Der Bandname soll, so eine Legende, vom angeblichen Durchschnittsspermavolumen eines Mannes bei einem Orgasmus (9cc) abgeleitet sein. At the ARIA Music Awards of 1997, "I'm Not in Love" was nominated for two awards - ARIA Award for Best Female Artist losing to "Mary" by Monique Brumby and ARIA Award for Best Pop Release losing to "To the Moon and Back" by Savage Garden.[51]. Having created twelve tape loops for each of the 12 notes of the chromatic scale, Stewart played each loop through a separate channel of the mixing desk. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 1. 10cc steht für 10 Kubikzentimeter.’m_Not_in_Love&oldid=201479481, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, 1976: Strings by Candlelight Orchestra feat. Einige Beteiligte, darunter ihr erster Produzent Jonathan King, haben dies später dementiert. Stewart said that the pair spent two or three days writing the song, which at that point had a bossa nova rhythm and used principally guitars, before playing it to Godley and Creme. "[3], Stewart wrote most of the melody and the lyrics on the guitar before taking it to the studio, where Gouldman offered to help him complete the song. He said: "I rang them. The song was made available both as a 7" and 10" single, with live versions of "Dreadlock Holiday" and "I'm Not in Love" on the b-sides. That statement led me to try to figure out another way of saying it, and the result was that I chose to say 'I'm not in love with you', while subtly giving all the reasons throughout the song why I could never let go of this relationship. Share. What sort of a contract do you want? Wir waren total pleite, es war wirklich ein Existenzkampf und Philips Phonogram war interessiert daran, mit uns zu einem Abschluss zu kommen. Comentarios, sugerencias, dudas, pedidos en el link de abajo. Stewart said, "Lol remembered he had said something into the grand piano mics when he was laying down the solos. "I'm not in love so don't forget it. The drum sound that was created was very soft and more akin to a heartbeat, in order not to overpower the rest of the track. I'm Not in Love Lyrics Übersetzung . Den 24. juni 1975 erstattede de "Whispering Grass" på 1. pladsen af de engelske hitlister. 10CC. [2] Es ist nur eine blöde Phase die ich durchmache. In the UK the single was released in its full length version of over six minutes; in the US and Canada it was released in an edited 3:42 version, and with a different B-side. In 1976 Godley and Creme left to form the more arty Godley & Creme while Stewart and Gouldman continued as 10cc. Comentarios, sugerencias, dudas, pedidos en el link de abajo. Aus diesen Spuren wurden Endlosbänder mit den wesentlichen Akkorden des Liedes erstellt. 7,39 € I'm Not In Love 10cc. [4][9] It has appeared in the films The Virgin Suicides, Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason, Indecent Proposal, Cherish, Whatever, Hunky Dory, Jappeloup, The Stud, Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo, He's Just Not That Into You, and Guardians of the Galaxy,[10] as well as the video game Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories and the television shows Goodnight Sweetheart, That '70s Show, The Office, Veronica Mars, Big Love, Medium, Cuentame, The Syndicate, Bull, EastEnders, Skam,[11] and Pose. Written mostly by Stewart as a riposte to his wife's declaration that he did not tell her often enough that he loved her, "I'm Not in Love" was originally conceived as a bossa nova song played on guitars, but the other two members of the band, Kevin Godley and Lol Creme, disliked the track and it was abandoned. Product-Information: Original album by 10cc, appearing for the first time with non-album singles as bonus tracks, including ‘Rubber Bullets’ and ‘The Dean And I’. [4] Composer and music theory professor Thomas MacFarlane considered the resulting "ethereal voices" with distorted synthesized effects to be a major influence on Billy Joel's hit ballad "Just the Way You Are", released two years later. innerhalb 1-2 Wochen