there can only be one record for "User-agent:*". Schicke uns bitte Deinen Themenvorschlag (neu/unique/professionell) an social@namerobot.de. We excluded cyborgs that were once humans (sorry Seven of Nine and Robocop) and tried to only use one example from each fictional universe (we cheated with Star Wars). Surnames are found only rarely with fantasy robot names but do also occur. JustsmmAnimaterFaan on March 25, 2020: I didn't really find one .but it gave me some ideas... thanks (sorry... if there is a wrong grammar in this comment.) Most tools and name generators free of charge, so just give it a try. of Tech. Of course, you've got to ask yourself some questions before deciding on a name: Is the robot a single unit, or working with the same or different types of robots together as a team? And that's not a V. That's the Greek letter "nu", which happens to be the 13th letter of that alphabet. They emphasize an affinity to classic values, millennia-old philosophies, and ancient cultures that are nevertheless essential for our present society and for shaping the future. It … A typical humanoid robot consists of a head, two arms, a torso, and two legs just like a human, but many of those robots are only based on some … We provide tools ranging from the first brainstorming session all the way to check your new brand name. Type Name of Team Member 1 Type Name of Team Member 2 Type Name of Team Member 3 Type Name of Team Member 4 Insert CAD Animation Here Insert Video Robot in Action Here. Robot origins. If you looking a cool robot name generator so, you come to the right place now a day my team share with you on the request base this generator to help out a perfect robot names find for you. But if you’re stuck, here’s a step-by-step guide to using our Robot name generator: It is a part of the JST ERATO Asada Project. Created: 2000 Creator: Intuitive Surgical. Instead, you can often find one or two appropriate attributes by which they can be characterized. Are there any similarities or patterns to be found in robot naming? Their childish voices and mannerisms posed a stark juxtaposition to the acts of war they commonly carried out. Register Start a Wiki. "Because I be what I be. Especially with the development of artificial intelligence, robots will come into our lives. Now, you are spoiled for choice for what kind of name you want to choose when naming a robot. This week, the word “robot” celebrates its 90th anniversary, first appearing in Karel Capek’s play R.U.R.. What better way to toast the machines than with a list of our favorite robots—past, present, future; real, fictional and Daft Punk. Mr. Robonaut, just like its name showcases, is a perfect alternative for astronauts, and maybe of humans in the time to come! And you can always use your school mascot’s name combined with “bots or robo” (eg: Cougarbots or Robo-Rams), but there’s a bunch of super creative ones we just had to share. Also get a list of random robot names and the most popular names of the robots. May 13, 2007 #22 I've … He saw all organic “meat bags” the same, and had a really hard time figuring out why the main character didn’t just kill everyone in sight. The W-Series in Super Robot Wars, despite coming up with normal sounding names, they have their own robot names, which ranges from W00 to W17, in order of the creation sequence. The names generated by this robot name generator has a variety of styles, from formal written names to robotic names, as well as names like pet names. What's going on in the naming world? There are, actually, several very cool robots in Shane Acker’s feature-length expansion of his 2005 Oscar-nominated short of the same name. May 12, 2007 #21 I have developed a line of robots called... (drum roll please) The pasta series! 2.0 ("Robotic Interactive Canine") from Power Rangers SPD, S.O.P.H.I.E. These syllables can be combined with descriptive elements. May 9, 2007 #1 Ok this thread is for cool robot names so if you have a couple that you would like to share, go ahead and post em here!!! Created: 1982 Creator: Glen A. Larson Voice: William Daniels, KITT stood for Knight Industries Two Thousand, a robotic car in the ‘80s show Knight Rider. Some robots sit in labs for researchers to tinker with. Which generation do you belong to? One- and two-syllable names with unusual characters such as x, y and z predominate here. First Prev 2 of 3 Go to page. ReWalk Robotics Much like Fetch Robotics, this business adds what it does into the name. Name generators for fun names and nicknames. Moley Robotics is the maker of the world’s first kitchen robot – set to launch in 2017. (look at all the pretty smiliez!) Watch DOMO in action here. Then Insert it here) Oral … Here are a few examples of topics that can be used for robot names or can at least serve as inspiration. B. O. T꧂, Atom, ツ꧁ ༒тιтαи༒꧂ツ, Wall-E, Rocko, Mepica Elano. Check out our complete list of team names.. Are you looking for the best team name? So let's have a look at the different types of names for robots! Examples of robots, whose names sound human: With NameRobot's first names tool names for robots can be found by meaning. Thread starter Souper man; Start date May 9, 2007; Prev. In our analysis of the naming of robots though, we do not distinguish between real and fictional machines, automata and artificial intelligences. Doraemon uses his “fourth-dimensional pocket” to produce gadgets, tools, and medicines from the future. This video shows it folding a shirt. Go. Are you stuck in the naming process? Are you interested in more funny names? Namefruits - Find your business name with artificial intelligence. Baxter: programmable through gestures, this is an industrial robot with finesse. This allows you to find names for robots that not only sound human but also convey a character trait. And remember, Rosie may have been sweet to the Jetsons, but that doesn’t mean the Robot Apocalypse isn’t nigh. If only he’d been around for the prequel movies, maybe he could’ve done something about Jar-Jar.