EUR 14,99** 3 CDs EUR 11,99* Artikel merken In den Warenkorb Artikel ist im Warenkorb 10CC. A toy music box was recorded and double tracked out of phase for the middle eight and the outro. I'm Not In Love: The Essential. Und nur, weil. Ich rief sie an und bat sie, vorbeizukommen und sich anzuhören, was wir produziert hatten, sich dieses Stück anzuhören. Just at that point the door to the control room opened and our secretary Kathy [Redfern] looked in and whispered 'Eric, sorry to bother you. So konnte die Band einen großen Chor simulieren und einen dem Mellotron nicht unähnlichen Effekt erzielen, Letzteres aber in seiner Fülle übertreffen – und das auch noch in echtem Stereo. Stewart said, "I had this crazy idea in my mind that repeating those words would somehow degrade the meaning, so I told her, 'Well, if I say every day "I love you, darling, I love you, blah, blah, blah", it's not gonna mean anything eventually'. 10cc er eit engelsk rockeband skipa i Stockport i Stor-Manchester i 1972. Released in the UK in May 1975 as the second single from the band's third album 10cc I'm Not in Love Übersetzung. A cover version by Kelsey Lu was featured in the TV series Euphoria. How much money, what do you want? Accompanied by dance-oriented remixes on the single release, the song gained sufficient nightclub play to reach number one on the Billboard Hot Dance Music/Club Play chart (on the week of 1 July 2000),[52] as well as airplay on dance-hits format radio. "[3] The group agreed that Redfern was the ideal person, but Redfern was unconvinced and had to be coaxed into recording her vocal contribution, using the same whispered voice that she had used when entering the control room. "I'm Not in Love" has enjoyed lasting popularity, with over three million plays on US radio since its release, and it won three Ivor Novello Awards in 1976 for Best Pop Song, International Hit of the Year, and Most Performed British Work. [13], sales+streaming figures based on certification alone. Za 10cc je tokom najvećeg dijela postojanja bilo karakteristično da je imao dva tima autora pjesama - "komercijalni" (koga su činili Stewart i Gouldman) i "umjetnički" koga su činili Godley i Creme. Buy Vinyl Sell Vinyl. It is notable for its innovative and distinctive backing track, composed mostly of the band's multitracked vocals. They wanted to buy Jonathan King’s contract. It's just crap, right? The song was also the band's breakthrough hit worldwide, reaching number one in Ireland and Canada and number two on the Billboard Hot 100 in the US, as well as reaching the top 10 in Australia, New Zealand and several European countries. 9,99 € How Dare You 10cc. Pop, Pop Mit dem Mischpult konnten anschließend die benötigten Akkorde an den gewünschten Stellen der Aufnahme eingeblendet werden. Bewertung, I'm Not in Love:the Essential. FAVORITE (1 fan) 10cc. In Deutschland und der Schweiz erreichte es jeweils Platz 8. Finden Sie Top-Angebote für 10 CC - I´m not in love bei eBay. Wir machen, was ihr wollt, wir unterschreiben.‘ Weil dieses eine Stück so stark war, bekamen wir einen Fünf-Jahres-Vertrag für fünf Alben und einen beträchtlichen Geldbetrag.“, Höchstplatzierung, Gesamtwochen, Auszeichnung, Lexikon berühmter Popsongs, Günther Fischer und, Interview von Eric Stewart mit BBC Radio Wales. He'd said 'Be quiet, big boys don't cry' — heaven knows why, but I soloed it and we all agreed that the idea sounded very interesting if we could just find the right voice to speak the words. Released in May 1975, "I'm Not in Love" became the band's second number-one, staying atop the UK singles chart for two weeks from 28 June. I’m Not in Love war der maßgebliche Grund für Mercury Records, den bestehenden Vertrag der Band mit Jonathan Kings UK Records aufzukaufen. I said come and have a listen to what we’ve done, come and have a listen to this track. Ich bin nicht in dich verknallt, bitte vergiß das nicht Das ist nur so eine komische Phase, die ich gerade durchmache Und interpretiere es bitte nicht falsch, daß ich dich anrufe Denk bloß nicht, daß du es bei mir geschafft hast. By creating long loops the 'blip' caused by the splice in each tape loop could be drowned out by the rest of the backing track, providing that the splices in each loop did not coincide with each other. However, after hearing members of their staff continue to sing the melody around their studio, Stewart persuaded the group to give the song another chance, to which Godley replied that for the song to work it needed to be radically changed, and suggested that the band should try to create a new version using just voices. Fronted by the lone vocals of singer Ruth-Ann Boyle, the song simulated the backing tracks of the original; the most audible modification made to the song is a percussion track in the style of drum and bass, turning the song into an upbeat dance track. Andere Alben von 10cc Dieses Album ist sicher nicht das erste seiner Karriere, wir möchten euch an Alben wie Bloody Tourists erinnern. 10cc hat ein neues Lied mit dem Titel 'I'm Not In Love' aus dem Album '' entnommen herausgegeben und wir freuen uns, Ihnen den Text und die Übersetzung zu zeigen. This effectively turned the mixing desk into a musical instrument complete with all the notes of the chromatic scale, which the four members together then "played", fading up three or four channels at a time to create "chords" for the song's melody. I’m not in love, so don’t forget it It’s just a silly phase I’m going through And just because I call you up Don’t get me wrong, don’t think you’ve got it made. Live and Let Live ist das erste Live-Album von 10cc, veröffentlicht im Herbst 1977.. Entstehung. "I'm Not in Love" is a song by English group 10cc, written by band members Eric Stewart and Graham Gouldman. How much money, what do you want? Let's not use instruments. Schau das Video für I'm Not in Love von 10cc's The Very Best of 10cc kostenlos und sieh dir Coverbilder, Songtexte und ähnliche Künstler an. [4], Once the musical backing had been completed Stewart recorded the lead vocal and Godley and Creme the backing vocals, but even though the song was finished Godley felt it was still lacking something. And they came up and they freaked, and they said, 'This is a masterpiece. Billy Joel nutzte die gleiche Technik zwei Jahre später in seiner Ballade Just the Way You Are. Juni 1977 sowie am 20. In 1996, the Australian singer songwriter Deni Hines released "I'm Not in Love" as the fourth single from her debut album Imagination (1996). 10cc – I'm Not in Love:the Essential jetzt kaufen. In den USA hielt das Lied drei Wochen lang den zweiten Platz. "[3], Having abandoned "I'm Not in Love", Stewart and Gouldman turned their attention to the track "Une Nuit A Paris", which Godley and Creme had been working on and which would later become the opening track on The Original Soundtrack album. It was the band's last top ten hit, reaching number seven on the pop charts in both the US and Canada. It is known for its innovative and distinctive backing track, composed mostly of the band's multitracked vocals. Juli 1977 und am 17. Gruppa bestod opphavleg av fire musikarar – Graham Gouldman, Eric Stewart, Kevin Godley og Lol Creme – som hadde skrive og spelt inn musikk i lag sidan 1968. 1 (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) Various artists. Wie soll der Vertrag aussehen? 10cc estis angla popmuzika grupo, kiu solenis siajn plej grandajn sukcesojn dum la 1970-aj jaroj de la 20-a jarcento. However, many influential figures in the music industry were demanding that "I'm Not in Love" be released as a single, and Mercury eventually bowed to the pressure and released it as the second single from the album. Piet Souer, 1995: The Moonlight Orchestra (Instrumentalversion), 2002: Deborah Blando (Portugiesische Version), 2005: Natalie Yorke (Instrumentalversion), 2005: Rondo Classico (Instrumentalversion), 2006: Jaymz Bee & the Royal Jelly Orchestra with Geneviere, 2007: Katja Rieckermann (Instrumentalversion), 2012: Vintage Lounge Orchestra feat. 10cc: I'm Not In Love = Yo No Estoy Enamorado ‎ (7", Single, Mono) Mercury: 73678: Guatemala: 1975: Sell This Version On the strength of that one song, we did a five-year deal with them for five albums and they paid us a serious amount of money. Für die Chorstimmen der Originalversion erfanden die Bandmitglieder in den Strawberry Recording Studios eine Art „virtuellen Chor“. The original line-up lasted four years, reaching worldwide success in 1975 with the ballad "I'm not in love". 