—Kirk Hamilton, © 2020 Paste Media Group. The design of Humanoid robots is what makes them fairly distinct from the other types of mobile robots. We have become more and more familiar with robots. Robots whose names are acronyms which result in proper names: By the way, with NameRobot's Acronyms tool you can automatically generate various kinds of acronyms for selected keywords. Words from classical mythology, for example, Greek gods and heroes, but also powerful words and names that stand for abstract ideas or concepts offer a treasure trove for robot name inspiration. For so uncreative names, we unfortunately cannot propose a NameRobot Tool. Register Start a Wiki. Acronyms and descriptive names are suitable for: almost all kinds of robots and artificial intelligences. T. TheVictim Member. Go. Submit your funny nicknames and cool gamertags and copy the best from the list. Thread starter Souper man; Start date May 9, 2007; 1; 2; 3; Next. As inspiration for abstract concepts, you can use Wikipedia's excellent philosophy portal. Pandora was formed out of clay by Hephaestus; Olimpia is the robot woman whom the protagonist in ETA Hoffmann's "Sandman" falls in love with, and Hadaly was the first fictional artificial life form which was called "Android". The Robot Name Generator is designed to be easy to use. this … These two bots … ;-). Jibo: animated home bot, competing with Google Home and Alexa. Robot Names - From Highly Creative to Pretty Boring. The most important facts about trademark law, registering a business name and everything else you need to know to secure your new name. It's good to make the name sound pretty futuristic, though. I'm Robot 513 I know Robot 403. Buddy: another crowd-funded bot similar to Jibo. Well, this is why I am here. This often leads to simple descriptive names for robots. This case study aims to shed light on the robot name. We have become more and more familiar with robots. The AI Robot has been in several videos that went viral and is a… Read more AIBO Series Sony Show Robots … Exoskeletons demonstrate the potential robotics has in the medical world. With NameRobot's name generators and tools you can find the dream name for your company, product or project. But of course, if you want shirt folding, you probably want something like the Foldimate. Create a personality for your bot. If you looking a cool robot name generator so, you come to the right place now a day my team share with you on the request base this generator to help out a perfect robot names find for you. According to the robots we know at the moment, they have many name styles in their names, some are just nicknames, such as Teo, while others represent the … The W-Series in Super Robot Wars, despite coming up with normal sounding names, they have their own robot names, which ranges from W00 to W17, in order of the creation sequence. It rarely hurts to keep your business name simple. The ideal … Robots that turn into giant trucks and command a fleet of autobots - now that could change pop culture history. Sceadwian Banned. Robot Wars Wiki. Actor William Daniels voiced the character, which co-starred alongside David Hasselhoff, currently of hotel-floor-with-a-cheeseburger fame.—Nathan Spicer, The Tachikomas were the sentient “think” tanks from the Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex anime series. It has artificial … But NameRobot helps you every step of the way with the right tool or service. A robot sent from the future to help improve the lives of a man’s ancestors, Doraemon becomes the companion of Nobitakun, a boy who has become accustomed to nothing but misery. Here, the creativity of the name finder knows no limits. Acronyms are especially popular today, closely followed by individual proper names. Out of the ten most popular, eight of them are human names such as Rosie, Alfred, Hazel and Ruby. In today's name-finding blogpost, we take a look at robot names: How are robots named? Thus, people and machines (and aliens ;) ) interacting with the robot immediately know what and who they are dealing with. Many robots have a fantasy name. In this category we write about all these questions concerning the right company and business name. Robots that turn into giant trucks - way cool. In this category you will find examples of naming companies in all kinds of industries and on various topics. R๏b๏† Я๏b๏t RobotTrombone . ("Humanoid Experimental Robot, B-type, Integrated Electronics") from Fantastic Four, R.I.C. Used to describe the name of a search engine spider. After having logged in you can use all Wordshop tools like the Brainstorming tool or Rhymes Tool for free. There’s a lack of good ideas and time, and "all the good names are already taken". As the name suggests, a humanoid robot is a type of robot that replicates the human body. Robot Wars Wiki. Sonny – I, Robot. Names that only fit robots are well suited for: automata, machines, kid-friendly robots. The ultimate cool robot, it can accomplish tasks like making a drink, helping with chores, tracking an object and interacting with people. ("Super Automated Machine") from Sesame Street, BEN ("Bio-Electronic Navigator") from Treasure Planet, H.E.R.B.I.E. Unlike acronyms, these are not abbreviations. In “AWESOM-O,” Eric Cartman becomes The A.W.E.S.O.M.