1975 gab es mit "Bohemian Rhapsody" von Queen und "I'm Not In Love" von 10CC gleich zwei außergewöhnliche Lieder, die auf Grund ihrer Laufzeit von knapp sechs Minuten kaum Chancen hatten, um im Radio gespielt zu werden und so einem breiten Publikum zugänglich gemacht zu werden. "[7] Despite impressing their new label with the track, Phonogram felt that it was not suitable for release as a single due to its length, and released "Life Is a Minestrone" as the first single from The Original Soundtrack instead. Following their debut album, the English trip hop band Olive recorded a cover of the song. 4,8 von 5 Sternen 6.316. "I'm Not in Love" is a song by English group 10cc, written by band members Eric Stewart and Graham Gouldman. Precipe konata fariĝis ilia kanto "I'm not in love". And just because. On the strength of that one song, we did a five-year deal with them for five albums and they paid us a serious amount of money.”, „Zu jener Zeit waren wir vertraglich noch bei Jonathan Kings Label, aber kämpften ums Überleben. Juni 1975 an die Spitze der britischen Charts, wo er sich zwei Wochen lang hielt. Can you suggest anything?' 4,6 von 5 Sternen 11. It is sampled by Fantastic Plastic Machine and Dickie Goodman. I said come and have a listen to what we've done, come and have a listen to this track. Übersetzung des Liedes „I'm Not In Love“ (10cc) von Englisch nach Deutsch Deutsch English Español Français Hungarian Italiano Nederlands Polski Português (Brasil) Română Svenska Türkçe Ελληνικά Български Русский Српски العربية فارسی 日本語 한국어 10cc: 1975 "I'm Not in Love" The Original Soundtrack "Art for Art's Sake" How Dare You! Bewertung, I'M Not In Love. Auf Discogs können Sie sich ansehen, wer an 1975 UK Pressing Vinyl von I'm Not In Love mitgewirkt hat, Rezensionen und Titellisten lesen und auf dem Marktplatz nach der Veröffentlichung suchen. 10cc este un grup muzical art-rock britanic, format în 1970 la Stockport.Inițial, în componența acestuia au intrat: Eric Stewart (voce, chitară), Lol Creme (Lawrence Creme, voce, chitară), Kevin Godley (voce, baterie) și Graham Gouldman (voce, chitară). y tu suscripción, no olviden compartir. It's just a silly phase I'm going through" He enjoys her company and everything about her but doesn't love her and he is trying not to break her heart so he is telling her the truth about everything so she will understand that he is not in love… Sie wollten Jonathan Kings Vertrag mit uns aufkaufen. "I'm Not in Love" is a song by English group 10cc, written by band members Eric Stewart and Graham Gouldman. We’ll do anything, we’ll sign it’. First collaborations. Apoyanos con tu Like! I'm Not in Love Original Songtext. Juli 1977 und am 17. Ĉi tiu artikolo ankoraŭ estas ĝermo pri muziko. Njihova najpoznatija i najpopularnija pjesma je ljubavna balada I'm Not in Love iz 1975. Werbefrei streamen oder als CD und MP3 kaufen bei And they came up and they freaked, and they said ‘This is a masterpiece. [6], According to Stewart, at the time of recording The Original Soundtrack the band was already being courted by Mercury Records (part of the Phonogram group) to leave Jonathan King's small UK Records label, where they were struggling financially. Das Album wurde aufgenommen am 16. Ich bin nicht verliebt. At the cusp of their new record contract with Maverick Records at the time, the band debuted the song on the label's soundtrack for the Madonna film The Next Best Thing before releasing it as the debut single from their second album, Trickle. “At that point in time we were still on Jonathan King’s label, but struggling. Released in the UK in May 1975 as the second single from the band's third album, The Original Soundtrack, it became the second of the group's three number-one singles in the UK between 1973 and 1978, topping the UK singles chart for two weeks. The main problem facing the band was how to keep the vocal notes going for an infinite length of time, but Creme suggested that they could get around this issue by using tape loops. I'm Not in Love; Dreadlock Holiday; I’m Not in Love; The Things We Do for Love; Cry (Godley & Creme) Dreadlock Holiday - Live; Godley & Creme / An Englishman In New York; I Don’t Like Cricket - I Love It (Dreadlock Holiday) Life Is a Minestrone; Godley & Creme / Cry; Honeymoon With B Troop; Une nuit à Paris: 1. I'm Not in Love deutsche Übersetzung von 10cc. 10cc began a UK tour in March 1983, coinciding with the release of the single "24 Hours". Von Eric Stewart ursprünglich als Bossa Nova konzipiert, wurde der Song schnell aufgrund harscher Kritik der Bandmitglieder Kevin Godley und Lol Creme verworfen. 1976 "I'm Mandy Fly Me" "Don't Hang Up" 1977 "The Things We Do for Love" Deceptive Bends "Good Morning Judge" "People in Love" 1978 "Dreadlock Holiday" Bloody Tourists "Reds in My Bed" 1980 "One-Two-Five" Russell Mulcahy: Look Hear? 10cc I'm Not in Love Songtext. It's not working, man. It is notable for its innovative and distinctive backing track, composed mostly of the band's multitracked vocals. Als Singleauskopplung stieg er am 24. 10CC – I'm Not in Love (UK Import) jetzt kaufen. "Feel The Love (Oomachasaooma)" was promoted by a tennis-themed video … I'm Not in Love by 10cc - discover this song's samples, covers and remixes on WhoSampled It is known for its innovative and distinctive backing track, composed mostly of the band's multitracked vocals. 4,7 von 5 Sternen 145. Edit Release All Versions of this Release Review Changes . Lesen Sie Rezensionen und Empfehlungen und informieren Sie sich über Tracklisten, beteiligte Personen und Weiteres. I’m Not In Love: The Essential 10cc 10cc. Released in the UK in May 1975 as the second single from the band's third album, The Original Soundtrack, it became the second of the group's three number-one singles in the UK … Name. E-Mail Adresse. Hierfür sangen sie einzelne Töne gemeinsam in einen Mehrspurrekorder, bis 256 Spuren erreicht waren. Bewertung, I'm Not in Love (UK Import). Discover releases, reviews, credits, songs, and more about 10 cc* - I'm Not In Love at Discogs. Will to Power recorded the song for their album Journey Home, releasing as the first single from the album in 1990. Juli 1977 im Odeon Theater in London und am 18. I'm Not in Love 10cc Buy this song. ️ ️Learn more about "I'm Not In Love" by 10cc here: … Eric Stewart erinnert sich, dass sie zu jener Zeit absolut pleite waren und Philips Phonogram mit ihnen verhandeln wollte. Creme played piano during the bridge and the middle eight, where it replicated the melody of lyrics that had been discarded. Gouldman suggested some different chords for the melody, and also came up with the intro and the bridge section of the song. It is sampled by Fantastic Plastic Machine and Dickie Goodman. Released in the UK in May 1975 as the second single from the band's third album Das dies dennoch der Fall war, spricht für die verantwortlichen Redakteuren der Radiosender. In keeping with Godley's idea to focus on the voices, only a few instruments were used: a Fender Rhodes electric piano played by Stewart, a Gibson 335 electric guitar played by Gouldman for the rhythm melody, and a bass drum sound played by Godley on a Moog synthesizer which Creme had recently purchased and learned how to program. Se jam ekzistas alilingva samtema artikolo pli disvolvita, traduku kaj aldonu el ĝi (menciante la fonton. Versteh mich nicht falsch. It was also covered by Munich Symphonic Sound Orchestra, The Cat and Owl, Uriel and His Instrumental Piano, Andrew Johnson and other artists.

10cc i'm not in love bedeutung

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