-O 4000, master of pitching Adam Sandler vehicles to film studio execs until he’s, of course, captured by the military. A typical pitfall most businesses run into is describing their business name too literally, using overused robotics terms like robot, technology or progress. This is an apt name as it refers to the robots used as “knights”, who would once have been charged with keeping peace. You know, a typical South Park episode. Examples of letter and number combinations. What are promising brand naming strategies from planning to the introduction of the name? Picking the ideal name for your robot vacuum can be tough. Created: 1969. … We offer three different styles of names to suit different usage scenarios, some are detailed names, usually include the functional features; some are codes. fds on March 30, 2020: Im going with LiL_moon_god. Acronyms are especially popular today, closely followed by individual proper names. NameRobot is a machine which generates names. Robo*** or ***bot. He is brilliant and on top of his work! HAL 9000 ("Heuristically Programmed Algorithmic computer") from Space Odyssey, EDI ("Extreme Deep Invader") from Stealth, KITT ("Knight Industries Two Thousand") from Knight Rider, WALL-E ("Waste Allocation Load Lifter - Earth-Class") from WALL-E, EVE ("Extraterrestrial Vegetation Evaluator") from WALL-E, HARLIE ("Human Analog Robot Life Input Equivalents") from When HARLIE Was One, S.A.M. S. Souper man Guest. Greatest Generation (before 1946) Baby Boomer (1946-1964) Generation X (1965-1984) Millennial (1982-2004) Generation Alpha (2005 till now) How do you decide on the best name? These make more sense having human names because their interface is a humanoid shape. The amount of electricity powering our NES to beat Mega Man 1 and 2 might have powered an actual robot. A great way to make a memorable business name is to use rhythm or alliteration, these types of business names sounds great and are extremely brandable. sony aibo. The name of a robot can point directly to its functionality and serve to characterize them. Creator: Fujiko F. Fujio. Best Robot Names of All Time: Jump Up to the Generator; Welcome to the world of cool artificial intelligence & robot names!. Find out the dos and don'ts about developing new brand names and product names. Examples of robot names containing ***bot, Examples of robot names containing Robo ***, Other examples of names with robot-specific syllables. 5 Tips for naming your robotics business . From high school robotic teams to robot enthusiast building clubs, there’s names for everyone! Meanwhile, several decades (and in some cases even centuries) ago, robots made the leap from fantasy to reality. With that in mind, here are more business names I came up with: CAD Animation Video of Robot In Action (Upload High Resolution Videos to YouTube so they play well on the web and MAE Dept. A more effective business name should convey to customers your businesses and product values at a deeper level. And you can always use your school mascot’s name combined with “bots or robo” (eg: Cougarbots or Robo-Rams), but there’s a bunch of super creative ones we just had to share. Choose if you want a human name or a robot name. Don’t worry, robots could soon fill this void. It transforms the name entered into a 'Transformers name,' one of 676 combinations. (KIST) Show Robots from this serie; Ahra ; Ahra II; AI Robot Harbin Inst. Basically Robots a technology product, I have many names in mindset according to the popular robot movies. We strongly recommend looking at the Wordshop in the NameRobot Toolbox for inspiration to more creative name ideas. Some robots are equipped with truly inventive names, which conjure associations or are clever plays on words. Though they could be piloted as a type of ride-armor, the Tachikomas possessed artificial intelligence and could act on their own. Cocktail-Making Robot 'Monsieur' — After raising $2 million in funding last year, the artificial bartender is now on sale for personal and commercial use, and it'll … Use the Toolbox and Namefruits to DIY and find that perfect … Examples of robot names from mythology as robot names, Examples of abstract concepts as robot names. 100 Cool Names for Robots. Nevertheless, this type of designation is often used, especially in fictional works where the target group is children. When designing a robot for military use, creating a heavily-armed assault machine is an obvious route to take. The preferred choice for characterizing robots in their names are of course acronyms, but also simple descriptive names are sometimes used. A standard method for naming robots is the use of simple letter and number combinations. We also like the British version, Raving Bonkers. Robot especially developed of artificial intelligence, but first, think is most robots made in Japan and sound … This was a famous series produced in Japan on Osamu Tezuka, an atomic robot. Of course, we'll provide you with plenty of examples of robot names that you may or may not know. B. O. T꧂, Atom, ツ꧁ ༒тιтαи༒꧂ツ, Wall-E, Rocko, Mepica Elano. • Coppélia, a life-size dancing doll in the ballet of the same name, choreographed by Marius Petipa with music by Léo Delibes (1870)
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